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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news lie from berlin, heading back to the middle east on another crisis, tor us, secretary of state and me blinking fits to secure a new troops and the fighting between israel and tomas. also coming up government. the rebels fell to continue their attacks on red sea vessels. after the us and britain launched more air strikes against the wrong linked roof. and to lay battles of the deadliest wild fires on record. more than a 100 people have been killed as the fires to sweep through a tourist regions. plus the biggest names from the world of music gather for
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a night's dominated by women at the grammy awards. taylor swift and taylor swift makes history winning out of the year. a 4th time with billy i left taking the tops on friday the i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. you're a secretary of state anthony blank, and we'll be touching down in the middle east in the coming hours seeking to secure a new truce between israel and moss. it will be his 5th trip to the region to be come off. terror attacks on october 7th, and he will be making stops and saudi arabia, egypt, guitar, and israel. the proposed fees fire deal would allow the phased release of his
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really hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners. dw correspondent rebecca writers is following the story for us in jerusalem. so rebecca, the us secretary of state heading to the middle east yet again. what's expected this time as well? certainly, as you mentioned there in that late in sarah, this push for this temporary si fi deal, this hostage exchange, that is certainly going to be toughing. and so they've been kinda agenda during his visit here off the saudi arabia. he's coming to israel. he's also visiting kata and egypt to major players in the negotiations to major negotiate as they really worked very hard to secure the negotiation. the deal that was pro could in november. and so the release of more than a 100 hostages. and they were working hard to try and see this one come to fruition as well. and that is going to be the main, a gender of course, he always brings with him. this message is more humanitarian. i needing to be going
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into gauze or metal certainly be another priority on lincoln's list. he mentioned it again before he boarded the plane to arrive to, to depart. america, to come here. he mentioned again how important it was to try to address the humanitarian crisis. there and another agenda that he always brings with him is one of calm trying to stop this war, spilling over into a more regional conflict. and another agenda that's always a general item is always on his list, of course is what will happen in a post accomplished garza. but suddenly the main priority of this tour of the middle east will be trying to encourage that's a side do. and what more do we know about the cease fire proposal that that's currently on the table as well? the one that's currently being discussed currently being reviewed by a mouse and all the involved parties is one the framework was set out a little over a week ago. in paris, and that is what is being negotiated. it'll look
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a little bit similar to the one we saw in november. it will have a longer se, as far as the i'm a 6 plus weeks we're hearing to include in a stage release of the hostages. in exchange for and i'm yet on the time and number of palestinian prisoners now women on the info elderly they will have top priority when it comes to the releases. but then there is hope that more and more of the hostages will come out in, in several stages. that, of course, depends on whether the cease fire is held or whether the fighting resumes as we saw happening last time. but this deal happened. so the devil of course is in the detail those there, and that is what is being knock that down at the moment. that is what is still being negotiated. him as haven't come out to say that they agree to what's on the table and they are demanding from a permanent say fire and a complete withdrawal of israeli troops. now that's something that israel have come out strongly against whether or not they can meet somewhere in the middle, of course remains to be seen. and it's never over until it's all. can you talk with
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us about, you know, the mood where you are and the appetite in israel for such a deal? because we've, we've all seen these, these images and in the past days and weeks of the families of the hostages and you just, you feel the frustration boiling over and the anger as yeah, there's a lot of frustration, particularly as you say, from the families and from the support is we've seen protests for weeks and weeks now calling for the release of the hostages, quoting for a say, saw some of the people that i speak to when i go to those protest and told to the families. did i say that almost do anything to ensure the release of their loved ones and that's, of course, incredibly understandable. but there's definitely an appetite for this temporary se saw it must be said that actually in israel support for the war is incredibly high across the board. we are seeing a lot of support for the aims of the as randy miller train and fees,
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randy government to eliminate homos as a threat to israel. so people, you know, very support in support of continuing the war once the hostages have been released . but definitely the appetite for at least a temporary safe side and that hostage exchange incredibly high here correspondent rebecca rivers in jerusalem. thank you. oh yeah mens who the rebels are vowing to continue their attacks on red sea shipping after the us and britain launched another round of air strikes the u. s. and the u. k said that they have hit thousands of targets inside gammon, including underground weapons, depos missile systems, and launchers around back trophies have attacked multiple vessels in the red sea since the beginning of the israel last war. and october. elizabeth kendall is the middle east expert at gordon college park of the university of cambridge. welcome to the program, and thank you so much for joining us. are you seeing of any evidence that these
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airstrikes are actually detouring? the who sees? you know, yet there's very little evidence yet that these strikes, it's a tire and i use these, but it's close. that does depend on how much they succeed in knocking out. i'm wasting this escalation, this increasing number of strikes hitting targets. perhaps we'll start to have some facts, but we must remember that we had, they, they know the strikes are coming to the very adaptable that it will actually halt in their results. and this is what we're hearing because they all seeing route supports in yemen. but the own stand against, for us, and in favor of the palestinians as they pick it. and you have to remember that the united states is not that popular and you have and not just amongst the here's the outline us. but the last time we had a, a survey, an hour, well, the survey that distinguished country by country that was back in 2016,
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the united states was unpopular amongst 82 percent of the population, so called inside to able to prepare, broadly supported. no, it liked to tell them, not the initial top. and we have to mentioned that this is the 3rd round of us lead strikes against iranian back to malicious. and as many days does this still look like, you know, more broadly speaking? does the silver like a mirror tit for tat, or are we really with the same? you know, a proxy were unfolding here between washington and t. ron? that's an excellent question. i think we are seeing a real escalation now. it's not whether or not this will escalate. this is escalating. it feels like more of a tit for tat, more than a tit for tat when the strikes all happening on an almost daily basis. what am i sustained when not hitting dozens of targets, but that stead, or i think that there are 2 signs that neither side wants this to turn into a long time proxy will or,
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or an allowable. one sign is that the united states is screw telegraphing it strikes in a drum. so it gives the enemy time to prepare. the iran and its partners are playing down the effects of a strikes which enables them to know not to have to take major reprisals. but one thing we need to bear in mind though, is that even if neither side wants for an escalation, it is a matter of making sure that the calculations are well calibrated. it only needs one miscalculation and we could see it spiral out of control. this is how complex escalate if iran is pulling the strings behind the scenes and you know, there's been much speculation about whether or not that is indeed the case. perhaps you would like to weigh on in on that as well. um, what exactly is in it for t, ron? i'm the immediate basis. would you say? i think that there is
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a real question. is that how much iran actually controls its proxies and partners? and it's so cold axis of resistance. i mean it's, it's not, it's probably 2 different. it's done. i imagine that it's control over the groups like has blood and lab and on, on some of the she militias in syria and iraq is probably greater than it is over there. who's these in yemen who are very much going into the escalation as something that is extremely beneficial to them domestically. but we must ask if iran has trained, supported and encouraged these partners on it and it's accepted resistance. can it actually fully control them? what they stand down, even if off them to. so in the meantime, wrong gains to answer your 2nd questionnaire. wrong gains from this kind of low level fits for tax conflict because it increases its popularity as framed as the
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defender palestine. and it also goes the united states into showing it's true called some looking like a belligerent in the region. and frankly, this is an asymmetric ball. so the united states tends to lose just by not winning . where is it wrong? and its partners can win simply by being constant and persistent stored in the side of the united states. and israel elizabeth kendall middle east expert at gordon college, part of the university of cambridge. thank you. you're welcome. and here are some other stories making news. the australian foreign minister penny wong says that her country is appalled after a chinese court handed down a suspended desk sentenced to a chinese for an australian writer. and democracy laws are a young hand. june was arrested on a visit to china. 5 years ago. he was convicted of spying and a secret trial,
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a charge that he denies. samsung chairman, lee, j young has been acquitted a fraud and stuck manipulation and a self 3 in port charges and from the merger of 2 samsung affiliates in 2015, which little 5 these control over the company. we was previously convicted of bribery charges related to the same merger, but later pardoned by south korea's president incumbent. nyah bouquet has declared victory in south salvatore else hospitalized presidential election. ok claims that one more than 85 percent of the vote. so official results have not been announced. he is popular despite his authoritarian policies, which are credited with producing gang violence. we're heading now to to a where authorities say that more than 110 people have died in wild fires. the blazes sweeping through the valley potty. so region. a popular tourist destination
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in the pacific coast. the west of the capital santiago, the area has been experiencing a summer heat wave. the president has declared 2 days of national morning ticket, smoke fills the sky as intense flood as 5 great and densely populated area of center. today. the cost of spreading fires have destroyed hundreds of homes and $4000.00 stupidly. and then i was, it was terrifying. neighboring my life, how are you experience so much fear of seeing the situation. my city is on fire. may release heart so much, but i am still the strong because my son was very scared. many of those
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affected were visiting the cost during the summer holidays. when defies this truck, that's good team to struggle duties to ada on time. and that hurts me. it hurts my soul because there was nothing i could do at that moment. i had to save my son from the fire. otherwise, there would be 2 more victims between my mazda we'll talk these have declared us the delta emergency in the affected regions. and do see that the is likely to arise. the reset it open a little bit, and we will say it again. it's not about to be of today's priority to save lives as there are still active fires to assist the injured and to a distinguished fires that are still burning. then we do have them by the end, the sort of parental si, fi. it has already consumed thousands, i'll take those off land, the image into services and all racing to minimize the damage
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u. k prime minister vs through not goes visiting northern ireland to mark the return of power sharing between the provinces pro irish and pro british political parties. he has met with 1st minister michelle o'neill of the nationalist sion fame party and deputy 1st minister. i'm a little pen gully from the pro british democratic unionist. the do you pay? now the do you pay ended a to your boy caught of the provinces, power sharing assembly last week, after accepting a deal involving changes to post broke, that rules affecting northern ireland, the agreement with the european union. and here's what we're interested in. i've had to say a little earlier. well, the deal that we negotiated last year, 3300000000 pounds represents a generous and fast supplements for northern ireland. and increasingly, it is sustainable and it's about ensuring that public finances in northern office state level for the long term. that's the approach that we've taken, that i think would really benefit everyone here. and now that we've got the
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executive back up and running, it's running that people have that local politicians focusing on that prior. she's starting with public services. that hasn't been sort of government up and running k for, for too long. but now we do have it. i'm a consult focusing on delivering for everyone. and for me on this, let's cross over to our correspondent peer group. may i ask, who's joining us from london? so we're ceasing not wasting no time there visiting northern ireland one day after power sharing resumes. is his trip, just a symbolic laugh of honor for one of his government's rare political successes, or are there still concrete issues on the agenda, sarah, it's a real and genuine reason for issues. so not to celebrate together with his irish condo property of a rascal, because the people of northern ireland, the northern ireland regional government has really been one of the biggest casualties of breaks it. because the northern ireland assembly not sitting because of objections of politicians to the breakfast arrangements,
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they had no government and that means meant no political decisions on critical issues. so for example, the health service, over lots of people waiting over a year with status patients relating over a year for x onto to, to see a consultant suit has real consequences. and a subs has been bred and bought the issue for the people of northern ireland. so it's not only research to not only over radco celebrating, but i think a lot of people in northern ireland sign is off relief. and in fact, the british government also 1st part handling the latest agreement of cementing northern ireland place as part of the u. k. um, we have dimensions here. get the petition phase, all our lives leader, maryland. mcdonald says that it brings a united ireland within touching distance. i just want to hear what the student saying 1st minister michelle o'neill in store months. thanks, was have a look. but i would absolutely contest to what the british government upset and
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document them so far as my election to the post. the 1st minister demonstrates the change that's happening on this island. and that's a good thing. it's a healthy thing because those change i think, can benefit us or so when made him and don't talk support and that is isn't the touch investments. i believe that we were in the decade of opportunity and i believe also weekly, that we can do 2 things at once. we could have partner and we can make it stable. we can work together every day in terms of public services unless we also for so you are a communal gentleman and aspirations. all right, so bear, good, angry, northern ireland place in the union or moving closer to united ireland. what are the pundents saying? what are you hearing out there? or the polls are really not clear. this stage saves a majority of people in northern ireland and olds and the republic of island would have to vote for a united all. and so it's not here whether that would get through. but that the, she didn't say that they want, that they've always made that. yeah,
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it's that facility claim. i've interviewed maneesha in saying politicians in the past, and they've always maintained that their am is a united ireland. and that has to come about by a poll of, of voters in the north end or in the republic of ireland. and well, it might not be that the day yet, but it seems to be that the hard line views against a know the know the reunification or unification with republic. that those views might be shifting, might be softening in north and all that. and that's really something quite extraordinary, that's taking place in northern ireland as a direct consequence of breaks it. so they shouldn't fade who's been associated with the i re, with the on struggle against britain and, and on. struggle for united on this now forming an executive and is, is clearing a way for at least the possibility of a united ireland. and this is really quite an extraordinary moment here. get lost
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in london. thank you. now in other news, republicans in the united states house of representatives have threatened to block more time 8 for ukraine. this after the senate said that it would soon vote on the package, which also includes aid for israel and security measures on the southern us border . the critics say that house leaders do not want to hand president fight in an election here victory. nearly 1000000 people have been left without power in california after the us. dave was hit by heavy rain. that triggered flooding near san francisco. authorities issued a rare warning for hurricane force winds. schools have closed and flights have been cancelled. more rainfall is expected in the coming days. voters in paris have back to measure to a triple parking fees for a large su, these city says that the vehicles cause more pollution and deadlier accidents.
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several groups will be exempt from the charge, including those living and working in the city entrepreneurs and people with disabilities. it was a record breaking night for taylor swift as female performers came out on top of the $66.00 grammy awards ceremony in los angeles. taylor swift. it's a new non mocking remy history. perhaps the taylor swift coming to us before much when the best album of the year awards. for a full time. all i want to do is keep doing this, so thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do with this and speak to the woods. the best pops the cloud. them where they are and would not have the inspiration. they have best african music performance was the title of one of 3 new grammy categories. and this year the prize went to south african cigna tyler, female performance sweat, the boards this year,
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my lease iris billy english and says a also taking home talk trophies with the best me. well just of the year awards going to victoria monet. the women dominated the stage to the crowds treated to live performances by sousa, olivia rodrigo, the journey mitchell, who won the award for best phone call them in and the funds were not mess disappointing to the, the you to top of the show with the high tech performance of the hit potomac city, but a tele costs from las vegas. and scott ross bowed, joins us now for more. that means got women dominated the night. does that say anything about where the industry is these days is,
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is that the trend or uh yeah. hi sir. i, i think so. yes, i mean, uh, obviously, keller swift. uh, one again, 4th of the year award of a record for the grammys, sort of crowning her place as the queen of pop. and as the father of 2 teenage swift, these i have to say long made her rain continue. she announced her new album a life from the stage of the grammys. but yeah, you're right. it was basically women all the way down at the grammys. i mean the bridger's a 50 pictures, a one a for grammy's, a 3 for her band. a boy genius and you had you had a women winners and almost all categories including um, on the soundtrack album because a barbie. the feminist, a blockbuster film of last year. one to grammy's for, for it's the album. so yeah, you really seeing, we women, artist dominate, but i think that's just the recording industry gives out the grammy's acknowledging
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then will that when it comes to pop music, at least artistically and commercially female artist dominates, the grammy's i think was just really acknowledging that, that commercial fact, we also saw a new grammy category, best african music performance. how significant is that for the industry as well? again, i think it is the grammy's acknowledging a commercial facts. i mean a half or can use that is incredibly popular a world wide. and it's about time that the recording history got around to handing out awards in this category of the what have to say looking at the nominees for this inaugural award. they only came from 2 african countries of south africa and nigeria and only into africans genres. uh, actually beats. and i'm a piano which is a sort of a south african take on house music. so well, i welcome the fact that the recording industry is acknowledging the importance of asking music. i think the grammar we still have
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a long way to go before they really represent these are the full diversity of, of african music. and scott, what were the biggest snobs and surprises of the night? well, uh, i really enjoyed a j z who took the stage 2 for a sort of a lifetime achievement award. hip hop legend of calling out what he thinks is one of the biggest snaps in grammy history, which is the fact that his wife be on say, well, she's one. i think 32 grammy's has never won a album of the year and he called that out as an, as an incredible us not for one of the greatest pop artists of, of this, of the last century. i would say uh, another a snob that i thought was quite them using uh was a from another hip hop, the star drake, who took the social media before the awards. and really called out the recording industry saying that they and the grammys are obviously the relevant to, to hip hop at least to use
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a bit more colorful language to describe that. but that was essentially his just talk about the performances now scott cause and there were some amazing ones. so yeah, i have to say, that's really why watch the grammys. it's not for the words themselves. the not that exciting. personally, i'm not a great fan of award ceremonies in general, but as a concert performance display, the grammys are almost, you know, 2nd to none. and there are a lot of highlights, we saw a couple of them already in the clip that you showed up for me. personally, the, the absolute highlight had to be any linux, the legendary scottish thing, or i'm seeing nothing compares to you in tribute to the shade o'connor, the irish a single who, who died last year. and it was really the performance that brought tears to my eyes and then right afterwards, any lennox called for a ceasefire in the gaza, which i thought was also significant as one of the few political moments. so we saw a diagram last night t w culture scott rockstar. oh,
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thank you so much. i. so coming up next level us takes us to the streets of india, columbia, and new york. that's after a short break. just seen with us. if you can.
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the room is in new york, john torres and his family have no way to live, like 90000 other people in the city out, it seems good, says that is anyone helping we accompany a young family and they odyssey global us next on d w. $300000.00 children disappearing without
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a traits. a dark chapter for the catholic church. the child abduction in spain, policy initiated by dictator franko, and carried out by nuns and doctors until the 1996. the victims face a wall of silence. even today, the in 45 minutes on d w, the, this is star suits, restarted to understand clearly and watching the 2013, the still active pro democracy protest in ukraine. 2022 ami invaded the country release of the response to your price to ship to west have
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recognized the james bonds with us. we really understand that if we fail uh, we will lose our concepts euro my done thoughts, february 17th on t. w. the best, the quality of life, columbia is comfortable, good time is trying to drive out the traffic. the forever talks in india is blue color is still suffering, forcing itself to a chemical diesel stuff and no roof. homelessness is ariana. see so many young people in new york city the


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