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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the digital, the news live, the federal it another try. the united states top diplomat returns to the middle east for crisis talks on garza, the secretary of state has to be blinking. it's aiming for a humanitarian falls for civilians. as well as the release of the remaining hostages, held by i'm off also going to get denied parents, his s u. v. drivers without sized parking charges, less than 6 percent of residents took part in a vote for tripling the fees for big cars. critics say that there are simply too many exemptions and women artists sweeping up at the grammy awards. taylor swift. that dried taylor's lip making history with the album
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of the year for the 4th time. the only irish taking the pop song from the bridge off is good to have you with this we begin tonight with yet another effort to bring some calm to the middle east. you a secretary of state anthony, blinking has arrived in the region in the hope of securing a ceasefire between israel and from us. it's his 5th trip to the middle east since the home of terror attacks on israel back on october 7th. lincoln is in saudi arabia and is also stopping in egypt guitar and is real. the proposed deal that he is pushing would allow the phased release of his really hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners. lincoln also wants to prevent further regional escalation of this conflict. us is retaliated against attacks on his forces with air strikes on
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to the rebels in yemen and other militias backed by iran. the dw corresponded into zoom into is introduced when he told us earlier. what is at stake in this visit by blink festival. there's the worry about regional spread. i mean, already this is escalating and way of receiving reports through of reprisal attacks in syria on a us backed curtis group with some dates reported there in a deadly drone attack that's in response to the attacks that the us and the u. k. has launched the have been us this the 1st u. s. u. s. depth in this conflict, as you know, which spots this response. and the way of saying this is just going to be the beginning of saudi arabia. there's a lot at stake for that nation who wants to normalize relations with israel, and that would be in return for some sort of security packed from the us. and then
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of course, you've got the security and safety of some 1000000 palestinian civilians all crammed into bron for right. now. the problem being with a being crammed into that region is that israel is threatening to move in there. it's already launched, strikes with schools dying of nights on the outskirts of rafa. whether or not this military operation pushes further into a profit. is the big question so much at stake, not just for those civilians, but also the more than $100.00 hostages. from israel that are being held hostage in gaza right now. that was been physical in their reporting from israel. dahlia dawson k is a senior fellow at the u. c. l, a burkle center for international relations. i asked her whether a ceasefire deal as possible given that both parties have so far rejected each other's demands as well. i think there still attempts to get a breakthrough. i'm sure this is the highest priority in for secretary,
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blinking on his client trip. there is a real need to put a whole lot to this fighting, at least for a shorter term by the us still continues to oppose a f permanent ceasefire, but there needs to be a stop in the hostages must get out. so it isn't looking good at the moment, find a lot of insurance happening behind the scenes, and hopefully there will be a breakthrough. yeah, it's not looking good. let's talk a moment about optics here we, we've got entity blinking coming into the middle east at the same time on the very same day you brought the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying, are talking about total victory over her moss. are these 2 men talking past each other as well as previous, are not any of his comments? are certainly unhelpful. uh it is it going to be impossible to get a deal? so if, if he continues to take this kind of stance, of course, he's taking a lot of the staff is for domestic audiences. it's very clear that he has a,
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you know, a lot of pressure from his right flank not to get in, not to have any pause in this war. the, as really population is mixed up more than half of the population really focused on getting the hostages out as a priority. but a large part of the population, still very supportive of continuing this campaign, until a mazda is significantly degraded and cannot from is really guess. so it's a real bind. but there is an urgency given the humanitarian catastrophe, its highest on the us subject highest on the regional agenda. that is very much back in the ceasefire as soon as possible. do you, do you think that anthony, blinking may be, do it, trying to do the business of a lame duck president? and then i asked that because, you know, we were hearing that we could see that all of these parties of the middle east just by their time until the us election in november, waiting to see if there's going to be a change in the white house. and so that really makes vitamins work even that much
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greater, doesn't it as well. there's always that a political context, but i have to say this is really a strategic issue and the region cannot wait until the us election. there is really, as you're referring, just demonstrated dire conditions on the ground in god that is really hostages. by last count, i think, a 136. we don't know how many are still alive still in prison in god the, in the urgency is of highest order. so i, i think it's important then, you know, i'm sure there are preferences in the region, but this is really a strategic question, not a domestic one. and the secretary blinking, this is just get the trip to the middle east sense of the terror attacks back in october. it seems each time that he has come over to the middle east. the stakes have gotten even bigger, excuse me. and that's where we are right now. i'm thinking about these, you know, these tit for tat attacks that have been going on between the ranch proxies in the united states. how much leverage does the united states have right now considering
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it wants to prevent an escalation of the by so it's extremely wearing situation and is the other very high agenda item, i'm sure on secretary blinking visit to contain the conflict. and the record so far has been mixed up. unfortunately, despite this u. s. response to attacks over 160 attacks and it's forced isn't very rock. and now intervening against this with these of the young man, a theater of these attacks are continuing. we just had another attack last night on us back. curtis forces in syria that we're fighting against isis. it's extremely worrying at hard to know this to sustainable ad, everybody talks about calibrated controlled strikes. and the us certainly is not looking for a word with the rod, which is why these retaliations happened in this syrian and it's gonna likely be contained in the sea or any rock and beat or not in the run itself. it doesn't look
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like the rod is looking for a full scale war, but it's very hard to keep this situation controlled when prophecies and militia forces or so on predictable. and already the us is much more involved, but it had intended to be. so if it's worth selling, you don't see k with easier labor holes inadvertent or national relations. joining us tonight in sweden, we appreciate your time and your analysis. thank you. thank you. all right, let's get you up to speed down some of the other stories that are making headlines around the globe and send a goals. parliament is debating a proposal by president mackie saw to delay the presidential election for up to a year to move as far a repurchase in dr. i, as you see there, it's prompted the government to restrict internet access. sol says the delay is due to a route between lawmakers and the judiciary opposition. leaders say that it's a coup to within a 100 people have been killed by wild fires. in chile, the blazes swept through the central about papa e. so region which is
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a popular tourist destination on the countries pacific coast, the area had been experiencing a summer heat weight. chiles president has declared 2 days of national morning presidents and not even book l. i has declared victory and el salvador is election . and keller claims that he won more than 85 percent of the vote. the official results have not been announced. he is popular despite his authoritarian policies, which are credited with reducing gained by the british and irish. foreign ministers have visited northern ireland after the restoration of power sharing between the provinces, prove irish and for british political parties. the 2 leaders met separately with 1st minister michelle, or niel from the nationalist shin fein party. and deputy 1st minister m a little thing. kelly from the pro british democratic. you were here in europe in paris that city targeting issue of the drivers with some out sized
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parking fees. it's part of the push to make the 2024 olympics host city greener and less car centric. however, fewer than 60 percent of the residents of parents took part in the referendum on the increases a trip to paris look set to get a lot more expensive for some motorist parking and s u. v. in the central districts currently costs the same as any other car, 6 year olds, an hour. but after this landmark vote, that could triple to 18 year olds. and for longer, 6 hour stays. the tariff would be a whopping 225 years. for opponents of the new fee, say the taller, wider cars don't just pollute more than smaller vehicles. they're also more dangerous. taking up more space, shutting out from the curb and clogging the cities narrow side streets.
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it's a bit to, to have a huge car in a city that's already very polluted, where there's very little space and beyond the impact it may have in paris. there's also a bit of a symbolic side to saying that it's a bad idea of role in cities. the new rates are meant to make motorist think about green or modes of transportation such as biking for taking the train. but some critics say that's easier said than done but it's no since it would cost us around $200.00 euros per day. that's extremely expensive. 6 commercial life cost to lots children cost a lot. so it will just be too expensive. i think in the end we'll have to stop using our cause using the, with what we need, the cost of travel out to paris for holidays and weekends. pretty that goes to the weekend. hold of turn out was very low. parents. officials have hail the vote as a step toward a greener city, calling it a message to auto manufacturers, to reverse the trend towards the bigger and heavier cars. we have some breaking
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news coming in britain's king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. a statement from buckingham palace said that it was discovered while the king underwent a separate procedure recently for an enlarged prostate. and the statement goes on to say the doctors have advised the king to postpone public facing duties, least for a while. it also says that charles decided to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation about his condition, but also to bring attention to prevention as well as to people dealing with cancer . we'll have more on this story. as details from women artis dominated the grammy awards in los angeles with a string of top trophies on sunday night. it was a historic night for taylor swift taylor swift. it's as a new non mocking rami history pups,
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the taylor swift coming to us before much when the best album is the year award for a full time. all i want to do is keep doing this, so thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do with this and speak to the woods, the best pool, the cloud them be where they are and would not have the inspiration. they have best african music performance was the title of one of 3 new grammy categories. and this year the prize went to south african cigna tyler, female performance swept the board this year, my lease iris billy english and says, also taking home top trophies with the best new artist of the year awards going to victoria monet. the on women dominated the stage to the crowds treated to life performances by says the
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olivia rodrigo, the journey, mitchell who won the award for best phone call them and the funds were not mess disappointed. either you to, to opt out of the show with the high tech performance of the hit, potomac city. but tele costs from las vegas. a wiley, if you've ever complained about for cellphone coverage, spare a thought for the folks living here. this is the remote troll research center in an article until now they also had problems getting just a signal. but that all changed when the world southern boost mobile phone base station opened up there today. are we doing company telling or said that it's new for g service will allow regular cell phone use for the 1st time and aid the work of sciences. the center collects geological climate and weather data tele,
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nor also recently installed the world's northern most mobile towers, inside the arctic circle coverage everywhere. you're watching dw news from berlin. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more from the ice cold be pasco, new, an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the tasks march 3rd on dw, to the heart of sean pioneer. the national you can see there is money here, major champagne brands.


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