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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CET

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the, the, you're watching, you know, the news coming to live from for live. the west secretary of state holds crisis talks on gaza with the middle east leaders avenue blinking has been in egypt. and we'll have to could tar and israel, as he works to secure an extended ceasefire. also coming up on the show a 3 dad in california as torrential rain figures, month slides and flooding, leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power. much of the state remains under extreme weather, advisories the
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clear richardson welcome us, secretary of state antony, blinking is in the middle east as part of efforts to secure a ceasefire in gaza. on the 2nd day of his tor, he's been meeting with the gyptian president of those such as c, c in cairo, lincoln says he's hoping to secure an enduring and to the war. a proposal to pause the fighting would include a deal for the release of hostages captured by him off during the october 7th terror attack. and the diplomatic push comes i met a threatened is rarely assault on rafa. a city in southern gauze where many displays, palestinians are seeking shelter, no less up and israel's grind operations and gossip. these really military released vintage of it's offensive in the strip, as taught us on french diplomats met with regional leaders to push for our troops. israel is pressing on with its campaigns after threatening a grind, assault on rafa of the un has dumped rafa the pressure cooker of just spare
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this other in such a near gauze as border with egypt and i host more than half of guys us population displaced since the start of the war. what does that count beaver forcefully displays from gall? so they followed us to con eunice. we came to russell and they want to follow us again. where do we go? hoping to show up support for a truce. us x ray of state antony blinking, kicked off a diplomatic offensive in the middle east. meeting with id officials before heading to egypt. international pressure on israel is mounting. frances foreign minister called for an immediate cease fire and a political solution for god. so we must prepare the future and support the palestinian authority, which mistake on a new form and re deploy in the gaza strip as soon as possible. i repeat garza is palestinian land by this union,
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but it's unclear if those plans will be realized. israel's prime minister is set on continuing to war until him off is destroyed. does it come to them? this is the essence of our policy. total victory of how much total victory is essential because it guarantees israel security. total victory is the only way in which we can secure the further historic peace agreements that awaits us. israel's defense minister says the military would push on until it has to reign over gaza, including rough and lincoln's latest round of shuttle diplomacy comes after the us brokered an offer for what would be the 1st extended gone to a cease fire. i spoke to a journalist occurring, i'll go harry and cairo he outlined the deal that is currently on the table. the way what's it is on the table is what was the goal shades? it's already in paris between the is where is the americans caught the end the
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injections and it says some kind of temporary ceasefire. and then a face exchange of hostages and princes. of course the, this one big sticking point is we don't have yet an official answer from us to this proposal. we know that how much and 6 to be predicted because they at the mon is an end of the wall and then the exchange of prisoners. so, and they want some kind of guarantee that there is not a temporary cease fire, but there is the fire, the end of the war, and then the exchange of prisoners. that is the main sticking point. as you go to your, in your reports, is there any by pregnant and stuff in any way that y'all is so saying he will move on until i have the victory against how much i'm telling how much is destroyed, difficult to see how much is giving up it's a hostages,
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the only leverage they have right now as to what is right and why, why they've been any means and always announcing that he is out there to destroy the very same people. he's negotiating with right now in directory and cream. meanwhile, israel's defense minister has said that ideas really offensive will eventually reach ross or that is that southern most town in gaza. right on the egyptian border . um, you know, we know that more than half of gardens are now displays and living in miserable conditions. packs there in rough. uh, can you tell us a little bit what an is railey assault on rafa would mean for its neighbor egypt to what it is he already mentioned is a very disparate situation in the, in the all 5 people, are there a 1000000 people there escape from other areas in the gaza strip, which basically they're back to the egyptian border because here of course of the egyptian side is that there will be some kind of displacement scheme. a bigger
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displacement scheme of the policy is coming over to the egyptian side. that is a part of the student and also an error of trauma that whenever punish stevens left the areas they wouldn't have are able to come back. and that's the big fear in egypt that it's for sure. also part of the discussions was blinking, blinking already mentioned several times in the last days that ca, he would be against some permanent displacement of palestinians from the gaza strip towards egypt. but that really remains the biggest fee and kind of what thank you so much for bringing us up to speed. there is always that is journalist kareem outgo harry in cairo for us. storms of last california with a torrential rain that has brought severe flooding and land slides. following trees have killed 3 people in the north of the states. a hundreds of thousands are without power and extreme weather. warnings are in force. reco,
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breaking rain full, has sent mud tearing down hillsides. los angeles, the national weather service says that some of the west as to whether the california has seen nearly a 150 years. residents of the 2nd most populated area in the us of facing road swamped with water. it's the 2nd time within a matter of days to the atmospheric river has brought huge amounts of moisture. northwood from the woman attitudes to the state. officials say so much. rain has full and so quickly. the ground simply can't take any more in the with the swell being so saturated. obviously it gets to a point where you just cannot absorb it anymore. and that's when it starts to uh, to move. and then we have that shift in the, in the soil. some residents have been falls from that homes by the torrents of mazda were, were heard, it was raining,
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but we didn't know there was anything like that. we looked outside and there's a foot and a half and running water outside of the house. and it sort steeping through the doors and so they start, they start in the morning up the doors and i'm like running equipment upstairs because we have studios downstairs and like we're trying to save things. the areas homeless community has been hit hard by the storm with many living in continents, and particularly flood prone areas. rescue work has that helps bring some to safety . while the heaviest rain has no pulse authorities urging people to remain cautious in the l. a area saying there was still a risk of yet more flooding unlined slides to come. let's talk to jason at camp a. don't hear the nbc news radio bureau chief in los angeles. jason, glad you controlling us. can you tell us what the situation looks like? where you are and uh right now it's not fantastic. i can tell
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you that experts are saying that the ground is saturated right now. and that's the tipping point. so the water seeps into the soil, it's bad rock and that's in that soil. just falls right off of the mountain side. so everybody's kind of breezing for the worst at the moment. uh, the rain continues to fall here in southern california, and it's expected to fall throughout the rest of today. and we'll finally start to break up later this afternoon. late this evening and into tomorrow. we should see showers on and off tomorrow, but that's not helping the situation right now. we really need the sun to come out and start drying up some of these hill sides because everybody is just kind of bracing for more months slides, verge of brief lows. and, and the fear is that we're going to see what happened in mont and see those several years ago where there was a massive med slide and it wiped out half of the town. um and that was devastating,
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lot of damage and things like that. so everybody's just kind of on pins and needles right now here in southern california. okay, well we'll be crossing our fingers for sunshine for you. i'm curious how this is directly affecting people there. and if you can tell us what kind of health is available for those who, who are facing hardship because of this extreme, whether so in southern california, everybody lives in their car. right? because of our commute, our commutes are extremely long. it's about 45 minutes on average, and those are just about doubled the past 24 hours. so you're taking about an hour and a half to get to work. it's very difficult to get your kids to school. it's very difficult to go outside and do anything because the roads are flooded, all of the storm drains are basically fall and it's they, they need a break and the help is being provided right now. as you know, we have some uh, areas is under evaluation orders. there is a evacuation centers that are, are being open, but there's really not much that we can do. uh, you know,
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when water flows, water is gonna flow and it's gonna find a way to get to the lower line areas, whether you liked it or not. so there's really not much we can do. people are being asked to send back their homes, make sure that, you know, try to keep the water out of their homes as much as possible. but again, that's almost uh, that's almost near impossible when it's been this much rain. i wanna thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. that is jason capital at n b c news radio bureau chief in los angeles. we really appreciate your time. thanks so much. so we can turn now to some other world news headlines. turkish officials say 6 people including 3 police officers, have been wounded in a shooting outside a court house and it's tumble a man and a woman reported we opened fire at a security check point. turkeys interior ministers of the attackers belong to a leftist militant group and were killed when police returned. fire. ukrainian
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official say russian strike and the harkey region has killed a 2 month old baby. 3 women were also injured when the missiles struck a hotel. the region borders russia and has been one of the hardest hit throughout the war. a spanish farmers are gathering for a day of protests across the country. they are part of a wave of demonstrations by farmers that have disrupted cities and towns across europe. the farmers say they're angry at rising costs and unfair competition. and the european union is set to unveil it's a climate targets for 2040. the plan will include a roadmap for the use energy transition and is expected to recommend a 90 percent cut net greenhouse gas emissions. the block has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2050 britons king charles has been diagnosed with cancer less than 18 months since he ascended the throne. walking impalas issued a statement saying that disease was discovered during
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a hospital procedure last week. it says the 75 year old has started treatment and is positive about his prognosis. a dental appointment of king charles cancer diagnosis has surprise many as only last week he was in smiling and waving a crowns while leaving the hospital in london. following the procedure on an enlarged, prostate got, you can tell it says the cancer was discovered during the king's treatment, but it has not revealed the form of the disease. it says the decision to go public was made to prevent speculation and to raise cancer awareness. london, the centuries are united innovation, the king, a speedy recovery. i think he does a pretty wonderful job to be honest. i'm a big fan of on that because i suddenly got a family would want to go through in private anyway. but having being
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a person in the public hospice soto, i'm sure he is aware of how much that will connect him to other people or the families who go through that. but i'm very sad to hear this very sorry to hear. and i pray that he will recover, you know, the treatment is really sad. news for, for the war would pay for him. i would cite to a welcome say to my mom, my brother be strong. buckingham palace says the king is stepping back from his public to use while he undergoes treatment, but he will continue in his constitutional role as head of state dealing with state businesses and official paper work comp. it's just before we go, let's get a reminder of our top story at this hour. you a secretary of state in some blankets, visiting egypt as he makes a new post for a cease fire between israel and tomas. the truce blinking and seeking would pause
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the fighting for 6 weeks while hostages help to fly, a month would be released. and as soon as update business is coming up next state change. and thanks for watching the discovery issues or thoughts say what the, this is the story of china is historic economic slowdown on what the end of its decade. something means.


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