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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the, this is, these are the news line from the persons king charles has been diagnosed with count, set. buckingham palace says the monarch is receiving treatment and we'll step back from public duties. also coming up the us secretary of state returns to the middle east for crisis took on concepts as me think and wants to secure a pause and fighting between israel and some of the i'm, we have them a homage. welcome to the program. we're since king charles has been diagnosed with cancer and that's less than 18 months since he has sent it to the throne. lucky and
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policy issued a statement saying the disease was discovered while the king was undergoing a separate, christ issued a statement saying the disease was discovered while the king was undergoing a separate procedure for an enlarged prostate. but it did not disclose what form of cancer has let spring detailed these charlotte chosen pill in london for more and more. can you tell us, charlotte? yeah, we've had this very surprising, very concerning message from buckingham palace this evening. it said that the king charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. no, it didn't go into any details on what type of town. so that might be, i didn't give any details on his prognosis, his treatment, or indeed how long he is expected to be stepping back from these public facing jew
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sees it did give the message that the king remains wholly pulled into the mountains treatments and is looking forward to returning to public duty as soon as possible, but no more details that be owns the fact that it has stress that the kansas that he has been diagnosed with is not prostate cancer. now that is important because we know that he was in hospital in sites. he was released a week ago for a good 9, a pro states, a issued enlarged prostate. that was covered widely. he was then released. now the show can use it. no one was expecting that during the course of his treatments, he underwent testing and it was discovered that he did have this form of kansas. so it's very surprising news tonight from the palace. and we also wondering now how will the king's illness affect his duties as monarch and also the head of state
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going forward as well? absolutely, this dog says we've heard from the palace have recommended, as i say, that he step back from these public facing duties. uh, fox, they have also stressed that he will continue to feel his constitutional roles. he will, for example, be keeping up to date with the enormous amount of paperwork that he has to deal with. he will be taking pos in private meetings, but when it comes to the public events where you can expect to see is all the key needing members of the world family stuffing in in his place. noticeably with the absence of the princess of wales, she has also been ongoing medical treatments and she is currently out of action the name and to so it has been a, a pretty serious, pretty concerning salt for the, for the royal family. and how has so many people in the u. k. been reacting to this new so far as well as you would expect?
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there's been a huge outpouring of support for the king looking fast. the members of his own family, we all hearing reports of the jews of sussex, harry, who we know lives in the united states. we now will say that the relationship between prince harry and the king has been strange. we all hearing reports that he will come to the u. k. to visit his father. they have been in conversation as well . there's been an outpouring of support from, from political leaders, a prime minister, where she's soon act as wishing his majesty a speedy recovery. saying that he hopes and expects that he will be back in his role quickly across the world as well. well, leaders and sending them messages of support to the king you've had j bind. and for example, of this evening expressing his concern and saying that he hoped to speak to him soon. so as you can expect, that outpouring the support also from the british public kid to many
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a very taken by the fact that it's prince of the king charles has chosen to be so transparent about this issue. that really is a change from the pos, from the way that previous melnik's had done this king childhood choosing to reveal this diagnosis. so dw charlotte telson, health reporting for us from london. thank you. you're a secretary of state, and me blinking has begun a toll of the middle east. he's pushing for a truce between israel and thomas. a group considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries. lincoln saw for this trip in saudi arabia and will also travel to egypt, guitar, israel, and the west bank. the prophet push comes as well as considering an assault on russell city in southern gaza, with many of the displaced of seeking shelter you know, let up. and israel's ground operations and gaza is really military release footage of it's offensive. and the strip as top us and french diplomats match with regional
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leaders to push for truce israel's pressing on with his campaign after threatening ground installed on rafa the un has dropped rafa. the pressure cooker of despair, the southern city near gauze as border with egypt. now host more than half of gauze, this population displaced since the start of the war. this is a cabin fever, forcefully displaced from gaza. they followed us to con eunice. we came to a russell and they want to follow us again. where do we go? and israel's biggest backer, the us is hoping to broker deal that could see a pause in the fighting us secretary of state anthony blinking landed in saudi arabia on a regional visit. the palestinians hope will secure a truce before the sold on rough uh, international pressure on israel is mounting friends, as for administer,
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called for an immediate cease fire and a political solution for garza. do we must prepare the future and support the palestinian authority, which mistake on a new form and re deployed in the gaza strip as soon as possible. i repeat garza is palestinian land there by this thing and that it's unclear if those plans will be realized. israel's prime minister is said on continuing the war until how moss is destroyed does it come to them? this is the essence of policy. 13 victory of how much total victory is essential because it guarantees israel security. so total victory is the only way in which we can secure the further historic peace agreements that awaits us. israel's defense minister says the military would push on until it has full reign over gaza, including rough uh let's get you up to speed on some of the stories making
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headlines around the world. today has started 2 days of national mourning for the victims of wall fires running through the central was that a so region within 120 people have been killed and many more, i'm missing emergency crew. say they're still finding bodies in the wreckage. i will make isn't hungry, have boy costs that a parliament votes on sweden joining nato, having us a victor, oregon, and his v dash party have been blocking. so comes bit to joining the alliance since 2022 hungry is now the only day to member not to have approved suites in succession p. most of babylon model that the british and irish prime ministers have visited northern ireland to officer the restoration of power sharing between the provinces, pro irish and pro british political parties. the to the dismiss, separately with 1st when a sent michelle o'neill from the nation is sion fain policy. and deputy 1st, minnesota m a little peg lee from the pro purchased democratic union
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outside of gals parliament has approved to build the lang, the next presidential election until december 15th president matthew sel announced he was postponing the vote indefinitely on saturday provoking condemnation from his political opponents, they will hate, it seems in parliament on monday as little make is the bank to the delay. and the government cuts off the internet as violence erupted in the capital dot com as the we want and election delta trans concerning goes capital, the kind of hundreds of people come out to the product to the end of the nothing will stop us. that's our most basic right. it's the citizens, right. we have an appointment with the sun and all these people on the website integrated from central candidacy is arrested before she can even join party supporters. security forces wasena arresting, more protest of and using tail gas to disperse than the class. just come
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a day after president monkey some, both on the upcoming presidential election to an indifferent and david's, i've got both to say it's a so bothering precedent. as a marcher calling from a dictator bussey slope. it's not about whether the election will be postponed in the, in the notes once it is important for me to say no, if we don't, this machine will continue to push it to jen. what's new i'll do with this one in san diego has long been viewed as one of the most democratic nations invest africa . the political tensions have been rising since the field when 2 candidates were disqualified from the presidential race to be getting the sounds of the country. and it was a champion of democracy. the country that had become a benchmarking applicant on the world and was a country respected by all and everywhere. but what has happened to bring us to this point he was going on. larry, as it suggests, from the government,
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has also cut off internet access in some areas disrupting public debate and adding to the resentment that people are already feeling well, as mentioned set, a goal has been seen as a model of democracy in west africa all the while a from the institute for security studies in senegal, told me, time all that could effect stability in the region. c, d 's as a very significant implication for the we do close the door desktop. mindy, marty book, you know, a possible meeting that we send to. and this is about the most, and you are to do more increasing west africa region. so how do we move to some box the letter of processing sending got in many ways by not hello the mix of to go as will read, united should is going to send it very, but to seek not to the countries that, that person leading drugs, the some of the president of need west i need the idea of democracy. so i think it's still something that has to be address with from police. and then to see if we
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do much, the kind of would need to pull some of these other because the site it gave me your member of f o s in the region. and the policy that task actually needed more speed to the idea of democracy for the past, 50 years or more. so this is this concept for everybody in the west region as well before we do move on to that actually practice democracy over the years. paris is targeting s u. v. drivers with high parking fees is part of a push to make the it and picks host the greener and less cost centric. but fewer than 6 percent of residents took part in the referendum, which approved the new charges a trip to paris look set to get a lot more expensive for some motorists parking and s u. v in the central districts currently costs the same as any other car, 6 zeros an hour. but after this landmark vote,
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that could triple to 18 year olds. and for longer, 6 hour stays. the tariff would be a whopping 225 years. for opponents of the new fee, say the taller, wider cars don't just pollute more than smaller vehicles. they're also more dangerous. taking up more space, shutting out from the curb and clogging the cities narrow side streets. it's a bit to, to have a huge car in a city that's already very polluted, where there's very little space and beyond the impact it may have in paris. there's also a bit of a symbolic side to saying that it's a bad idea of role in cities. the new rates are meant to make motorist think about green or modes of transportation such as biking for taking the train. but some critics say that's easier said than done the police know so they would cost us around $200.00 euros per day. the optic stream,
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the expensive 6 commercial live costs to lots children cost a lot. so it will just be too expensive. i think in the end we'll have to stop using our cause using the with but we need our cost to travel out to paris for holidays and weekends. pretty that goes to the weekend of turn out was very low. parents. officials have hail the vote as a step toward a greener city, calling it a message to auto manufacturers, to reverse the trend towards the bigger and heavier cars. now, if you've ever complained about poll cellphone coverage, spera ford for the folks living here. this is the remote control research center in and ok the car until now they also had problems getting a signal. but that all changed when the wells have been most mobile phone base station opened there. today we should company telling all said it's new for g service will allow rick it a cell phone use for the 1st time and age the work scientists essential, collect geological climate and weather data tele know also recently installed the
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world's northern most mobile towers, inside the optics circle, you're watching dw news live from violence. i'm really mohammed for watching. i'll see you soon. take care by the so either insane and do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my saw on fired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is not i want my son to become a doctor. during the clubs. it's time to to vehicle your generation with
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a sleep us i'm.


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