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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2024 7:00am-7:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to line from berlin us, secretary of state holds crisis talks on gauze of with middle east leaders. bethany blinking is working to secure an extended pause in the fighting between israel and her months. also coming up turmoil in senate goals, parliament opposition lawmakers protest against the postponement of the presidential election and a country previously seen as a regional model of democracy and britons. king charles has been diagnosed with cancer, fucking, and palaces. the monarch will step back from public duties as he undergoes treatment the
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little m. terry martin. welcome to the program, us secretary state anthony blinking is in the middle east pushing for a pause in the funding in gaza. he's due to travel to egypt, already having held talks and saudi arabia. lincoln says he is hoping secure, an enduring end to the conflict between israel and homos, which is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries. the diplomatic push comes, as israel considers an assault on rough. ha, a city in southern gaza were many of the displaced or seeking shelter. no let up in israel's ground operations and gaza is really military release footage. if it's offensive and the strip as top us and french diplomats match with regional leaders to push for truce of israel's pressing on with his campaign after threatening
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a ground the sold on rough on the un has dropped rafa. the pressure cooker of despair. the southern city near gaus, this border with egypt. now host more than half of gauze, this population displaced since the start of the war. this is a couple different supposedly displays from golf. so they followed us to con eunice . we came to russell and they want to follow us again. where do we go? and israel's biggest backer, the us is hoping to broker deal that could see a pause in the fighting us secretary of state anthony blinking landed in saudi arabia on a regional visit. the palestinians hope will secure a truce before the sold on rough or international pressure on israel. as mounting friends, as foreign minister calls for an immediate cease fire and a political solution. for garza, we must prepare the future and support the palestinian authority, which mistake on
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a new form and re deployed in the gaza strip as soon as possible. i repeat cause that is palestinian land by least union. but it's unclear if those plans will be realized. israel's prime minister is set on continuing the war until how moss is destroyed. does it come to them? this is the essence of our policy. total victory of how much total victory is essential because it guarantees israel security. total victory is the only way in which we can secure the further historic peace agreements that awaits us. israel's defense minister says the military would push on until it has full rain over gaza. including rafa was crossed straight over to cairo now or journalist kareem allegory is standing by force, quaint. what's the latest you're hearing about the negotiations?
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while the table is a framework said it was discussed in paris between the united states, this red egypt and caught up in this framework. there is the talk of several faces . a pause of the wall is 7 faces of a pulse of the wall and the exchange of prisoners and hostages. how much is saying that it's reviewing this proposal and but this week there's some very important sticking points is where it says it's ready for a pause. in of the wall, and then there's different phases of exchanging prisoners how mazda is ex, she's saying that to it would be only anything would happen only if there was really em. how much is that make jihad? the other benefits actually a gaza once guarantees from is rated that, that there will be a final ends of the war and the that there is there any forces with withdrawal from
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gaza? that is, of course, difficult, was the stance of the is there any payments that you always adjust to it is good for nothing less than this drawing how mazda and for the big 3, which egypt roll in all the is karim, what are its interests in trying to broker a deal on guns, one contact is basically the hop pay for the negotiations. was the political leadership of how much it usually is the 10 to to the minutes inspections of how much at this moment you have in got into the gaza strip. and there is of course, contact between them and the is really at the age of sion intelligence is you this functions as some kinds of postman between the 2 sites and the between the hamas really and the in gaza in lincoln is right now when we see a entire so messenger role as it were, is rarely forces have,
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have shifted their focus to the south of the gaza strip. now they've been pushing in that direction from the beginning. much of the findings now concentrated on the area around rafa. that's right on egypt border. how is the war being felt in egypt? what people hear a really horrified at my say and by what the, by the pictures this see coming out every day of gaza and the policy. any question is really daily conversation. key role now people do not understand why there is no more international pressure to these where to end as well. and why the government has, of course, some leverage through its contact, which is right in the public opinion is very much it on the policy insight cream. you've been covering this conflict from the beginning, travelling extensively in the palestinian territories. how hopeful are palestinians the sustain ceasefire can be reached when
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what i hear that is simply disappear, right? delta in the this it say that it's of course fear of further displacement because especially when the is really ami might go into an alpha and then beat enough people. it squeezed really, there is a rough i area and then most southern point and of the, the, the gaza strip basically wishes that back to the is really for that is this fear that people might be displaced outside the gaza strip. uh and i think that's the biggest year that's a, that's really a extremely desperate situation right now because i am. thank you very much. as always, that was journalist covering l g o r in cooper high. right. let's catch you up on a few other stories making headlines around the world. today. the u. s. has carried
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out a new strike against who the route targets in the m, and it says it's forces had to drones operated by the around back group. us as launch several strikes on yemen in response to who to use the tax on shipping. in the red sea, stressful re says triggered much slides and flooding across the southern california . much of the us state is under extreme weather advisories. at least 3 people have been killed and hundreds of thousands of people are without power. lawmakers and hungary have boy called it a parliamentary vote on sweden joining nato, prime minister, victor, or bon and his v dash party have been blocking stockholm's bid to join the alliance since 2022 hungry is now the only nathan member not to have approved sweden's succession of a problem on that set of goals. parliament tests better to postpone a presidential election for the 1st time in its history. the pole was due to be
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held this month, but has now been pushed back until december. so the goal has long been considered a model of democracy in west africa, but this decision has raised concerns over the erosion of democracy, sparking protests on the street. and in parliament of the sending goal has ended on delta, dental cri, dozens of opposition, m p. 's me the last page, but then the block ability lean elections, but they were thrown out of the national assembly and the remaining long because voted to postpone the election to december. this extends the current, president's daniel by about 10 months. so i'm thinking really what brings us together here is quite simply unconstitutional, which is why i say that today we're witnessing and attempted constitutional cool. it's it's clear that the governments a is to push for a postponement of the elections because they know their candidate will lose. on
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president mackie saw announced the election delay over the weekend. he said it was because of a dispute between the parliament and the constitution going over the rejection of canada. and the next soon after his announcement protested, update across the capital car. the government's and hundreds of security forces into the streets in a shaw force force. and if i, the if i think doesn't measure if we are afraid, it's a question of whether we're willing to let the regime that's in place of advance its political agenda. whether we say no. and the answer from a simple is to say, no, we're going to go on and on and on and on. we don't know so ever since we want to prefer election election and that's all we want. we don't want anything else, nothing. the protest soon escalated into violent flashes with police synagogue has
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long been considered a moderate democracy in west africa. but this latest crisis threatens to undermine that image. earlier we spoke with all the while it origin wiley from the institute for security studies. and so ago he explained how the political uncertainty could affect the region. these are the various, the maybe doesn't vacation for the video because the door does have many modern book, you know, if possible and maintained recent time. and this is about the most, and you are to do more increasing west africa region. so how do we move to some box the letter of processing sending got in many ways by not hello the mix of to go as will read, united should is going to send it very, but to seek not to the country is that that person leading drugs the some of the president of need west i need the idea of democracy. so i think it's still something that has to be address with, from police and, and to see if we need to much income. we need to close on each other because the
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site it gave me your member of f o s in the region and the policy that task actually, i mean the most created the idea of democracy for the past, 50 years or more. so this is this concept for everybody in the west region as well before we do move on to that, as i've tried to practice democracy over the years. for sins, king charles has been diagnosed with cancer less than 18 months since he has sent it to the throne. fucking and pilots issued a statement saying the disease was discovered during a hospital procedure last week that says the 75 year old has started treatment and is positive about his prognosis. a dental appointment of king charles cancer diagnosis has surprise many as only last week. he was in smiling and waving the crowds while leaving the hospital in london. following the procedure on them lodge, prostate. got you can tell it says the cancer was discovered during the king's
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treatment, but it has not revealed the form of the disease. it says the decision to go public was made to prevent speculation and to raise cancer. awareness, london, the centuries are united english and the king a speedy recovery. i think he does a pretty wonderful job. to be honest, i'm a big fan and scott says like somebody got a family would want to go through in private anyway. but having being a person in the public hospice soto, i'm sure he is aware of how much that will connect him to other people or the families who go through that. but i'm very sad to hear this very sorry to hear. and i phrase says he will recover, you know, the treatment is really sad. news for our
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side to a doctor say to my mom, my brother, the stroke, buckingham palace says the king is stepping back from his public to use while he undergoes treatment. but he will continue in his constitutional role as head of state dealing with state businesses and official paper work coming to are watching dw news. just reminder of the top stories were following for you this, our us secretary of state hensley, blinking is traveling to egypt as he makes a new push for c spar between israel and from us. the truce blinking a seeking would pause the funding for 6 weeks, while hostages held by the palestinian militant group would be really and britons king charles has been diagnosed with cancer fucking in palaces. the monarch is receiving treatment and will step back from public duties. but it has not disclosed what form method sees he's suffering from watching the,
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the new stuff next. her being your own boss looks at 3 women from 3 different worlds. all pression for business. thanks for watching the one of mankind's oldest ambitions to be within re what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world are in a race against time.


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