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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news, live it from berlin tonight, homeless puts forward new proposals for a ceasefire and for releasing the hostages. as the us secretary of state hold starts with the palestinians president and is really leaders wrapping up his lead diplomatic mission to the middle east. also coming up tonight, dozens dead and injured and bombed west and pakistan. explosions happened the day before, parliamentary elections there. and it's already been marred by allegations of vote rigging, plus a grounded in germany, hundreds of wines cancelled as ground staff walk out in airports across the country . tons of workers are threatening to extend their strike unless the airline
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improved. it's pay all the library golf. it's good to have you with this on this wednesday and we begin with the latest attempt to end the stand off between israel and tomas. today i'm off put forward new proposals for a ceasefire and releasing of the hostages. and he comes as the us secretary of state, winds up his latest diplomatic mission to the region after the bleak, and has met with the palestinian president mark who the boss and the occupied westbank. lincoln earlier held talks with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem, america's top diplomat saying he's hoping for a deal, but that a lot of work remains to be done as well. the militant group of moss, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. and israel has submitted his
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proposal for halting the conflict in gossip waters. news agency says that how much is asking for a 4 and a half months ceasefire. israel's complete withdrawal from johnson, as well as the large scale reconstruction of gaza and talks to end the war. those are the proposals. let's go now to our correspondent in jerusalem, rebecca rivers. rebecca, what more can you tell us about lincoln's visit today? let's let me show, has had a jam packed schedule today. chris crossing the country, also heading into the palestinian territories, as he mentioned this morning, meeting with the as ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu meeting the head of the i. d f to get a real situational assessment. of what's happening in gaza. he's also met with the is ready president, as you mentioned. and then he crossed in this afternoon into the west bank and met with muffler the boss, the palestinian president, because they don't forget, well the, the hostage deal is of course
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a very high agenda item for the secretary. and the other thing that he's here to talk about encourage is what's going to happen in a post cause a complete will. and that's certainly what will have been discussed with the present the bus. and obviously the us don't have the same idea is that the israel have us look, we'd like to see the pallet palestinian, or dorothy who room currently will in the west bank will parts of the west bank to then take the leadership in a post because a conflict in, in, in gaza itself. now that's not exactly what benjamin netanyahu is looking to say post. this was so that's certainly something that he would have been speaking about with benjamin netanyahu this morning. but of course, the hostage deal of being really topping the agenda. and as you write the report and he was saying that there's still quite a long way to go in terms of these negotiations and there is an egyptian components here. egyptian officials, we understand, told a f p that a new round of negotiations. i think i'm quoting there will begin next week in
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cairo. how does that fit into all of this or yeah, that's what we've been hearing, brent, which goes to show that we're going to hear from israel. what we're pretty much expecting that they will reject the proposal that i must have come forward with that proposal that you mentioned in that late in there. that there are too many things in that is but as well cannot come and agree to that. benjamin netanyahu is that right, said he will not agree to. so we, it does look like the negotiations asset to continue. as you mentioned, the egyptians who played a very big role in the negotiations this time. and also last time with a successful hostage exchange in november, as well as a guitar is they've been playing a very big role as well. so we've, we, we see we're getting wood from the egyptian media. and as he mentioned to as pay that the negotiations will continue so well everyone had high hopes that this would . that's something that this would come to fruition soon. it does look like this is going to go on to sundays is not weeks yet brent. all right, are correspond to rebecca read us with the leaves tonight from jerusalem. rebecca,
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thank you. in pakistan, dozens of people have been killed and injured in bomb blasts that came just a day before parliamentary elections are scheduled to take place. explosions rocked political offices in the south western province of the locust in the 1st hit, the district of machine, and the 2nd, the city of zillow, site law, a 127000000 voters are going to the polls and an election already overshadowed by allegations of vote reading and corruption, hundreds of thousands of troops and police have been deployed following a search in violence in the run up to the election. the 1st blast hit the office of an independent political candidate and pushing police say, an explosive device strapped to a motor bike exploded outside the building, killing and wounding people nearby. the candidate, as from the r khan, was away from his office at the time. i said, you said you have, i got a call from
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a colleague that's a blessed, a place inside the pot to come. i came in and everything was destroyed for gold say thus far to ship protective sake, i might have paused. let's go to the 2nd bombing followed soon after and kill us. i fooled again, killing and wounding minnie, and the blast radius. the target was a jeremy out lame is lum party office. at the time of the last, we were inside the pots, your face for our election campaign activities. nickelodeon and all of our colleagues that participates in unit is a motor bike, right. the approach that we're office on and our colleagues tried to stop panic. yeah. but they couldn't handle caught them and they would know police officers around line i made to j. u i is one of pakistan's leading radical islamic parties and is known for backing the can tell about. in recent years they've been under attack by the so called islamic state and other militant groups. both glass
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occurred near pakistan's border with afghanistan were attacked by militant groups have been on the rise. so far, no group has claimed responsibility for the twin bombings. pakistan's foreign ministry announced they'll be closing the borders with the ron and afghanistan during election day. as a further precaution, well, i went across the aisle to the w's show meal showings. he's joining me from karachi tonight. it's good to see you show meal. so what do we know? what more do we know at this point of the boldest do to get about his house, told me that the dozens of people have been condemned. these 2 back to back last and below, just on a province invested in problems which is have gone this don and ron and dozens have been wounded as well. who have been digging to austin. this has disrupted the
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election process. the, the, the, the goal is to be held tomorrow on the 8th of february in buckets on a cross sparks done. but the situation is quite serious in certain areas and below interest on which sure uh where islam is defined and separate as insurgencies, not, not something new. and uh, we'll see a problem in how people go and costs their ballots. uh, tomorrow morning. uh, this looks like uh, the suit has gone down the bottom that what you know yet is that i have been on the docks as well on the j u i as as long as bought these procession. and it is a small scale and granted a dark and cut off to you, but i'm sitting at the moment covering the elections. there has been a report of one person dying granted a dock at a at an area and grouchy which is a dozen population bucks the biggest city an engine to do. do we know who could
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possibly be behind these glass? a no group has claimed responsibility for these attacks so far. but as i said that uh uh below just on has seen the buttons and the boss. it happens regularly says thomas militants separate surgeons. there are separate as one to break away from bucks down from small above because they, they claim that the psalm bodies use up and get results down against china is when they're ready to find a group us when in this province. so no group has claimed any responsibility so far . the part to the military operation is ongoing and dis, problems, and it's likely to intensify the coming days and the impacts on the, the elections. what's your prediction? the while the dock is due for one is that
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this violent insurgency, your ducks, in below, just on the december bill to the cop robbins which also borders have gone to stone . k b k ethics court in bucks on the bill. see and increase a spike. and bindings dot means that it will be a big challenge for the next administration. and that could be a military operation in the coming coming weeks and months in these areas. be a big challenge for oh, for the next a demonstration of to the elections tomorrow. also it with also displayed to the voters, especially in below, just on a cardboard box to comp robins from dusting their ballots also across bucks on because it's a very dull election. already. people are unhappy with the grad down and they've gone folks. palmer, brian, mr. bronx, on sunday it was behind box. this was the way the board is more and they
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would probably not going to cost. if i less the done a could be low because people fees and secure. yeah, lots of volatility on the eve of elections there in pakistan. dw jameel shops in karachi did not be the latest. emil, thank you. all right, here's a look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world of this, our ukraine's parliament has back the 1st reading of a bill to send more soldiers to the front while i and after rejecting a previous version, families want shorter service periods for troops who have been fighting for 2 years either by john is voting and election that is expected to give president for one of the another 7 year term military offensive that brought the our meeting and separate is region of newborn to cover a bucket under his control last year has boosted his support as has a lack of independent media and any real political opposition. so winter
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weather is hampering a holiday travelling for millions in china. it's the 1st chance as the pen demik permitted chinese to celebrate the lunar new year with relatives living elsewhere. annual exit is from cities as the world's biggest mass movement of not a lot of movement here in germany. hundreds of flights had been cancelled as ground staff workers go on strike and major airports wage negotiations between the airlines of transit and the union had broken down and workers are threatening to extend the strike unless a p offer is improved. hundreds of canceled flights of lift airports across germany, deserves it off the ground stuff from national airline look, comes of wilkes of the job affecting around $100000.00 passages. as we seem to say, i was a student, i think it's good that people back to wages because everything is really expensive
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than if there were a few replacement flights so that we can still fly. i think that's ok. ok. but hopefully it won't take too long, so it's ok to stand up for your rights, but itself and the normal people who are affected, who have saved up for many, many months for flight. the conte take place now. on the strike comes a mid teens negotiation, so the pay in working conditions around $25000.00 employees are seeking at least the 12th the same pay rise this year. a line both so say they can also 13 percent over the next 3 years. on this i get more than what they didn't have any other option. but to strike. we have been through 2 rounds organizations that were unacceptable. he lived on so made an offer in the last round, which no any social but is also divisive and puts his groups against each other. this is completely unacceptable to us, but we will have
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a machine name box. this is the latest in a series of strikes in gemini by stop at a line bus and rail services in recent weeks. thousands of work is the seeking pay hikes to cover the increasing cost of living. the airport strike is currently scheduled to last until early thursday morning. finally, some heart warming news for you. a rare baby chimpanzee has been born in the chester zoom and the u. k of a 0 just released this footage of the new born male and said that his arrival was vitally important to the future of this b 6, which you pansy's adjuster are part of the international conservation breeding program that's aimed to prevent their extinction argues, reminder of our top story, a mazda has put forward new proposals for a ceasefire and release of hostages as the us secretary of state pressure is on with his latest diplomatic tour of the region and to be bleeding as met senior is
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really officials to discuss the plane. you're watching dw news from berlin, i'll be back at the top of the hour with more real news of to see you that the the industry can have a site and make the right decision, dw, and you can, you know, follow the
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what is this an umbrella you will probably do uh for the more number that i do collect towards a human being i sleep. is that not funny? is your mind people, you know, probably do it for that one umbrella. even if you have a frontier who might be assisting me with this stuff. i've been in bed. i'm going to show you guys, it's a, we have 2 parts of it, just some of the 3 from vienna, all stuff inside the go for things you might be. obviously, you don't have to give out for these encore, let's change it might be nice a split, know you will probably give out for, for that one please. and to collect things you might be, i just leave this loan kind of gone most a 100 best lease. it will probably do uh for the shuttle on dean example. what did you mind being honestly, the
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over 400 years more than 12000000 africans were sold into slavery as part of the transatlantic slave trade? today, human traffickers are still profiting from the many young africans who hope to migrate and resort to doing it through legal chance. the i want to say we, i don't know how good i would be fishing, so sounds okay. the,
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what can i do for you guys? i mean, you know, we want to talk to about generating some of our guys over the toners you help them . but i mean. busy you know, one of my brothers being duped by fix as a company of time the. ready and this will be my 2nd time trying to go to europe. and we don't want to fail. people have told us we'd be in good hands with, you know,
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where i'm in the room. might be duped by sticks. there's many times you give them money. i don't hear from them again by the time of, i mean we can't talk here and we'll take my number and call me later. so we can arrange where to meet with you. because if in what i'm doing, i have a lot of apple and i know go have them what. 4 no problem, i will tell you why one source. sure. sure . sure. sure. sure, sure. one get done cuz you're not sure. i lives into auction and follow wills it.
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i'm a really good skipper. the game or the one that goes after 20 years of fishing. i still didn't earn enough money. i don't even know what a house even though i'm very good on experience what the beginning. so i don't know what i heard about the migration business lucrative. it can be little bit amount of money that we didn't get done later on. was that what we wanted them good? i decided to stop pushing something up so i could get into smuggling and give her the guy for money. i want to enroll him. well, how many of the the way up the they didn't get the, the the know do decided to go to the port. it's a lot of people with the hope of joining the smuggler. people the top 10
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a lot. i'm going to go, oh my god. as soon as i got to the people, the sixers recognize me and offered me a job, taking their migrants to spin up and we'll know what the de la da didn't get new buying was accepted. son, do you need to take your education seriously from? oh no one of my one minute. hold on. yeah. you do, you know so you don't end up a fisherman like me without going to go from that when you're away. he doesn't take anything seriously. follow your sisters example and tell him he's not taking it seriously. you know, when you do this a boy,
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you need to be careful and don't need to study hard. i'd also be here for your mom all the time. okay. if you need the good of what i was born in k e d. when i grew up into a depot, i've been working as a fixer since 2006 and let it you know that yes . why don't you listen? i don't want them crying. i know hello albany. so how are you he doesn't like that type of
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yoga t profess the one with the red packaging. i'm not opening it then typing it to the really don't open it here. take this class with him. why are you interfering in their game play a role and leave them alone? it's not your turn or something i mean, yeah. and then you get any go to be honest, working as a fixer hasn't had a positive effect on my life. we still live hand to mouth. i'm the one the get we still, they've been abject poverty. so what it is, there's the card for the sheep, gone all gone? yes, paid at all. let's make some new cartons. navigate
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lab. this is one thing to be done in good working as a fixer seems to be a lucrative business at 1st. you think you're making lots of money. i leave nothing . shows again, the level don't quite no, no. so when you get home, we consider the conditions and risks involved. you realize what you earned isn't really worth and are kind of turned into no, no, no, no really? just i would one for a med check, at least not enough money to invest in any other business or anything worthwhile. i did. yahoo! bit. logan ellis. of the africans sort of way up to america eastern on me, the best rates. emma sent me the message. i can't hear you. i'm the name on the false. let's see. that i'd like to do my crosses. optimize it goes on. it's
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been a just a little bit, wasn't just a little bit. i'll go see this on the she was owned by t m e. it's off england as well. it's printed these updates 9 times to one of the facility possible. is that all jobs? okay. and they set that taken off because sleeve, and they call it straight because it's a business that they are doing. then you get a receipt on, on best finish. that was, you know, next initial not there is either coordinates or new this initial disability who, where they take it into, they don't know if there's any country called medical all it will. that's why they quoted on known destination. we'll be working on this en route that flew off of 400 yes. assistance centers. that's why i need to be gone on. it's edit and i've got it says 70 that will give you 400 years. is liberty. so you're
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working on the rods, then we have changed on the negative slope, walk in a single 5 to the point of a little bits at the ends of off. they'll be a stop over then i'll be introduced to you. what time that they should give that to do for that to lose? yeah. memory. now let's go to the point of notice on this. oh, my me so up to my misha, who? oh, my, me, who? oh my, me, me, me, me, i'm a new the somebody that let me tell me the one of the last smuggling trip was with me. why do you put the migrants into a big boots? how big the hoof them about 30 kilometers,
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and that's the course we want to develop. both of them. i put it again and that's what i'm thinking. and we asked him to sleep to the bottom of the boat, covered them with fishing nets and fishing materials to the coast guard wouldn't get suspicion is that we wouldn't need any 2nd. i'm not. so if these aren't boat, they think it was the fisherman's boat got the not smugglers of a good job and want to come there to give you the kind of thing like the new something like up the happening with the after 2 days at sea. the 2nd captain suggested throwing a few people off the boot. i told him i wasn't the murderer. he said the same, but i refused the part of the of the one vanilla hot phone from us to take all the microwaves to less promising speed up the most fisherman, mister murder. we continued the trip and after a couple of kilometers, got the engine contact on one of them. one of them and one of the sail. yeah, went to check into her touring noise and the coast guards were approaching. i tried
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to keep out of sight. i'm in need of one of the won't and the deal because when they go told us to stay calm, you wouldn't ask if i was the captain. i said no, but they said they knew i was just gonna eat because they've been following this for the past. 100 kilometer means on this, on the front. that points i'm, i realized i had to come clean where they're going to the some of the live in the . we're ready the
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stop the boat. this is a routine check. please give me the road. please take it easy, our boat is not very strong. take it easy or will sink. this is a routine check. we're looking for small glass. this is just an old pushing volt. hey, please don't do that. don't push our boat. don't tell us what to do. where are your paypal, the how you will from all retain? yeah, yes. okay, go on the
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coast con. stopped the boat to get closer to captain. who's the captain? that's it. wrapped in your paper. to hit our boat. what church? i'm down there. why should the, the buttons you're outside you'll see things on the back of the captain. are you the captain.


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