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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CET

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the, the because it seem to be news line from berlin, a summer heat wave drives deadly wild fires. jeweller, dozens of people are dead. and more than 1100 homes destroyed as authorities plead with residents to evacuate. also coming up, humans through the militia vows to continue it's attacks on read the vessels after the us and britain launch a nice of retaliatory years strikes against it inside pm and the following use air strikes in iraq and syria. the article for at least welcome to the program. in taylor at least 64 people have died
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and more than 1100 homes have been destroyed and the worst while fires to hit the country in a decade. the deadliest fires occurred and the central, both price or region, the popular tourist destination on the pacific coast. blazes are being driven by summer, heat wave and drought influenced by the new weather phenomena. a seriously close call as people run for their lives firefighters. try to evacuate as many residents as possible. gimme to in a matter of minutes when the fire was already here, it was smoke, the sky turned black. everything was dark. the wind felt like a hurricane, but it was like being unhealthy and get high temperatures on dry conditions are fueling display causing the deadliest i break of
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forest fires. and sheila, in a decade the president flew over some of the most devastated areas on saturday. he warned just the danger still to come but little bundle. if you receive a message to evacuate, even if you believe the fire is far away, they do not hesitate to go somewhere. nicholas, if you've received that message, it's because you have to do it. we want to save lives and protect you with a shuttle threat. the night firefighters tried to quell the flames, but hundreds of homes were completely destroyed. in some areas where the worst of it was over, people returned to what was left of them. some
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sifted for belongings in the rubble, while others tried to find pets that were left behind the, as the rescuer struggle to reach the worst effected areas and was adaptable, expected to rise. there's little comfort for those waiting for news of loved ones. the journalist john bartlet is in the region worst hit by the fires near the city of south hurry. so and he gave us an update on the situation there. yeah. so i'm actually in the dependency and now which is the certainly the worst effect area i've seen so far. it's a, an informal assessment, but rose did call get signed and concrete houses which have been completely faced the ground that'd be talking the rest of today. right. the last hour so everybody saying that they keep funding bodies and the beeping police have not been included in the the official best count get upset. don't be concerned that the,
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that you didn't know. thirty's, they say at least to be quite slight that the meeting that is, is the director. they said they found the phone and so it's actually called previously it. so you know that the death toll us quite staggering. dozens of people have died and over $200.00 are reported to be still missing. were people not warned in time? so it's interesting. judy has a very advanced and quite a quite jo system. he said he wouldn't even speak to keep the quakes. the country goes to church, praying to wait till then i so i think he should not just let in some cases so he does have this system in place, but then the people like to see here the light came through about 6 pm on friday night night. people say that i was just faulty, like i come to them and not far from where i am now. just study on he told me that she, she received the run out of the house so you could see flame. glad at the end of the the end of the street. so i think that the, the of the system did was because it did, but it seems like people received it too late and that wasn't exactly sure what the
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guy, what, whether it should be like you like it. it's summer and ceiling now. and it's, you know, it's quite hot, it's very dry. obviously. what do we know about the cause of this fire? or the president is being unequivocal. actually in thing that's a bad, don't you have a good criminal proceeding proceedings produced investigations. find out where this came from, the same, but seem to think 4 or 5 individual points for the 5 south the southeast from which that seem to point to that thing stuck then tenchi is more than likely it's for the all right, let's do 2 different conversations we had further down the line and we have more evidence to both the priest, what we well actually has happened, but it does seem to be that. let's see. so yeah, let me re evidence that then no say there's a huge drought to the moment and surely we just have to study this january on record. and then you know, go about more than a 100 years. it's an el nino year flow introduction saying that you get it pretty quickly. that'd be high temperatures and don't see more rain for them to be to say
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it. so i'm usually i think our whole year as well. and i think that like the ground for the high wind stipulated the way the flames treated different communities. if you think that restated and over a 150 fires have been reported, a 3rd of them now seem to be under control. does that mean from where you are right now, that the worst is over? it's the same smooth. if you look at what's happening now, it's in law, you know, it is clear up the path which ease uh, which some the way it is a lot like that. and then i think people here are quite desperate to have the basic provisions provided the support service, the water and sewage. they would say that the rescue would you be set off too far away. if you could reluctant to leave the production seems to be the state of luke chickens on that as well. so people that i'm willing to meet together, but yeah, i think that the was seems to be over for now. but i mean, it's not as if we had
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a huge amount of rain or anything. it's still incredibly dry here. and i think that, you know, this is, this is something that happens every summer is likely to continue whether it's here exactly or, or in a slightly different area. i think of the was a season. so those journalists on bartlett's into life, thank you so much for that update. thank you, robin. let's get you up to speed now and some of the other stories making news around the world today. the people of el salvador are voting in a presidential election that is expected to have the incumbent, a landslide victory. now you will, kaylay is popular despite his author, word tearing policies is credited with eradicating game violence in el salvador after he suspended civil liberties and had over $75000.00 people, arrested without charge of the for his hands are voting and a referendum that good, triple parking fees for larger s u, v. 's from outside the city vehicle. so for $1.00 tons would be charged 18 year of an hour to part. the city says they caused more pollution and deadlier accidents.
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several groups would be exempt, including those living and working in the city trades, people and people with disabilities. every snowfall has caused the traffic disruptions in central and eastern china. commercial freezing conditions have closed some highways as people traveled to celebrate spring festival trains and flights of also been cancelled. more snow is forecast for next week. actually go to little gosh, will be done the humans who with the militia as well to continue it's attacks on red sea bustles after the united states and britain launched another series of air strikes against them, washington and london, and put out a joint statement saying they had dozens of targets inside the oven, which included underground weapons depos, missile systems and launchers as well as radars. the strength is part of the joint us and u. k. military effort to deter the who fees from further disrupting global shipping lanes in the red sea. and the united states says it will continue with retaliatory
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strikes. here's why it has national security advisor, jake sullivan. it began with the strikes on friday night, but that is not the end of it. we intend to take additional strikes and additional action to continue to send a clear message that the united states will respond when our forces are attacked or people are killed. at this point, we are still assessing the question of how many casualties there were among the militia groups, and our military will continue to provide the president with those assessments. to now the latest strikes are the 3rd time that british and american forces have jointly targeted governments who's the rebels, who's attacks, which they say are in solidarity with palestinians in war, veteran gods that have disrupted global trade. now let's take a closer look at the group and their motivations. hundreds of who piece importers on sunday, organize the military parade and solidarity with cause and in protest against the
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american and british airstrikes and who the sites devout to continue fighting. as long as there's war and causes and they'll go back to the admin strides are read. 9 old and young, but with men and weapons to confront america, britain and israel. and so the deputy with the families and brothers and god that many tribes defending human rights and people who are, we don't know who the militants have, use drones and anti ship missiles to attack vessels in the red sea. and in one case, used to helicopter to seize a cargo vessel with ties to israel, whom fees are part of the so called access of resistance. this is an alliance of groups in syria, lebanon garza and iraq, which are supported by around and oppose israel. and the us around has been accused of arming training and funding the who is these. but the rebel group denies. it's
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in rainy and proxy. so who these control much of the north of human including the capital. so now they've been fighting a civil war in yemen for almost a decade, against the internationally recognized government, backed by saudi arabia. despite the latest strikes by british and american militaries was the rebel officials say their attacks and the red sea will continue saying in the middle east, dozens of palestinians have been killed and overnight is really airstrikes on the south of the gaza strip. including children and rough on fears are growing. that is really ground troops could push further into garza southern. most town were roughly half of the strips population have taken refuge. in the coming days. you a secretary of state antony blinking is expected to visit the region. hasn't pollution as a journalist who was based in gaza until november when he managed to evacuate with
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his family. i asked him to tell us more about reports, these really army plans to expand its ground defensive to a rough or close to the egyptian border. this is still not certain. there are a lot of statements coming from different sides, mainly use were 81 and the age of sion aside, which is a very little event. and some statements particularly, came from these rated defense minister who said that they would advance in but apparently, according to the reports and, and then from different sources. they junctions are not happy with that. there are some reports that they would replace this plan and replace this plan with the. with more enforcement around before the egypt would build an underground pool along the border between egypt and garza. and other things, the, the, the, there was a report that taking them is way last, egypt really quote it,
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relocate to the crossings between garza in egypt to a place near a carriage alone as husband pollution. moving on to sports now and our last day 20 of the goodness, like a bar, i mean a kept the pressure up on league leaders, labor cruising with a come back victory over bullets there, munching black box after byron drew level at the start of the 2nd periods harry came scored his 24th legal of the season to put the reigning champions in front. my ties to lift them, sealed a 31 victory to the up. a criminal top of the table show down with labor closing next weekend. speaking of buy or live because they maintain their leave at the top of the table, things 3 to know when at the bottom of the table jumpstart. when you're nathan teller, wrist in, at the back post in the 33rd minute to set his side on the road to victory and the
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nigerian, out of the 2nd goal after the break, to seal a crucial when they were closing that state to points clear of chasers byron, soon as we already heard a face next week. finally he's seeker is have gathered in estonia to take part in the european song. a marathon, nearly 1000 people broke a sweat to see who could survive the longest in the very literal hot seat. the 1st team to steam through all locations with no nudity is required. bragging rights are awarded for creative costumes and site design. and a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you today. and taylor, at least 64 people have died and over a 1000 homes have been destroyed. and the worst wildfires and a decade essential of all parties or region was the hardest places are being driven
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by summer heat wave. andrew, stay with us out for the sports life, which profiles and indian climber to turn to ground funding to further his dreams of competing and the elliptic summers back with more at the top of the next hour. hope to see you that the questions got any issues with thoughts, say what the name is, the calls back saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do.


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