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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin, the us and the u. k. launch a 2nd night of retaliatory attacks against iranian linked, militias. washington and london say that they tip side belong to the few rebels in government. it follows us air strikes and a rock in syria. and also coming up as fighting continues in gaza. a mosque considers a truce offer made by israel and international mediators to bring a hold to nearly 4 months of fighting. plus, in berlin, a 150000 people rally against right when extremism. it is the latest in
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a series of mass protest in germany against racism, since revelations the far right a f. b party. frequently discuss reporting ethnic minority the . i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. the united states and britain have launched a series of air strikes on the who's the militia in yemen. washington and london put out a joint statement saying that they hit dozens of targets, which included underground weapons. the post missile systems and launchers and raiders of the strike is part of the us military's effort to determine who sees from further disrupting levels, shipping lanes in the red sea. for more, i'm done by roger shanahan. he is a middle east analyst and a military expert based and sitting welcome to the program and thank you so much
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for joining us. the us says that the strikes are in response to the ongoing attacks on international shipping lanes and us warships and the red. see, how do you see the a of the strikes because previous strikes have so far failed to determine who the rebels is. certainly, i was surprised. there's 2 aspects to this. there is a detour, inspect, and deterrence effects don't necessarily happen instantaneously. you've got to look at from a longer term campaign perspective than the other issue is degrading the type ability. so we say the current targets that they are attacking at not already in the me solves themselves through the side of the launch is which there a finite number, right? does that contribute to the effectiveness of these weapons and also other logistics support elements? so while these are still able to launch the weapons that haven't been
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particularly effective, and for some of those elements of those weapon systems, there's the final number so that they degrade it. it follows. meantime, us air strikes on friday that hit targets in a rock and syria. these were the us response to a drone attack. the killed 3 us troops in jordan. don't know all of the strikes they have been targeting or run back to groups or around interest. how much control does around actually have over these groups as well as i this is by $64000.00 question. i think that some people like to portray around as a pop of master where they pull the stream is a certain action happens at the other end. i think that's yeah, that's not correct. certainly ron might use a general guidance to some of these groups. some of the groups that have a much close relationship then with others, but i logistically,
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financially support them and provide training to them. so certainly they operating with a broad imprimatur override in some instances that caring at drake attacks based on a running direction by you. it's very difficult to determine exactly what is happening in any one point in time. so i particular group, so it's a very, very gray area. so then take us inside the calculus because we've heard around the say that the us has made a strategic mistake. that will the stabilize the region. do we know how they might respond? we tell you better writing and response? yes. as well, i think as a relatively accepted rules of the game which i unwritten and so long as responses from us for instance, done an impact on writing. so renteria trio,
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time attack or writing and targets. it's really consider that the writing support groups that are outside of around prop up attack united kind of targets doesn't have a precipitous effect on writing responses. so it's a very fine line to washington to to walk along. does i have to be same to type military action against pro running groups but without attracting a significant or direct response from around itself? and i think that doing that at the moment, but there's always a difficulty with this kind of policy approach. roger shanahan, middle east analyst, and the terry expert in sidney. thank you so much my pleasure. us and saying now in the middle east as fighting goes on in gaza, so to do efforts to help them nearly 4 month war. i'm off now says that israel and international mediators have made
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a tentative truce offer. but the militant group considered a tear organization by most western states, says it is still reviewing the details. hundreds of 10, crammed together in russell part against with egypt. this is probably the safest place for people to southern most garza to escape the fighting and bombing elsewhere. it's estimates it does. half of the population of gaza is now in the area, but these are in the army still attacking targets in the city. jobs us, i'm us, run health services, se 14 people were killed and one attack in rough uh, one such as a willingness of hello, that's helping felicia go home and go to the zones. considered safe. but at the end, whatever people go, they get moment why to listen to you is just revenge. they just want to bring destruction to people. that's all the savings of the motive. and you can see the
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huge destruction in this area and they share with us, right. and what was the cause of all the neighboring houses were affected by the demand due to that? that might be meanwhile, international attempts to negotiate to cease fire between hum us and israel continue most concerned that it has received a proposal from israel, the us egypt, and cut off. it said it needed more time for decision for the cleaning. but there's no team yet, and it's rarely defense minister you off color on says, is john forces with also eventually advanced into rough uh something. israel's allies have strongly warned against german foreign minister under the not the book said. a military operation against offer would not be justifiable of the spring, and now he bet tv. she is the care acting deputy regional director for the middle east and north africa. she joins us from the mon,
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what options are there for the hundreds of thousands of displaced people in rafa is really army extensive operations there. thank you so much for this question. unfortunately, and as you know, and as we have seen in your report, the options that are remaining or what's the for the people if they are moved out of our own was none. and these are, this is the only remaining area where people are trying to secure themselves. and that this is that, is that, that is it, that is actually an open for them to stay in with the minimum medium. i'm not even, you know, as services that exist if this space is going to be unlimited to the x 10, that we are very afraid that there are no other things. it has to go to an options to, to use in gaza. talk with this a little bit more about the services and the aid, because for weeks we have been hearing what the un has described as pockets of famine and gaza and diseases spreading. with more,
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can you tell us about the current efforts to reach civilians and provide help as they are? are many actors in gaza trying to reach as many people as possible. i'm on with them as care at own of us. we try our best. we try to secure services from outside from inside garza, but what we do is 10. the same. we use this a terminology, weeks and weeks ago, dropped in the ocean once we are providing now still a drop in the ocean. if the needs went on and the mass of weeks ago, they are extremely massive. now, the number of 8 incident is very, very limited. that possibility to distribute that is very limited. and then once it's even almost not existence and the same as applied in the now in the south and drop off and in the surrounding area, the same is applied on hand units and other locations. the, the requirements are mass of what, what is happening in guys or incident is very, very limited. then the international court of justice has ordered israel to allow
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more aid into gaza. what has your organization been noticing? has there been any increase since then? so there are these where we see more at 8 days with less into the highest number of a chunks entering in gas. i. 30, the highest number is as low as most half of the requirement in on many days before the what, which means that we spend, unfortunately facing very limited amount. entering garza, the requirements are massive. as i mentioned with the ones that into the more and more aid is needed for and when to the items just in the items and descent. and this is not happening unfortunately that after the i, c, g, a and announcements, there was not much improved to answer your question. we've been hearing and reporting today that israel and her moss negotiations on a potential ceasefire are still ongoing. um, you mentioned a number of,
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of things that are needed in gaza. what would be among the most urgent needs for civilians if there were to be any breaking the fighting? what's on the top of of the list for you? it's very difficult to prioritize one item or 2 or even see everything is needed in god's out for the water fuel show to medicine own effect as needed. and unfortunately, all of that is focused only on life savings and not even for, for livelihood. we don't even think about this right now. if it's only for life saving own, these are considered priorities that we wish we are going to be able to secure in, in any ceasefire or at least shorts. the supplier in the coming hopefully days in about to be care acting, deputy regional director for the middle east and north africa in amman. thank you so much for joining us. indeed. the good news. thank you.
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so let's turn to some other news across germany. hundreds of thousands of people have rallied against far right extremism, around 150000 protested in the capital berlin alone. the mass protests against racism and z and a phobia had been going on for weeks after members of a far right party, were accused of planning mass deportations. the symbolic ring to protect the ice talk from far right extremism. tens of thousands of body notes gathered here to protest the growing influence of populism, inputted by the as the native fudge of any body. and it's growing numbers of supporters. we simply have to stand up for the city that you're going to milk or see and it's implementation. what does inc, we're against the f t and it's for democracy in yeah, me and we can see poland are hungry help weekly. democracies being dismantled,
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unconstitutional bodies restrictive. i think that's what happened to us to now, but those kinds of tests young and default i demonstrations started up 2 weeks ago when it was reviewed. that members of the d attended secret meeting to discuss the most importation of flooding those and some german citizens of digging safety is already very open about exclusion. so i think it's good that people here are showing that they are against exclusion. that's why i gave you all those kinds of things. so i know a demonstration like did is wonderful and absolutely necessary. but it is also important that we keep this awareness of life at all times. that would certainly help in the long run. the show of the dog has german chancellor or love shows his deep protest and a message on next. he called them a strong sign for our democracy and our constitution of the if these
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popularity has taken us lighted. but it remains to many 2nd most popular political party that has this by consent among mainstream bodies who fear the if he could sweep to the upcoming state elections in eastern germany. a sports now and on matched a 20 of the one to see the buyer munich. kept the pressure up on league leaders, labor crews in with a come back victory over bruce, you mentioned black box after buyer drew level. at the start of the 2nd period, harry came scored his 24th lead goal of the season to put the reigning champions in front. mateus the list, then field a 31 victory, 2 t up a crucial top of the tape of show down with later cruising next weekend and speaking of fire labor crews and they maintained their lead at the top of the table. thanks to a to now, when at the bottom of the table, darmstadt,
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winger nathan, tell a race at the back post. in a 33rd minute to set his side on the road to victory and the nigerian added a 2nd goal. after the break to seal a crucial when they refuse and stay 2 points, clear chasers buyer you're up to date. thanks for watching the we are all set and we're watching closely. we all seem to bring you the story behind the news. we're rolling about unbiased information all 3 months. done what i mean? i know i might just do it and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks trace amount,
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but there's no actually about joining us as we try.


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