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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin tonight. his real rejects terms for a cease fire foot forward by him. awesome. is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu valley to find on for total victory. and he says the collapse of a moss is within reach. also coming up tonight, dozens dead and injured, involved glass in pakistan. the explosions happens a day before parliamentary elections already marred by obligations. a vote rigging the brit golf is good to have you with this on this wednesday is real as
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a prime minister has just rejected terms put forward by him off for a cease fire to hold the fighting in gauze of the plan. also would leave him off intact in concept benjamin netanyahu insisting that there is no alternative to the military collapse of hamas, which he says is within reach. within a matter of months that in yahoo repeated his pledge to achieve total victory and to destroy him off. i'm lost, carry down the october 7th terror attacks inside is real. i'm also said that it's prepared to consider all options and we'll hold more talks in cairo because negotiators from egypt and guitar, but it's in yahoo says there's no question of israel giving into how boss is demands. take a list, i'm sure a lot of continuous military pressure is necessary to bring the hostages home, the surrender to him off as preposterous conditions. we heard them, not only will not bring them home, but will also bring upon israel. another massacre because the disaster, no israeli citizen, is willing to accept the a. hi,
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joining me here at the studio now. is there a way to lease analyst at shawnee or was honest shawnee so what do you make of what we're hearing from? that's in yahoo tonight saying that total victory over her moss is within reach within a few months. so he's been saying that for quite some time he has nothing else but to believe that this is, you know what to make as well as belief that this is the only way forward. this has something to do right from the get go. we also see the defense minister kalonde supporting that stand and they feel like only for military pressure is, is a way forward. i mean it's, it's a, it's a, it's a commercial point within is really politics. but miss, i always very, a adamant in pursuing it. and what does this mean for this shuttle diplomacy we've been seeing for the last few days. this is the 5th trip we've seen by the us secretary and state of anthony blinking in the middle east. and it has the made any progress. well, a lot of it is back channels, some of it, you know, we need to get them. and also when we see the rhetorics coming from attorney out
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trying to boost morale for the soldiers, talking about their bravery and how victories is within reach and so on. some of it could also be also telling, very clearly he has given the idea of the clear a go into the next parts of hooked to the goals that they have not touched upon yet . so he wants from us to, to know that israel is willing to keep on fighting fighting because there is a fear in israel that you know, how much knows that the prolonged war is nothing more to is really forces. and they might count on that, you know, just to exhaust israel and he's trying to say, but we're not exhausted at all. we keep on fighting and we can do that at the same time. we're also talking about a chance for the negotiations to resume you were mentioning house on thursday and kyra talks of being reason. so a lot of it is also part of toughening positions when it comes to negotiations, as well as very is very much afraid of being seen weak in the negotiations and then sending out himself also especially though and leader that is having diminishing supports within his few you know, within is really for them to pick up on the net and yahoo. one could argue that
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it's in his interest for the maybe a state of more to, to go on longer rather than shorter. but in order to stay in power on the other side, how much has the hostages? so it's not in their interest to do anything to give up that leverage. so what are we seeing here then with the proposal counter proposal? is this just a dance around? nothing, not, nothing. a lot, you know the hostages. it's not just a minor issue as often it is more it's, it's the key issue here because for a, for, is really is for that to now for his cabinet to work and have a be over. his rose cannot move on from october 7th, before the hostages, a back home. and for how much this is the main leverage, just basically the only ace up there. so the sleep they hope to use it in order to maintain power. they want to be able to say, okay, we'll give you back the soldiers, but 1st of all, we want to see release of prisoners mass release of prisoners just as our goal. and 2nd, we want the end of the war. we cannot say to israel to the americans. ok show. we will give you the hostages. then by all means come on and get us. you know,
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once this has that they have 0 interest in doing that. so the hostages issue is not just a maya when this is the key of the matter. what about the pressure that is coming from within is real on net and yahoo to bring these hostages home? i mean, i'm just imagining what the families must be thinking and this is something that's been going on now. we're in the 5th month, correct. you know, today exactly with the 7th of february. right after nathaniel was speaking, there was a press conference in his real of the families of the hoss just saying, please try to push to, you know, resume talks to, to pursue other ways to bring them home. because what they're going through. some of that release tests are just saying is how we know we've, we've lived through it and what we're seeing gradually in israel there's, there's, there's going divide between the right wing. and this one, you know, as of right wing leader saying the military, right? it's the only way to bring on hostages. we need to keep them pounded, come off, that's the only way we move forward. and the more moderate left leaning, and also families of the house just saying, please do anything to stop the. we're right now bring them home. there will always
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be time to find from us. this is something that's a risk going bigger and bigger and destabilizing is really the politics shown is always we appreciate your analysis. thank you. you're welcome. are. all right sir, is he look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. this our eyes are by john's president to go home. audio is heading for a land slide election victory and another 7 year term office exit polls suggest all you have has one year lead, 94 percent of the vote. the military offensive that brought the our media and separate is region of important to cover buck under his control last year has boosted his support. winter whether it is hampering holiday travel for millions in showing that it's the 1st chance since the end of the pen democrats, really for many chinese to celebrate the lunar new year with relatives who live far away. the annual exit is from cities as the world's biggest mass movement of people suite. as prosecutors have dropped their investigation into explosions on the nord
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stream gas pipeline. in 2022 officials say they do not have jurisdiction that they will send their findings to authorities in germany. the glass severed a key route for russian gas exported to german. russian air strikes have killed at least 4 people in the ukrainian capital, keep grains as its air defensive shut down 29 missiles and 15 drones which were fired across the 6 regents. several people were killed and dozens more injured. parts of keep are experiencing power cuts as well. d, w as corresponded kimberly to jamalia. she said as this update from key. so this is where each happens. this is were parts of the mixed style style. it is very important though, to remember that it's not the missed so itself hitting the city hit the ground. it's a parts of the me style that has already been destroyed by the ukranian army that
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are falling into the city that are hitting buildings like the one behind me. the tragic resolve of these are for depths and at least 40 in church. people at 5 50 am in the morning, we all had to go to the shelter because of course, the authorities don't know where the parts of the missile that has already been discharged are going to full. this is why kia of was under alarm at that time. there was car related to more their reporting from key ukraine's parliament has back the 1st reading of a controversial bill to send more soldiers to the front lines. the legislation would lower the conscription age from the current $27.00 to $25.00 and it would impose tougher punishments for draft dodgers. the bill also proposes limiting military service to 3 years. lawmakers rejected an earlier version of the bill saying it was too harsh. the current version is also proving to be the vice
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so how do people outside parliament beyond politics? how do they feel about this proposed legislation? we asked our correspondent and keep nick connelly. there is lots of head scratching goals, people diving into the detail, trying to work out what that would mean for themselves and also for their loved ones. there has been a lot of controversy about the fact that, for instance, this low would allow the government to cool people out by the government at basically not removing the need to go and find people, find people at there is the address or find people in the streets and there's also question marks around some of the constitutionality in terms of the limits on people leaving the country and some of the other kind of legal at fine printing all of this. but i think any way they were going to come up with this plan, it was always going to be divisive, basically, registration here, and you can what those people who, what the voluntary feasible, who had meant to experience those people, half of the most bought whole being at the front line since at least the 1st year of war. now you are having to go up people without military preparation and also
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who are concerned who are afraid or for other reasons. they want to go fight. so it is going to be difficult. whatever lower they come up with, whatever the provisions. and so now we've got a majority in parliament for this current proposal. some of the opposition parties have voted against or have no supports it. but certainly this is something that is occupying people's minds here and key of w, the ws. the economy reporting from keith and ukraine. dozens of people being killed and injured in bomb blast and pakistan just a day before parliamentary elections are due to take place. explosions rocked political offices in the south west and providence of the locust stand. they 1st hit the district up machine and the 2nd hit, the city of t let. so i lot so called is what makes state has claimed responsibility for the box. a 127000000 voters are going to the polls in an election that's already overshadowed by allegations of vote rigging and corruption. hundreds of thousands of soldiers and police have been deployed following a search in violence in the run up to the election. the 1st blast hit the office of
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an independent political candidate and pushing police say, an explosive device strapped to a motor bike exploded outside the building, killing and wounding people nearby. the candidate, as from the icon, was away from his office at the time. a site is a junior, i got a call from a colleague that's a blessed, a place inside the pot to come. yeah, yeah, i came and i said everything was destroyed for gold say, as far as he should protect his account, my deposit, let's go to the 2nd bombing followed soon after and kill us. i fooled again, killing and wounding minnie and the blast radius. the target was a jeremy out lame is lum party office. at the time of the blast, we were inside the pots, your face for election campaign activity, was you trying to clear and all of our colleagues to participate in unit
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a motorbike right to approach our office on this and our colleagues tried to stop him again, but they couldn't when he will caught them and they would know police officers around. why asked me to j. u, i is one of pakistan's leading radical islamic parties and is known for backing the can tell about. in recent years, they've been under attack by the so called islamic state and other militant groups . both glass occurred near pakistan's border with afghanistan were attacked by militant groups have been on the rise here in germany, hundreds of wine to have been canceled as ground staff strike at airports across the country. wage negotiations between the airlines have tons and the union broken down workers are now threatening to extend the strike unless a pay offer is improved. hundreds of canceled flights have lift airports across germany, does this, it off to ground stuff from national airline. look tons of wilkes of the job
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affecting around 100000 passages. as we seem to say, i was a student, i think it's good that people back to wages because everything is really expensive than if there were a few replacement flights so that we can still fly. i think that's ok. ok. but hopefully it won't take too long, so i'm on the other side. it's okay to stand up for your rights, but itself and the normal people who are affected, who have saved up for many, many months for flight. the conte take place now. on the strike comes a mid teens negotiation, so the pay in working conditions around $25000.00 employees is seeking at least the 12 the same pay rise this year. a line both so say they can also 13 percent over the next 3 years on says should i get more than what we didn't have any other option, but to strike, we have been through 2 rounds obligations that were unacceptable. he lived on so
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made an offer in the last round, which no amy social, but is also devices and printers groups against each other. this is completely unacceptable to us, but we will have a machine named boss. this is the latest in a series of strikes in gemini by stop at a line bus and rail services in recent weeks. thousands of work is the seeking pay hikes to cover the increasing cost of living. the airport strike is currently scheduled to last until early thursday morning. and finally, some good news. a where baby chimpanzee has been born in chester zoom in the u. k. the zoo just released this further into the newborn mail and said that his arrival is vitally important to the future of this bc. chapin cesar chester are part of the international conservation reading program that aims to prevent their extinction. this is good news. you're watching the news from berlin. i'll be back at the top of
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the hour with more world news followed by the day. i hope to see you then the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota for little surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of to me to do you have you have a one does not delete it from port on it. please go to the spot on the on expected side to side. you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that space is, is i'm all really relevant criteria in any more than i believe that rice or 6 is on frontier. 2 2 should. 2 2


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