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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is each of the news line from button for since king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. fucking pilot says the monarch is receiving treatment and we'll step back from public duties. also coming up to us, secretary of state returns to the middle east of crisis folks on the casa, i think lincoln wants to secure an extended pause in the pricing between israel and and 10 moral incentive golf tournament as opposition. little makers, protests against phone, went on the presidential election. the
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mhm homage walk into the program versus king charles has being diagnosed with cancer. less than 18 months since you send it to the from lucky and policy issued a statement saying the disease was discovered during the hospital procedure last week. it says 75 year old has dr. treatment and this positive about his prognosis of the dental appointment of king charles cancer. diagnosis has surprise many as only last week he was in smiling and waving the crowds while leaving the hospital in london. following the procedure on an enlarged, prostate got, you can tell it says the cancer was discovered during the king's treatment, but it has not revealed the form of the disease. it says the decision to go public was made to prevent speculation and to raise cancer awareness. london to some tourists, united english and the king a speedy recovery. i think he does
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a pretty wonderful job to be honest, i'm a big fan. and scott, because i suddenly got a family would want to go through in private anyway. but having being a person in the public hospice soto, i'm sure he is aware of how much that will connect him to other people or the families who go through that. but i'm very sad to hear this very sorry to hear. and i phrase says he will recover, you know, the treatment is really sad. news for our side to a doctor say to my mom, my brother, the stroke, buckingham palace says the king is stepping back from his public to use while he undergoes treatment. but he will continue and his constitutional role as head of
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state dealing with state businesses and official paper work come of the w. charlotte telson, po, has more from london. this is don't say, as we've heard from the palace have recommended. as i say that he step back from these public facing duties uh, fox. they have also stressed that he will continue to feel his constitutional roles . he will, for example, be keeping up to date with the enormous amount of paperwork that he has to deal with. he will be taking pos in private meetings, but when it comes to the public events where you can expect to see is all the key needing members of the royal family stuffing in in his place. noticeably with the absence of the princess of wales, she has also been ongoing medical treatments and she is currently out of action at the moment to so it has been a, a pretty serious, pretty concerning salt for the, for the royal family. and how has so many people in the u. k. being reacting to
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this new so far as well as you would expect? there's been a huge outpouring of support for the king looking fast. the members of his own family, we all hearing reports of the jews of sussex, harry, who we know lives in the united states. we now will say that the relationship between prince harry and the king has been strange. we all hearing reports that he will come to the u. k. to visit his father. they have been in conversation as well . there's been an outpouring of support from, from political leaders, a prime minister, where she see not us wishing his majesty a speedy recovery, saying that he hopes and expects that he will be a box in his role quickly across the world as well. well, lead is and sending them messages of support to the king you've had a bind. and for example, of this evening expressing his concern, the saying that he hoped to speak to him soon. so as you can expect,
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that outpouring the support also from the british public, he had too many of very taken by the fact that it's prince of the king charles is chosen to be so transparent about this issue. that really is a change from the pos, from the way that previous melnik's have done this king childhood choosing to reveal this diagnosis. so dw charlotte telson, health reporting for us from london. thank you. you're a secretary of state anthony, blinking has begun his toll of the middle east. he's pushing for a truce between israel and thomas. a group consisted a terrorist organization by multiple countries. lincoln saw that his trip in saudi arabia and will also travel to egypt, guitar, israel, and the west bank. the diplomatic push comes as israel is considering an assault on rough up city in southern gaza, with many of the displaced or seeking shelter. no let up in israel's ground
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operations in gaza is really military release footage. if it's offensive and the strip as top us and french diplomats match with regional leaders to push for truce of israel's pressing on with his campaign after threatening a ground the sold on rough on the un has dropped rafa. the pressure cooker of despair. the southern city near gauze as border with egypt. now host more than half of gauze, this population displaced since the start of the war is accounted beaver faithfully displays from gaza. they followed us to con eunice. we came to a russell and they want to follow us again. but where do we go? and israel's biggest backer, the us is hoping to broker deal that could see a pause in the fighting us secretary of state anthony blinking landed in saudi arabia on a regional visit. the palestinians hope will secure a truce before the sold on rough uh. international pressure on israel is mounting
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friends as foreign minister calls for an immediate cease fire and a political solution. for garza, we must prepare the future and support the palestinian authority, which mistake on a new form and re deployed in the gaza strip as soon as possible. i repeat cause that is palestinian land there by least union. but it's unclear if those plans will be realized. israel's prime minister is set on continuing the war until him us is destroyed. does it come to them? this is the essence of our policy. total victory of how much total victory is essential because it guarantees israel security. total victory is the only way in which we can secure the further historic disagreements that awaits us. israel's defense minister says the military would push on until it has full reign over gaza,
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including rafa. well, donna desecai is a senior fellow at the u. c. at a burkle center for international relations. we all try whether nothing yeah. whose comments would undermine blinking diplomatic mission? well, i pray that as we're not going, you know whose comments are certainly on helpful. uh it, is it going to be impossible to get a deal if, if he continues to take this kind of stance. of course, he's taking a lot of the staff as for domestic audience is it's very clear that he has a, you know, a lot of pressure for his right flank not to give in, not to have any pods into this war. the, as really population is mixed up more than half of the population really focused on getting the hostages out as a priority. but a large part of the population, still very supportive of continuing this campaign, until a mazda is significantly degraded and cannot from is really guess. so it's a real bind. but there is an urgency given the humanitarian catastrophe,
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its highest on the us subject highest on the regional agenda. that is very much backing the ceasefire as soon as possible. let's get you up to speed on some of the stories making headlines at this hour to today has also 2 days of national mourning for the victims of wi fi is binding through the central modified a. so region 4 and 120 people have been killed and many more missing. emergency crews say they're still finding bodies in the wreckage will make, has been hungry, have boy causative parliament votes on suite. and joining nato comment as to victor autobahn and his pre dash party have been blocking sometimes bid to joining the alliance since 2022 hungry is now the only need to amend the not to have approved sweden succession planning or as a problem the profession. irish prime ministers have visited both an island off to the restoration of power sharing between the provinces,
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pro irish and pro british political parties. the 2 liters met separately with fast minnesota and michelle o'neill from the nation. this sion fame policy and deputy 1st minister. and this will painfully, from the purchased democratic union to set a goal now where the parliament has voted to delay the next presidential election for the 1st time in its history will make his pasta bills rescheduling the votes for the december 15th dozens of opposition and peace trying to disrupt parliamentary proceedings and protest, but were forcibly removed from the chain that the president initially announced that he would indefinitely postpone the election, which was due to be held late to this month. and that spots protests in the capital call, which escalated into caches with ryan, please will set a goal has been seen as a model for democracy in west africa. all the while a, from the institute of security studies in senegal explained how the political on
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such and see, could affect the region c, d 's as a very significant implication for the we do close the door desktop. mindy marty book, you know, if possible, i need to resend time and this is about the most and you are to do more increasing west africa region. so how do we move to some box, the letter of processing and sending gotten any we by no tyler the mix of to go as will read. united should is dentist sending very but to seek not to the country is that that person leading drugs the some of the president of need west i need the idea of democracy. so i think it's still something that has to be address with from police. and then to see if we can come what need to close on each other because the same day member f o s in the region. and the policy that does actually do more speak to the idea of democracy for the past 50 years or more. so this is this concept for everybody in the west region as well before me,
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the country that actually practiced democracy over the years. now life can be stressful, whether it's frustration at not finding a job and grad every day. corruption or somebody just getting stuck in traffic, and often it can be difficult to let go. those negative feelings which kind of impact our health. the deputies are these which include, i tried out a rage for in lagos, where people pay to vet their anger by smashing objects. you need protective head gear, gloves, and boulevard are all and boots for these kind of stressed relief. i've brought some stress with me is taking me more than 2 hours to get here twice as long as it should. yeah. well when it comes to lego, driving really makes me hungry about to pick. i pulled up 1st ration inside the range room. i'm gonna put it ready for the kids, i'd say through the airports. i'm ready to smash. that's go. of
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the that was really exhilarates. it was, i really thought they were all emotional and it was also quite fun. sorry. no way. i wasn't in this room attract some young people as a new way of paying attention to the mental health. i feel good. i feel like some weights as been listed or something has just come out because i find a way to creatively express and deal with reach in the region. so being able to actually be in the room where you are allowed to basically break things, smashed things and just release your so from those on goods that you wouldn't be able to really it's honestly medicine. no, it's like taking medicine for
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a dix. james banjo sets up this. the fast range room in major area in november of 20. 22. is a medical doctor who says he felt concerned about how people both are loved. yeah, and some people come for fun. i just want part of it just to come and try something out. you will see some people that come because they have genuine things that have blood gene. then maybe as was maybe as family maybes relationship wise may be some motional now nights and that percent of the time we express less of the guy that we few. james banjo says this is nothing alternative to pop up therapy. but for less than $10.00, a session smashing up stuff, you know, ridge room might be an option for those who would like to lets off some steam or you're watching dw news live from berlin up next is doc for looking at the uses
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and risk of crypto currency. you could also find much more news on a website that is b w dot com. i'm reading the bahamas. thanks for watching. i'll face it by the ice cold. jessica new. an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has. the climate research in the ice, the tasks march 3rd on dw, the the if somebody's freedom, it's some of these liberty. it's some.


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