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tv   Gazprom Russias Political Weapon  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 11:02pm-12:01am CET

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and all the input your b w story. now, on to the,
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[000:00:00;00] the russia home to the world's biggest natural gas reserves. the gas is needed, especially in europe. and to the end of the cold war, ushered in an era of conflicting energy dependencies and concerns. in the west. you're giving the soviet union the heart currency and they're using that to build up their military. and this is going to come back to haunt. meanwhile, the 1980s, march, the beginning of one man's extraordinary career. as a case of this stuff, you have to be able to manipulate people because it has no such
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a single stomach. you should be good. gas is one of his 2 main tools for coersion, for leverage for influence. soviet traditions continue golf oil and gas dependencies as a political weapon was par for the course, and the warsaw pact company, one of the world's most powerful men, history teacher, equally wielded. what's probably his most effective weapon. with the help of gas problem, vladimir putin has implemented policies designed to strike fear into the wider world. the whole purpose of north stream was to be able to pressure eyes centrally, me see, or north soon. one was a project. teams had allow when you're russians to play hardball against us, the
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the molten insula in western siberia. the regents indigenous people maintain 1000 year old traditions on the tundra. here. the natives are reindeer herders, and michael 0 at the is their leader. he's responsible for this group of about 40 minutes. they're on the move every day. it's going pretty well. now. it's much more difficult in ottoman the name that's migrate to keep their animals fed. their root has become increasingly difficult in recent years. the ones on touch nature of the amount peninsula is no more. the solution from the hardest crossing is still ahead of us. move on and cover. it's a long stretch where the wide river and concrete road gives me much more concrete roads by search the tundra to provide access to one of russia's largest
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natural gas deposits. the both on and cobo, gas field operated by gas from the biggest extraction company in the world. the business of blue gold has been about politics, money, and above all power. for decades. the people are explorers in the energy industry. you're always looking for a giant if you're looking for a large field, which has low unit cost, which will provide you with supply over 30 years, they are very few giants left in the world that we know about. one country has benefited disproportionately for germany, the russian hydrocarbon bass. the gas base is in new orleans. so for large supply, low unit cost, you can do better on a sure economic basis. then more cheap supply from russian.
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the you're going home, correct? let be assess the world's largest chemical company for 8 years. gotcha. to be, i guess, maybe 3 things for b, a ss, restrict, firstly, and most importantly to gets a raw material and quote, chemistry begins with a carbon atom people. secondly, we need a lot of hospital, and thirdly, we also need the electricity to run our plants. we need the actual gas bill to be as f, b a s as a gas strategy has always focused on one thing. that's simple risk minimization. meaning that means access to oil and gas it, which is why we wanted to source up to 50 percent of our carbon needs ourselves. as in the last bill, that was the driving force behind everything we did to go to with this while at the play golf. but unimaginative, you must all be s, f e on and gas problem signed a contract for the construction of a pipeline through the baltic. sea just before the 2005 german parliamentary
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elections use inside towson and we joined the joint venture to develop a new catholic field on western siberia in 2003. and then how long? because then we said, ok, let's bring the cheap gas to central euro as well to ones. and the idea of what's to connect germany via this pipeline to our gas field side, unzipping hands, ease north stream warranty, you'll be tied in on this up. lots, 3 mines, chancellor. gerhard schroeder had been a key ally of be assessed for years. you have thoughts and i have to represent german interest as one, especially when it comes to energy security for the german economy. that former nato analyst richard anderson outlined in 2006 how natural gas could threaten europe, security it's pretty typical for military analysts to look at energy and how it can often be
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a source of conflict. rushes energy dominance is an area of concern, is that data analysts have certainly been looking at for the past several decades. natural gas gets used for producing electricity gets used for heating. it's the basic element that gets used to make plastics to make fertilizers. it's the life blood of a lot of industrial economies. so this is an old soviet union map. here in the center. you can see some major natural gas and oil fields that were developed during soviet times. in the case of russia, i think it's been pretty clear, especially of late. the energy often can be the printers for to a war, centered by president kennedy, the west, germany's chief of state. in 1963, the kennedy administration tried to prevent the construction of the durish pop pipeline from the soviet union to eastern europe. minus one was providing the pipes
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and other equipment, the us government occasion ministration, told them to stop doing it, which they did. west german chancellor, billy bryant then ushered in the countries knew us pull the tech thong relations detente, and trade contracts were signed for the construction of gas pipelines. the work began in 1970 on the pipeline that would finally connect siberia with germany . because i was i or a chance minister of the soviet gas industry, celebrates a deal worth 5000000000 together with these german partners. guys from the soviet union arrives at the transfer station for the 1st time. and so get on your advocates. stop. hi, go for launch fits up. the minutes of the economy minister deeply excited the soviet yes it is. got hey, was the gas launch as the result of the normalization of relations for the russians
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. the deal was basically about hard currency that they needed because their economy was faltering and they needed the money from the west to keep the whole show going . how much schmidt brown successor also turned to siberia gaps. a 2nd pipeline to europe was built based on dispensing during chancellor schmidt's visit to moscow. german company signed a 3rd such contract valid until the year 2000 and get the schmidt deflected us president jimmy carter with the words trading partners don't shoot at each other. in fact, president carter wrote, apparently, in his notes that he was really tired of the us providing the stick and europeans competing to provide the carrot to incentivize the soviet behaviors that us washington was looking at the saying that you're giving to the soviet union hard currency and they're using that to build up their military. and this is going to come back to haunt us. the special don't much i know that was
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even in the argument. best then fun. you're making yourselves dependent on the soviet superpower or ideological opponents of things. how can you, as nato members do such that they have to, as be conducted? so as month the, the worries in the american side, we're about dependence. that russia would use energy as a political weapon. and that it would put your in germany in a position where it couldn't stand up to the soviet union. and so this was all seen as part of the overall soviet strategy to weaken the west and to break up nato. the situation poland then reached a boiling point. the government imposed martial law in 1981, despite protests by the solely dano shed trade union. and new us president ronald reagan reacted with sanctions to disrupt russia's natural gas trade. the united states has taken immediate action to suspend major elements of our economic relationships with the polish government and we're proposing to our allies,
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a further restriction of high technology exports to pull the new soviet pipeline to germany was built anyway. the sanctions actually were not very effective and also divided the wes margaret satcher said that we're losing jobs because we're not able to supply equipment for that pipeline. the us business, once i'm happy about this, the us was also selling components and the us argument for us, if we did consol these things, then you know, our competitors in europe will sell the equipment. so in the end they did show the sanctions. there's no secret that i realized didn't agree with this action. i'm pleased to announce that the industrialized democracies reached substantial agreement on a plan of action. they did work out a compromise in, in the 1980s which put a limit on the amount of so the gas that went to europe and also ensure that there
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would be norwegian gas coming to europe. so that there was some diversification. washington tried to convince germany to stop relying on russian gas, but most continued to come from siberia to them. as a young diplomat, i was in the washington embassy and the a basset, or was really proud that he'd successfully argued against the americans pipeline embargo down like on the we were all inspired by the idea that what we were doing was part of the policy of improving relations, it made sense to everybody, but no, i really don't remember any one at the time saying this is heading in the wrong direction. i myself did this gave me such an extra but us intelligence services weren't happy. c, i, a chief william casey developed a top secret plan with president reagan's blessing the vienna,
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the spy capital of the world. the throughout the to ship in fargo, i was your typical black market dealer. it's in the whole school, especially mainframe computers, measuring instruments for nuclear physics, and in fact, really delicate things that less develop states and couldn't make themselves since then taking cold. and she'll get training with the east german state security, which is where i was recruited in google. and then of course, after a break, i worked in the soviet union, some policy published in the soviet, on your list, c. i a watched me for over a year and yeah, until one day when the time was right and the stock is so they decided to intervene to tell them to. so they said i had a choice. i could stay till at least 20 years in prison, or i work for that big news or the do up at this tunes. the c i a supply the black
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market specialist with expensive high tech goods who sailed to the soviet union was banned. in the soviet to move on to the soviet union reacted as expected. there's a glitch, some g r u people suddenly appeared in the hotel. seemed to say, hey, i'm 2 gentlemen politely asked me to answer a few questions to up. this is fixed and that turned into a 6 hour interrogation because the tech equipment had clearly been tampered with on it for gift as well. of mine, everything was actually compromised. i found out then that the 1st big computerized sold a huge thing, made up of cabinetry. they've had caught fire so, so these are getting in the, the, i've so far you all get funded reagan and his, he, i mean we have their site set on the siberian pipelines is the new website because you think i'm convinced that a broad variety of technology was being delivered to the product to there's a famous case of a gas pipelines that was damaged by
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a contaminated unit brought in from the west to at least the software running one of the largest gas pipelines in the soviet union when haywire in june, 1982, just as the ca plans, the result was a huge explosion. the hunch was then on for the sabbath tours, they've got kind of, there's no question if they caught me, i'd be dead. it was that simple. i was very, very happy. i survived. the surviving was the greatest, try them for my life sleeves. i survived, a russian engineer was arrested on the moscow street in 1985, a c i a spy. he was leader executed in the pipeline soon repaired. business as usual. vladimir putin was at the time being trained as a k g
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b agent. he was sent to east germany in 1985. somebody ask him, what did you do and dressed. and he said, you know, he was a k g b case officer, and he said i was working with people of documents who just became a regular k g b presence and dressed. and he regularly showed up at meetings of the east german security service besides the stalls. the agents often photographed putting the is a case of this that you have to be able to manipulate people. you have to understand people's weaknesses, as well as the strengths and add to that the fact that he does it, judo champions, you're trying sense even if your opponent is physically stronger than you, one of the other weaknesses, how can you distract them? so i think if you put those 2 things together, um he probably has been quite good or manipulating people, making them feel,
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but they're very important and appealing to their own vanity. starcy officer mathias, bonnie was also active and dressed and he previously spied in the west. i had a close colleague in berlin at the time. i was in moscow and he have access to the styles the files and discovered the bone. it had indeed been with this policy we were interviewing people who knew both of them and they were able to place them in dressed and in the late eighty's and said that they were working together. what we were able to ascertain was that the k g b was actually trying to recruit styles. the agents in dressed in a stuff as the id became part of clinton's disguise. and by 1989, he was looking beyond the preservation of communism. it was very, very important for establishing the business careers of a lot of different people. and also i probably allowing the kids to be to preserve the lot of its network key and that styles the chief areas smith got just a year earlier put in represented
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a powerful state that was keeping east germany afloat with its cheap oil and gas. natural gas wants to very closely related to quality of life, to worse to the probation off, you know, services allowing schools to function on hospitals for functions. and i have used the word glue you could describe that the chief energy that the soviet union is providing to its eastern european satellites, basically as a subsidy to keep their economies going to have to keep them tightened associated with it. so the russia was then using oil and gas as a disciplinary measure within the warsaw pact. when ever there was conflict. i'm thinking of the uprisings in hungary bush and 68 the checklist with lucky on one, often the young executive fish and mattress. i must go sent the tanks to check us a gotcha and supplied less oil and gas. one gas using oil and gas
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dependencies as a political weapon, was par for the course. and the warsaw pact, all they would offer very favorable oil and gas contractors. and in return, they of course, expected loyalty to soviet interest as of today, asking about some of the other from and pressing i would be out of exploding these dependencies in foreign and security policy has a long precedent for this out. it's going to take a task of a, as in the lesson long for the elf, how to in 1989 east germany was on the brink of collapse. but the soviet union continued to demand high prices for oil and gas, which the country could barely pay. it's a deeper into crisis associates with getting all this money from europeans. and they was seeing what the real price of energy in europe was. and i saw with our
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economies and doing great why we're giving away our energy to these people. agents like find them, you're put in and mathias minus how to adapt. the system they worked under was ending bonnie landed on his feet, moments after the berlin wall crumbled. gets past him. anything house, for example, how quickly vondik was fired by dressing up. i mean they identified him very, very early on. someone who would be extremely useful for the building up their business in eastern europe. and in russia, former agent vladimir putin, repositioned himself as the statue of the key jeebies founder was torn down in moscow. fits in his destroy, done very well in interviews. how he came back from dressed and he didn't know what to do and he was, was moonlighting as a taxi driver on the streets of saint petersburg. you find these added up in
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the man's office in some petersburg. we've made some check must have checked with a reformer. he was also a corrupt. so you had a period they were put in was in charge of fine economic contracts. and that's, i think when he became begun to make money, violence followed the collapse of the soviet union. the 1990s was a terrible time. it was just people trying to survive. well, the key thing was protection. what the russians called cri show, which is rings, and sometimes grief can be someone in the criminal organization. sometimes it's a someone in the government, in the ninety's often not as much the same person. former size, the agent varnish, established context and st. petersburg for jazz and their bunk, both and local government and a new company gas problem. they needed someone in the some pieces the government who could look off to them and open doors for them. that was why the,
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the sort of pitching vondik connection was so interesting because essentially putin was phonics collection. he was his roof boots and became more and more influential over the years, receiving dignitaries and growing his network. meanwhile the remnants of the soviet union were being bartered away, claims were being state the was the sort of time of no he. ready bought wild capitalism, it was a wild east, essentially rush and natural resources was passed to small coterie of all the dogs . so sort of extremely rich individuals in high leaves dubious product organization options was a really, really rough ride for the western investors. but potential rewards with just so vast that they just kept the homes in the game. while the russian people scoured
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and p supermarkets for food and lived for freezing winters. international investors were bringing up cheap russian companies, especially those in raw materials. one object of speculation was the former gas ministry renamed a gas problem in 1989 and a corporation since 1992 guest room was the most undervalued company in russia. at the time. the reason that it was so inexpensive was that everybody assumed every last cubic meter of gas was being stolen. out of the company, a lot of assets were being siphoned off and given to friends and relative such a senior management. this did not deterred german companies. one of the biggest shareholders is gas from outside to skip the government of russia was rude. yes. the german company had already sold siberia natural gas in germany during the soviet era,
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but other investors criticized the conditions that gas crump every year we would run a candidate for the board of gas problem, which was one of our people whose highlight the corruption. they set on the board, didn't of course vote for our candidate and didn't say a word they wanted they yes, as well. and they were absolutely unwilling to say a word about criminality. brook s dominated the european market thanks to siberian gas. this did not sit well with the staff, its largest customer, johnson who look 90 will be a s f was essentially blackmailed in 1993 by broadcast through prices that were so high. we saw our lewd vix hoffman complex at risk. if you haven't, we decided we needed an alternative team. we set up a joint venture with gas problem and they build the necessary infrastructure in germany, home depot, fuel and we're going to get info to in touch on talk to bump this up. i'm gonna include so we build a large network alongside the existing one in including a large storage facility and the biggest in germany. this one is easy, it was
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a big deal. this is, it was ultimately co financed by gas problem meant for united seo. the german government under how much coal favorites such projects, partly because they pumped up the leader, russian president boris yeltsin di didn't pop the idea of a partnership with a russian that had made german reunification and possible. was that the heart of the german foreign policy go to the left, right, or centering scrapes when the mid to end for large stretches of the 1996? there was nothing wrong with that fights. the other objective was not to leave russia behind as a sort of failing state, and you didn't want to nuclear power sort of going off on its own in some other world holes for gabe, the depths of yelton's russia and the natural gas float hootin noticed
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to 10 drew the conclusion very early on that russia's greatness was based on its extraordinary oil and gas wells and box needed to be deployed strategically. in order to enhance rushes, greathouse states us who didn't have gas and nonsense. the putting wrote a doctoral thesis in 1997 on energy dependencies and how they could be instrumental lives in foreign policy. and from the very beginning from he had developed a strong personal interest in the issue. and because i myself had talks with the german intelligence officials that could also read it. we talked about what it actually meant and being deemed as the all could be as if german intelligence knew most of the chancellor's office did to vince. that being the, the domestic political trends were relatively clearer and more state control of the energy industry. manage directly by the kremlin component that gave up chops to accommodate the fact of him coming to light the truck. such policy has its roots thousands of kilometers away at the bulls on,
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in co gas fields in western siberia. an invaluable resource ranger heard, or michael sarah widow has let his heard through the tundra for 25 years like generations of name that's before him. but since the development of the gas field gas pumps infrastructure has made life difficult for these indigenous people, micros heard is moving to the car. see in the north? that's how it's always been. but the closer they get to the gas field, the more pensive these tundra nomads become, the entry will look at the roads. that's a dead end to they also build a rail road that will you don't want to be soon. we won't have any landlines. and what happens if they close this crossing to go to on the route,
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we won't be able to get to the other side. and we will have to spend the summer somewhere here. but it gets to what we've already had about 3 years in a row. that snow cover was to stick with the flow from will not the reindeer were so weakened, but half of them died. i didn't slope, we started the machine and they extract lots of gas. that's what i need to sell it abroad for big money. yes. and what about uh, again, you know, i'm, i'm for the, the fee to the maintenance has always been a side issue for gas problem. while a single man in 2000 reached a level of power. no one expected vladimir putin became president of russia in the 1st year of the new millennium, did already served as prime minister and director of the secret service,
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the speed he had connections throughout the state of virginia. but he did you instead of keeping it up, there were major things that quote and had to do. one was to solidify the power that the russian government had over these industries. and it wasn't just in, in natural gas and oil. it was across the board, putting one out of his way to put his cronies into these companies. newton also took power economically, company by company position by position. then you really sold the rise of facility to keep the strong man, the guys from the security services who then began to occupy key positions in the patients administration, who didn't also set his sights on gas pump at the time, still a massive and unmanageable company at the annual general meeting who stepped into the fray, and he fired randy aka rab, who is the ceo of gas from who's doing all the stealing along with a 6 or 7 compatriots. and he replaced them with the new guy whose job it was not to
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do any stealing. his name is lexie miller. he was a guy that continues from st. petersburg. i remember with science of somebody in cask from a little bit irritated threes this guy. what's you know about anything? good this the only people that can run gas pumped people for some pages, but on the opposite was none of these are the only people that trusts go to lexi miller was not the true gas problem boss. of course not. he couldn't decide alone, gosh, he could decide for gas problem and we've got but it still have to be voted on file . and that's why certain deals took longer to we're talking about a state own company's pocket gas problem, followed pollutants orders and bought a critical television station, mtv and brought it into line move the data. but we're asking everyone both mtv journalists and all those when sites them to stop putting up
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hurdles. and you've got critical journalists square dismissed, protests ignored. i pretty good. yeah. i just wonder how our people can elect a president like that. it's horrible with that with me. i'd be gas problem still owns its own glitzy broadcasters, 20 years later, a dominant force in russian media. the a dedicated line leads from the station boss directly to the kremlin and put in for gas problem also controls private radio stations like echo of moscow station on the card number. when providing me a pushing came to power in 2000. she wanted to get control of independent media is ladies who might be started with television,
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of course on much will. but also one of our shareholders with the majority stakes. i knew that the music was used key. you can use chair seized on me in order to take out a loan from guys. problem room on that's. that's why i always say that my miller isn't joe or shareholder pushing is guy's problem. isn't our shareholder in the presidential administration on soon? so that's what president the station was banned from operating and march 2022. just over 20 years earlier, vladimir putin had shown a very different face on a visit to berlin. many german politicians that saw him as a symbol of hope put the music of for today we must declare firmly and definitively as the cold war is over. excuse me, and subject to the problems. aside beneath everything beats the strong living part of russia, which is open to full fledged cooperation and partnership getting some thank you.
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the news of the, the, when i saw the response to that speech back then i thought it was a bit naive help. people were so uncritical of a man who had been in the k g. b for years of off the immune, kindly be bob hooted, one the unconditional support of german chancellor. gerhard schroeder, jesus, i'm give you this so close it opportunity for democratization. didn't really exist . but that didn't change the fact that russia was the 2nd most powerful nuclear power on early to then, and now a full month, whether you like it or not. when you have to live with russia, food or the my attitude of the time was that we had to try to somehow integrate them on an international level. and so, but you didn't need to have any illusions about that. him,
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you're putting this character back in russia. hooting was having the 1st offices and towns is the only got searched a new power struggle was emerging. it was very humiliating for putting in all the k g b guys. them to watch a bunch of nope, buddies in their minds, people who aren't part of the system become so spectacularly wealthy will all these k g b guys were basically, you know, paid $50000.00 a year by these all the guards to do in arrest. you know enemies and to trump drum up to date criminal cases against business competitors, and so had been diminished to paid service for the owners. who in summons the oligarchs in 2003, questioning them on live tv. one was singled out that frustration and not bits, and this came through very, very strongly in the campaign against protocol. that was where it really crystalized. because you soul, you know, this is the strong man in the kremlin and in the government. really target someone
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who for them symbolized this all the god clause, someone who had come from virtually no way to a mass, staggering wells and takeover. one of the biggest oil companies in the country, they show a quarter kosky was then headed, the oil company you cause the market number 2 behind gas problem. krakowski was regarded as a put in critic with suspicions of state corruption. hooton's reaction was to have critical ski arrested. yukos was accused of tax evasion. the you could see and in the kind of the campaign to destroy called the called sky, there was real. there was a sort of vengeance that, for all the humiliations that they had suffered with the collapse of the study
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union. krakowski was publicly tried. we were at the time following this process extremely closely, because it was really the 1st big attack by pretends kremlin on private business. he was sentenced in may of 2005 to 9 years in a piano camp. yukos was seized and auctioned off for less than its value. hooton's associates took over the oil company and next preparation and all, but name the and i with the expropriation. you have to ask how did certain people get their hands on these resources in the 1st place? you could say they might have had something that didn't belong to them at all, and couldn't edmond's office. protocol sky was taken to a siberian prison camp in russia's far east. near the border with china. criticism from abroad fell on deaf ears. the german chancellor. gerhard schroeder picked aside
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these are the form of these reforms, ladies and gentlemen, put russia on a path of stable economic growth if they think good things, there's not the slightest, no reason to engage in debates, which would shake that confidence based on this or that event as these us, but on a should that the printer, the german energy companies, one difficult negotiations with russia in 2004 over access to a gas reserves just as put in was desperate to build a pipeline to germany. the so western technology and partnerships were very important in terms of bringing russia to the point where it, once again became really an energy super power proved to needed technical help from germany. russia's pipeline network was in disrepair. they had discovered enormous fields in places like western siberia, but they couldn't develop them because they didn't have the capital. the german
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chemical company ss did i'm going to sit and we'd already converted the 1st hour flat from oil to natural gas and 1997. because the kyoto protocol pointed very clearly towards c o 2 reduction. why is it sure and killed to japan? the international community reached its 1st binding agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions. we adopt these things. and so these side will discuss a gas, has an advantage with gas, you can run a combined heat and power plant and unlock it. but in other words, you can exploit the resource much, much better compared to pure oil or coal burning wood. hooting was directly involved in negotiations between russia and b, a. assets. each side needed the other ending each player was always very well prepared for meetings here. so i'm going to talks without preparing, but i never saw that was put in place,
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and that's how we should be put in need only so many western executives who dealt with putting felt that we're dealing not only with the president of russia, but the ceo of russian energy, because of his knowledge, is detailed knowledge and interest and focus on energy. so he's, i mean, he's an enter the guy as well as a political guy i've actually met, which in 16 times, what impressed me most of those gatherings with his knowledge of all the statistics . he doesn't have to turn to any of his assistants. awesome, so he really loves images. this guy knows about energy in a way that lead as much countries have from that, why do he was more the seo gas problem. and he was, president. putin was driven by one thing above all will do literally is to reach an agreement with the parents club and especially with our german partners on an early repayment of part of this debt to the paris club. i'm guessing it just if it was a good place to buy new enforce the german government,
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present that negotiations with gas problem and to moscow, i don't know the representatives of the german government were not there. it was really negotiated between gas problem and b, a s f and other partners. you know, it also took quite a long time. and how do you offer a lot to you for them? you could do it. but mathias, veronica, the xt. as the agent working for dressing or bunk was always present all the way from a g. u. people to end on the german side, inform us policy. and that seemed very strange and very suspicious. it confirmed us in the negative instinct about this thing. andre coogel, yes, boss of ukraine's oil and gas company, new gas from better than anyone. was born use a saw. and i clearly understood is that the company of that important can never be just a simple company. this is bottled state. i was member of litigation from dr. guess
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. is it planned to negotiate? so i knew gas transit is the person who was hosting else was engulfed from middle manager who after having couple of shots of what he viewed himself as a former special agent all fine. so you get the balance of service when i was kind of talking to myself and great. you have to be very careful. most people around here, z. i'm not the business people. zahn little guess. people is these people were thoughts and developed to spite and just you later you could talk to both level advice from the officials from the very, very top they will tell you is, there is no such a thing is from a kid you'd be got the the british news magazine,
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the economist wrote in 2005 that had to means at his disposal to restore russia's former influence, nuclear weapons and gas. i think those still are the 2 major levers that pulled and has keys quite shrewd and he did realize the gas is one of his 2 main tools for coersion for leverage for influence the needle analyst richard anderson wrote realistically without serious concerted efforts on the part of the you states, russia will have the upper hand and this relationship quite simply, demand will remain constant almost without regard to price, giving the choice of a cold dark home for pay exorbitant prices. europeans will do the latter. the construction began unable to exceed pipeline at the end of 2005. the project was eventually
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christened nordstrom. does and event like that is always done for show, but it was still important stuff. today we're beginning of the north european gas pipeline project to health wasn't not snored stream one is a big deal. no question about it. kind of, i don't regret it one bit either. i don't have a problem with it at all. don't disagree with the right thing to do on that. no, it was right for b s f. and it was right for europe. we should reserve gas from western side of area for europe when every possible. this of the vin schema gate. alexi miller introduced gerhard schroeder as a new head of nord streams, shareholder committee on a cold day in december. just 17 days after he left, germany's transferring the forces. he definitely did. you know he would do it? no, i didn't. i talked with
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a 100 americans directly. i'm eligibility for now on the other girls. her schroeder had taken the job. i told her that was an intention. what one did you say? now that she didn't make any other comment? they told her to be always of the police. until america became chancellor in 2005, the appointment of her predecessor by a russian controlled company, raised eyebrows. when he took that job, i mean, there was considerable, i think, surprise in the united states because and in other countries, because it really was very unseemly for a chancellor who had negotiated the deal. then when he's defeated in an election to immediately take a job and profit very handsomely from from it. so i think that, but a sudden the uh, it was received very negatively in the united states. and, you know, a lot of suspicion about the sentiment in germany, but similar is not really sure. of course, it was something i would have preferred to get resolved differently. the, the more political situation is,
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the more conflicts arise. and i didn't want that on the warranty. i mean, i don't think it's right to have a leadership role with gas problem then when it's does the majors chairman of the board, a god fluid, odd in germany's own interest. and so again, hard sugar has taken over the supervision of a project that's in our own interest in terms of energy intensive. dodge floods is sure to to know, become a gas problem. lobbyist on his own. his nomination was approved and thought to see him. it should be someone who can represent here at p and economic interest as well, but also has a rational approach towards the majority shareholder at the time. sure to embodied both those elements for the governments in the even the new chancellor, who in public was cooler towards putting did not distance herself from shooters new
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job. the. i think angela macro actively supported and endorsed. and i don't remember america ever speaking out against it. now quite the opposite. as far as i remember, she frequently made use of the channels that went through care. i'd sure to a hard piece to move. i think it also provides a sense of, you know, these important people are important in country. so it must be something important that they are doing on behalf of russia. so it does work to both neutralize any concerns that citizens would have. and it also seems that they're collecting this very prestigious crowd to do their business. so again, it is not just mr. scott, or who has fallen trap and to this, although he's become such a poster child for exactly what this looks like. for that said he was, there was no opposition from germany's conservatives on this issue. and that is why not because the entire german economy and especially the energy industry wanted to,
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that's what i'm looking at. so there were many supporters, not just schroeder, social democrats. it's about feeling when it comes to because i can't recall any significant voice. recently he's saying it was a bad idea to escape. indeed, besides you, at least in ukraine, what clearly i realize that last one in terms of it, as thoughts was a project teams ad allow when you're russians to play hardball. again, this is osha, rod and ukraine. one of your most important concepts and put his mind these pipelines were not something that ukraine had built. it was something that the soviet union had built into trove, russia crazy that ukraine control these pipelines, which was the way that it's gas move to the west. russia tried at one point to take control of the guns transit system going through ukraine of the ukraine, resisted it, and when that fell apart, they,
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they basically decided that the only solution to this situation was to go round to crane. i mean, it was a very clear concerted strategy. rational from russia's point of view to build pipelines that reduced its dependence and ultimately eliminate its dependence on ukraine. which russia really regarded, at least putting people around to be did not regard as a legitimate state. the gas pipelines run either through poland or ukraine. a huge network is evolved since 1970. the pipeline is not just one pipeline. to get the, they have the capacity to transport more gas than russia producers for the european market. the new pipeline appears to have been designed to take you, crane and poland out of the picture as transit countries while still guaranteeing germany's gas supply. the whole purpose of north stream was to be able to pressure rise. essentially miss new york. there isn't a single ukrainian who is not
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a russian ally who thinks that north stream was anything other than a catastrophic and very simply veiled attempt to buy cat bypass ukraine. 2 weeks after construction began on north stream. and that's doable. may have sought this conflict from the very beginning. their policy has always been to illicitly divert gas is really hard to put it more simply to steal it from european consumer. but our warranty will be on a biscuit record here and by limit gas supplies to ukraine. the flow of gas to ukraine and europe stop. the 2006 conflict was very, very important. as a stopped the consequence of a relatively schultz katzoff of russian gas were much greater than anyone expected . we never saw what this could happen. look, it's not an emergency you meeting was convenient. we should discuss what has
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happened during those 24 hours that happened for the 1st time in over 40 years of constant and reliable, fresh and gas supply. by turning off the gas, putin was continuing a soviet tradition in 1991, even former soviet president. gorbachev, hilde is of a former, had used gas as a weapon against states moving to leave the soviet union. the market advertising, the former soviet ambassador to germany, vitamin gene finding, develop the finding doctoring upon it named 7 instruments. russia could use to enforce its foreign policy in the future, and the most important instrument was the exploitation of energy dependencies and they get pulled at the shopping cart. in the early 1990 is when there was a whole issue of how to divide the blacks. the fleet, located the premier, you had this very heap of discussions about what is going to happen with the sleet . how is it going to be defined as russia threatened ukraine with a gas blank hunt?
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this is. if this camp is put in place, then we'll certainly be forced to curtail power generation. you have this perfect situation for that kind of pressure to be accepted. there. they certainly we using energy as a weapon, then different parts of the ukraine's a natural gas that's beside the russia where cancelled in exchange for different percentages of that blacks the fleet. even the russian mission accomplished in some countries, 1006 publication by a swedish college larson looks back at the 19 ninety's saying in more than 50 cases, russia had exploded these exact kinds of energy dependencies with the foreign policy purposes, effectively politically black veiling other states ok, there's political press talk. that's what menu deos haven't been missed. they
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simply do not want to accept the harsh reality that's facing you wait for us here often, but the thing you're being union ends,
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11:57 pm
that's nice. so on 5, how are you going to buy your house? your job, your decision for your parent, the single money when generations clash for this i don't remember because i wanted him to become a doctor. and in 16 minutes on d. w. in good shape. you exhausted by the idea of exercising. rest outside the thoughts of switching strangers at the gym. exercises enough. anyway. don't worry. we'll show you simple ways to get fit on. they fix everything you want to know about exercise in good shape. then 19 minutes on dw,
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the so you're insane. and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thought desired. or you think you kid is 2 different risk, irresponsible, unreasonable, or sub porters those nonsense? i want my son to become a doctor. is there an alternative plan? everything to prevent a divorce, but nothing worth doing because it's time if you were to sleep and we're paying for now or and then when general ration
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this week on the w is kind of funny. feels like there started, we started to understand clearly and what you need to do for us. ukraine was a similar are we moving towards europe or not? the 2015. this does a for democracy protest in ukraine. the country response to your price to ship to west has recognized the danger and the terms of the photos on the phones with us. we really understand that so easily for you. uh, we will lose our conscious euro, my done thoughts, february 17th on d,
12:00 am
w. the, this is dw news live from been in the us and bridge and launch a 2nd night of retaliatory attacks against iranian link, militias, washington and london. say the targets, the sites belonging to who the rebels in again. and this follows us as strikes in iraq and syria, which killed at least 45 people. also coming up in the us, the democrats kick off the contest to choose that presidential nominee prison bite . and success in the south carolina primary is all but assured but his low approval


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