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tv   Us and Them  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CET

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since the west has recognized the danger, all the signs with us, we really understand that are easily fail. uh, we will lose our concepts, euro my done jobs february 17th on t w. the . the, there's a sense of empowerment that you get when you feel your strain within your punches that just lights me off. why do you want a box? what do you have to for you want to prove that you're stronger than someone else. why? you know, i don't understand it wouldn't make me feel better. my daughter was in a office setting during the 9 to 5 job, which i know has a steady pay and benefits buy more seconds to get
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and see envelope gene. and if these be fi, nissan delays, finally, i wonder my son to become a doctor was that should be somewhere around a $1000000.00. but i don't know visit bank ran warranty i'm saving, how much is david? i don't seem to sponsible for my mom. and though the responsibility is come from a very young age to me. so what if you get hurt and we, we don't feel strong. and william you accomplish from them? i want to continue to be able to do that. it hurts when they can't understand me. the i just want to pursue what sets my soul on fire signed, familiar when it comes to money or career. we want one thing,
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our family is wanting, the opposite. young and old are realities and dreams can be so different. seriously, it seems like there's a huge gap between the generations. sometimes we just don't guess each other. the question is, can we fix it? the all the money that i'm forwarding to big line is from on things from building different apps and websites. i'm not happy with that because it is waiting on some of them and then you're getting the best. like,
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i mean, the old guard of the money has gone down so much how the money is. he has worked and all that is, but over that i wanted him to become a doctor. i don't think there's a vain, which i can explain it to me. i've not been able to explain it or to that. yeah. the i think there is one big gap and it's more so like an easy gap because they are not able to understand how this technology works. manya. yeah, i mean, so, but i mean, i live with my mom in my own group. and one by i mean i don't have you lost the money in this direction please. so may i have your name of this new car the only way to make money and i that i've been times of what i would like to advise you didn't losses and that's
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what i've been even a good point in this problem. i've been there. yeah, that is there, that it and all that is it. but didn't know what i want, this is, this is the when, like, when, like you have made a substantial chunk of money, then at least i would say that you have to put them in 50 percent. you know, i mean i the other interest not only in the papers because because of the volatility. ok. let's pause here for a 2nd. manual is on coal is not the only one worried about market volatility crypto card. and so it has become a popular gateway to the financial markets for many young indians in early 202-3850 1000000 people in india owned crypto currency. that's more than any other country worldwide. but some, most older indians, the idea of crypto car and sees sto,
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alien, they prefer a more traditional, a tangible investments like gold houses or even stops and bonds. money is a huge issue between the generations and india, and manuals. family is no exception. the 1st time when i talk to them about meeting my stand for the job and then putting the start up space, doing something of my own. there was like a that was under the opposition in terms of that as the money were to come from. we literally get to him so that he may not get us with the job as well. so that is all being done by looking at this po box. so can you imagine what,
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what are the images on line of being sort of under this image earlier this pixel entered image? yes. what is the price of this? any, all of this i'm being sold for like $4500.00, e probably just like some of that on to how familiar to each individual image and that is a so therefore even i'm working on something similar in this which is like and if this video and if i put a physical well in and so i know it's really, really difficult to do because it did not for the good guy. and that's for me, any voice mail. no, all of those things for this particular thing, you'll see a little there does not have value, but if you look entered or look most of the companies that do yours or most of the companies that have a new to day, you'll find that for you and then you find that your facebook event, that's an instagram, you'll find that. so google doesn't mean. so for someone who's not growing up in
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like the internet age for them, it's just like us. they are selling some images online and it doesn't look like the job. the i was raised in san diego, california, the 1st 3 years living in los angeles. i was working like 2 to 3 jobs i was taking on on jobs just to kind of me make it work. when she moved to l. a. i think i it just was too many things for her to do and i think she couldn't just picks one when i 1st started boxing. and it was more of a fitness boxy. one of the trainers i've mentioned, he asked me, what do you do all day?
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and at the time i was working on the typical 9 to 5. and i said, well, i'm supposed to be working, but i'm usually on instagram watching boxing videos or i'm watching trainers. and he said, why don't you make this switch? and have you ever thought about being a trainer yourself? i'm so small, i thought, who is going to want me to hold nits for them. how am i going to be able to hold them if for them i had all these self limiting believe and he said, why does boxing training depend on your size? you're right, it doesn't. how are you going to buy your house? how are you going to move up? you know, because for me, um success means you started a job and you keep going the next step further, find the job. you want to settle down out. so you can move on, you know,
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move up and eventually uh, purchase a home. the big question is, why does home ownership matters so much to alyssa as mom. well, for many decades owning a house, has been at the heart of the american dream. you can buy a home, life gets better, cause that kind of wealth trickles down to the next generations and opens the door for upward social mobility. for young americans, the dream has become less and less attainable. first, the mortgage crisis in 2008 and then cove. it conditions are harsh. when a list of generation turns thursday, their chances of owning a home will be 14 percent lower than her mom's generation. at the same age, this is not what i had envisioned for my child. i typically leave it to the side when it comes to boxing,
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just because i know that they don't really understand it and i'm not too sure how interested they are in it. so i don't talk to them too much about it. give me one of those things. you know, we're just a little heart broken cuz we don't want to talk about it because we know it's a touchy subject. i don't choose to live in the same city, but being in my twenties is a good time to be a little unstable and you know, hustle and take some risk. it just has to be stable. stability is, is, is what makes me feel comfortable. stability, the
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stable in me is the least of my grandson at the moment. staff that are doing something that you would require was something of the past. the when i got mad it, it was a have beat time. and all of a sudden my husband got a heart attack at the, just a, a, a, my son was 3 years old and i was a little bit lost in this way. so i started paying for it and god has earned my prayer, uninsured, me some ways where i can do something for the future. so i started giving dushan glasses and all life and that's all i brought my son up. i've seen quite bad things in terms of financial and stability, and i don't seem to sponsibility for my mom, and it is sponsibility as come from a very young age for me. who sounds like quite a big obligation for manual, but in many countries around the globe,
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children are expected to take care of their aging parents. and in india, it's not just a moral duty. it's the law. since only a small portion of indian society will ever receive a pension, the majority really depends on their role enough spring to help them in their old age. and so when kids take financial risks, there's more at stake than just their own well being. for manual growing up, besides his dad has made things extra tough. i need to provide a full my home to provide for my mom and to see to it that things out of fine. the my father's from warm, my mothers from the philippines. they divorce when i was 10. and i never really had a father growing up. my mom was
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a single mom. she pretty much raised us. and i knew she struggled with how much money she did the best she could just knew. just knew back then that i had to do something better for myself. i joined the navy right after high school. i think that's what helped me to be a better person. it's all about being better than where you came from and we realized it from a very young age because my parents always talked about it that they brought us to the united states to give us a better life for me to have children who are monetary really successful is my way of showing my parents like, you know, i've succeeded as a parent, a asian american, and from a family of immigrants in general. there is the responsibility to
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continue that legacy and to the next generation in my generation, the parents relied on us to be engineers, doctors, nurses, and i thought that i was breaking away from that mold and that i was being, you know, pretty easy on my child thinking, oh, you can do anything else, you can, you know, i'm not gonna force you to be a nurse or a doctor or an engineer, you can follow your drinking to you know, not realizing that this was going to be here trans am. but once you've completed your engineering degree, you already have a for the back. i don't understand why often even having these kind of course makes people who do not take it is they would not want to start something of that one.
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you want to end right on the screen of the men. it'd be bangalore bonus, either the inside of the do need to push it through obviously is going to be so popular that created that kind of hype. and if the are going to in the middle of and end up in middle of the all site thing for that visual space, or just image reducing devices, the future for the plan can, i would find our platform. my appetite for this is huge. i don't want him to be good as a person who doesn't have the ability to take it as i don't think and then into the surpluses that are not all sorts of things are happening the same. i mean, don't worry about that. the, i don't remember, they got us cannot. i wonder, tell him of i just this right is an amended, disturbing. i've just said we'll have the thing and keep us
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a because they've been meaningful. i imagine seem you never know what a store to modify this a just again, sorry, nice again. but 2 more time. again, one more. after that you're going to flip. gimme a hook cross after. so it's a good thing that she's still trying to find herself and do what she likes to do. but it's a bad thing because, you know, there is a time in your life. when you have to settle down, you have to buckle down and say, i gotta, i gotta do this, this and that to take care of myself in the long run medical dental vision. here's a not so fun. fox for you. the majority of us citizens receive their health insurance through an employer. so if your job doesn't offer that tough luck in 2022
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more than 27000000 americans had no health insurance. that's just over 80 percent of the population. and more than half of all personal bankruptcies are due to unpaid medical bills. so you get why he's worried a home food on the table. money savings. is there an alternative plan? if something happens where the boxing doesn't work out, where it would say she gets injure, she gets head trauma, something happens. what is our next plan? i've never seen my daughter box live. if i were to see or get hit, i'm in my mind it would probably think all their, their goals or explain their goals or kidney. that's what i would see time we did a half around extra so i wish that my family could visit me at the gym and see how
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happy and fulfilled it makes me it hurts when they can't understand me because i think that all of the best qualities that i have, i have gotten because of how they raised me is what has led me to where i am today, and i wish that they could see that hi. i just uh hi. i just uh i'm worried about mom and dad about what they'll say when i tell them that i actually am going to pick up a you know,
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fight in an actual match. when do you think is a good time for me to tell them? i don't know exactly just recommended us. so tell them when you see them, tell them as soon as possible. mm hm. this is truly what you want in life. then you should be open about it. i mean, your life, you save what you, why life. i think it's inspiring for me, please look up to you and it's very helpful for me to try to attend doing something i would love to eat. i just don't know what that is. right now.
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i'm getting on the 56 now, so i'm almost home. ok, all right, we'll see you soon. okay, i'll see you soon. thank the the mm hm. the kind of add up here when you're growing the never since she started doing the boxing training. i felt like our dinner conversations got shorter or quieter because it wasn't like a conversation that i,
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you know, i really wanted to talk about, please finally, god always protect us, lead us guidance, protect us from evil and harm watch rovers. and thank you for all the many blessings that you provide for us. you must holy name, father god, and jesus, holy name, human. right? that's the thing with the knowledge of it on that. is it okay for you? for that reason right now? i don't auto even explain in the 1st place. my mom is quite supportive, how they will things that she doesn't understand since i don't have to tell it to us. and then that's a video and basically me trying to support myself by not ending all and
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he doesn't tell me more because he knows that i run a little high blood pressure and tighter. he's saying my me, why are getting what it engine and i like everything you have get for me. so you. but i said, i don't know which bank ran what do you have save and how much you said. but it keeps on telling me like, uh, not to worry and on like have you been working on your speed? i feel like that would be yeah, i've been working on. that's one thing that my coach has been working a lot with me is my speed and yeah, but now that's good. i'm eating a lot of protein so i can gain weight. you can eat your plan, sir, to continue boxing. and definitely war me. i've been working with my coach every week for since last january, so he feels pretty confident that i'm ready to pick up
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a fight. and yeah, well, some concerns that i have are number one it's, it's never been discussed with us. it's not anything that you prepared us for mentally, and i don't think you've been really mentioning that you've been preparing for a fight. it does make me emotional boxing is really something that's powerful and empowering. and i think that there's something in some way that i can make an impact through the sport of boxing. and i think that it also stems from, you know, always wanting to prove to people that i am more than a size you are. then we never doubted. we never doubted that, you know,
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we talked about. you were going to do great things some day with your high, you know, your whole point is to feel strong. so what if you get hurt? if you don't feel strong and living you accomplish from that, i want to know i'm getting, it's about getting back up. boxing is like i'm life matter for. it's not. you know, how quickly you get up. it's whether you do get up and 9. i know that i have the will power to be able to get up after you know, getting hurt the we don't express much to each other. we don't talk a lot,
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but i think that's just the re, you've been growing up together. so if the, if you have like a good experience on a new place and i'll be more like exploring the place 6 during the invite them and have like being in the moment at that time and not like talking about the stuff for like trying to collect at the moment with them or on the, the the today has been one and a half years in the making for me to finally have the opportunity for my 1st by the i had a full 4 weeks i can,
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i was eating healthy. i was training with my coach 5 to 6 days a week doing sprints or runs on top of sparring. the i did everything that i could make sure that i'm fueled and prepped well for the site. yeah. to us there was no fight today because my opponents and so i didn't get to fight and today and i'm very disappointed. and that's the bummer for it today. the
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what adds to the disappointment is that my parents were supposed to come to my fight today, and i felt like it was going to be the day where i can actually show them that. i have a place here. just hearing that my parents where it's going to show up and come support meant a lot to me and that was the when and itself the a couple months after that barbecue, with my parents where things got pretty emotional. my mom texted me and let me know that she was proud of me, pursuing my dreams and not encourage her to do the same. and when i went home for father's day, i showed my dad the basic punches i taught him a combination. and then we decided that we were going to do it every time i come
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home and hearing his excitement helped me feel like i was one step closer to having them understand what he ended programming in terms of weight. i think i'm going to take me to i think let me go know the music on what and that's what other life says, kind of fun. it feels like therapy, i have, my bracelet actually says bad f securing
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evidence to convict the changes in south africa. poaching is a business with millions of heroes, often remain undetected. that has to end and so ranges are now being trained in forensics. turn smooth approaches. the co africa in fuzzy minutes on dw the, the, the
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speed of the news coming to line from berlin us secretary state holds crisis talks on guns of with middle east leaders. entity blinking is working to secure and extended pauls and the fighting between israel and homos. also coming up britons king charles, diagnosed with cancer fucking in palaces. the monarch will step back from public duties as he undergoes treatment plus 3 dead in california. as torrential rains trigger mudslides and flooding, leaving hundreds of thousands without power. and one year after powerful
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earthquakes devastated large parts of south eastern turkey, our correspondent returns to one of the worst hit.


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