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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from berlin, the u. s. and the u. k. launch a 2nd light of retaliatory attacks against iranian linked, militias. washington in london, say that they had fights belonging to the rebels in yeah. meant if all of us air strikes in iraq and syria also coming up as fighting continues in gaza. mos considers a truce offer made by israel, an international mediators to bring a halter to nearly 4 months of fighting. and in berlin,
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a 150000 people rally against right wing extremism. it is the latest of a series of mass protest in germany against racism since revelations the far right as the parties secretly discussed, the porting ethnic minorities the . i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. the united states and britain have launched a series of air strikes on the hoof, the militia, and i'm in washington and london put out a joint statement saying that they hit dozens of targets, which included underground weapons depos missile systems. and launchers and raiders i dislike is part of the us military's efforts to discharge of moves from further disrupting global shipping lanes in the red sea. and the stripes are part of a series of us lead strikes, targeting the food,
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the rebels in yemen. but so far they have failed to deter the ronnie and back to militia. i asked middle east analyst and military expert, roger shanahan. if the strikes are meeting the rain is certainly, i suppose there's 2 aspects to this day is that deterrence effect and deterrence effects don't necessarily happen instantaneously. you've got to look at it from a long term campaign perspective. and the other issue is degrading the capability, so we say the kind of targets that they're attacking at not already in the me solves themselves. the real side of the launch is which there are a finite number, right? does that contribute to the effectiveness of these weapons and also other logistics support elements? while these are still able to launch the weapons that haven't been particularly effective? and for some of those elements of those,
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whether the system says the final numbers are they, are they integrated? it follows. meantime us air strikes on friday that hit targets in a rock and syria. these were the us response to a drone attack. the killed 3 us troops in jordan, don't know all of the strikes they have been targeting or run back to groups or around interest. how much control does around actually have over these groups as well as this is by $64000.00 question. i think that some people like to portray around as a couple of miles to where they pull the stream is a certain action happens at the other end. i think that's yeah, that's not correct. certainly ron might use a general guidance to some of these groups. some of the groups that have a much close relationship then with others, that i logistically, financially support them and provide training to them. so certainly they of writing with
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a broad imprimatur override in some instances that carrying out direct attacks based on a rainy direction. but it's very difficult to determine exactly what is happening in any one point in time. so i particular group, so it's a very, very gray area. so then take us inside the calculus because we've heard around the say that the us has made a strategic mistake. that will the stabilize the region. do we know how they might respond? we tell you better writing and response? yes. as well, i think as a relatively accepted rules of the game which i, unwritten, and so long as responses from us for instance, dine the impact on writing. so renteria trio, time attack or writing and targets. it's really considered that the writing support
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groups that are outside of around prop uh, attack united kind of targets doesn't have a precipitous effect on writing responses. so it's a very fine line to washington to, to walk along that i have to be seen to type mostly action against pro running groups, but without attracting a significant or direct response from around itself. and i think that doing that at the moment, but there's always a difficulty with this kind of policy approach. roger shanahan, middle east analyst and military expert in sydney. thank you so much. my pleasure. this would stay in the middle east as fighting goes on and gaza, so to do efforts to health in nearly 4 month war. i'm off now says that israel and international mediators have made it a tentative truce offer. but the new the militant group considered a tear organization by most western states,
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says that it is still reviewing the details. hundreds of 10 crammed together in rough or hard against with egypt. this is probably the safest place for people to southern most garza to escape the fighting and bombing elsewhere. it's estimated this hub of the population of gaza is now in the area. but these are in the army still attacking targets in the city. jobs us, i'm us, run health services, se 14 people were killed and one attack in rough uh, one such as a willingness of hello the chelsea. felicia go home and go to the zones, considered safe. but at the end, whenever people go, they get moment why? who knows who goes just revenge, they just want to bring destruction to people. that's all the shavings of the motive. and you can see the huge destruction in this area. and again,
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these shows as right. and what was the cause of all the neighboring houses were affected by the demand due to have somebody can be meanwhile, international attempts to negotiate a ceasefire between homeless and israel continue. i'm most concerned that it has received a proposal from israel, the us egypt, and cut off. it said it needed more time for decision cleaning. but there's no team yet. and it's rarely defense minister you i've got on says is ground forces with also eventually advanced into rough uh something. israel's allies have strongly warned against german foreign minister under the not the book said a military operation against off a ne, justifiable. and let's get more now from journalist has in pollution who was based in gaza until he and his family evacuated in november. he joins us now from the jordanian capital. amman has a good to see you again. we are hearing these reports that the israeli army plans
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to expand. it's offensive to rafa or other in rafa on the egyptian border. what more can you tell us about that? this is still not search and there are a lot of statements coming from different sides. main leads were 81 and the egypt sion aside, which is a very live in to some statements particularly came from is really defense minister who said that that would advance in but a few and play according to the reports and, and then from different sources. they gibbons are not happy with that. there are some reports that they would replace this plan and replace this plan with the. with more enforcement i run into for the egypt would build a underground pool along the border between egypt and garza. and other things, the, the, the, there was a for the taking them the is way last, egypt really quote,
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every locate to the crossings between garza and egypt. to them a place near a care and shut them meantime has and israel and moss are still negotiating a possible ceasefire. and the release of is really hostages. what more do we know at this point about the status of those talks? it's a 3 ports, nothing or official coming, but i'm not saying that they are reviewing, reviewing the proposal that, that submitted to them through categories. any gibson's that there are 2 different levels of, of discussion. one is the intentional, amass the they have different bodies. they are discussing it within the bodies of, of, of the movement and another. another level is discussing it with other factions, particularly as lemming. do you have another like vehicle b or the f o b?
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they wanna, as, according to the statements from how much all feels they went to a show of one voice from the palestinians. fine. so it's not clear, there are some reports that the how much the answer or response will come out later today. the journalist has them lucia joining us from amman and jordan with the latest on the situation there and gaza. thank you so much. thank you. here are some other stories making news, sales and stuff is rarely as have rallied in tel aviv, in what have become weakly anti government protests. they are demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu over the handling of the war against loss and gaza. dozens of his really hostages kidnapped, and the attacks on october 7th are still being held captive and gaza. you as president joe biden has won a predicted land slide in south carolina. the 1st primary in his campaign fight and
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picked up more than 97 percent backing among democratic motors as he seeks a strong start to his re election drive. and the media has announced the death of its president hodge. gun golf was 82 years old and had been in office since 2015. it was recently announced that he was receiving treatment for cancer, died in the hospital in the capital, wind hook, and the early hours of sunday. across germany, hundreds of thousands of people have rallied against far right extremism around 150000 protested in the capital berlin alone. the mass protest against racism and xena phobia had been going on for weeks after members of the far right party were accused of planning mass deportations. a symbolic ring to protect the ice talk from far right extremism.
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tens of thousands of body notes gathered here to protest the growing influence of populism, inputted by the as the native fudge of any party. and it's growing numbers of supporters. we simply have to stand up for the 6 if you want democracy and it's implementation. what does, inc, we're against the f t, and it's for democracy. just saying, yeah, me and we can seem poland are hungry help weekly. democracies being dismantled, unconstitutional bodies for strict. it's something like, i think that's what happened to us too. it's not all but those kinds of tests young and default i demonstrations started up 2 weeks ago when it was reviewed, that members of the, of the attended secret meeting to discuss the most importation of foreigners and some german citizens. if they get a, if d is already very open about exclusion, so i think it's good that people here are showing that they are against exclusion. that's what i'm doing. i was going through this. so i know
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a demonstration like did is wonderful and absolutely necessary. but it is also important that we keep these awareness of life at all times. that would certainly help in the long run. the show of the dog has german chancellor or lock shows his d protest and a message on next. he called them a strong sign for our democracy and our constitution the if these popularity has taken us lighted. but it remains to many 2nd most popular political party that has this bob atkinson among mainstream parties who fear the a if he could sleep to the upcoming state elections in eastern germany. sports now and i'll match dates, plenty of the one to say go by and unit, keep the pressure up on the leaders labor crews and with a come back victory over bobo. c. a luncheon glad past. after by entry level at the start of the 2nd period, harry pains forward his 24th and the goal of the season to put the reigning
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champions in front. monte is the list, then sealed a $31.00 victory to tip, crucial to the top of the table showdown with labor, cruise in next week. and speaking, a buyer labor goods and they maintain their lead at the top of the table. thanks to a to nail when at the bottom of the table, darmstadt wing, or they've been tele, raced in at the back post in the 33rd, a minute to set who side on the road to victory. and then i darian added a 2nd goal after the break to seal the crucial when navy please, and state to points, clear of chasers buyer who they faced next weekend. and finally, she seekers have gathered in estonia to take part in the european song. a marathon,
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nearly 1000 people rocha sweat to see who could survive the longest in the hub. the 1st scene to seem through all locations when no european nudity is required, bragging rights are awarded for creative customs and you're up to date here at the the, the news i'm sarah kelly and berlin. thank you so much for joining us. take care. the ukraine was like a stepping point. you know, cardboard, you insert that warranty wants to finish it. now you have a certificate from crane. you can just go back to somewhere else, county, more people than ever on the move world wide in search of, of best in life. so why do i want to go back tonight? yeah. like,
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i don't have any reason. there's no reason that's nothing for me. this yeah,


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