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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 5, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the business needs of the news life from good and today baffled its deadly as well. fires on record. dozens of people have been killed as the flies sweep through a tourist region. fuels by record breaking temperatures, also coming up human fluid, p malicious vows to continue it strikes orest attacks on red sea vessels off to the us and for launch more strikes against the group. and thomas considered as a truce off a made by israel and international mediation. stopped in a full month for fighting as best now as fish mount, but israel will expand its bound defensive into rough on behalf of gauze population
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that's taking the unrelated mohammed. welcome to the program. with ours, you say at least 99 people have died and while fires in central today, making the places the deadliest on record in the country, the fires has swept through the valley. but i saw a region, a popular tourist destination for the pacific coast, which has been experiencing a summer heat wave presidents, a gabriel board, which has the cut 2 days of national morning ticket, smoke fills, the sky has intense floods, 5 great and densely populated area of center the tv the cost of spreading fires have destroyed hundreds of homes and 4000 stupidly a flat then as it was terrifying,
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neighboring my life. how are you experience so much for your asking the situation. my city is on fire. really hard so much, but i am still the strong because so my son was very scared. many of those affected were visiting the coast during the summer holidays. when defies this truck, that's good team to struggle duties to area on time. and it hurts me. it hurts my soul because there was nothing i could do at that moment. i had to save my son from the fire, otherwise there would be 2 more victims between my mazda. we'll talk these have declared us the delta emergency in the affected regions. and do say that the is likely to arise vehicles that it open. i'm not a fit, i'm and we will say it again. it's not about to be
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a today's priority to save lives as there are still active fires to assist the injured and 2 o'clock english fires that are still burning. it's done, we do have them by the end of the printable si, fi, it has already consumed thousands. i'll take those off land, the image and see services and all racing to minimize the damage of done bosses in the regions was hit by the fires and they gave us this update on the situation that on the highway experience to be honest, i spend whole day going around the west to every 5 to 5 and people have been telling me exactly what it was like from friday evening, almost 3 to 5 as well. and all the way through. it says that this saturday morning and people was saying how quickly they arrived and how quickly they sweat 3 the communities themselves. i mean there's almost nothing less that most communities that just poses ashton, sits in russell and lisa. he's a little plug said line,
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which used to be connected by concrete stat, cases with you about the anything which, which you support. but i what more do we know about what caused these fires? do we actually just stumbled across a police or i should make it believe they found the people who west ought to be fired from the very beginning because it didn't cover a porch and to fix the muscle 1st, your condition territory as a lot of people who are looking at the funds that is in the area, say that they found for specific, fun, significant. at this point, the often what they said, nothing, not true. close ignition to the car and how long would it take for the firefighters to put out the flames? yeah, most of the flies are under control and i mean the, the areas and so it can take a long time to clean up and to make habitable again. and when people go into the publish, it can be clear. they're all references on the it's a lot of people are reluctant to, to leave the beast that they can fix it and go down into the city and the 5 things
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under control, in most cases that the, the, since the 5 spring in the south of the country and i think cities in for and for a lot more at this, yet if you can log in for a whole summer. now we know that many people have had to be evacuated. what kind of assistance is today's government providing right now? this is the government for a number of measures in place. like i say the, the municipal rex you 3000. thank you. the vaudeville say something, if i could weigh the much, you know it to the town by the coast to get on behind the veto, not in boca to you. so that the main way because that's helping you see fit all the confusion on the ground. he took the key, but it's like it is what they, what they can do, which paperwork they can figure out what does it need to actually do anything to receive any stage assistance. so that's the main trouble that the government has at the moment is communicating with people on the ground, particularly considering that these people who do have cell phones in most cases
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has been extra charge. and since friday night i'm say people are not well informed before that should be happening beyond what they can see around the. okay, that has done this on the thoughts of speaking to us in and only var just outside the city for both parties. so thank you so much. thank you. having the us senate has released the text of a bipartisan bill, but has tied to border security with new age for ukraine and israel. the $118000000000.00 package will face and initial votes in the chamber by mid week, but it could so face off position from the, from republican deals and to it's funding for the war and ukraine and security assistance for israel. it also answers significantly restrict, in legal for the cost things by then has back to bill calling at the toughest and fairest set a folder, a phones in decades. the demons hosting melissa has dial to continue with the
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tax on red se shipping after the us and britain launched another round of ass strikes against it. washington and london patasha enjoying statement saying they hit dozens of targets inside young men, including underground weapons, debt, post missile systems, and launches the who. these have attacked multiple vessels in the red sea since the beginning of the israel from us for in october. gerald finest dine is a former us ambassador to him and he's currently with the middle east institute in washington dc and gave us his assessment on the impact fee strikes would have on who the operations the you know, i, i mean, certainly the us of the u. k, i know what they're striking at i, i suspect there will be a battle damage assessment made. i would assume that the, that we have hit the, the targets that we were aiming at, or the issue is, uh,
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is to fall. and one of course is how much damage is that actually doing uh, to their job races, to their facilities, to their equipment. and secondly, how difficult is it going to be for the who these to replace it? because one of the things that i think people need to keep in mind is that as long as the iranian resupply continues, most of this material is going to be fairly easily replaced. and uh, and i don't think it's going to affect hootie operations substantially. it's certainly not going to eliminate their capacity to continue launching these uh these strikes against shipping. right now dec. solomon did not roll out the possibility of a tax inside iran as well. do you see that happening? and i think that that would be a huge decision for the president to make because because there is no question that
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you're on has the capacity to retaliate significantly against the u. s. against us partners and allies. it's got a formidable capacity. yeah. on missiles, drones, other kinds of weapon systems. it's got a, uh, a fairly modern air defense system so that the us tax would not be without risk. i don't see that that this is a decision the president is going to make. what are, let us something much more severe happens that challenges us interest in the region, and what do you think the united states is expected to do next going forward as well? i think, you know, the president decided that his, his advisors have said that they're going to continue these efforts. i think they're going to continue to try to strike a capabilities for the who is in, in the m and as well as
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a trouble. ronnie and malicious in iraq and syria, if they can identify iranian revolutionary guard facilities, particularly again in iraq and syria, are they may strike it those. but again, i think that the president has been very clear and saying that he does not want to see this escalate into a full blown regional conflict. and that is still going to limit the options that he has in front of them. i was saying in the middle east officials at the home aust, on health ministry say at least the team paula samantha killed in central gaza on sunday. report say is really as strikes hit, the town of there on that are. these are pictures from outside the local hospital web. paramedics say they board dozens of wounded or fighting has also been reported in southern gaza. us secretary of state as me blinking is heading to the middle
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east to help secure a new truce between israel. i have lost, it says 5th trip to the region since the will started almost 4 months ago. i'm off as it is, reviewing a ceasefire proposal put forward by as well as international mediators. the medicine group is considered a terrorist organization by many western states. even as bottles had been raging on the ground for weeks, reports have circulated that a ceasefire between israel and how mosque was about to happen. israel said discussions and can tar had been productive. palestinians have called insistently at the united nations for a pause in the fighting. the best way to avoid redoing an escalation is not the threat or use of more fire, but action for an immediate cease fire. there's also been pressure from within israel itself. some families of hostages wants to see an end to fighting. they need the results i need, i need,
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i need to deal. i need to see my sister coming back and see if crossing the border . but there's, i know there is to open questions that all around it is just wasting our time. and the question is about the ceasefire. as you know, there is a people to try to see it as a last and come back the last into or anything goes and sees a fire. just mean caesar fire and to safe life in an earlier cease fire. less than a week in november and some more than 100 is really hostages released from gaza. wow, food and fuel was shipped into the besieged territory. and more of the 200 palestinian prisoners were released by israel. still holds around $130.00 hostages, but several are believe to be debt. since then, israel's biggest back of the us is a void and using the term ceasefire to talk about negotiations. even while it says it's been applying pressure behind the scenes. and what we've seen and the way the
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way we got to is 100 hostages out was through a one week long. mandatory pause, stopping the temporary stuff in the fighting is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has also largely avoided using the word ceasefire while recognizing the need to get hostages out of gaza and applying strict conditions. and i hope on the move, we're working to achieve an additional framework for the release of our captives. but i stress not at any cost. you might have read lines among them. we will not finish the war. we will not remove idea from the strip. and we will not freed thousands of terrorists who we are working on all 3 together and we will not come see it on any of them. despite all those obstacles, the 2 sides caps, negotiating and can tar. and before we go, let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world police incentive goals. capital have used to gas against protest as
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a day off to president lucky sell postponed elections indefinitely. sizes on the ledge dispute between new makers and the judiciary of a list of candidates. the opposition accuse a cell of carrying out to cool the poles of toes and now solve it. it was presidential election with income and they have the kayla expected to win a landslide. victory ok is popular despite to the 3rd. terry and policies is credited with combating gang violence off the he suspended civil liberties and had over $75000.00 people, arrested without charge voters in paris in fact and measure 2 triple parking fees for large s u v. the city says the vehicles cause more pollution and accidents, several groups would be exempt from the charge and treating those living and working in the city entrepreneurs and people with disabilities. what seems to be
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that we news live from berlin or monday can find much more news on our website that is b w dot com. but coming up next is doc fun. i'll see you soon. take care by the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stuff in port in those nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor to in the cloud. it's time to to vehicle your generation with a sleep us i'm.


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