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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CET

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you really understand that so easily file uh we will lose our concepts, euro my done dots, february 17th on t, w. the adverb. bits of additional woman adds great to the risk for africa was drought more heat ways. and the potential crop fee is, well, what can people do about it? well, take a look of this edition of eco africa. i'm crystal, i'm just coming to you from lee goes nigeria. and i am sandra co homes that we, nobody are joining you from the counselor here in uganda. not only is the planet heating up wildlife species are on the loss of extinction. so how can we help them
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make us come back? learn more about it. why to coming up in today's feel? a how a wait, like sometimes 5 to 2. how to ops kenya being sent from extinction? and help of boston library. it comes to them. these reducing clothing was tossed, we had to buy country y c. in uganda. imagine riding around on a wide motorcycle through the streets of a coffee to the east. no, it's a dream. we're seeing more and more of those emission free board aboard is causing to come the next report. as you'll see, show up within countries can take
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a real step to an email ability and much more. joseph didn't get by the is the proud owner of a motorcycle, not just a motorcycle budget, quite electric one. she received a load from an electric motorcycle company a year ago looks like an offer. they give me i to know because i didn't put any down payment. it just gives me. but i verify everything that's about 32 years per month. joseph, you can't buy these motorcycle taxi runs on solar college battery. it's a real novelty in uganda. is the idea to sell e motorcycles on a pay as you go basis? came from the start of them both. it imports inexpensive electric motorcycles from china. the company charges the factories and it's workshop. if all of you guys does
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gasoline powered for the cyclic were replaced by electric one. it would save about $100000000.00 tons of c o 2 every year. but they are still around $600000.00 custody. i would motorcycles in the country, the startup symbol says, this can't be the future. and you've gotten the, we're importing the 1200s petro motorcycles every month to serve the market. and this should be electric, but to make it electric we have to invest only not only in purchasing the bikes, but also the battery and charging infrastructure. the transition would cost millions of heroes over several years. so far, the only government support for electric vehicles has been suspend import duties on electric motorcycles. even so such electric motorcycles still costs about $1300.00 bureaus. not cheap to buy local standards, but they are already more than a 1000 of the motorcycles in the capital composite. so the demand of their writers
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liked the bikes. it saves the money cost less than a fuel bike operate is we're just missing the money to invest and it's difficult to raise as a start up in a relatively new ms business and a new model. conventional financing for any start up is normally not an option. at least they have support from international companies and organizations, especially from europe and the united states. financing, green initiatives like this is important, otherwise, poor countries in africa, in particular, would not be able to invest in electric vehicles and certainly not renewables. this would also help them protect themselves from the effects of climate change. according to the african development bank, uganda would need more than 27000000000 heroes by 2013. but so far the country has received only 10 percent from the global north w. w. and uganda also complaints over lack of funds on this way about the trucks, additional investments, enough for them by that's what governments, by all part of
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a 6, the companies in the global with. because then scroll under different health. when this settings of claimants, they fix the middest best. when the truck, those kind of investment h, was only at the latest climate summit that the fund was set up to compensate those countries, particularly affected by climate change. money is now being paid in a so that regional banks in africa can also support companies like electric motorcycle startup assembled. you can see that there's more funding that came through, especially for the african countries. and no risk, no to bunk, has been accredited by that's been climate funds. so what we're definitely going to be doing lots more things. so we'll just need to be bored enough and give us the target and see which i have maybe 30 percent of all of the big green joselyn came by is already driving green and does not regret her investment.
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even if it's still hard to find charging stations where she can exchange her empty back to you for who to the place as you go to on the check on your location. the famous substitution may be your photo in the 10, somewhere general or this. but you cannot find this dition isn't, it will be attending, we've got new, that'd be up to the village. but this of the level is but so for this fissions i know to it's extended that although this causes her to miss out on a few journeys, it's still worth it as it's cheaper for her to maintain the electric motorcycle. then i guess the lean powered one she expects to repay her load within a year and a half since she has no shortage of customers. most of my clients like it because the most of them doing like amazing is the thing is come on is so what's most simply no pressure, no vibrations, and it doesn't pollute the environment. drive isn't. passengers may not always be
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aware of it, but the electric motorcycles helping us to. but once a great idea on this, you pulled 6 us to cambridge in the okay, well, floating solar panos on a 2 story building is causing heated debates. so that's right, sandra. there we have some the optimism about renewable energy on the one side with the other 3 shade on what could be bright prospect. uh it looks like restoration work, but what's really happening here is a fundamental innovation, a top old roles. the famous king's college chapel in cambridge is getting solar panels. the chapel is more than 500 years old. much of the structure is still
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original, but the lighting is electric, real tunnels. a launch the ornamental, the some of the panels will soon supply the necessary electricity for the chapel dean along the cheese solution. and when you begin to think about the young younger, younger people that picture you have to take the talking the cry process really seriously answer for me. you know, is it a wonderful opportunity to my, re these 2 things together? franco did okay. tradition or formality. and the future for human meetings, full 100 solar panels face onto these old reeves. it's perfectly angled to catch the sun's rays. but historians of skeptical, you know, here, to cover the roots with, say, the panels which are highly reflective, willing to do so. a very to score and tell them and well they, they wouldn't be kind of visible and they will affect the way one appreciates the chapel that appear in views of the reseller pear induced the sky line but supports
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and say the benefits outweigh these a septic. and send us the panels will base power at the chapel and cover 5 percent of the cottages. entire electricity requirements. the moment is common when the balance of power sees petroleum, acetic pleasure on sustainability. and doing what we can to know what i mean for as a deposit, but creates a nimble pinterest, the, a, a livable. so you to is just for the function library. and i'm, the dad is trying to help create the flushing buses as well. the both police have in the see in the well, the best like support takes us to find out just how the rod street can people, eco friendly catch this library. people borrow clothes. it's not
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crime novels. welcome to lane a hamster, dams, fashion library. it's that got to answer to tech style waste and environmental pollution caused by the clothing industry of the homes. and my background isn't vintage. so i've always been involved in recycling clothes. they threw vintage stores with air, but nowadays is a challenging to find something i want to use. and even when you do get often ends up is just another 2nd hand item in your closet tonight. that's a shame and that's where the idea originated play. to share clothing with each other and what's basically a march chaired wardrobe size make hundreds of dresses, pants and shirts are sorted according to label or style. the cost of borrowing them varies from $0.25 to several euro is per day. pieces can be purchase to once borrowed items have been returned there, washed before being returned to the racks. just like with a regular library,
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users need to register 1st. the fashion library now boasts around 6000 members. it's just super simple and very flexible and nice to pick out something new without having to buy it straight off. sometimes you want to wear something extravagant and like the brake pink laser, hey, just try it out and it's in canada, you might not. we're at often just for special occasionally. it's fun so we show yeah through. it's just really nice that yes, i think there should be more places like this that as a i think so much clothing is bought and not worn, stating to couldn't if that's a great way to wear new clothes without harming the planet to she has acre in this age of fast fashion, the un says the average person by 60 percent more items of clothing than they did 15 years ago. that keeps them for just half as long. every seconds the
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equivalent of a truck load of clothing is burned or done in landfills around the glow. many discarded textiles wind up in african countries where they land straight on the trash or they are sold as secondhand clothes, overwhelming local markets. the fashion industry has a huge environmental impact gets responsible for around a quarter of water pollution worldwide. back in amsterdam, the fashion library now has its own online shop, as well as collection and drop off points in other dodge cities. a clo feel air. i strongly believe this is the future and then it has to be because we need to transition to other systems. we can continue to consume and producing the same way
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. so because the resources are to cleanings valuable kids and we hope to inspire others in a contact other closing brand where they don't actually this approach include adults, i'm a call in and then fashion these to is can not only look good, but feel good to knowing their styles is sustainable, the coming back to africa, a big problem that affects many countries. he is poaching. the huge illegal and dangerous trade in white animals is typically very difficult to bring poachers to justin's because they are crimes often have no witnesses. key evidence is frequently destroyed, unintentionally by 1st responders. i think the insults offer guys made it, it's mission to tend to tide on wild life cry a. this is an old to common sites on south africa's reserves. a rhino killed by poachers is contacts and to find the object that killed him. so from the 1st clue
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to help catch the cold prints about this, what requires the loss of know how an ex but so in short supply. greg simpson is taking on the pouches, butchering wildlife. ha, since most of these crimes and never prosecuted. simpson founded an academy that helps train ranges and other 1st responders to wildlife crime scenes about the importance and intricacies of criminal forensics. we realized that a lot of the people that 1st came across these scenarios were not initially trained in handling a crime scene in particular was off crime scene. and this certain skills that are really valuable in forensics is one of those skills. so we felt there was a great need and that training ranges and people that are 1st responders or even professionals that come across to nora is way when an animal is poached or is in another illegal activity. and if they have some of the forensic skills,
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then it means that them, that, that investigation is more likely to end up in a prosecutor, sion at court. at this facility, the wildlife forensic academy simulates different wildlife crime scenes based on real world examples, including a smidge you're off, a killed lion. and a really know poached for his own. students are trained in forensic techniques in order to preserve and collect a vital evidence which can be used by the also ortiz to move forward with court cases. or in this environment we can expose them to all these different scenarios so they can learn how to preserve and collect the forensic traces and document them correctly. so the lights are down the line, they end up with a successful prosecution in court. and that's what we've tried to create in this academy multiple scenarios, really drum and what that meant and then, and so, and then go back into the real world and much better at tech in while that's one
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major challenge when it comes to wild life crimes is that they generally are in remote places, making them difficult to prove south africa's of oft scrubs and offers. covet to poachers who ambush that prey. the issue with wireless comments from the on to any witnesses. there's no one else around. uh, maybe someone had a gunshot, but that's, that's what do you have. but if you actually can link someone to a con through something like a footprint or a cell phone or a weapon or dna, even that is really popular in court ranges, are often the ones who 1st discovered the congresses of page dynamos. that initial response is critical to reduce the risk of evidence being contaminated or destroyed by window rain before the also ortiz can arrive on the scene. those details can
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make or break are cases chances and codes. i think it should be 4 hands on the ground field changes as well because they often the ones who do come across the scenes before we do see, i do think it's something valuable for oranges i, tessa, and to as the as to can consume it as well, in addition to collecting proof students that the academy also take part in mock trials where they have to defend the evidence they've collected. the participants in this simulated court proceeding include format prosecute is judges, and law enforcement officials. collecting evidence is only the 1st step in a long legal process. in real world cases, ensuring what they've got that can hold up in court is vital training which to, to 1st responders and those and to to understand the role that will definitely have an impact in fighting while of crime in the sense that it will lend lead to
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credible evidence which the prosecution can use in proving the elements of the offense against the public practice. the poaching is a $1000000000.00 business in asia, one key low of ryan horn sells for tens of thousands of us dollars. the financial incentive is huge. rhinos elephants, ret tiles, and succulent plums will pay the price for consumer trends. the loss of life has profound impacts on the environment. these large, mega format, like elephants and suppose they have a really important role to play in an ecosystem. as prompt, if is as large animals, they have an important role in shaping the environments and the habitats around them. they have a role in the disposal, nutrients, cycling, and by removing these animals. and it's kind of need to buy diversity loss and changes and transformations of whole landscapes. in addition, it's kind of also need to uninstall that impacts. for example,
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increasing human wildlife concepts and having for the impact something other hold tight food chain, some ecosystem. in 2022 south africa last 448 rhino to poaching. but they will also over a 100 and so to you. rest of the number of convictions including one that resulted in the poachers being sentenced to 60 years in prison. as wild life crimes continue training and dealing with them will become increasingly important to ensure that the countries bio diversity is protected. they are the words toilets, the long dwelling stretches, and i think they also look rather lovely to ross. sadly, there are fewer and fewer of them because it went to rob sabine, post india drew's for the meats full for the codes. and the reasons for pushing things, know some people believe in the feelings. pause of the old guns. let's take
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a look at a consulting, see if kenya that is especially dedicated to the protection of xerox from the outside. this looks like a brucell catcher. but these game keep is one to transport. this drew off to safe a ground on the mainland rising bullshit levels. unlike the rainbow, attend a section of the draft conservation area into a 9. and so in 2021, the root co wildlife conservancy managed to relocate 7 stranded animals, all of them endangered rules, child's drugs, distinguishable by the white low legs. it was over a decade ago. that's a conservancy in the local community 1st joint forces to create a century for giraffes. but a few years ago, money to read the spaces, it became clear that those stranded on the nearly imaged island was suffering badly . at the island this there was a lot of telling us number one uh,
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the draft a duck going to send a truck the by the 5th. second, there was a lift footage that there was uh, a truck like pay phone that could strangle the young ones. and also the critical day. so comparing the island on the mainland, we saw that uh the telling is i'm more united on lending mainland roads towards drops. i mainly found in savannah's like here in the ringo region in kenya and neighboring uganda. only about 1400 can still be found today. the numbers have been greatly reduced, mainly due to poaching. but with the involvement of the community, the situation is improving helped by a 17 square columbus, a drop century established within the root co conservancy. of the, the and an animals watched over by ranges and members of the tweak of a lindsey or 2 rough god initiative robots, buddy,
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who is one of them. having grown up here, he knows a lot about the giraffes. uh, click on it and uh, we can do that from the when we were children. and i knew what we are told that the roads college are red, originated from the ring, the funding and was called the ringo duran is i'm going to now. let's meet was said to be very sweet, young black and let's get in. i'm in the boat. y'all can be a very special type of fat that people used for medicinal purposes. one of the common dollars today would match as most to him, is that the animals can strive and reproduce. the monitoring team regularly checks a numbers and checks out for injuries. at the moment, there are 14 rough childs drove off in the recovery area. the initiative, not any benefits the giraffes, but also the people who live here. the old thomas and the po coat. these pastoral communities have a long history of conflict of animals and grazing them. the be
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know a piece around the vehicle heavy i'd like to know until when the 2 held us from the to community set down the see that we need to do a way life consultancy. we need to mean to reduce let's change the left. so it must be known as a bilingual draft, as a symbol of unity in the stuff to know what kinds of issues so that it can bring the 2 communities together. but to do this, they needed both land and 2 rocks which had disappeared from the ringo. each community contributed land and the conservancy brought in h wolf child's drops from another nature was us. or meanwhile, community members are also beneficial, especially if people have found jobs as ranges older off guards like rutledge putting the communities also receive a portion of the conservancy is income, which they mainly use to pay children in school fees. the kids have also developed
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a respect for the animals not the telling the giraffes are good because they helping generate revenue from tour is the best of funding. and they also fertilize the soil at the window in the welcome john. the project is supported by international in g o's and is now well accepted by both communities to own gal. i mean, we can now talk about how to protect the animal and the not thought. so yeah, i mean how we can develop guidelines to protect them. but in the past you is what that i think and what we can do is create new employment opportunities and what new things we can introduce so that we can continue to grow. and you've got to know that we have really benefited since bringing these animals here. the developers have settled in well, at the century. the numbers have nearly doubled in the past decade from 8 to 14.
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and their own little babies on the way to the females of pregnant. oh, that is and good news. and with that we need to leave you today. thank you for watching we host please. edition of equal africa. give you some fresh new ideas. i n son drug owns actually known do as by from com paula, right? you and you've done this as by son dress. so you again, next time add to all of us. do you have any thoughts or ideas on how to create a better future? right? to share them with us, we always love hearing from you until then. please follow also about social media accounts. i have chris 11 said so long from lagos, nigeria, the
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as the
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with one daring goals to help smart nature. the boy likes watching it on youtube dw documentary manuals engine. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't go to 65 last last those top 5 years, 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much up to you from, campbell fixed a new culture and then 15 minutes left side of our community life on the research is now on the
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this is the domain is leih from the land for since king charles has been diagnosed with cancer, fucking, and kind of says, the monarch is receiving treatment and we'll step back from public duties. also coming up to us, secretary of state returns to the middle east of crisis. folks on the casa anthony lincoln wants to secure an extended pause in the pricing between israel and and 10 more incentive golf tournament as a position little makers, protests against the phone went on the presidential election. the .


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