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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  February 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm CET

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right, one darren goals to health smart nature, the more likes watching it on youtube. dw documentary, the basic quality of life. columbia is capital bogota is trying to drive out the traffic the forever talks in india is because it is still suffering, forcing itself to a chemical dissolves and no roof. homelessness is ariana see so many young people in new york city, the . they speak intense under bridges,
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owing to ways. it's hard to estimate the true number of homeless, partly because many are ashamed of the situation and prefer to stay under the radar . but the un says homelessness effects at least a 100000000 people worldwide. in 202-365-0000 people in the us where without adequate housing services where the lives with his family and a homeless shelter in new york. he says this room in brooklyn with his girlfriend. so really and the door say is the bella. so that's the phrase they also provide a little table. they give you a dresser of the,
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it's been a years since they moved in here. they're working hard to be able to move into that own place as soon as possible. i as a right now we're trying to get help getting an apartment. but it's taking a little while now because the public assistance is backed up with a bunch of cases. right now we're just waiting to get help. john was kick terms of his family who when he was 21. he stayed with friends for a while before landing in the homeless shelter. he then goes to flock, but ended up in a shelter again of to he couldn't afford the rent. we had to do like a few hurdles. it took us like 3 tries to get to the surface, so they have most fish out in new york. so we were sent to before they were kind of like, not suitable. like for us living. and then because at the time she was pregnant and
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the conditions were really like that, i would say it was a rundown area. there was a lack of security. the space that they provided was really, really small, like i say like, so that's a so the like unit i'd say is by like, 3 by 3. this one that we got to it was, it was like more convenient for us because it had a little bit more space. homelessness in new york is as its highest level in almost a 100 years of a 90000 on house new york is a currently sleeping in the cities homeless shelters. about a 3rd of them are children. over the past 10 years, the number of homeless adults in new york has has doubles pushing up demand for shelter, places also among young families. john works nights as a clinic where he is often confronted with homelessness. in his teens, john broke the news. he was arrested and sent to prison. zoey,
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whom he mentioned high school navigate, fell from him. i never thought i was a good person. you know, i thought i was just average person, but she, she really gets in my head and see that, you know, like, hey, you're strong. i do everything you can to do right. and is true. see, see maybe by see, see me find the fire myself that didn't or until i already had that fire i always believed that people use these that for you don't follow him so many things, but i should close my use to it because i believed in him to this day, i've been even to say rodriguez also believes in john, the lawyer runs a non profit, cold avenues for justice, which works to keep young people out of prison and provides youngest and as an alternative to incarceration on how is very troubled by the changes he's seen
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to be easy to be homeless these days because of the economic issue in this neighborhood. there was a time given for me where the model didn't give me. i look around the corner and get a bigger apartment before last month. that was the situation. there wasn't, is possible and this issue of success, things in terms of, you know, how much apartments are costing. we're looking at a lot of that, but today leisure is out of control where there is no housing for even people who, who want them. and we don't uh, the apartments that are used to rent worth $200.00. that same apartment today is $4000.00. same upon the center aims to also young people, a safe space. they can do the homework here, have loan shown on how to improve the cd, for example. they also have access to counselors who can serve as positive role
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models. one of them is elsie, who 1st came to the non profit many years ago to join that's program. at the age of 13, i started to sell drugs all the way up to about 16 and a half. and at 16 i was arrested 3 times. and at the same time, i found that i was pregnant, so that just split my whole life around and many different places where the program came in play to help me do that exactly. which is for me back in school. and you know, gave me a place i was living with my mom at the time and in studio apartment on just to prepare myself for being a young mother. i was 16, i had no idea what i was getting myself into between becoming a young mother and facing state prison time. i think those are 2 barriers party will want to wish on anybody you cannot possibly do this job. if you just come in
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here, just do a job and go home. this job has more to do with it. mentally we, we are fighting against the system. that clearly is not fair familiarities. so it is like a balance that is just not fair, right? home? supposed to be the safe place and safe home is that safe for most of these kids who come here? unfortunately on and from dad, i was like, wow, you know, like, i got to get it together because i live in cry all the time. you know, most of my kids don't get a good view, like we will hold on, you know, because we up against the system that the law comes and play c l c doesn't just look at the non profit science to donations. she's also studying at n y u, the biggest private university in the states considering her paws to jenny was anything but a given as well. my, you know,
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between my trauma that i've been through between being the criminal justice system homeless or the maxine violence survivor. i works on my young self, that is not my fault um that i am loved the people that do care for me. and you can do anything that you put your mind into. all i think confidence is a very key point to these kids who go through all being in the shelter because some kids in virus and yes, to make them for you, debbie, worthy. elsie has managed to come a long way john and so we also hoped to be able to stand on their own 2 feet soon. in spite of everything, the state of tennessee ever since who was born i for the time is in there. i feel
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like a month good buying a week. there's no time to think is everything is happening before i know where we're going to be on living in the apartment with it, because i've done the most that i've ever done in my entire life. when it comes to like trying to be responsive to being on top of everything, getting everything that we need together know all the paperwork, all the information having to renew stuff is, is been a lot. i feel like i'm i'm ready to go to sleep and wake up to the next year. the almost 40 years ago this factory who bought in india had
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a lease that release done. so for his most gas, you'll get it. yeah. working to those who failed never got up on it and everyone was just asking for one thing. god give us death or i'll give us the results lead to a supply of toxic water, which is still affecting no clothes, kind of run it in a bitter, it tastes weird these chemicals that in the environment for hundreds of years. and because expensive damage long, excuse me, brain cancer as blood defects. this incident continues to have a disastrous impact and has been linked to the depths of thousands of indian residential where they use the pool by gas vehicles. 1984 is considered one of the boards worst industrial disaster. it's even hom, to be bees. developing in the
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today's boyfriend wad is 22 years old. his mother meet the full weekend what is feeding him to fight the and mashed reggie's for lunch. today's was born with said every policy he is unable to walk, sit or eat without assistance. it's difficult for his mother to provide him with the kid he needs because she has her own health issues this case. so yeah, clean him. his diapers need changing. he needs bathing and then i have to feed him for me, but he cannot do anything with his own hands tires, so connecting them up or whatever has to be done. i have to do it. i need to get him ready. lift him on his wheelchair. every thing that's likely meet that is almost 50 and has many medical elements including epilepsy. oh oh, she lives with their mother. so they called lucky lot. oh add 70 years of age. is
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the main caregiver for both me thought and her grandson. today's that god, god, god, me that started having seizures after the gas leak. this was 12 decades later with major health complications or like housing. so if i, the victim's history is a continuation of the tragic legacy of this disaster. we'll see you without the home level during the gas, like it felt like our eyes were burning and we could not speak of them. it hurt badly. it felt like somebody poured chillies in our eyes and as somebody choked our throats, so they caused family one more affected by the aftermath of the gas leak. yay! got the catastrophe. doing hardwood upside down after said days was born with new to logical conditions. his father abandoned him and so they called the game that
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prime, but he can give the gasket the concrete buddies on the need before the gas. like we were a healthy family. we met, we had no medical problems gap for me. we didn't need any medication. although we did all have some issues with our eyes because our eldest daughter had issues with her vision. so she needed classes with our youngest daughter developed a really severe health issues up to the lake. i saw that we all got sick and it is not improved since then. we are always sick with some. thank you though. it seems to be less in $198440.00 tons of deadly baton eyes will assign a known as m i. c, gas leak from the best decide plant in pope on please. housing people had died within the 1st few hours. official numbers estimate around 15000 victims, but active to say it is nearly 4 times that number. that catastrophe led to significant changes in india and for the 1st time the focus shifted to protect people and the environment from industrial accidents. as a response to the tragedy,
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the government introduced new laws such as the environment protection act. but the company responsibility union carbide never face justice nor charge with side people who may side it's chief executive, refused to face trying in india, however, the company did agree to a 470000000 dollar pre out in 1989 retired i so side 8 is known to damage human dna by interacting with proteins. in 1985, the nation is viewed for the search and environmental health and the indian constant for medical research conducted research. finding that 9 percent of the $1040.00 babies born to mothers expose to the toxic gas was born with congenital disorders compared to 1.3 percent of the $1247.00 babies born to unexposed mothers. this data shows a strong coordination between the gas leak and birth defects,
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but it was never released to the public active this question, the more deviations for keeping this data secret, alleging collision between the government and union carbide along with it's got it . i don't know. dow chemical, one of the victims that actually that'd be is helping children born to expose to bed and her centers. shane got april wide stem. the 3 helps get and rehabilitation programs. she says the effects of the gas leak was also a disaster for environmental justice and such, i understand well, $340.00 tons of ways to send a room. but underneath that, the soil is filled with 1100000 tons of waste. and it continues to poison the surroundings. the government isn't talking about the clean up only about the waste, but give us in 2009 the we didn't government is to do was conducted a study. determining the factory side still contains about 1000000 tons of contaminated sides. one tons of more could east village and nearly $150.00 tons of
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hazardous beast bodied underground. there is also a $330.00 metric tons of toxic waste and the factory says today the factory is deserted, but gourds us still grazing the ground. and people still dressed boss in watch would be a containment zone. the area around the factory is densely populated, and many report states that the ground water has become extremely toxic. a professor in the b as in the us department of civil engineering i do met, dress was appointed by india supreme for to examine water contamination in the out in 28th. and she tested 20 samples taken from around the fact the premises we did find to need to come. ringback at significantly higher funds from dish, so which of connected to the can become switched for the user. you need copies. and it is well known fact that these organic chemicals can stay around for tickets
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after this beloved because it, according to the 74 daughters and findings from v to scientific studies. the government has mandated to provide safe drinking water to $40.80 as in coupons. this is an increase from the 14 areas that it was responsible for just 15 years ago, which indicates the wide spread of contamination quickly. so to need to con phones on the most to be drunk. more of the number of clothing items more is a cox's, some of them have been deported to be customer journey neurologic kind of affects the characteristic as they have known to box those. ready the gas leak has become a major milestone since india again, independence. but the silence that on the event has become designated. i tried to approach the minister responsible to create plans for the cleanup, but he declined to appear on camera saying he's not allowed to speak with flooding
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chris back at her home today. kyle is concerned. ringback about what's been happening to a family after she's going to have both that there is no one else here. what if i get sick or anything? my daughter cannot do anything. what will happen to them when i go? yeah, give me the reading but to work out i can't stop thinking about that these days. let's see here. and these will see that the the profile gas disaster happened almost 40 years ago. many people may have forgotten about it, but thousands of families in india are still affected. the so many people around the world meeting a con is positive between what happens once the dream has come. true. caused look up the roads and these yeah. at the noisy to base each year season, though,
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the $18000000.00 rolled off to convey about a huge kind of metal. many of the task residents of how did welcome to to go to the capital of columbia and the metropolis with some of the worst traffic in the world. the new innovative concepts to change that in the sense that each a neighborhood, the pilot project barrios, b, toddlers, which means lively neighborhood, was tested on the $38.00 hector area and financed by the city. the world's bank was an advisor for the project. come really, how do you like it here? what is to level for i like it is very quiet is peaceful when you woke about there's no noise. we really without much noise without much pollution because it is really quiet and peaceful on the street. and we look at the new la castiano as an
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engineer and heavier where to is an architect. both are part of an urban planning project that began in 2022. it was inspired by the super blocks in barcelona and the low traffic districts in london. at 1st it was tested on 8 city blocks in boca time. since then, they've added 3 more neighborhoods. company found this whole, the burials fits how this project was introduced, and essentially pay that was traffic in old directions. the vehicles used it as a show cods because the has traffic app would guide them around the neighborhood to avoid traffic jams in other areas. we definitely have no traffic in the past. not today, you hardly see any cars here, but the today you hardly see any cars here, but the streets have not been close to traffic. the direction of traffic has been changed so that the neighborhood is turned into a kind of may use, making it difficult for drivers to get from one side to the other. out in the
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bottom, you'll reset it on the new road layout, and the loops allow us to distribute through traffic across bigger street instead of people a c. and that prevents drivers from using san felipe a is a short cut? yes. yes. here you gotta keep us in port to go on simply pick 11 bottle really at the local top is considered one of the worst cities for traffic in the world. a rotating, driving then based on the last digit of a cars license plate, has hardly convinced citizens to leave their cars at home and switch to public transport the out of respect for others. please get back in line. some of the reasons may be that the transfer you then your bus system is overcrowded on seats and expensive to decades ago. city
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officials, so exclusive bus lanes would be a better, cheaper alternative to building a subway. but in the end, the system didn't work. and bobo time with its 8000000 inhabitants, and more than 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles is still waiting for a subway. the fact that there was a green oasis here in the middle of all this traffic is rather unusual. but it's the result of long term planning to transform the neighborhood at the center of the city. i say a job with a little thought see, look at how i live it is. i read, i suspect it keeps getting bigger. it's not just about this access. you can see that the shops on the cross streets have also sets up the tables outside the the tables look very nice and give everything here more color and more life coding must be and instead of the areas were designed by the residents themselves for the benefit of pedestrians with painted flower pots and bicycle racks on the street.
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they're all measures that are cost effective, simple and quick to implement things. i'm going to open up when yeah, we worked with the community from the beginning. i mean, they told us the problem of what my bill is. he was like in the neighborhood. i mean, yeah. a yeah. but then we made this design and tested out in a few pilot projects in columbus when we implemented it here. that was a bit of fear and in the community in front of it, especially among businesses younger for kids. they thought that people wouldn't come into the neighborhood anymore. i have which would lead to less income, committed to see our non profit category more quoted, those i go to, i don't to look at it. on the contrary to this change has helped us on, on the seems to be more of a residential area. now it's used more commercially. the houses have been converted into galleries, which also helped a lot for the lady, it is with them in the forward is in leather. inform us as the change has been
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gigantic and such a short time, a business has increased to the art scene has grown. the whole district has developed very quickly for the benefit of the community more, more, more, more, more, more, more videos, a buyer. and if you sure thought everyone knows that delivers you and residents can go for walks more easily. ran through. yeah, those kind of the cars now drive slower and we can walk around and enjoy the neighborhood more with that. and most of bobby must come all year to date. angela is driving to bosa is port of any in another book, baton neighborhood where workers under way on the 2nd model project or the interview me yeah. let me show you that. how did it go? what happened to you for the good? sorry, i'm a little late. i was in the trends millennial, and it took me awhile to get to bed. here we all. i wanted to ask you how everything is going oh, the most affordable need is in the proven. yeah. is an important neighborhood for children. we have full schools, we have a kindergarten,
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the district university is done, everything is very close. you don't have to get phone me when now improving accessibility in the neighborhood on boat, or by bike save opinion. basically, if you don't need any red yellow, get ready and green. i want you to see how the children, those groups are doing with our activities. this whole has a lot to do with sustainable mobility and traffic safety. the idea is that the children stuff in gauging with these top outside a very early age and take them home with so that they can be rolling on less than that. parents became for the spiders, the body or speech hotley's project teams to transform additional city neighborhoods and gradually create a different sustainable boca time, the,
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the reggae most of the following. exploring jamaica's fire of community. from collecting the additional time from the rain, from community, from collecting the additional insurance and the right to the escalations and traditions of every day. not unique insight across the gracie and to make
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who's traditional here in 75 minutes on d w the we say they're never giving up every weekend on the w. b. 's do for fun. via do gravitational waves please all body. how do i the drums until the feet? and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says get with the w signs on the tip top channels.
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ice cold, b, c. at the end of the pass, it got an e, an expedition ventures onto places that no one has the why is the ice melting more rapidly in the ice fields and past?
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the dw news library from berlin tonight, britain's king charles diagnosed with cancer, buckingham palace, and says the monarch is receiving treatment and we'll step back from the public duties for their lives to london for the latest. also coming up tonight, the us secretary of state returns to the middle east for crisis talks on gaza. anthony blinking aiming for a pause in the finding and for the release of the remaining hostages, filled by
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a moss and women artists sweep up at the grammy awards


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