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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, the u. s. and u. k. launch is 2nd night of retaliatory attacks against the ronnie and link militias, washington and london saving his science belonging to business. the rebels in yemen follows us heirs price, and the rack and syria, also in the show as fighting continues in gaza, come off, consider is a truce offer made by israel and international mediators to bring a halt to nearly 4 month findings. plus a summer sheet wave, dr. dudley wildfires in showing at least 46 people are dead and more than 1100 homes are destroyed as authorities feed with residents to evacuate
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the mariana evans, dean, welcome. the united states and britain have launched a series of airstrikes on the who's the militia in him. and washington and london put out a joint statement saying they had dozens of targets, which included underground weapons depos missile systems and launchers and radars. the strike is part of the us military's efforts to discharge and fees from further and disrupting global shipping lanes in the red sea. earlier i asked middle east analyst and military expert for roger shanahan to tell us more about the targets that we're head. yeah, this and we were told that uh there was 36 targets in 13 different locations. uh, any aircraft with,
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from united states and you tie in there real size say vice themselves. uh 5 from ships in the red. se. uh, the targets were um, uh, support mechanisms for any shipping weapons that the who sees i utilize. so uh right. as a actual launches, as well as emanation stuff, pause of me, saws, ballistics, and cruise and some drives as well. so i will as a relatively wide range of price mechanisms to launch project dogs into the red sea and also the rockets and resolve themselves. we do know though that the previous strikes on yemen in response to the who these attacks on the shipping lanes in the red sea have not deterred the rebels. so how would these strikes be any different or what size?
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it goes to things to that. first of all, how given issue size of a lease operation, 36 targets to attain different locations. i think we have to say this as part of that brought to the us response to the test of 3 of us military personnel 24 hours before we say 95 different targets in certain locations in syria and iraq . so i think is part of the broad at multi spectrum response from the united states, but also as part of a longer term, dried mission by the united states and things like launches for ballistic me. so i was, is any finite number of them, you can import a range of me. so as you can manufactured, it resolves and drives. but the launch is an 0 or, and soon to replace the equipment such as right us sites and that kind of stuff much hotter to apply. so it's not any
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a deterrence effect. it's all side grading effect by reducing the stuff falls of very important components of the complete me solid rocket systems. you mentioned that these latest strikes and targets in yemen are linked to fridays. us air strikes on targets in iraq and syria. and also specifically that this was in response to the killing of the 3 us servicemen. but of course, what all of these drugs have in common is that they're targeting iran backed groups . but can the us continue targeting iranian proxies without risking a direct confrontation from iran itself? a good listener size? a question. and i think that's part of the very delicate policy line that the by the administration has to work. it has to respond to 2 attacks against it's press
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no the resulting desk. it has to respond to a text in the read sekins commercial matters on traffic. um, so they use uh givens um and after the death of the press now in jordan and it has to have a response that is sufficiently robust and is sufficiently lengthy. that changes the cost benefit analysis for a rainy and allied militia groups without directly attacking around because i've use esplanade is if you directly attacked around the entire tree that and i will pay a much more likely to become more involved in it. if you attack at the extremities of writing the implants, in other words, its proxy groups. and then i understand the rules of the game and they are far less likely to respond directly. so as we said before,
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the very delicate policy line to walk along, but they appear to be doing it at the moment with the right best response. but not keeping that line where ron feels that it needs to become directly involved. that was roger shanahan released analyst and military experts based and sidney. many thanks indeed for your insights my pleasure. of all staying in the middle east as fighting goes on in gaza. so to do efforts to hold the nearly 4 month more . come off now, says israel and international mediators have made it a tentative truth offer bond to the militant group, which is considered a terrorist organization. by most western states says it's still reviewing the details. hundreds of 10, crammed together, and roughly part against with egypt. this is probably the safest place for people to southern most garza,
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to escape the fighting and bombing elsewhere. it's estimated this half of the population of casa is now in the area, but these are in the army, still attacking targets in the city. scouts was how much strong health services, se 14 people were killed in one attack in rough or on such as a willingness of hello the chelsea. felicia will homes go to the zone is considered safe, but at the end, whatever people go, they get moment why? who knows them to go, it's just revenge. they just want to bring destruction to people. that's all the shipping to the model. and you can see there's a huge destruction in this area and they show you that right. and what was the cause of all the neighboring houses were affected with demand due to that that might be meanwhile, international attempts to negotiate to cease fire between hamas and israel continue . i'm most concerned that it has received a proposal from israel, of the us, egypt,
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and cut off. it said it needed more time for decision cleaning. but there is no team yet. and it's rarely defense minister us come on says is john forces with also eventually advance into rough or something. israel's allies have strongly warned against german for administer under the not the book said and military operation against offer would not be justifiable. husband boucher is a journalist who was based in garza until november when he managed to evacuate with his family a short time ago. i asked him to tell us more about reports that these really army plans to expand. it's offensive to rafa close to the egyptian border. this is not clear so far it's um, it's controversial. there are a lot of free boards and folks and statements coming from different sides and particularly as well, which is not clear, they didn't announce it like that they are gonna evade. and into the roof. i heard
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seems the egypt sin site is not happy with that. there was a report yesterday that the egypt sion, uh, is, is oscar by the is where it is to move the roof. i crossing near the karen channel and crossing which is in the east, the south of gals us trip. so these rail can't on control or money tor, the crossing and there were a lot of reports about the war on the ground that would be funded by our country. so up to now, it's not clear. if the is, is raise a troops will, would interrupt her or not. and if they did, what would it mean for the hundreds of thousands of people who have fled to rough off and the surrounding areas since the start of the war? and what are conditions for them like right now a different a lee this is would be a disaster, a majority of, of, if you lation displace rock and, and
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a little city in the central area. the bella. so that you and engine sees are take saying that about, i mean young people are living and, and staying and ra fucking different. so without, without having a plan to evacuate them or move them back to the north or other areas in the south . that would be a disaster. there we are talking about like the majority of the gaza strip that the nation are living there as they are living in very hard time. we're not talking the rough we're about the prospect is isolated and there is no bombardment. so it happens like every day, almost, and there are targets as you the which as we watched in on the report. and so the situation is very hard for them. they, there is a limited access to the food limited access to the water and all services. meanwhile, israel and how mos are still negotiating a possible ceasefire and also
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a release of these really hostages still being held in gaza. and what can you tell us about the status of these talks? i would quote here from the report that that was published overboard costed the a little minute and it's a long time ago that this is like, there is no deal yet how mouse is discussing and reviewing. they are discussing the proposal and it's a framework proposal that with the, with other factions, i don't know how much has different bodies in and abroad. and in garza strip, i think they are trying to approach the leadership in goals, us trip to approve of the of the proposal. if so that would be a big move. i'm not saying that our condition is to a complete ceasefire and the complete pullout of these rated shops are from the
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gaza strip. otherwise it would be complicated. that was journalists hasn't but was just speaking to us from amman. jordan, thank you so much to chile now where at least 46 people have died and more than 1100 homes have been destroyed in the worst wildfires to hit the country in a decade. the deadly as fires occurred in the central fall apart. either region. the blazes are being driven by summer, heat wave and drought influenced by the el nino weather phenomenon. a seriously close call. as people run for their lives, firefighters, try to evacuate as many residents as possible. give me in a matter of minutes of the fire was already here. it was smoke, the sky turned black. everything was dark. the wind felt like a hurricane, but if it was like thing and held up,
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a high temperatures on dry conditions are fueling. this late causing the deadliest ivory, could forest wires and too late. in a decade the president flew over some of the most devastated areas on saturday. he warned just the dangers still to come below bundle. if you receive a message to evacuate, even if you believe the fire is far away, they do not hesitate to go them with nickel. if you've received that message and it's because you have to do it, we want to save lives and protect you with a shuttle. a threat. the night firefighters tried to quell the flames. spot hundreds of homes were completely destroyed.
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in some areas where the worst of it was over, people returned to what was left of them. some sifted for belongings in the rubble, while others tried to find pets that were left behind the as rescuers struggled to reach the worst effected areas and was the death toll expected to rise. there's little comfort for those waiting for news of loved ones. of the you're watching the double you news, or reminder now of our top story for us and britain, the launch of 2nd night of retaliatory attacks against iranian link, militias, washington and london. say they target science belonging to the who's the militia and again, and this follows us air strikes, any racks and series on friday. you're up to date on dw and use
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a marion adams team from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for the company. the so you don't think you the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thought desired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stuff in port is nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor, joe in the clubs. it's time to to vehicle your generation with a sleep us. i'm that.


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