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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  February 5, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm CET

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day why is the ice melting? the signage reset in the i c d w the they can play a big role in the future of sustainable mobility cause that run without fuel and emissions powered only by the energy of the song. many teams the developing, so the vehicle's saves knowledge. scale production is still a long way down the road. researches and engine is making progress. in october 2023 . they mess up to race. the latest prototypes across australia is something drenched out black power. jim and team said that i'm much more this week on dw sign show. welcome to tomorrow. today of
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the city of darwin and the north of australia. 38 teams are here to compete in the world solar challenge, the toughest race of its kind on the planet. the top qualifier on the 1st day was team zone and bargain from often. over the last 2 years, almost 50 students at austin's technical university of worked on this solar racing car, developing its components and assembling the vehicle in their free time. they've named it oddly because it's aerodynamic design was inspired by adelaide penguins. team leader lean or ceiling says from an energy standpoint, starting the race and poll position is ideal. the numbers when you accelerate, like when overtaking you, use a lot more energy and you have to excel right. todd at 1st. the call doesn't really like to do that. it can, but it needs energy, of course, and then you're just driving straight ahead. you get to them the flow at some point
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and ideally remain out in front. the next morning, the car set out on their 3000 kilometer race to adelaide and southern australia. top teams from belgium and the netherland sees the lead on the 1st day. every 300 kilometers, there are a control stops. then it's time for a pitstop to tilt the solar cells at the sun for precisely 30 minutes, and switch drivers. from 8 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, the teams zip across the on the back. then they have to stop and set up camp. the solar cars are parked in ideal alignment with the sun to recharge their batteries. they're going to generate energy while driving with, but the angles not really ideal. we can only set it ultimately when part. so these are the most important hours in the race. even everyone does all they can not to lose a minute because that's what brings in the energy in a given think. victory or defeat hinge on how well the teams harvest and use. the
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suns entered to the belgian team has developed a retractable sense to move more efficiently and the, when the outside competition drives innovations, like the says, race, observer marcus, my thoughts of vehicle expert from northern germany and isn't all of those many components installed in the so the costs here specially design because their engines have to work much more efficiently and the normal cost of, of range is the problem for everyone. and they're trying to further optimize that of taking a completely different truck and on the swings of it also comes under the machine here. it's all about maximizing efficiency. and some have made more compromises than others. as teams on and wagner is realizing, halfway through the race, the lead teams have left the field far behind. those top teams are on the road with more powerful batteries, even though they pose a greater risk. nathan, by telling me that lives into my notice, got a lithium batteries with silicone on those are all the rage because of the energy
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density. i almost had not. the researches are still trying to make them safe. god act whoever the sign right now, i'd say l a. p is better chemistry for cause to help good on. so if we chose it for safety reasons, we saw it as the seller sells on, susceptible to thermal changes and are safe, even if the island treated the way they should be the problem you can be mission. so the 100, what did you find? it depends on those qualities that will be crucial on the final day of the rates playing catch up, the team from often increases speed to over 100 kilometers per hour. with a little luck they could still finish force, but then just 300 kilometers from the finish line in strong crosswinds. the lead goes into a skid and flips. there are no pictures of the accident. drivers, luckily gets out of it with no more than a scare and a few scratches the team is disappointed as to the crash, but also relief. at least the battery survived the accident and damaged electricity
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on sits. the electric heart of all. com and so we really thought about wherever and how each of the battery cells should be placed. that that horizontal rather than an upright for example, which is unusual. it pushes the center of gravity down more as much stuff as you can also say that there are no straight edges in the housing, and everything is curved, the cell holders will mailed, including buyers individually. so it's a tailor made vodree in every way the driver's cocked it is also tailor made and on damage the very next day. z mon is not behind the wheel scroll down and out of the safety aspects worked as planned and image. so the driver was able to get out a, i'll send content, he was able to press the emergency store even while tipping over, which shows how experience don't drive is off and how comfortable they feel in the car. didn't seem on his back to the wheel. now for you and he deserves to try to
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last me to is over the finish line up, even if it didn't go quite as we imagined. we'll talk discomfort often as we go so far. so if i'm in adelaide, seattle lee gets to take to the road again. it may not have been the fastest vehicle in the solar race, but it was one of the safest. and the team from often can still celebrate a kind of victory. after clocking up 3000 kilometers and their car powered by the side with mad about fines technology. that's like d, w. science is now i'm tick tock. what do we want to grab a taishan on the way when the people begin getting high and laughing gas out? the drums boogie to the beads. and what's the perfect kit? 4.5, find beyond says gets ha c w science. oh, new tick, tock,
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channel the cause, just stones when they break down the side of the boat so that you run the developments. i mean, little dangerous. that battery is empty, but the powered airplane crash that was an adverb presidency or a few years ago during the 1st round, the world slide to the plane powered only by the sun history. making jenny had some dramatic moment there switched pioneers of electric aviation fair chunk, the car and andre for spare dared to do the impossible. they were the 1st to build and electrically powered solar aircraft, able to circumnavigate the world. the. there were already some tears of relief at the start in march 2015, as it was stress right up until the last moment. let's do moment the, the round,
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the world trip in 17 stages kicked off and abu dhabi, the goal was to fly around the cloud using the power of the sun alone. the car and bush bare developed the aircraft together, despite major resistance from the ation industry. they remained undeterred in their pursuit of the bold dream. andre horsberg put together the projects technical team. well bear tron p card focused on acquiring financial support. the when you slide, thanks to the sun go. you look at the sun and the fuel gauge and say that's making me fly. sensitivity, development took 5 years in total. thanks to a highly efficient electric propulsion system. the solar impulse aircraft only consumes around the same amount of energy. it takes to power
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a motor scooter to weighs as much as a cart and has a wing span as wide as a. boeing 747, a glide should the air at a snail's pace, just 75 kilometers per hour. the plane had to store enough energy during the day so that it wouldn't crash at night. the seo to get to that good when it comes to how much energy can be provided. just remember that a single square meter of paddling is enough to power a hair dryer because this we have 200 square meters. so the power of $200.00 hair dryers that the sun puts at our disposal on this at $8112.00 days after the start of the journey. the biggest hurdle away to the flight across the pacific. 7000 kilometers driven only by the energy of the sun. 342.2, all the way from all of the way we shoot all the best and up sort of degrade slides
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. i really move the 12 hours into the flight. horsberg and the team performed the last safety check from this point on over the pacific, there is no turning back. and with the check comes a shock. the system that monitors the aircraft auto pilot isn't working. that means the system that keeps an eye on things about the pilot sleeps is faulty. if he continues to fly, his life is in danger. we ran the most critical moment about the project so far. you know, us disclose the discussion on the ground was then can we fly on and risk the pilot slide and that's a very important factor. or do we take the easy way out? we could still turn back. so let's live back to indigo. yeah. in the home can seeing good. so what's going on and hearing from the engineers point of view,
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the situation was clear turnaround and repair the plain. if andre bore spec wanted to keep flying, he'd be up there on his own. but together with bear tron p card for spare, decided to ignore the advice and keep going. able to then most emotionally, i didn't know if i had the right to do that to my families. i was sure they were going to be very worried. i told you that i have the right to subject them to that stress, especially my wife. shoot to him when he was the pilot flew past the point of no return. then there was more bad news. the batteries were no longer charging properly for boy spare. the situation had grown even more critical faulty batteries, no auto pilot. he turned to meditation to calm himself down. that is because after this, the fear loki anxiety related stress sauce. it's huge and situations like that. but if you've prepared well, then you can suppress it a bit. i meant something through the quote,
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the force bear colds out and the sun provides the necessary energy after 4 days, 21 hours and 50 minutes of constant tension. he finally glimpses the lights of honolulu a magic moment for everyone involved the milestone in the history of aviation. c in honolulu, it took several months to install new batteries in the solar impulse, but then it took to the air again. i've completed the 1st round 12 slide to the solar powered aircraft in july 26. the electric aviation has made big steps forward since that most airplane designs charge the batteries before takeoff. ideally in the future with electricity from renewable sources like that, produced in
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a special set of the punk in portugal. it's quiet and he didn't get units knowledge, just human nature, as of why bell cave on the border between portugal in spain, in the south west, and part of the ibm peninsula. there's not much else here. the confidence launches floating, so the power plant looks almost lost. it can only be reached by boat to throw it to the island. every thing about this facility is special. you guys are more the innovation everywhere was quite a photo baltic panels themselves are conventional much applica. so now they're set up in a floating fluctuating environment. that's what makes this project so special, this project. $12000.00 solar panels low. so really here on full heck to as a full tank. here's how it works. sunlight phoning on the side of the panels,
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creates an electrical voltage between the front and back of the cell. that allows the energy from the sun to be converted into a tricity. it's been transmitted to the dams power generation system through underwater cables. apparently it can be fed directly into the electrical grid that's already connected, that it's a hybrid system. so there's just some bluish warranty. there are 2 renewable energy sources and play hydro power and solar power whose inc or e there generate it together at the same time. and so i had gotten their energy is fed into the power grad at the same connection point. the hydro power plant alone doesn't fully exploit the potential of the power lines is electric. as the floating side of the power plant is expected to produce 7.5 gigabyte hours of electricity per year. enough to supply around 1500 families in portugal with green energy. any step to select tricity will be stored in bunk changes at the power plant to pick up
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the slack jane cloudy periods. the hydro electric power plant has been connected to the electrical great for a long time. and a floating soda pound has a low impact on the environment. then a non base solution would have. if you compare these with centralized solar with, you know, $1000.00 x r as in the mountain are in the forest to the area in uh where uh, not only the landscape but also the eco systems might be effected. this is clearly a much better off to go ranks very high in unit when it comes to that portion of renewable energy into politics. with lots of sunshine state, he wins around 260 times. the country has many options for catching fossil fuel use . let us read why i'm now able to you, do you have a science question?
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send it to us as a video, text or voice mail. if we don't feel query on the show, we'll send you nice as the same key. the skill on just task. this makes question comes from mike and teresa see from the us if this son were to suddenly disappear, when would the earth leave its orbit? albert einstein was fascinated by gravity. and how it functions with a mass around $333000.00 times that of hers. the son dominates, gravitational matters in our solar system. the many celestial bodies that make it up revolve around the sun, are installing, described how gravity works. and here's a theory of general relativity. it says that heavy objects warp space time
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with its enormous mass. the sun bends its so much that the planets begin to move in a curving orbit around it. just like the moon does around the earth. einstein also show that nothing can move faster than light. it rips through space it nearly 300000 kilometers per 2nd. according to the great physicists theory, gravity propagates at the same speed. researchers were able to prove this in 2015. after decades of trying, they were finally able to measure gravitational waves for the 1st time the earth orbit. the sun at a distance of about 150000000 kilometers. it takes just under 8 and a half minutes for its light to reach our planet. surface one were to suddenly disappear. we wouldn't know about it on earth until about 8 and
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a half minutes later. then the sky would suddenly go as dark as the deepest night. because gravity also travels at light speed, yours would also leave its orbit at that moment and begin whizzing through space at 30 kilometers a 2nd illuminated only by the light of distant stars. in the far future, who knows, maybe gravity from one of them would then pull in our orphan planet. how hard is it actually to design a rock? it's able to reach space? many nations and companies are currently launching one mission off to another to the moon mazda around the planets. aerospace engineering students at one gym and university enjoy a unique hands on experience when it comes to learning about rocket building challenges. how to is it come to the
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understanding of cost attention grows higher and higher, the closer you get to the account down to the real stock, the spot it was the thought of i o, it's very long days and short nights. but i'd say every 2nd was worth it, the state and everything. and i didn't remember any other moment in my life with such attention and emotion along with such positive feelings. julian indira philip an over 60 other aerospace engineering students got university. how they can go to develop a real kit that could reach space on its own. they came up with a hybrid rocket propelled by solid and liquid fuel. the t name, high end hybrid engine development. the other, we all started more or less from scratch as students learned a lot good tests. detroit is in all the things that then grew made power shoots
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made an engine tested, it made the structural pots with common to tie them. and those kinds of challenges to a lot of times i say it was for the whole generally the experience was that you can do things. yeah. you couldn't do otherwise no submission, nothing can stop them and find, well, i think it says it was hard to imagine that a student program could just go beyond the boundaries of university like this one of them. we were really in a workshop j and night finishing stuff up to developing testing building. it was very, very challenging to stay involved because there's a whole spot on in the end it would take more than 3 years to construct a test, the rocket system, some tests were run over and over again like those on the engine. oh, the self same parachutes they would have to deploy to ensure the rocket safer to into of the team also managed to successfully launch smaller tests, versions of that design. the,
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the beginning of march 2023 crunch time is the big launch approached. the students efforts had to pass muster with space experts. they had independently developed a setting meter, long hybrid miss style. just been asked to make them understand. i'm both excited and stressed and of course i'm really glad. well now get confirmation for a launch jose for the final configuration. and that we can start packing soon. we'll do all we can to at least scratch the edge of space inside the rock. it has to post safety inspections, the gym, and aerospace center supervisors, the rocket program for students. we find that it's approval to planned, launching corrina renewals and sweden will take place some expense. i don't
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currently see any sticking points that would stop the launch. we'll discuss everything as a team later, but at the moment everything looks pretty good. success. honestly, it's a stressful time for the high end team. the aerospace experts want to know about everything from the control and the chronics installed and the rockets knows code to it's comp and find the fuselage. the questions are extensive, grueling, and tough. busy stop soon quick because i think projects like these are also a way to get more students and young people excited about stuff like the ice on. if you have a thrilling project that pulls you in, then people come and are highly motivated to implement the whole thing. this can solve some of the time for the decision on whether the team could continue down the path from theory to practice. that's what makes it a rocket acceptance for you has paths. you basically you have to go for the campaign in corona it's a huge head for the students to clear. many have worked on the real,
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keeps the 2 more hours a week for years on top of the studies give students a completely free writing. they organize things and you see that projects can actually be implemented successfully 6 weeks later. but you are as range based sense the inquiry no pacific nation in hand. the high end team complete the construction on to hyper drawer kits. transported them to northern sweden and is preparing them for launch. they have both will make it, at least to the edge of space, an altitude of at least 100 kilometers. at the end of april, the countdown is on the moon. she's a 6th sense. 5 of the 2 weeks were really intense. yeah,
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we had to work well together as a team who to ask for. i was actually surprised by the positive vibe. i guess we got a lot of praise. the working very professionally. the calmness was a profit scenario at all. and that's just one reason i'm so proud of my team and the power sheets, what the rockets are recovered. unfortunately, they didn't reach space, but at least they set a new altitude record, the student build hi pedro kits. just done to 65 kilometers the months after the campaign in carina. what's left at the rockets is back in still got the idea of the going to unpack all the pieces and looked at them all again because that's also part of this project. busy finding out what worked, what didn't, and why everything didn't go as planned. it was on site, this is on uh,
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2nd flight. and normally i could find some were still trying to figure out exactly what happened is on the 1st launch, we recovered the complete rotate on the 2nd mission, just a tank among other things, indira eulley and philip and the other high and team members will now precisely mitchell and i'm elias, how they work. it's reacted to temperature, pressure, and vibrations. so the learning continues. it doesn't say to my new governor, we built a rocket by and i also studied a little on this side. i think you know what, i don't have an exact number in my head, but i can't remember at day your instructor got where i wasn't in the rocket lounge and i think it was worth it. the, the student rocket program supervised by the gym and aerospace center. we'll continue the so other teams we will send one day launch southfield real kits into space from carina in sweden's finals
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. the. and that wraps things up this week on dw sign show. thanks for watching and see you again next time on some more a today the the
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ring a rush to saw exploring jamaica's finest community from collecting the additional time, send the right to the escalations and traditions of every day. not unique inside rustic gracie and jamaica's traditional here in 15 minutes on the w. as in new york,
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john torres and his family have no way to live, like 90000 other people in the city out it seems good. so is anyone helping we accompany the young family convey odyssey noble in 90 minutes on d w. the sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. we're bringing an environmental conservation to life with learning facts like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing,
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download it now for the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thought desired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable port is not i want my son to become a doctor to in the cloud. it's time to, to get your generation with a sleep us. i'm them when generation as class this week on the dw says kind of when it feels like therapy, the
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a business, dw news live from berlin. the united states, top to bottom, that returns to the middle east for crisis talks on gaza. secretary of state anthony blinking is aiming to secure a deal for a humanitarian pause for civilians and the release of the remaining hostages, held by him off. also coming up, humans who the rebels refused to end attacks on red sea shipping. despite more air strikes by the us and britain and paris, his s u. v. drivers with outside parking charges, but less than 6 percent of residents took part in the vote on tripling fees for
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some of the critics say. there are too many.


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