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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from berlin, the us and u. k. launch a 2nd night over, talia tore a tax against iranian link to alicia's, washington and london. say they hit signs belonging to the lucy rebels and yemen that follows us airs. price and the rack and syria also coming up as fighting continues in gaza. home us consider is a true so offer made by israel and international mediators to bring a hold to nearly 4 months of fighting
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the mariana evans, dean. it's good to have you with us. the united states and britain have launched a series of airstrikes and the who's a militia in human. washington and london put out a joint statement saying that they had dozens of targets, which included underground weapons depos missile systems and launchers and radars. the strike is part of the us military's effort to the terms of who would fees from further disrupting global shipping lines in the red sea short time ago as the middle east analyst and military expert, roger shanahan. to tell us more about the targets that were hit yeah, this and we were told that uh there was 36 targets in 13 different locations. uh, any aircraft with from united states and you, ty,
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in there all sides say vice themselves. uh, 5 from ships in the rates a uh the targets were um, uh, support mechanisms for uh and the shipping weapons that the who sees utilize so uh right as a actual launches, as well as ammunition stuff. pause of me sauls, uh ballistic and cruise, and some drives as well side as well as a relatively wide range of price mechanisms to launch project dolls into the red sea and also the rockets themselves themselves. we do know though that the previous strikes on yemen in response to the who these attacks on the shipping lanes in the red sea have not deterred the rebels. so how would these strikes be any different? what size it goes to things to that?
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first of all, how given issues size of a lease operation, $36.00 targets to attain different locations. i think we have to say this as part of that brought to us response to the test of 3 of us military personnel 24 hours before we say 95 different targets in certain locations in syria and iraq . so i think is part of the broad multi spectrum response from the united states, but also as part of a longer term, dried mission by the united states and things like launches for ballistic me. so i was, is any finite number of them? you can import a range of me so as you can manufacture me, sauls and drives, but the launch is an 0 or and soon to replace the equipment such as right us sites and that kind of stuff much hotter to reapply. so it's not any a deterrence effect,
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it's all side grading effect by reducing the stuff falls up very important components of the complete me solid rocket systems. you mentioned that these latest strikes and targets in yemen are linked to fridays. us air strikes on targets in iraq and syria and also specifically that this was in response to the killing of the 3 us service man. um, of course, what all of these drives have in common is that they're targeting iran backed groups. but can the us continue targeting iranian proxies without risking a direct confrontation from iran itself? yeah, listen, it's i, as a question, and i think that's part of the very delicate policy line that the by the ministration has to work. it has to respond to 2 attacks against it's pres, know,
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the result in dest. it has to respond to attacks in the red secant's commercial matters on traffic. um, so they use uh, gibbons um and after the death of the personnel in jordan and it has to have a response that is sufficiently robust and is sufficiently lengthy. that changes the cost benefit analysis for a rainy and allied militia groups without directly attacking around because of use. esplanade is if you directly attacked ryan in territories, and i will pay a much more likely to become more involved in it. if you attack at the extremities . of writing the implants, in other words, its proxy groups. and then i understand the rules of the game and they are far less likely to respond directly. so as we said before, the very delicate policy gone to walk along,
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but they appear to be doing it at the moment with the right best response. but not keeping that line with ron tools that it needs to become directly involved. that was roger shanahan. list analyst and military experts based and sydney. many thanks . indeed for your insights, i push it will staying in middle east as fighting goes on and gone the so to do efforts to hold the nearly 4 month for a moss now says israel and international mediators have made it a tentative truce offer. but the milton grew considered a tear organization by most western countries says it's still reviewing the details . hundreds of 10 crammed together in rough or part against with egypt. this is probably the safest place for people to southern most garza, to escape the fighting and bombing elsewhere. it's estimates it does. half of the
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population of casa is now in the area, but these are in the army is still protecting targets in the city scouts. us how much strong health services say 14 people were killed and one attack in rough uh, on such as a willingness out of hello, that's healthy for legal home is go to the zones considered safe. but at the end, whenever people go, they get moment why? who knows, because just revenge, they just want to bring destruction to people. that's all the savings of the month of. and you can see the huge destruction in this area and they show is as right. and what was the cause of all the neighboring houses were effected of a demand due to that that might be. meanwhile, international attempts to negotiate to cease fire between hamas and israel continue mazda comes and that it has received a proposal from israel, of the us, egypt, and cut off. it said it needed more time for decision instead of spinning. but
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there is no team yet. and it is rarely defense minister you i've got on says is ground forces with also eventually advanced into rough or something. israel's allies have strongly warned against german foreign minister under the not the book said, a military operation against offer you cannot be justifiable. let's get more from journalists, has been boucher who was based in gaza until he and his family evacuated in november and joins us now from the jordanian capital. a mon hasn't welcome so there are reports that the is really army plans to expand. it's offensive to the roof off area on the discussion board, or what more can you tell us about this? this is not clear. so for it's um, it's going through virtual. um, there are a lot of free boards and totes, and statements coming from different sides, particularly as well, which is not clear,
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they didn't announce it like that they are gonna evade. and into the roof. i heard seems the egypt sin site is not happy with that. there was a report yesterday that the egypt sion, uh, is, is oscar by the is where it is to move the roof. i crossing near the karen shuttle and crossing which is in the east the south of gallagher strip. so these rail can't going control or money tor, the crossing. there were a lot of reports about the war on the ground that would be funded by our category. so up to now it's not clear, if the is, is raise, the troops will, wouldn't interrupt her or not. and if they did, what would it mean for the hundreds of thousands of people who have fled to rough off and the surrounding areas. since the start of the war and what are conditions
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for them like right now are definitely this is, would be a disaster, a majority of, of, if you lation displays throughout and, and little city in the central area did, or bella, so that you, an agency's are take saying that about a 1000000 people are living and, and staying and rough and different. so without, without having a plan to evacuate them or move them back to the north or other areas in the south . that would be a disaster. there we are talking about like the majority of the gaza strip population are living there and they are living in very hard time. we're not talking the rough we about that drop by these isolated and there is no bombardment . so it happens like every day, almost, and there are targets as you, which as we watched in on the report. and so the situation is very hard for them. they, there was a limited access to the food limited access to the water and all services.
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meanwhile, israel and home us are still negotiating a possible ceasefire and also a release of these really hostages still being held in gaza. and what can you tell us about the status of these talks? i would quote here from the report that that was published overbooked gusted the little minute and it's a long time ago that is like, there is no deal yet how mouse is discussing and reviewing. they are discussing the proposal a, it's a framework proposal with the with other factions. i don't know how much has different bodies in and abroad and in gaza strip. i think they are trying to approach the leadership in goals, us trip to approve of the of the proposal. if so that would be a big move. i'm not saying that our condition is to
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a complete cease fire and the complete pullout of these rated shrubs and from the gaza strip. otherwise it would be complicated. that was journalist hasn't pollution speaking to us from amman. jordan, thank you so much. thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world of the thousands of as early as have rallied in tel aviv and what have become weakly anti government protest. they're demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin atanya over his handling of the war against the mos in gaza. dozens of his really hostages kidnaps and the attacks on october 7th are still being held captive. he was president joe biden has won a predicted land slide in the state of south carolina. the 1st primary in his campaign but, and picked up more than 97 percent backing among democratic voters. as he speaks
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a strong start to his re election drive. well, across germany, hundreds of thousands of people have rallied against the far right extremism around 150000 protested in the capital berlin alone. the mass protest against racism ends in a phobia have been going on for weeks after members of a fall right party were accused of planning mass deportations. the symbolic ring to protect the ice talk from far right extremism, a tens of thousands of body notes gathered here to protest the growing influence of populism, inputted by the as the native fudge of any body. and it's growing numbers of supporters. we simply have to stand up for the 6 if you want democracy and it's implementation. what does inc, we're against the f t and it's for democracy in yeah, me and we can see poland are hungry help weekly democracy is being dismantled,
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unconstitutional bodies for strict. yeah. i think that's what happened to us to solve it as kind of i'll pass young and defrauded i demonstrations started up 2 weeks ago when it was reviewed that members of the if the attended a secret meeting to discuss the most importation of foreigners and some german citizens, the optic again, 50 is already very open about exclusion. so i think it's good that people here are showing that they are against exclusion. that's why i'm doing all those kinds of things. so i know a demonstration that is wonderful and absolutely necessary, but it is also important that we keep these awareness a life at all times. that would certainly help in the long run. the show of the dog has german chancellor or loved shows his deep protest in a message on next. he called them a strong sign for our democracy and our constitution the if these
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popularity has taken us lighted. but it remains to many 2nd most popular political party that has this bob atkinson among mainstream parties who fear the if he could sweep 3 upcoming state elections in eastern germany. are they are up to date on dw news up next. are digital show shift. mariana augustine, for me and the team in berlin. thanks for watching the stars is we started to understand clearly and what you need to do for us. ukraine was assembled. are we moving towards europe or not? or the 2015. the still is afraid democracy protests in ukraine the country release of the response to your price to ship to west have recognized


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