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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live at from berlin tonight. britton's king charles, diagnosed with cancer. buckingham palace, as the monarch is receiving treatment and will step back from public duties, will go to london for the latest. also coming up tonight, the us secretary of state returns to the middle east for crisis starts from gaza, entity blinking aiming for a pause in the fighting. and for the release of the remaining hostages, held by her mom's and women artists sweep up at the grammy awards taylor swift. yes, she did a taylor's with makes history winning album of the year for the 4th time. and billy,
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i wish she took the top of the song problem. the my break off is good to have you with this on this monday, we begin with some breaking news from the u. k. britain. this king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. buckingham palace is issued a statement saying that the cancer was discovered while the king was undergoing a separate procedure for an enlarged. prostate dw charlotte justin tale is in london and she gave me this update to surprising news. suddenly break unsettling news as well. as he mentioned there, it had been clear that the king had only going treatments. uh for a prostate condition in launch, prostate. the product was very transparent about that at the time. indeed, they said they wanted to be transferred to raise awareness about the issue. now
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though, this news coming out that he is indeed being treated like a council, there is less information on that last clarity on that. the palace in the last hour or so have put out a statement. it said that the king remains wholly positive about his treatment. i was looking forward to returning to public duties as soon as possible, but there is no information that on the type of comes the, the treatment or indeed his prognosis. there is a lot that remains on know what seems clear though, is it, this counselor is not linked to the prostate treatments that he did receive. in fact, it seems that it was found during diagnostic test during that treatment. so last on, known at the moment, certainly very unsettling for a lot of people. yeah, it's a very good point. when they say treatment, we don't know what that means. we don't know if we're talking about chemo therapy radiation. we just have no idea of the palace says that the king will go into what
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they're calling a regular treatment regime a. is there any indication, charlotte, that this will affect his duties as monarch and his head of state or? well, there are some things that we do know that policy again, and it's saying that who said he'll coast to continue with his constitutional role is headed state. the causes is crucial, including paperwork and private meeting. but he will step back from some of the, from the public facing roles while he on the go use this treatment probably, and the expected. but this is a difficult time for the royal family. and then we know that of the princess of wales, catherine, she stepped back from public duties. she's been on a whole to to uh, she tugs recovering from a don't know that a terminal surgery is not exactly clear what's going on that. but this committee a very difficult stop for the, for the oil family to be to king credit as well may just take is that out of
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action in terms of public duties. and we know the king went public with his condition of having an enlarged prostate, saying that he wanted people to be aware that this is the realities for man, as, as many get older. and the public reaction to that was overwhelmingly positive. and now he's coming out letting the world know that he has cancer. have we seen public reactions any way to that? so we have and it does seem that they did want to be transfers about this to avoid any speculation particularly now the treatment has started. but the pilot historically is not always been very clear when it comes to announcing medical conditions, ultman visit the royal family. so it is interesting to seen the amount of information that is in the statements this evening reaction. yes indeed, it has come in. we all guessing reports that the king's son, uh,
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jacob sussex harry, who, you know, lives in the united states, has spoken to his father about the diagnosis and is expected to come to the u. k. within days looking for confirmation and not at them. and that is some reaction from them, certainly, but of course, as you would expect, there's been reaction across the political spectrum. here in the u. k. u puts the prime minister where she's seen that he's put out a statement saying that he wishes is matter. see a full and speedy recovery saying he has no doubts. he'll be back to full strength and no time and he knows the whole country will be wishing it well internationally as well. we've had the united states. the state department will say things, thoughts are with the king and his family. what is clearly a very difficult time. difficult indeed. are corresponding charlie trusting people with the ladies tonight from london, that breaking news king charles diagnosed with cancer. charlotte, thank you. was secretary of state anthony blinking has begun
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a diplomatic tour of the middle east in the hope of securing a ceasefire between israel and tomas blinking is in saudi arabia and is stopping in egypt to contort and is real but is really forces they're expanding their offensive in gaza into rafa near the egyptian border where more than a 1000000 palestinians are now shelter. no lit up and israel's ground operations and gaza is really military release footage if it's offensive in the strip as top us and french diplomats match with regional leaders to push for truce of israel's pressing on with this campaign after threatening a ground the sold on rafa the un has dumped rafa the pressure cooker of despair. the southern city near gaus as border with egypt. now host more than half of gauze as population displaced since the start of the war is accounted
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before forcefully displaced from gall. so they followed us to con eunice. we came to russell and they want to follow us again. where do we go? and israel's biggest backer, the us is hoping to broker deal that could see a pause in the fighting us secretary of state anthony blinking landed in saudi arabia on a regional visit. the palestinians hope will secure a truce before the sold on rough or international pressure on israel is mounting. francis foreign minister called for an immediate cease fire and a political solution for garza. we must prepare the future and support the palestinian authority which must take on a new form and re deploy in the cause of state. but as soon as possible, i repeat cause that is palestinian land by this afternoon. but it's unclear if those plans will be realized. israel's prime minister is set on continuing the war
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until homos is destroyed. does it come to them to this is the essence of our policy. total victory of how much total victory is essential because it guarantees israel security. total victory is the only way in which we can secure the further historic disagreements that awaits us. israel's defense minister says the military would push on until it has full reign over gaza, including rafa. all right, let's get you up to speed. now. some of the other stories that i'm making headlines around the world for more than a 100 people have been killed by wildfires. in chile, the blazes swept through the central a product, use a region that's a popular tories destination on the countries pacific coast. the area was experiencing a summer heat wave. the president has declared 2 days of national morning in hungary, lawmakers from prime minister victor or buns. party have boycotted a session of parliament were members were due to vote on sweden joining nato,
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the governing for this party as stalled sweden. so alliance bid since 2022 hungary is now the only nathan member that has not approved sweden's membership would mean the more, you know, people. corey actually opposition leaders in senegal have condemned to a decision by president mackey saw to postpone the next election in definitely the government cut off the internet and the country is clashes erupted in the capital. the car saw says a dispute between lawmakers in the judiciary over the list of candidates means that the vote has to be the way. 7 we want an election buildertrans been sending goals, capital the kind of hundreds of people come out and protest. the nothing will stop us. that's our most basic, right. it's the citizens, right. we have an appointment with the sun and all these people on the website integrated president trump candidacy is arrested before she can even join party
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supporters. security forces wasena, arresting my protest of and using til gas to disperse them. the class just come a day after president monkey some, both on the upcoming presidential election to an indifferent endangerment. got bored to say it's a so bothering precedent as a marcher calling some a dictator. but it's not about whether the election will be postponed in the end or not. it's important for me to say no, if we don't, so this machine will continue to push it to jen. what's new i'll do with this one in san diego has long been viewed as one of the most democratic nations invest africa. the political tensions have been rising since the feel when 2 candidates were disqualified from the presidential race to be getting the sounds of the country. and it was a champion of democracy. the country that had become a benchmark, and i forget and the world and want
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a country respected by all and everywhere. if i'm what has happened to bring us to this point, he's gone and married as a suggestion, the government has also cutoff internet access and some areas disrupting public debate and adding to the resentment that people are already feeling. so in a goal has been seen as a model of democracy in west african lou will do well from the institute for security studies in senegal and told me the term world there could effect stability in the region. c. d. 's has a very significant implication for the window because the door does have many models book, you know, if i, so i maintain the recent time. and this is about the most and you are to do more increasing west africa region. so how do we move to some box the letter of processing, if any guy in any way, by no tyler the mix of to go as will read united should, is going to send him very,
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but to seek not to the countries that, that person leading drugs the some of the president of need west i need the idea of democracy. so i think it's still something that has to be address with from police . and then to see if we do much income for each for some reason. because the site it gave me your member of f o s in the region and the policy that task actually, i mean the most created the idea of democracy for the past, 50 years or more. so this is us concept for everybody in the west region. as well before we do move on to that as actually practice democracy over the years are now for the music women. art is dominated the grammy awards in los angeles sunday. it was an historic night for one in particular, taylor swift, taylor swift. it's as a new non mulkins from a history pop star taylor swift, becoming the 1st full month to win the best album of the year awards for
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a full time. all i want to do is keep doing this, so thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do with the speed to be with the best pops the cloud. them be where they are and would not have the inspiration. they have the best african music performance was the title of one of 3 new grammy categories. and this year the prize went to south african cigna tyler to be mailed to. so ms. swift supports this year, my lease iris billy english and says a also taking home took trophies with the best me. well just of the year award going to victoria, monee and women dominated the stage to the crowds treated to live performances by sousa. olivia rodrigo, the journey mitchell,
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who won the award for the best phone call them and the funds were not mess disappointing to the the you to top of the show with the high tech performance of the hit potomac city. but tele costs from las vegas and she was reminder now of our top story. britain's king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. fucking and palace says the monarch is receiving treatment and will step back from public duties. aids have not disclosed what type of cancer? the key happens, you're watching dw, do, sir berlin coming up next to the documentary on some other jamaica's traditional healers. we'll see you right here. tomorrow. the
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name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't called batch. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it's loud as you guys would have being nosy bay, like good everyone to king to check out the award winning called called the called back the grades that.


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