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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CET

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the the business day they'll be news line from berlin. a summer heat wave dr. dudley wells far is in chile. thousands of people are dead and wore them 1100 homes destroyed as authorities played with residents to evacuate. also coming up, humans through the militia of vows to continue it's attacks on red sea vessels after the us and britain, the launch a non 9th of retaliatory air strikes against it inside the oven. they followed us air strikes in iraq and syria. the
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go fairly welcome to the program. we begin to lay where at least 64 people have dine, and more than 1100 homes have been destroyed and the worst wild flyers to hit the country in a decade. the deadliest fires occurred in the central vall part. you still rage and the popular tourist destination on the pacific coast. the blazes are being driven by a summer heat wave and drowned, influenced by the on nino weather phenomenon. a seriously close call. as people run for their lives, firefighters, try to evacuate as many residents as possible. gimme to in a matter of minutes. the fire was already here. it was smoke, the sky turned black. everything was dark. the wind felt like a hurricane, but if it was like being held up, a good high temperatures on dry conditions are fueling display
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causing the deadliest i break of forest fires. in chile, in a decade the president flew over some of the most devastated areas on saturday. he warned the danger still to come but little bundle. if you receive a message to evacuate, even if you believe the fire is far away, they do not hesitate to go them with nicholas. if you've received that message, it's because you have to do it. we want to save lives and protect you with a shuttle threat. the night firefighters tried to quell the flames, but hundreds of homes were completely destroyed. in some areas where the worst of it was over, people returned to what was left of them. some
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sifted for belongings in the rubble, while others tried to find pets that were left behind the as the rescuer struggle to reach the worst effected areas and with the deck till expected to rise. there's little comfort for those waiting for news of loved ones. journalist john bartlet is in the region worst hidden by the fires near the city of both hurry. so any gave me an update on the situation there. yes, i'm actually in the independent c a now, which is the certainly the what the secondary i've seen so far. it's a and then for one second then would rose did call get signed. and concrete houses which have been completely faced. the ground that they took and the rest of today was the last hour. so everybody saying that they keep funding for the evening beef it least has not been included in the the official bank account data. yes. not be
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confirmed that the that you didn't know. thirty's, they say at least the courts like at the meeting, that is the director. they said they found the phone and so it's actually called easy to get. so you know that the death toll us quite staggering. dozens of people have died and over $200.00 are reported to be still missing. were people not warned in time? actually it's interesting. judy has its area on sitting in quite a quite jo, assisting sadie, wanting to keep us quakes the country across the church, praying to us weights and then suddenly issued on me just let in some cases. so she does have this system in place, but the people like to see here the light came through about 6 pm on friday night night. people say that i was just faulty, like i come to them and uh, not far from where. yeah. now uh, just the room, he told me that she, she received the rent out of the house so you could see flames the light at the end of the be on the 5th street side. i think that the build up system did work cause it did, but it seems like people received it too late and then wasn't exactly sure what the
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guy well, whether it should be as accurate. it's summer and chilly now and it's, you know, it's quite hot. it's very dry, obviously. what do we know about the cause of this fire? for the president is the non equivocal actually in thing that's uh the launch and criminal criminal proceeding proceeding produce investigation to find out where this came from. the same seemed to think 4 or 5 individual points for the 5. so to start from which that seem to point to that thing started intention. what makes it for the all right, let's do 2 different conversations. we had started on the line and we have full evidence to both the priest, what we well actually has happened, but it does seem to be that. let's see. so let me, let me read evidence but i know say that it's a huge drought to the moment and surely we just have to study this, trying to be on record. and then you know, great, but more than a 100 years as an el nino, your flow introduction saying that you get it pretty quickly. it's a good be high temperatures and don't see more rain for them to be to say it. so
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i'm usually in, i think i called year as well, and i think that they the ground for those the high wouldn't stick below you the play the flames through the different communities that you've been devastated and over a $150.00 fires have been reported a 3rd of them now seem to be under control. does that mean from where you are right now, that the worst is over a it seems to me as you see what's happening now, it's in long, you know, it's clear up the path which ease, uh, which side of the way it is a lot like that and i think people here are quite desperate to have the basic provisions provided the support service, the water and sewage. they would say that the, the rescue would you be set up too far away, reluctant to leave the possession the seems to be a state that lives in some areas as well as the people that i'm willing to meet that i will together. but yeah, i think that the, what seems to be over for now, but i mean, it's not as if we had
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a huge amount of rain or anything. it's still incredibly dry here in the city. and i think that, you know, this is, this is something that happens every summer is likely to continue whether it's here exactly or, or in a slightly different area. i think that the, the was a season. so i just journalist on bartlet into lay. thank you. so much for that update. thank you for holding. let's get you up to speed now on some of the other stories making news around the world today. the people of el salvador are voting in a presidential election that is expected to have the incumbent, a landslide victory. now you book and is popular despite his or storage area and policies as well. he is credited with eradicating gang violence in el salvador after he suspended civil liberties and had over $75000.00 people arrested without charge. the parisians are voting in a referendum like a triple parking fees for larger s u. v. 's from outside the city vehicles over $1.00 tons would be charged 18. euro is an hour to impart the cities as they cause
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more pollution and deadlier accidents. several groups would be exempt, including those living and working in the city trades people and people with disabilities. heavy snowfall has caused traffic disruptions in central and eastern china. the reason conditions have closed some highways as people travel to celebrate spring festival. trains and slides have also been cancelled. more snow is forecast for next week. so the demons who fi militia has vowed to continue its attacks on red sea vessels after the united states and britain launched another series of air strikes against them, washington and london, and put out a joint statement saying they had dozens of targets inside yemen, which included underground weapons, depos michelle systems and launchers as well as radars. the strike is part of the join us and u. k. military effort to deter the who would fees from further disrupting global shipping lanes in the red sea. when united states has said it will continue with
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retaliatory strikes. here's why it has national security advisor, jake sullivan. it began with the strikes on friday night, but that is not the end of it. we intend to take additional strikes and additional action to continue to send a clear message that the united states will respond when our forces are attacked or people are killed. at this point, we are still assessing the question of how many casualties there were among the militia groups. and our military will continue to provide the president with those assessments. that was the security advisor, jake sullivan. now after the us strikes on iraq, syria and yemen. what can we expect next i asked for, was there just a professor of international relations at the london school of economics? i'm afraid more of this thing might take is that the european city and miller says will most likely retaliate against us spaces in the welcome syria and the next few days or week. and also it seems to me that i can, i'm british
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a tax against that was his indiana had sale to the, to the food is from hitting and targeting commercial shipping. so what we're really seeing in your off, in see on the lebanese is right of from an in yemen is basically a low intensity warfare between israel and the united states and the u. k. and some of your think countries and how moss and you're on, i need satellites that will coast allies in loveland on in the rock and celia newman, sullivan did not rule out the possibility of attacks inside iran. the biggest backer, the who with these, do you see that happening anytime soon? i a hi doctor. very much for 2 reasons. the president, by them has made it very clear he does not for you one why that will and the wrong and also do not to do you want a why the war was out of the united states. and israel,
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what they're really saying is it will by proxy. so you're wrong is using its allies in the lock and see yeah. and yeah, i'm going to increase the pressure to increase the cost on the united states voice, but on the support for israel and the united states is trying to basically, we tell the 8 against iran allies. what's happening here is that, uh, present by them has to really walk a fine line between retaliation and escalation. remember that there is the election, but essentially the presidential elections in the united states in the next few months. so the president does not do you want to get embroiled in the shifting sands and then at least the for a presidential because it's taking a 2nd presidential a to. yeah, and iran says the u. s. has made a strategic mistake. many consider the ball to be entire ons court. now, how do you expect iran to respond to be along and so
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and the allies, the ball in is in the united states called what we're talking about, cuz i don't expect the you're up to you minute. she has and this are you in middle she has and the 1st bottle i'm the for with is to stop the attacks as long as the war continues. and guys, and this is why what you're seeing now is really the, the lease is one of the big. these are very volatile and stable. it's a tend to box. it truly takes a spock to ignite a wind far so without ending the blood shot thing guys might take is that both sides will continue to test each other. will. the dens realizes that miscalculation could happen. and basically a target could really basically, uh, bring about it with the pool between the united states and your own, even though a lot of side, one in the pool between the china. exactly all size involved and says that that is not what they want. that was sol as theirs is from the london school of economics. thank you so much for your analysis. thanks for having me. staying in the middle
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east now dozens of palestinians have been killed and overnight is really airstrikes on the south of the gaza strip, including children and rough. all fears are growing. that is really ground troops could push further into gaza. southern most town were roughly half of the strips entire population of taking refuge in the coming days. you a secretary of state and to me, blinking is expected in the region. hasn't pollution as a journalist who was based in gaza until november when he managed to evacuate with us with his family. and i asked him to tell us more about reports be, is really army plans to expand. it's offensive to a rough or close to the egyptian border. this is still not search and there are a lot of statements coming from different sides, mainly is where 81 and the egypt sion aside, which is a very little event to some statements. particularly came from these rated defense
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minister who said that they would advance in but apparently, according to the reports and, and then from different sources. they gibbons are not happy with that. there are some reports that they would replace this plan and replace this plan with the, with more in forestman around the for the egypt would build a underground pool along the border between egypt and garza. and other things, the, the, the, there was a report that taking them is way of last egypt. really quote it, relocate to the crossings between garza and egypt to the a place near karen, show them those housing below show. before we go, here's a quick reminder of our top story today. and sheila, at least 64 people have died and over a 1000 homes have been destroyed in the worst wildfires in a decade. the central, sorry, so region was the hardest hit. the places are being driven by summer,
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heat wave and drought. you're watching you the we news from berlin up next, the documentary on to make us traditional rest of vari healers. i'll be back with more headlines at the top of the next hour. the can you see is what old car has to do with the production. here's a hands on so really indeed much now on youtube. greys the.


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