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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news, live from berlin. you have been through the militia vows to continue with the tax on red c vessels after the us and britain launched a night of retaliatory air strikes against them inside it. it follows us the air strikes in a rock and syria. also coming up a mosque considers a truce offer made by israel and international mediators to hold nearly 4 months to fighting. appears mount that israel will expand its ground defensive into rasa, or half of gauze as population are taking refuge and the summer heat wave, dr. sadly, wild fires and she lay at least 46 people are dead and more than 1100 homes
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destroyed. as authorities plead with residents to evacuate the i'm sarah kelly, welcome to the program. you have been to the militia has about to continue with the tax on red c vessels. after the united states and britain launched, another series of air strikes against them, washington and london put out a joint statement saying that they hit dozens of targets inside young men, which included underground weapons, depos missile systems, and launchers and radars. the strike is part of the joint us and u. k. military effort to deter this and fees from further disrupting global shipping lanes in the red sea, or for just 5 minutes to receive snacks at on x last night. the royal air force type boom successfully took out specific who's the military targets in human
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further degrading the who these capabilities, recent attacks on u. k and international vessels are unacceptable. it's our duty to protect innocent lives and preserve freedom. these strikes are part of a series of us let attacks targeting the who's the rebels in yemen. but so far they have failed to deter the iranian back to militia. i asked middle east analyst and military expert, roger shanahan. if the strikes are meeting the room is certainly, i suppose there's 2 aspects to this day is that deterrence effect and deterrence effects don't necessarily happen instantaneously. you've got to look at it from a long term campaign perspective. and the other issue is degrading the capability, so we say the kind of the targets that they're attacking at not already in the me solves themselves through the side of the launch is which there a finite number, right? does that contribute to the effectiveness of these weapons and also other logistic
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support elements? while these are still able to launch the weapons, they haven't been particularly effective. and for some of those elements of those weapon systems, there's the final number. so they as a integrated, it follows meantime us air strikes on friday that hit targets in a rock in syria. these were the us response to a drone attack. the killed 3 us troops in jordan. don't know all of the strikes they have been targeting or run back to groups or around interest. how much control does around actually have over these groups as well as this is by $64000.00 question. i think that some people like to portray around as a compromise to where they pull the stream is a certain action happens at the other end. i think that's yeah, that's not correct. certainly ron might use
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a general guidance to some of these groups. some of the groups that have a much close relationship then with others, that i logistically, financially support them and provide training to them. so certainly they of writing with a broad imprimatur override in some instances that carrying out direct attacks based on a rainy direction. but you, it's very difficult to determine exactly what is happening in any one point in time . so i particular group, so it's a very, very gray area. so then take us inside the calculus because we've heard around the say that the us has made a strategic mistake, that will the stabilize the region. do we know how they might respond? we tell you better writing and response? yes. as well as it goes relatively accepted rules of the game which unwritten and so long as responses from us for
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instance, dine the impact on writing. so renteria trio, time attack or writing and targets. it's really considered that the writing support groups that are outside of around prop uh, attack united kind of targets doesn't have a precipitous effect on writing responses. so it's a very fine line to washington to, to walk along that i have to be seen to type mostly action against pro running groups, but without attracting a significant or direct response from around itself. and i think that doing that at the moment, but there's always a difficulty with this kind of policy approach. roger shanahan, middle east analyst and military expert in sydney. thank you so much. my pleasure. it's staying in the middle east as fighting goes on in gaza. so to do efforts to
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hold the nearly 4 month long war i'm off now says that is real and international mediators have made it a tentative truth to offer. but the militant group considered a terrorist organization by most western states says that it is still reviewing the details. meanwhile, fears are growing, that is really troops could push further into gauze, southern most town, rasa were roughly half of gauze this population have taken refuge from drugs of 10, crammed together in rough, ha ha, against with egypt. this is probably the safest place for people to southern most garza, to escape the fighting and bombing elsewhere. it's estimated to the top of the population of casa, is now in the area. but these ran, the army, is still attacking targets in the city scouts. us how much strong health services,
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se 14 people were killed, and one attack in rough uh, on such as a willingness out of hello, that's helping felicia go home and go to the zones. considered safe. but at the end, whenever people go, they get moment why? who knows who goes just revenge, they just want to bring destruction to people. that's all the savings of the money . and you can see the huge destruction in this area. and again, this shows as right. and what was the cause of all the neighboring houses were affected with demand due to that that might be meanwhile, international attempts to negotiate to cease fire between hamas and israel continue . i'm also concerned that it has received a proposal from israel, of the us, egypt, and cut off. it said it needed more time for decision that's still spinning. but there is no team yet. and it is rarely defense minister you i've got on says, is john forces with also eventually advanced into rough or something. israel's allies have strongly warned against german foreign minister under the not the book
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said, a military operation against off or who cannot be justifiable. and now has in pollution, it is a journalist who was based in gaza until november when he managed to evacuate with his family. i asked him to tell us more about reports that these really army plans to expand its defensive to rossa close to the egyptian border. this is still not search and there are a lot of statements coming from different sides, mainly is where 81 and the egypt sion aside, which is a very live in to some statements particularly came from these rated defense minister who said that they would advance in but apparently, according to the reports and, and then from different sources, they gibbons are not happy with that. there are some reports that they would replace this plan and replace this plan with the, with more enforcement around the for the egypt would build the underground pool
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along the border between egypt and garza. and other things, the, the, the, there was a report that taking them is way of last egypt. really quote it relocate to the crossings between garza and egypt to a place near a care and shut them meantime has and israel and mos are still negotiating a possible cease fire and the release of is really hostages. what more do we know at this point about the status of those talks? a 3 ports and nothing or official coming, but i'm not saying that they are reviewing, reviewing the proposal that, that submitted to them through categories. any gibson's that there are 2 different levels of, of discussion one is the into and i'm ass the they have different bodies. they are
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discussing it within the bodies of, of, of the movement and another. another level is discussing it with other factions, particularly as lemming do you had another, like vs b or d, f o b they went to as, according to the statements from how much i'll feel as they went to a show, a voice from the palestinians. fine. so it's not clear, there are some reports that the how much answer or response will come out later today. the journalist has them lucia joining us from amman and jordan with the latest on the situation there and gaza. thank you so much. and here's another world news. the people of el salvador are voting in a presidential election that is expected to hand the incumbent. a landslide victory . not give bo kaylay is popular despite his authoritarian policies. he is credited with a rata kidding gang violence in el salvador draft a heat suspended civil liberties. and tad over $75000.00 people arrested without
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charge for reasons are voting and a referendum that could triple parking fees for larger as tvs from outside the city . vehicles over $1.00 tons would be charged 18 euros an hour to park. the city said that they caused more pollution and deadlier accidents. several groups would be exempt, including those living and working in the city trades people and people with disabilities . so heavy snowfall has caused traffic disruption in central and eastern china. commercial freezing conditions have closed some highways as people travel to celebrate spring festival trains and flights have also been cancelled. more snow is forecast for next week. little gosh, will be done into a at least $46.00 people have died and more than $1100.00 homes have been destroyed and the worst wildfire is to hit the country in a decade. the deadliest fires occurred,
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the central valley petty so region. blazes are being driven by a summer heat wave and drought influenced by the el nino weather phenomenon as seriously close call. as people run for their lives firefighters. try to evacuate as many residents as possible. gimme to in a matter of minutes. the fire was already here, it was smoke, the sky turned black. everything was dark. the wind felt like a hurricane let us. it was like being held up almost day and get high temperatures on dry conditions are fueling display causing the deadliest breaking forest wires. and to late in a decade, the president flew over some of the most devastated areas on saturday. he warned
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just the danger still to come but little bundle. if you receive a message to evacuate, even if you believe the fire is far away, they do not hesitate to go somewhere. nicholas, if you've received that message, it's because you have to do it. we want to save lives and protect you with a shuttle threat. the night firefighters tried to 12 of lanes the spot. hundreds of homes were completely destroyed in some areas where the worst of it was over, people returned to what was left of them. some sifted for belongings in the rubble, while others tried to find pets that were left behind the
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rescue or struggle to reach the worst effected areas and was adaptable, expected to rise. there's little comfort for those waiting for news of loved ones. and finally, now, heap seekers have gathered in estonia to take part in the european sold a marathon, nearly 1000 people who broke a sweat to see who could survive the longest in the hot seat. the 1st team to deem through all locations wins. no european unity is required, ragging rights are awarded for creative costumes. and for sonya design, the quick provider. now the top stories that we're following for you here on dw news, the us and britain have launched a 2nd light of retaliatory attacks against iranian linked militias. washington and london say that they targeted sites belonging to the militia and government. it
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follows us air strikes in iraq and syria. you're up to date, keep watching to find out more about a controversial shipyard and bangladesh that is harming both people and the environment. that's number for the these places in europe smashing stepped into a bold adventure. the treasure map for martin globetrotters discovers some of us regular bragging sites on youtube and also look for the discovery change your mind. just click.


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