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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, if you're watching due to the news coming to live from berlin. the west secretary of state holds crisis talks on gaza with middle east leaders. and to me, blinking has been in egypt and will head to guitar. and israel, as he works to secure an extended ceasefire. also coming up on the show, the european union prepares to unveil and vicious climate change targets. despite protests, by farmers against regulations, by the leaders, are forced into concessions on cutting greenhouse gases and to 3 or dead in california. as torrential rain triggers mudslides and flooding,
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leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power. extreme weather warnings are in force for much of the states. the clare richardson, welcome us, secretary of state anthony blinking is pressing ahead with the diplomatic tour of the middle east in the hopes of securing a ceasefire in gaza. blankets been meeting with a junction president abdul 5. i'll cc in cairo. america's top. diplomats, as he's hoping for unimed during end to the war proposal to pause the fighting would include a deal to release hostages captured by hum us during the october 7th terror attacks . despite the talks, as well as pushing on with it's offensive in gaza, advancing towards rafa in the south. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he'll continue the war until her mazda is destroyed. meanwhile, more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians are sheltering in the area. lincoln's
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aiming to a secure the 1st extended gauze of ceasefire. i spoke earlier to journalist cream, le go harry in cairo, and he outlined the deal that is currently on the table. the way what's it is on the table is what was the goal shades? it's already in paris between the is written is the americans caught the end the injections. it says some kind of temporary ceasefire, and then a face exchange of hostages and princes. of course the, this one big sticking point is we don't have yet an official answer from us to this proposal. we know that how much and 6 to be tricky because they have the money is an end of the wall and then the exchange of prisoners. so, and they want some kind of guarantee that there is not a temporary cease fire,
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but there is the fire, the end of the war, and then the exchange of prisoners. that is the main sticking point. as you go to your, in your reports, is there any by pregnant and stuff in any way that y'all is so saying he will move on until i have the victory against how much i'm telling how much is destroyed, difficult to see how much is giving up it's a hostages, the only leverage they have right now as to what is written and why, why they've been any means and always announcing that he is out there to destroy the very same people. he's negotiating with right now in directed and cream. meanwhile, israel's defense minister has said that the is really offensive will eventually reach ross or that is that southern most town in gaza right on the egyptian border . um, you know, we know that more than half of glasses are now displays and living in miserable conditions, packs there in rough. uh, can you tell us a little bit what an is railey sold on rafa would mean for it, its neighbor,
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egypt. what it is you already mentioned is a very disparate situation in the, in the all 5 people, are there a 1000000 people there escape from other areas in the gaza strip, which basically they're back to the egyptian border because here of course of the egyptian side is that there will be some kind of displacement scheme, a bigger displacement scheme of the policy is coming over to the egyptian side. that is a part of the student and also an error of trauma that whenever punish stevens left the areas they wouldn't have are able to come back. and that's the big fear in egypt that it's for sure. also part of the discussions was blinking, blinking already mentioned several times in the last days that ca, he would be against some permanent displacement of palestinians from the gaza strip towards egypt. but that really remains the biggest fee and kind of what thank you so much for bringing us up to speed. there is always that is journalist kareem,
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outgo harry in cairo for us so they can bring, have to speak to some other world news headlines. now, a canyon calls leaders facing new charges of murder and $191.00 children. all mackenzie's alleged to have motivated more than 400 followers to starve themselves to die. he and thousands of other suspects are charged with multiple offenses, including torture. 6 people including 3 police officers, have been wounded in a shooting outside a court house and it's tumble. a man and a woman opened fire at a security check point before being shot dead turkey's interior minister said they belong to a left just a militant group. and a russian strike has killed a 2 month old baby and ukraine's harkey region. 3 women were also injured when a missile struck a hotel, the region borders russia and has been one of the hardest hit throughout
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the year was expected to drop a key part of his 2040 proposal for cutting greenhouse gas pollution, which specifically refers to agriculture and mission cuts, the move comes of spanish farmers stage protests across the country using tractors to block roads in some areas. they are joining farmers in germany, france, and other european countries who have held similar protests in recent weeks. farmers are angry about rising cost, high levels of drop proceed, and competition from non e u nations. so let's get some perspective on this from my colleague beatrice christopher from dw environment. joining me here in the studio, welcome back. tell us how much we've really seen the european union backing down here on its emissions targets after these protests by farmers. yeah, i think it's been quite a surprise how the you in the announcing it's 242040 climate targets. how light it is going on farmers and an agriculture and emissions so. so reports say that
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originally there was supposed to be a 30 us and cut an arrow cultural pollution. specifically between 20152040. and you have reported lead that has just been dropped completely. and that really shows that in some pockets of european society there's really no appetite at all for, for these admission codes. but the good news is that on the large scale you know, and that you has announced that they will and it, the goal now for 2040 is to cut emissions by 90 percent compared to 1990. and this is something that scientists have really been hoping for for a long time. it's kind of a north star that is supposed to show us where, where we need to be headed. if we want to meet the goal of net 0 emissions by 2050 . okay. so they've announced as a pretty ambitious goal for 2040. i want to look back a little bit and just take stock of their track record. i mean, how has the block done on meeting it's existing climate targets?
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unfortunately, not very well. you know, we have this 2040 goal that has now been announced as an interim target and we have another intern target which is 2030 and that was 55 percent. so a lot less ambitious than the one that we have coming up. and even this less ambitious goal, we're probably not going to meet it. so we're probably gonna be more around 51 percent. and there are several reasons for not meeting it. what kind of some of the main topics that are are in focus, our agriculture, as we just mentioned. you know, the agricultural sector has barely changed in recent years. but partly because there's also a lot of pushback, a lot of social push back and few incentives for farmers to you know, to, to support nature conservation. instead of, you know, kind of raising down a lot of trees to mix space for crops. another topic that's up is heating. we're not really and improving there either. and so that really means we need to focus on
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some solutions like heat pumps. for example, that are more sessions serve you sounds from what you're saying, like you're not terribly optimistic that the use new climate targets will be realistic, then they are feasible. if you is willing to walk the walk, i mean there's absolutely no question that it is an emissions target. and that to me until some dishes target that you need to have a massive overhaul and how we grow our food, how we do business, how like what our infrastructure looks like. um, of course all these things need to change, but the thing is that they were always going to change to begin with, like the climate crisis, is impacting the way we live on a social level on an economic level. just if you look in europe in the past few years, wildfires, droughts, heat waves have all become more common and more severe. and so we need to be a step ahead and see how can we change of these things to reduce our emissions and to secure a livable future for people in europe,
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but also abroad who were kind of ruling with these mass of emissions? well, thank you so much for painting a picture for us. that is beatrice christopher from dw environment. i appreciate your time. now speaking of storms have last, california with torrential rains brought severe flooding and land slides following trees of killed. 3 people in the north of the state. hundreds of thousands are without power and extreme weather. warnings are in force record breaking, rain full has sent mud tearing down hillsides. los angeles. the national weather service says that some of the west as to whether the california has seen nearly a 150 years. the residence of the 2nd most populated area in the us of facing road swamped with volta. it's the 2nd time within a matter of days to the atmospheric river has brought huge amounts of moisture.
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northwood from the woman attitudes to the state. officials say so much rain has full and so quickly the ground simply can't take any more in with the swell being so saturated. obviously it, it gets to a point where you just cannot absorb it anymore, and that's when it starts to uh, to move. and then we have that shift in the, in the soil. some residents have been false from that homes by the tolerance of mazda. we've heard it was raining, but we didn't know there was anything like that. we looked outside and there's a foot and a half is running water outside of the house and a sort steeping through the doors. and so they start, they start boarding at the doors and i'm like running equipment upstairs because we have studios downstairs and like we're trying to save things. the areas homeless community has been hit hard by the storm with many living in continents, and particularly flood prone areas. rescue work has that helps bring some to safety
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. while the heaviest rain has no pulse authorities urging people to remain cautious in the l. a area saying there was still a risk of yet more flooding unlined slides to come. let's turn to senegal now where the parliament has voted to postpone the next presidential election. the pole was due to be held this month, but has now been pushed back until december. cynical has long been considered a model of democracy in west africa. the delay has sparked protests on the streets as well as in parliament. of the son of gold has ended on delta dental cream. dozens of opposition and bees made a last ditch attempt to block ability leading elections. but they were thrown out of the national assembly and the remaining long because voted to postpone the election to december. this expands the current, president's daniel by about 10 months. so i'm thinking maybe what brings us
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together here is quite simply unconstitutional. which is why i say that today we're, we to send an attempted constitutional cruise for that. it's it's clear that the government's aim is to push for a postponement of the elections because they know their candidate will lose and perform. president mackie saw announced the election dealer over the weekend. he said it was because of a dispute between the parliament and the constitutional court over the rejection of canada. and the next soon after his announcement protested, update across the capital, the car. the government's and hundreds of security forces into the streets in a shaw force. force any factors, and if at the doesn't measure if we are afraid, it's a question of whether we're willing to let the regime that's in place of advance its political agenda, whether we say no. and the answer from a simple is to say,
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no, you're going to go on and on and on and on. we don't know. so ever since we want to confront unless you in an election, that's all we want. we don't want anything else that the, the protest soon escalated into violent flashes with police. sending all has long been done to the modern democracy in west africa. but this latest crisis threatens to undermine that image. before we go, let's get a reminder of our top story to us, secretary of state and me blinking is pressing ahead with the middle east. tor aimed at securing a new ceasefire between israel and from us. proposed agreement to the would include a pause in the fighting for 6 weeks while hostages held by whom us are released. and a quick reminder, you can always get diesel unions on the go. just download our app or google play or from the app store, it'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push
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notifications. whenever there's breaking news. and if you're part of a new story, you can use that he w up to send us photos and videos of what's happening and that's he needs update. i'm clear, richardson in for lynn for me in the whole team. thanks so much for watching the ice cold. patrick, i need an expedition venture this on 2 places that no one has the climate research in the ice. the dogs march, 3rd on dw to the heart of sean pine. yet the national. you can see there's money here,
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major champagne brands.


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