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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the, the, you're watching the news coming to live from berlin. us, secretary of state holds crisis talks on gaza with the middle east leaders. anthony blinking has been in egypt and will have to contort and israel as he works to secure an extended cease fire. also coming up on the show, britons king charles diagnosed with cancer fucking on policy has them on our full step back from public duties as he undergoes treatment. plus a 3 dad in california as torrential rain triggers, month flights and flooding, leaving hundreds of thousands without power. and one year after powerful
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earthquakes and devastated large parts of south eastern turkey, our correspondent returns to one of the worst hit urban areas. this neighborhood used to be home to thousands of people, but just look around. it's almost entirely gone. the empire richardson welcome us, secretary of state antony blinking is in the middle east pushing for a pause in the fighting in gaza on day 2 of his tour. he's been meeting with a jefferson president of the, such as cc in cairo blinking says he's hoping to secure an enduring end to the war proposals as you pause the fighting. also include a deal for the release of hostages, captured by how most during the october 7th at 10 attack. now the double medic portion comes as israel is considering an assault on rasa. a city and southern
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gauze that were many displaced, palestinians are seeking shelter no less up in israel's grind operations and gossip. these really military released footage of it's offensive in the strip, as taught us on french diplomats met with regional leaders to push for a truce. israel is pressing on with its campaigns after threatening a grind assault on rafa. the un has dumped rafa the pressure cooker of despair. the southern city near gauze has border with egypt and i have hosts more than half of guys as population displaced since the start of the war. what is it going to be more forcefully displays from gaza? they followed us to con eunice. we came to russell and they want to follow us again to tell me where do we go? hoping to show up support for a truce. us x ray of state antony blinking, kicked off a diplomatic offensive in the middle east. meeting with id officials before heading
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to egypt. international pressure on israel is mounting fronts. is foreign minister called for an immediate cease fire and a political solution for gaza doing we must prepare the future and support the palestinian authority, which must take on a new form and re deploying the cause a step as soon as possible. i repeat cause that is palestinian land by least union, but it's unclear if those plans will be realized. israel's prime minister is set on continuing to war until him off is destroyed. go visit them to them. this is the essence of policy. 13 victory of how much total victory is essential because it guarantees israel security. total victory is the only way in which we can secure the further historic peace agreements that awaits us. of israel's defense minister says the military would push on until it has to reign
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over gaza, including rough. let's get across to cairo where a journalist occur email go, how are you standing by for us? a cream is, of course, far from blink is 1st attempt shuttle diplomacy here, but it is his 1st visit to the region since the u. s. broke or an offer for what could be the 1st extended ceasefire. can you remind us, what exactly is on the table with this proposal? the way what's it is on the table is what was the goal sheet is already in paris between the is there and is the americans cut the empty egypt? sions. and it says some kind of temporary ceasefire, and then a face exchange of hostages and princes. and of course the, there's one big sticking point that we don't have yet an official answer from us to this proposal. we know that how much and 6 to be tricky because they had the money
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is an end of the wall and then the exchange of prisoners. so and they want some kind of guarantee that there is no the temporary ceasefire. but there is to defy the end of the war and then the exchange of prisoners that this the main sticking point that as you go to your in your report is read about 5 minutes the been anybody that y'all is saying that he will move on until i have the victory against how much i'm telling how much is destroyed, difficult to see how much is giving up. it's a hostages. the only leverage they have right now as to what is written and why, why they've been giving me the knowledge. i don't think that he is out there to destroy the very same people. he's negotiating with right now in direction and cream. meanwhile, israel's defense minister has said that is really offensive. will eventually reach raw for that. is that southern most town in gauze that right on the egyptian border?
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um, you know, we know that more than half of glasses are now displays and living in miserable conditions packed there in rough. uh, can you tell us a little bit what on his riley assault on rough or would mean for it? it's neighbor, egypt. what it is you already mentioned is a very disparate situation in the, in the all 5 people, are there a 1000000 people there? escape from other areas in the gaza strip was basically that back to the egyptian border because here of course of the egyptian side is that there will be some kind of displacement scheme, a bigger displacement scheme of the palestinians coming over to the egyptian side. that is a part of the student and also an arrow of trauma that whenever punish students left the areas they were never able to come back. and that's the big fear in egypt that it's for sure. also part of the discussions was blinking, blinking already mentioned several times in the last days that ca,
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he would be against some permanent displacement of palestinians from the gaza strip towards egypt. but that really remains the biggest fee and kind of well, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed. there is always that is journalist cream outgo harry, in cairo for us. and i'd like to get some more analysis from a christina couch, a deputy managing director at the german of marshall funds, south think tank. thank you so much for speaking with us on dw news. i think many have been asking why we have not seen the united states putting more pressure on israel at 2 ends. it's campaign and the fighting and gaza and i'm curious to get your take there. why do you think we haven't seen that stronger pressure from someone like antony blinking? but good morning. well, there's a public pressure there's, there's pressure behind the scenes on the left hand show as to the story taking
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place. we have reports that sector being the us government is increasingly frustrated, obviously with benyamin anytime in yahoo, we are an intellect, 3 years of the united states, the united states, public opinion, the, the political to the eighty's on both sides of the printer to get spectrum are are, are very pro, is really, is of a, is really security is one of the main interest of the united states in the middle east. so this is a very difficult situation for the us government, debated high type of what, what kind of supports to show publicly what kind of pressure to take to the public be. i think that we have seen a great, a pressure increasing not necessary, probably about pressing freezing over the last few weeks as compared to the immediate reactions and stuff up to the tax. but, but again, i think it's mainly due to domestic domestic concerns. and i'm curious if you could
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tell us a little bit more about about which domestic influences are at play here. cuz it's always interesting when you look at u. s. foreign policy, what is going on at home and how that affects what is happening abroad? uh well, why do you think we see such a strong support for israel from both sides of the island the us as well again. well, 1st of all, you know, i think it's the, the security of israel is a, it has a long tradition and us and us foreign policy. it is one of the few items where you have buy a bipartisan support. if you compare, for example, the discussions i have been taking place in congress on adopting and aid for ukraine versus support to as well and security gems. you know that these go thing happened to discuss in power. the one when you came are highly controversial, whereas that the, the, the, the ones that he's, we easy. so that is really a strong press site in general on the,
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on any us government to take care of is rated security and make this a high priority. and of course, in a situation like this, where is the top? i'm out of the blue for the 3 government inside simple random fashion. the 1st reaction for any us government has to be to fully throw their weight behind these and the government. and again. so i don't think that happened, so it's an intellectual road here. this is this, this pressure gets even worse. and the united states has of course, such a powerful partner. for israel, i'm curious whether they're powerful enough to make benjamin netanyahu change his mind or whether there are also other international partners and allies that might have influence on him. or um, i think it would be a mistake to assume that it's mainly in international allies. part of the externals who are the ones, the parents,
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they're going to turn the tide here on the 10. yeah. i think both with the got to that time. yeah. and is government, i've got to them us, we have a situation where they would only agree to a change of the current status quoted benefit someone, if it doesn't mean their own political, the end of the degree is an advocacy sketches found. now right now you've been yeah, was all interest to continue the time situation because all of the current options were ending, basically the kinds of the kinds of the kind of the war would most likely resolved in is also in the individual. and for the degree in the same way a mazda has no interest in giving up as the previous speaker mention, has no interest in giving them out. the whole system has no interest in, in, in ending with it. yes, it is now, so the us can pressure as much as, as one if the, if diplomacy doesn't produce an offer or a solution, bad would instead of advise any of these actors to, to move and right now clearly we don't have,
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we don't have that situation where any time you, i was, sees that it is in his interest to stop the fighting. and i think that is a process that is the process that, that blinked and is trying to bring forward and all that stuff with diplomacy. concrete. well, thank you so much for your analysis today. that is a christina couch from the german marshall fund to south. we very much appreciate your time. we do want to bring you up to speed now with some other world news stories at this hour. the european union is set to unveil its climate targets for 2040. the plan will include a roadmap for the use energy transition and is expected to recommend a 90 percent cut to net greenhouse gas emissions. the block has pledge to be carbon neutral by 2050 in spanish farmers are gathering for a day of protests across the country. they are part of a wave of demonstrations by farmers that have disrupted cities and towns across
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europe. the farmers say they're angry at rising cost and unfair competition. a canyon cult leader is appearing in court on murder charges. paul intended mckenzie is alleged to have motivated more than $400.00 followers to star themselves to death. he and dozens of other suspects are facing charges that include a child torture. in brazil, rear diginero has the clarity, public health emergency in the wake of a den, a fever outbreak. the city has registered more than $10000.00 cases since the start of the year. and the emergency measures come as party goers pour into the city for the annual carnival celebration. britton's king charles has been diagnosed with cancer less than 18 months since he has entered the throne. fucking empowers, issued a statement saying that disease was discovered during a hospital procedure of last week. it says the 75 year old has started treatment and is positive about his prognosis. a dental appointment of king
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charles cancer diagnosis has surprise many as only last week. he was in smiling and waving a crowd's while leaving the hospital in london following the procedure on an enlarged prostate. but you can tell it says the cancer was discovered during the king's treatment, but it has not revealed the form of the disease. it says the decision to go public was made to prevent speculation and to raise cancer. awareness, london, the centuries are united innovation, the king, a speedy recovery. i think he does a pretty wonderful job. to be honest, i'm a big fan and scott says like somebody got a family would want to go through in private anyway, but having being a person in the public hospice. so i'm sure he is aware of how much that will connect him to other people or the families who go through that. but i'm very
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sad to hear this very sorry to hear. and i pray that he will recover, you know, the treatment is really sad. news for would pay for him. i would cite to him say to my mom, my brother, be strong. buckingham palace says the king is stepping back from his public to you to as well he, i'm to goes treatment. but he will continue in his constitutional role as head of state dealing with state businesses and official paper work coming. the powerful storms of last california with torrential rain that has led to severe flooding and land slides. falling trees have a claim to 3 lives in the sacramento valley. near sacramento is left hundreds of thousands of people without power. much of the state remains under extreme weather,
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advisories. record breaking, rain full has sent mud tearing down hillsides. los angeles. the national weather service says that some of the west as to whether the california has seen nearly a 150 years residents of the 2nd most populated area in the us of facing rhode swamped with water. it's the 2nd time within a matter of days, the atmosphere river has brought huge amounts of moisture. northwood from the woman attitudes to the state. officials say so much. rain has full and so quickly the ground simply can't take any more in with the swell being so saturated. obviously, if it gets to a point where you just cannot absorb it anymore, and that's when it starts to uh, to move. and then we have that shift in the, in the soil. some residents have been falls from that homes by the tolerance of
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model it, right? we heard, it was raining, but we didn't know there was anything like that. we looked outside and there's a foot and a half is running water outside of the house and a sort steeping through the doors. and so they start, they start boarding up the doors and i'm like running equipment upstairs because we have studios downstairs and like we're trying to save things of the areas homeless community has been hit hard by the storm with many living in continents and particularly flood prone areas rescue work has that helps bring some to safety. while the heaviest rain has no pulse authorities urging people to remain cautious in the l. a area saying there was still a risk of yet more flooding unlined slides to come. let's talk to meet her ologist, matthew. she for more on this story, matthew, regarding that report there. mention of an atmospheric river just for starters. uh . can you tell us exactly what this is? how does it work?
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yeah, definitely. so we talked last year, is there a larger scale whether system we know pressure, we know low pressure, these be sprawling spinning storage systems. what happens there within your printer is able to be moving wire since beams counter clockwise, but that's when it rains the phillip into the truck from what you're thinking, stretching 3 or 4000 kilometers. so in this case, we port or choose the moisture from hawaii being drag all the way that goes to california. you can sit there for the 2nd, has your fire goes to the lowland the see a lot of rain in a higher elevation. they see even more rain with the mountains poking, that was your focus it in the highest peaks, one to 2 meters as now and just have common are these ban. and i'm curious how much you argue they are being driven by climate change. a sugars are pretty commonly tennessee 4 or 5, somewhere around the world at any given instant. this one,
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however, it is just an order of magnitude more significant than any of them. for example, was even 20 to 25 centimeters worth of rainfall. but the average of only $7.00 during the entire month of february. so they seemed months worth of rain sunday, for example, was there wednesday since 2004. and obviously the impact of severe regional 100 settlement in flight so far. but the wireless that dollars you see a land university in los angeles got $31.00 centimeters in 24 hours time, which we know is a 1000 here. rain advance any type of 24 hour rain over 29th would use in meters, happens on average only once every 1000 years. and it's not just the rain. all the winds have been raising to 106 kilometers per hour, sacramento to $107.00 in san francisco, in the highest 250 kilometers per hour. now this happens ordinarily, but it's likely change to make these, these little winters and to lead you to her voice or to the air. and with that in mind,
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what would you say the forecast is for seeing more of these in the near future? well, in the near future, the good news with this is, is almost the rain in los angeles in san diego, in southern california. what's happening right now is that this isn't the california is we need any new, lower sort of dragons as you're further eastern invalid. so actually, nevada, las vegas was the snowfall. how does that go into the answer to the good for center the line there, like we're gonna, we're gonna leave it there for now. thank you so much that is meteorologist. matthew can put you a pleasure as always to speak with you. thank you. we do have a developing a story also coming in from turkey officials. they're say that 6 people, including 3 police officers, have been wounded and a shooting in front of the court house and assemble the 2 shooters. a man and
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a woman opened fire at a police check point. turkey's interior minister says they were both killed and the gun bottles that followed at the minister of ledgers that the shooters were members of a leftist militant group. and a year on from turkey's deadliest earthquake in modern times. protesters of clash with police and the southern prophets of high tide. thousands of people had originally gathered in the city of and talk in for a vigil for the one year anniversary of the major quake which kills more than 50000 people in turkey alone and displaced millions. demonstrators say the government has neglected their regions. sense of a 7.8 magnitude. quake struck south eastern turkey and parts of syria. our correspondent julia han, filed this report from an talk you this is what remains. of the one's bustling city of on took you. abandoned department buildings lined the roads
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. reminders of a knife that no longer exist, see if the year has passed since the quakes and in many places says still busy demolishing damage buildings and clearing the rustle. this neighborhood used to be home to thousands of people, but just look around. it's almost entirely gone a year ago to powerful earthquakes, patches, se kentucky be destroyed or severely damaged. some 300000 buildings across 11 provinces. experts say construction safety codes had been ignored on a grand scale. some nice could be rescued. many couldn't today the official desk told stands at more than 50000, these grades in and talk a monument to pain of durham dust. you lost his brother and his
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mother. he himself was trapped under the rubble for more than a day. he tells me ok, so when i managed to get out after more than 30 hours, it looked like the apocalypse. it happens and you say no one knew what to do. i shouldn't, you know, everyone had lost someone and the state wasn't there for us. there was no help me with a single mother a year later, hundreds of thousands in the disaster he'd region are still holding out in containers and other temporary shelter. like melick dustin and who invites me into her improvised kitchen. she's been living here for almost a year with her husband and 2 children, but others motion, but i can't get used to this. i had it because i had everything. and now i don't know what will happen, what will become with my kids with lorraine in the road. i sometimes tell myself, god, i wish we had died too, as a family's gift associated county,
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i imagine shortly. honest as a quakes president bridget tire of ad one made hold, promises to swiftly reveals across the region how much it was. a goal in the 1st phase is to complete the $319000.00 homes and village houses within a year and hand them over to the wrong notes by the test. but the reconstruction is progressing. fluid improvements at this building sites on the outskirts of kentucky . yes. most of the osman and his team are racing to get the 1st few 1000 departments ready in february. he attempts to explain the delays. sure. india, it's the biggest problem right now is the rain. so it's been raining heavily in the region, so they do a lot of what we're working non stop, i want to make sure earthquake victims can move in as soon as possible. the billboards like this one have sprung up across the city. you homes, you jobs a future, that's the talkers governments big promise. but as much as people here one to believe and it's many have little hope that life and this city will soon return to
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how it was before. many shop owners are improvising the sell from containers, know that most of their former customers are either did or displaced, getting supplements. i'm just looking for them to be. we decided to do something on our own to make ends meet. i have one test to go on. we have said antonia will certainly getting back on and speaking. i also most of you said the j. c. everything will get better. but i'm not sure. i think it'll take 10 or 15 years to rebuild the city on, on this yellow, the hall of the engineer darcia is you calling to see? i'm a mother of 4 children. i'm fighting for them. we have to hold on somehow much, at least we're still alive. and that means there is whole units of our that makes and that whole is a crucial building block for the future and meet the ruins of on talk you are. now if you have ever complained about poor cell phone coverage, spare
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a thought for the folks who are living in an arctic. this is the remote pro research center there. until now. they had a lot of problems getting signal, but that has changed with the opening of the world, southern most, mobile phone base station, norwegian companies, helen or set it's new for g surface will allow regular cell phone use for the 1st time and ate the work of scientists, the center collects geological climate and weather data telling are also recently installed the world's northern most mobile towers inside the arctic circle. and before he goes, get a reminder of our top story of us, secretary of state antony blinking is visiting egypt as he makes a new push for a cease fire between israel and thomas. patricia blinking is seeking with positive fighting for 6 weeks while hostages held by the palestinian a group of would be released and that is accepting at this hour of watching
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dw news from the firm. glenn, and don't forget there is always more on our website at dw dot com, or you can check us out on social media to our handle. there is that dw news. thank you so much for watching the
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