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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2024 10:30am-11:01am CET

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as we say there about never giving up every weekend on d w. the, have you ever heard the term job palm? well, it's quite a buzzword in nigeria, and it's basically describes how mass of young people are picking up and leaving the country to search for better opportunities elsewhere. we met some of these people and prepared best stories here for you at the 77 percent live show and um your host to date here's what's coming up in bold. yeah, we need an id expert who has set his eyes on a job in canada. in our street debate, 8 us kamani, f nigeria and flies so many young people want to migrate and we
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find out why to a mca, a young professional moving to germany beside her, comfortable job back home. have you ever been at a place in your life where you had to take some drastic measures to change your situation? well, that's exactly the position that victor okay. full of found himself in a master's degree in his hand, but no job inside. he will soon say good bye to his home, city of boucher to start a new life in canada to and he's just one of many nigerian youth with a similar dream. the hustle and bustle, the every day struggled. the reasons why many nigerians one to my everyone is jasmine, delta 769 g, unless they need to collect a fund to the ritual. and yes, they are trying to maybe just a word that holds the power to ignite dreams of
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a new life. the possible recipe to success, jeff up meetings fleet, or steven euro, but has become synonymous with a burning desire to my ball. you know, it's, it's kind of flexible to these things i loved behind. so to hi this amazing vision business list because i kind of invest the deluxe here. i just talked to mrs. go just for green off process to see the process. you know that going through the expert victoria. ok. so that has gotten to jump in canada and he is ready to start over in a foreign country since graduating. he's kept himself afloat with this you selling business and i t skills. but what he really wanted was a prestigious, wide color job. play a past 4 years has upgraded that and i've been, you know, doing the front end of business as well as me. it's my degree my, my size. i know when i try to make my payment by slow. yeah. i don't think it's
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what's called me like do we? i expected. so that's um you know, thinking of relocating sign in the country. the us international organization of migration says that up to 260000 people requested their assistance to leave nigeria in 2023. victor spend several months researching different destinations, considering the cost of living jobs, prospects, and overall quality of life. many nigerians do the same mean sense of jo before and every major the this uh, facilitators do kind of, would you please a job for me and those are which my ice cube is my excuse i kind of also i that's as a part time job but as i saw a vehicle despite the global popularity of the nigerian, we're just the obtaining a visa as an a jerry and can be quite a challenge. the nigerian passport is ranked as one of the least respected
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passports in the world. as a result, many young luxuriance have resorted to using travel agents to assist them and their visa process. why best people need those classes? we need to consult on this because we sound like, let's say that immigration lawyer like the they have to go to the a spots that you are travelling. those low, meaning all of the requirements are willing to go on the website to check their companies. yes, way those are still the we, we of consultants know the extra documents to provide to make sure that the uses a 100 percent of them given to them. yes. oh, we also prepared them was the house to stay in front of because a lot or while some visa agents might have their clients best interest at heart. agents have also been known to scan applicants take the money and not deliver the promise visa. others make clients the large sums of money over several years for the visa services. as a result,
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some people choose the dudley route across the desert and mediterranean sea, resulting in thousands of deaths and disappearances each year. victor, his work and visa application custom $3500000.00 ira or $3800.00 us dollars. yet at least he says he has a trustworthy agent. the issue is, i know somebody says my documents, my passports and ever that. and then they took it up from the the exit is of ambitious. young africans is a concern for their home countries leaving behind a gap and skills labor. yet the migrants themselves also faced a difficult decision, leaving their loved ones behind or settling for a life with a limited prospect. you know, it's painful, so home that's, i'm going to move my feelings on my, my siblings and visit the friends. is lazy. we does have some thinking like that says we are going to try to make more money. make my boy i hope that's the next
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serious line over time. have the opportunity to to bring them over and be called be some good. i get out of funding. yes. you know, if there's a, be just for a very long time it says look, somehow dog. so unless it is this again, victor will soon be boarding a plane to start a new life in canada. yes. wireless future as planned out. many youngsters like him struggling to find a promising jeff or route for themselves. and so what are you seeing in your country? do you know any people who left? actually, you might be a person who decided to explore a job or a business opportunities in a foreign country. we wanted to find out how the situation differs from country to country. so we sent out our team of correspondence to find some answers. here's what they brought back from ghana, uganda. and can you brain going to have
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a mixed impact in kenya. on the one hand, it takes highly skilled workers outside the country. on the other hand, they sent the large amounts of money back home in 2022. remittances from canyons living abroad became the largest source of foreign exchange, amounting to $4300000000.00 us dollars. in fact, can you as president the amount that he hopes to double list number and exports, even more canyon was canyon data shows that migration increases with the level of education health care. what because of some of the main professionals leaving can yes. so, but adults all further education in facts kenyon, health care, what? because when to the st complaining about, the lack of good and stable jobs, even though hospitals here and the stuff in 2020 to gotten is youth unemployment rate steward. 7.14 percent of millions of young. i mean i call starkey searching for new jobs. many of them sadly including those within
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central schools only see themselves green better outside gonna waste. that's why i'm police. like you have kidding your tire you. don't mind shooting down there. boosted move in from go from floods in an inspection. now it's looking at a country like gemini and he said, plays for the future. well, what excites me all by the carrier we're going to use, but that's how you get to lane different views from my boss if we get to like a new ideas, think technology new them, we just didn't know if that's the key destination has been in europe. in the america, in fact the gemini, or is 2nd only to the united kingdom, are stop destination use for the game unity ashbrook populations. but then i use also one of the countries that you have caused, frankly targeted with this migration reforms that foreclose was killed lima and migration se into the office counseling the young people sick into trouble has also been imprisoned for some time. now that i key for close now is providing that
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advisory services for a come use who have the expertise and how willing to work abroad with gun are still struggling economically and not being able to create opportunities for many young people. migrating outside has become in this society rather than a luxury for millions, including professionals. you've gotten the problem of brain drain. but because of poor documentation, it's hard to appreciate the real impact of this problem. many professionals tried seek employment outside the country, mainly because of unemployment and for a pick model so troubling outside your god. that is not an easy attempt. mainly because of visa. i'm so bored his picture. what's that? you would like to find jobs outside your gun when they need some don't even want to come by me. that's an interesting point. and dried people leave. don't want to come
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back. but what do you think? do africans who move abroad have an obligation to later return to their home countries? or would you say they shouldn't even leave in the 1st place? well, here's prove that this is a very controversial topic. my colleague, edith kimani, was in lagos, to find out what people there think, and here's our street debate, the hello, and welcome back to this and to 7 percent this week. we are back in the julia and before we continue, i'd like you to pick to something. imagine living in the country where you feel completely frustrated by your government's efforts and feel absolutely no way out. what do you do? well for most nigerians they decide to jump the yorba would for run. and so huge is this problem that recently elected president to bu, asked people in the diaspora in the us to come back home and forget the
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frustrations of the previous government. but is this enough to allow the young people here to remain? that's the question we have to day. and i'm going to begin with some soon. now you a, one of the people who we thing, but look, this country is not really watching out for me and give them the chance i am taking the 1st flights out of here and never coming back. why? or? so i meant to just the entropy. no, i think about me having solutions, so many problems. and then still trying to box will be the 1st struck to thinking about pa thinking up our main center thinking of buying a plastic or that will help me do many things. i would want to do that. i've had several of challenges like these where i'm trying to do something bored. mean i gave to the environment, there is no wi fi like i make me do stuff. there's no infrastructure like i give me an idea of what i want to do is very frustrating. okay, so let me hear from other people here, just the state of affairs and i do at the moment. how would you describe it? uh or did i? oh, so this gets a little mentor. i yeah, i might see things on working right. but it's not going to be to,
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i'm sure i try is going to be a better place if we will contribute all thoughts to make it. okay. so you say it's going to be a better place, but what is the situation present to them? yes, that's the reason why we are developing issue on the rights we have multiple posit west on what? yes, but nobody lives up because i got some data. okay, so i want to talk to dr. fuller for a 2nd because you are a doctor practicing pediatrician and also interestingly a visual artist. i've no idea how you manage those 2 schedules. i can barely keep mine up. so um your industry picked medicine is one of the west affected by drop. uh uh, actually just from the reports that we're hearing, tell us a little bit about that. are you seeing an impact almost 90 percent of the people? i went to school, we'd have left the country. they something about being a medical doctor that nature is really feeling that if you go to other countries, western countries, date is the huge amount of respect. and you know, there's a, a chair it is given to medical doctors that we do not have here the fees, very bad leaving conditions. very bad. and, you know, we,
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if you break down what's the government's is given to the doctors in the country here. it's really bad. i have a lot of hope for the new the new um, the new routine, hoping that things would change for sure. i'm also hoping that my, my colleagues will also come back to the country when they have developed themselves and the most for just one to run. if you a doctor, there is no reason for you to be major. if that is what everybody's saying. okay, let me come back to under dire here for a 2nd because you and you said that, you know things are bad, but there's no reason to go when you hear dr. follow speaking. i mean, surely those to wells don't belong together. i'm so i'm not saying there's no reason to go right. boys are going, was my intention if i oh, but he lives lencher, so venture, that's the truth. we will have to go. yes. you can go get to know that you have come back, come through the manager, come up closer structure that you just as appropriate price. when you 1st of probably play, you still get public, you create to of what you need to cancel and you get to know that you're right. you
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come back on korea to put units in and you make mention of it, but it's okay. i do, i do i do. i agree. i agree because opie's nice truck is you don't want to keep open for 62 years. we have 2.5. i want to close on that body. people that close in that body of fucking, imagine me get out of the country, go to knowledge, come back and i'm be several times have been cute, just because i did distracted duty. someone in government so big my dear come through reality. i mean, are we talking about a country where you can literally mostly what we happened in this time? no secure, but you know, your thought struck to that telling me that i should go? no, no, no, no, i'm not saying that all the countries. i know like that i'm saying that the settings are things that i should be set to know about the things that should be nothing for me, provided by the government. that should be able to do what we have talking about. gimme a 2nd because we need to. yes, i also think that you kind of discount the fact that the programs and that you have very institutional people leave this country. i have friends who have left this country. i mean, 3 years they have houses because as mortgage systems,
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we don't have documents here. we do mess up document, you need to do is accessible. i think i recall it for me please. so i think that we're coming from the place to privilege. if you think let's, let's listen to, i think i can somebody please of privilege if you think that you know, my pressing can excess of the things that you said i no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is, this is a problem. i just oftentimes because we have access to social media, we think everyone's life is perfect. it's not like that even in the abroad. you have to have a certain kind of salary to get certain kind of mortgage to get a certain kind of house everywhere has its own kind of strategies or rules. he says something about a doctor. and i know even when i was trying to study medicine, doctor was supposed to have some kind of ingrained reason to what to help people to, to the fact that people are running away because of money. it's a problem to me. you took an oath to save lives. that's on to her. the me there. hold on, hold on, hold on. hold on. let's just come back to the center for a 2nd. you said something about the medical profession and question and what is
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driving the dr. desires and what their motivation is. yes. and the media is trying to explain the difference the is that sense of belonging? never beyond the level of being green misstep that comes with a professional. you know, that's another country i won't be. i feel like will be the solution. i need to say that we don't speeds, but it should says, yeah, everybody called the put 9. yeah. am i correct now? yeah, the, i'm not, you know, your life into caring for people. it's a catch me for people making sure that people are lives, then you should do that by level of respect from the government. okay? no problem, because because we've invoked the name of duct of here, let's reintroduce him to the discussion. if you don't state who then gets to fix the system, you're trying to downplay the, the importance of p. and that is very, very, but these doctors and the machines, do you understand? most people come from families where the mother, the father, everybody's boring money to send his boys to school. you get, they become a medical doctor going heavily at home because you have
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a lot of shift. so many patients to see 1st before because in a drug we have about 4000 patients to one doctor a. so i don't mind, you know, i, i'm ok with seen as many as i want to see. you understand? well, what happens to me? where do i go to of, to seeing everybody? where am i sleeping? what am i it's, there's something interesting which i discovered as i was doing research on this topic, which is where exactly nigerians are going. and not surprisingly, the countries, the top, the list, the kind of the us euro, and only one african country featured on that list. and that's what's gone now. so if the idea is to bet your lives and not really to leave in the abroad, as we are saying, why not move to fellow african countries? why not go to send a go? can anybody help me with that, i'm send a big country. i mean, sure, i'm sure, do you know what is up and commenting gun that you noticed just aren't gonna correctly? is it developing countries? yes, true. but i mean, i'm feeling good deal. and if you're telling me that the problem is, infrastructure to internet access to health care, the
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a many african countries which can support you in those fields. okay? so tell me one or 2 of the court categories, one of the, okay, yeah, i agree with you. so i must say that, you know, you remember that the most, i'm just trying to figure out if it's a fun to see about living in a west on wells, or if it's about truly improving your life. we have a system of shame when people are dropped off and they don't make enough money to come back home and people are laughing at them. the shame is that it isn't saw me leave. it is in every system, every you need from the family. so please have your confidence as a start from the family. so we're going to change that with this generation. all right? oh, we've never had clapping meet debates because that's not the yes you can. uh, and it's look to follow something. i wanted to think about solutions, right? i completely agree with what you said. you understand, having the shame is low, just only about if you leave your 1st to come back. if you feeling names area to, you will have yourself. so nobody wants to fail. there's also the,
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the issue of the glamour you mention, why don't people with other african countries true and what he wants to do with white people. i don't know what, i don't understand it, but i would say these lastly, right? you want to move, you move it publish, you have a skill, you have the reason, you know, you apply, you know what you're going to do. ok? so the question is, how do we make sure that not that people don't leave, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with people wanting to emigrate to leave. but the people want to come back and build this country. how does that happen? any ideas? i'm 1st i think is very important. we look within like we've been talking about purpose, i think is also very key that we need to be honest with ourselves and do research. i know many people are speaking from the points of frustration and anger. so i want people to realize that we do have some of the inputs that we want, but because we speak for many points of anger that we kind of just dismiss things will just have to absolutely look within. all right, so for your giving me a solution of how to stay and do you want to be? yeah, i think is a by you,
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because i mean the value pay are in wherever you find yourself. i think about your thinking about the fact that you are the assets through the country and not a liability thinking about the fact that you guys will be showing provider. okay. so that purpose for living that you were talking about. so i yeah, at the beginning of this debate, we did have a very simple question. why have so many nigerians leaving and drugs? i think we've had very many visas. should they stay? should they go? i think they will continue to go. and whether or not they come back is something that we only have to wait and see, well, something we don't have to wait to see is you next time for our show. thank you for watching the for all right, i don't know about you, but i would have loved to be on that rooftop. i mean that discussion was on fire. now if you wanted to see the full debates, go check it out on our youtube channel. so europe is a popular destination among nigerians who wants to just pop. in fact,
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if you meet an african in berlin, chances are pretty high that they are from nigeria. the german capital is full of job opportunities and that's exactly what attracted chia mac got. you can, she's been living in berlin for a few years now and so far things are going pretty well. a point and 9 john sees wants to jump off like i just want to like, leave the country and go to a new country like you've been behind france on knob wants to explore the opportunity to see how life is outside of major and then get to grow into a korea on every other aspects of life. actually move around the time that a lot of my friends move. so i felt like we all decided to please i'll find some way so far. so pushing it fits soon, leaving nigeria, that is with thousands of young's professionals,
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are planning to do some of these and search off greener pastures, others to experience new places and where cultures for broaden the horizon. for jim i county, it was the less the young software engineer from a number of days left nigeria in 2021 and came to berlin there very long time. i have always have to leave, like i have friends in building offerings across jamie, i'm in other countries that i've been telling me to leave the country. so i felt so comfortable because i in for to any major as a, i could actually rent an apartment in now one of the best places boards, i say points in time, i just had to leave. but if it didn't come easy, because the mains live in my family behind leaving the cultural dom where i didn't used to live in the foot behind. and so i was like, coming to an entirely different coincidence almost every 2nd nigerian asked in 20. 19, by the pew research center said they planned to move abroad to search for better work opportunities. european cities like berlin attract many nigerian professionals like
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gemma, others, but to jump had to are the united states, canada or great britain, but was a new place come new challenges the, the hardest spot to being in me. i think the language on the call cultural, i would say the germans, i be reserved. so and um to bureau kirsten germany is actually in lot like i'm like many of her peers. she, i'm not gonna have a good job back in 2022. every 2nd use in the area was unemployed. according to the national, 0 of youth also struggling with and security that governance and unfair working conditions. double put chances is really like what makes a lot of nigerians wants to leave. unlike a big top, you know,
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environment to interface cuz like jimmy is really like cool. configured like strong economy, lots of job opportunities please. and then the last, the time to do this was a mentor as habits. so, and insurance just wants to go out of their way to been so tough to where they will be really paid well for doing defense. and that did to endanger. but as tempting as moving abroad may sound, it also means leaving a lots behind me. so my family, i missed my friend. i missed the phone. i missed um the people in general. yeah. and also the one. so i have a truck who countries, so definitely the item is the one cuz it has 2 of them. and all right now jim, i said wrapped the opportunity to work in germany and does not redirect. she is ready for whatever the future brings. be it in germany, nigeria,
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or anywhere else in newark. if you're not from nigeria, you learned a new word today. jet pop showed young africans they in their home countries should be migrates to search for better jobs. the topic is highly debatable and we would love to hear your thoughts. so please reach out to us on social media and i'll leave you with nigeria as very own iris star. her smashed head rush has been nominated for a grammy award. and the message is just perfect for today's show. it's all about hustling and working hard towards your goals. i'm gonna show you next time you've been there on dental beat that
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the road use the vancho engine making a come back to the mazda amex, 30 r e z. this plug in hybrid s u. v. combines and old idea with new technology, but just how well do they fit together in 30 minutes, on the w, the
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in progress path calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic that concerned about the stories beyond the headline world in progress. we've talked about what do these do for fun vide, do gravitational waves squeeze out about how to ally the drums for the to the feet. and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says, get with d. w signs on the picked up channels. ice cold b, c at the end of the plastic, i need an expedition ventures onto places that no one has to explore. the why is the ice melting more rapidly
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than trees in the ice fields? unknown? plastic on the the, the,
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this is dw news live from berlin, the u. s. and u. k. launch a 2nd night of retaliatory attacks against the ron in link militias, washington and london, saving his science belonging to business. the rebels and young man follows us heirs price in the rack and syria, also in the show as fighting continues in gaza. how mosque considers a truce offer made by israel and international mediators to bring a halt to nearly 4 month finding. plus a summer sheet wave drive, sadly, wildfires and shilling at least $46.00 people are dead and more than $1100.00 homes are destroyed as a.


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