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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is be the only news live from the in the us and u. k. launch a 2nd 9th of retaliatory attacks against the radio link to malicious questions in a london se they hit sites belonging to the who's the levels and gammon. this follows us as drugs in iraq and syria, also coming up in the us, the democrats kick off the contest to choose the presidential nominee president biden wins have predicted landslide in south carolina. besides the primary in his campaign, but his lo approval ratings mean, the vote is still being seen as a test of his future re election. kansas madison's and the wives of
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russian soldiers fighting the train appealed for their husbands to be brought home for these, detained dozens of reporters at the ad supervisor nation protest outside the kremlin in moscow. the i'm told me already, but welcome to the program. the united states and britain have launched a series of ass strikes on the who feet militia and yemen. washington and london put out a joint statement saying they hits dozens of targets, including underground weapons dumps miss all systems and launches and radars strikes on the who these photo area u. s. s. drives on of the iranian back to munitions in iraq and syria, both by dad and damascus,
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condemn the attacks which kills at least 45 people. this is the aftermath of us retaliation. the one bomb or jets launched an aerosol and dozens of sites in iraq and syria. images posted friday and social media shows several explosions on the rocky syrian border. syrian state media showed footage of what they say was one of the attacks the 85 strikes hit 7 different sites. us national security council spokesman john kirby said us targeted sites linked to around revolutionary guard, or i, r g c and militias. it supports, he said more attacks could be expected. so the signal is the guy or gc and to these
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goose, the attacks of gotta stop. this wasn't just the message sending routine tonight. this was about the grading capability to taking away capabilities by the advocacy and the and, and the militant groups. these responses began tonight. they're not going to end tonight or spokes person for one or rainy. and back to alicia said the strikes and a rock failed to meet their objectives or rocky authorities say the strikes violated their sovereignty. while the syrian regime says the attacks have increased the chances of the conflict spreading. on friday, us president joe biden joined, grieving families to honor the american soldiers killed in the jordan drone attacks . the statement by then said, our response began today. they will continue at times and places of our choosing. it's gerald sized on is with the middle east institute in washington,
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and he's also a former us ambassador to yemen. and he told us more about the relationship between saturday strikes and yemen, and us as strikes in iraq and syria. i think that they are linked in the sense that they are responses to it with the ronnie and access of resistance that brings these various um uh, non state actors together and a s n a and integrated a policy initiative. uh, but uh, but uh the us and had given also are looking at the uh, the safe passage of international shipping of the red sea and the bible mend. and that gives the us a somewhat different uh, reason for striking the suit the targets and the looking at these attacks the, the who, the, or the attacks on the, who the targets are they
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a significant escalation on from the strikes we've already seen as well. apparently they, um, they increased uh the targets that so that they were hitting uh, they were heading facilities that we hadn't had before. and the additional phase is the us limited. it strikes to only those uh, those uh who the facilities that were directly involved in it and firing, i'd shipping in the red se this time it looks like they expanded that to include weapons caches and, and some other uh, some other facilities but still limited to military targets and looking at these attacks as a whole, the strikes, you know, targeting these different militias. but also we've seen the codes for us. it runs good for being hit as well. how far can the us go with these operations without actually hitting you around itself?
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well this is uh, this is a very delicate balancing act that the bite administration is trying to to maintain, which is that the president has said repeatedly, we don't want the contract to expand. i think that they have pretty much taken out of the idea of striking at a ron itself, off the table. and therefore there is a cap on how for the administration. you can go, they can try to deter or degrade the capabilities of these iranian affiliates. but they can not and will not actually limit the willingness or the ability of a ron to maintain that support for these groups. you expect some kind of response, not just from these proxies, but from iran itself. well, i think that,
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you know, that as the by the administration has said that they don't want an expansion of the conflict. the iranians have also said that they don't want an expansion of the conflict. so again, you know, they are in as delegating physician is divided ministration in going as far as they can go with our crossing us, right vines, and actually bringing the kind of expanded us the response that they want to avoid . and so what we've seen so far are iranian, at efforts to limit the damage to their own interest and to, to maintain their capabilities, but without crossing us red lines. and that also means that they probably will not engage directly against the us. okay, gerald fast time from the middle east institute in washington, d. c. a very good speaking to you. thanks for your time. pleasure.
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none of you has announced the death of president had a gang of he was 82 years old. ganga had been president of the maybe a since 2015. the cause of death has not been officially disclosed. all the late last month the presidency announced that he was receiving treatment for cancer. can go passed away in a hospital in the capital vendor in the office on sunday best they can look now at some other world news of thousands of his rallies of riley intended these and what is become weekly, anti government protest. they're demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu over the handling of the war against thomas in guys of dozens of these really hostages taken in the attacks on october 7th, a still being held in chile at least 46 people have died and more than 1100 homes have been destroyed and wildfires in densely populated
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areas. the deadliest fires have occurred in the bottom, but i so the region, the files are being driven by a summer heat wave and droughts influenced by the el nino weather phenomenon. northern irish lawmakers have appointed an irish nationalist, best minister for the 1st time ever. the doors shall o'neil's shin fain policy seeks to unite northern ireland, which is a territory with the republic of ireland. o'neil's appointment comes as the northern ireland assembly resumes its work after a 2 year boy caused by the pro british democratic communion. this potter says the sick in the us now and as expected, president joe biden has won the democratic primary in south carolina by a landslide. still up to observe as have been keeping a close watch on the 10 out of this election, biden's approval ratings a low at the moment. this vote is being seen as a key test of support,
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especially among black voters, faces a re election bottle is likely chatted to donald trump. jason compet, donia is los angeles bureau chief for n b c news radio awesome what the lines live. when and south carolina means for jo biden's re election campaign, and it's going to give it a shot in the arm. it really is going to boost a lot of in the campaign, maneuverability throughout the rest of the context here. it's kind of give him some numbers that he can tout, especially being in south carolina and much more diverse population there. uh then iowa, which is much more white, much more affluent, and then the south carolina. uh uh, demographic. so he'll be able to take those numbers and use them throughout the country as the primary start taking off and taking a long. he's actually in los angeles this weekend, going to
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a few fundraisers to boost, you know, those numbers as well. so it really is a massive when for the bite in administration today. and it really is a boost for the democratic party because now that they're, they're starting to see bite in um, actually when some actual contests, this will give them much more direction in the long run. oh, i'm speaking of the demographics of the primary is also being touted as a litmus test with black voters, one of those groups. so how would you rate biden's performance there or so the election officials there were hoping to see a $150000.00 people show up to vote today. and if that happened, they would call that a success. black, white brown. it doesn't really matter just as long as a 150000 people show up. if a majority of those people happen to be black voters,
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they show up to the polls and, and, and vote abiding. well then dividing administration, i believe will then use those numbers across the country and say, you know, then you can tell me, you can hang the sandwich for an outside bite child, and say, look how popular i am with black motors like you instead of city or ascension, such, stay in south carolina, they really believe in me, you should do. it really is a marketing standpoint of single bite in administration. because right now, most people believe that it's going to be a bite in from the election when it comes down to it in november. so it really will just kind of help bite and boost his diversity plan. and his, the democratic vision of, i'm all inclusive of voting experience as jason compet donia from n b c, news radio in los angeles. so dozens of wives of russian short soldiers of
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fighting in ukraine have protested in central moscow calling for the return of their husbands. from the front police detained about 20 reporters on the scene, most were later released. the soldiers wives have been running outside the kremlin for several weeks. as for months, these women have been calling for their husbands to be pro, aside from the fighting in ukraine, writing a fine line. it's indefinite tools of beauty there, protesting but know the war itself. i acting during the rest of my thought media and of my child. my daughter has the right to be raised in a complete family and has the right to be raised by her father. oh, here we are. precisely those women who need their husbands a life at all costs, that's on the plan and how long do you plan to come here? this one thing or a minute home?
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or you said what is your actions come under pressure or there is push back. if the situation changes, how we react really deeply, i wanted to bring flowers, remember we have to phone and so just a one to mobilize to come home wherever a family with many children. my husband is there when you bring in front and we need him personally with strong public sentiments behind the patients government let the protests of these military wives go under the radar until today, when police crack down notes on the women themselves. but on the media for covering it with the russian presidential election coming up in march authorities appears set on stuffing the wives of stories from continuing to reach the russian public.
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you're watching the news from the land. there's more news on our website at dw dot com, but don't go away. there's more news at the top of the r as well. i'm told me. alrighty, thanks the . we've got some hot tips for your package. the romantic code is spots affinities. check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel we go the you might see me how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these the modern methods because if we do too much at one patio wrong
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