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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news, live it from berlin tonight is real. rejects terms for a ceasefire, put forward by home, off prime minister benjamin at yahoo balanced a fight on for total victory. he says the collapse of hamas is now within reach. also coming up tonight, dozens getting injured in bomb blast and pakistan. the explosions happened just one day before parliamentary elections, already marred by allegations of the great,
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the library golf to our viewers watching on tv, as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome israel has rejected terms put forward by home, off for a ceasefire to hold the finding a gauze of the plan would also lead from us in tact inside gossip. prime minister benjamin netanyahu insisting there is no alternative to the military collapse of a moss, which he says is now within reach, just a matter of months. and then yahoo repeated his pledge tonight to achieve total victory and to destroy him off, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks inside is really a mazda and said that is prepared to consider all options. and we'll hold more talks in cairo, was negotiators from egypt and guitar, but that's in yahoo says there is no question of israel giving in to the demands of home us. i am sure. so love to continue with military pressure is necessary to
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bring the hostages home. the surrender to come off as preposterous conditions we heard that looks with not only will not bring them home, but will also bring upon israel. another massacre. it isn't a disaster. no. is rarely citizen is willing to accept the honey. all right, i want to pull in now the assignment name and he's a lecture in international relations from lancaster university in the u. k. it's good to see you again, simon. let. let me just ask you, considering that this counter offer that came from my boss, basically would have left him off in tact inside the gaza. me did israel or did nothing. y'all really have any other choice but to reject it. no, really given what he's been saying for the past 115 or so days, he's taking a very, very hard line on from us on how must has continued presence in gaza. and to go back on that spans to project his position of saying,
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but they cannot find them. a gauze arrow cannot tolerate the cause of, with a how much presence would it be on the bottom, the bolt for him, and not what have serious consequences for his political capital within israel itself. so there's a lot of stake for him. what does this rejection by israel? what does it mean for its relations with the united states? and i asked that, considering the top diplomat from the us, the secretary of state anthony, blinking, he has just spent the last 3 or 4 days in the region yet again, trying to push this idea of a ceasefire. i don't think it puts the pressure on and already throw it forward. tends relationship between the 2 countries. and we know that has been incredibly tens, ever since the devastating of types of october 7, both states face a huge number of domestic precious that amount of testing and shaping back countries. foreign policy is and israel's case,
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it's policy towards both the us and to what's garza and i think, well, the, the latest round of shots of diplomacy from mr. blinking demonstrates is the us abilities us importance in the region really is on the way. and we understand that they are going to be further negotiations expected in cairo next week. why should we expect their assignment and is it, is it a no, am i being a cynic here or a pessimist when i say that many people are not expecting any diplomatic breakthroughs? they're either todd not to be cynical in the light of everything that's happened and lights have continued diplomatic failings in light of a seemingly intractable political and diplomatic position taken by the various actors involved here. so i think you'll, cynicism is perhaps appropriate, sadly. so something needs to happen to get a diplomatic break through that needs to be one foot huge numbers of people. busy
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the huge numbers of humanitarian reasons that that are manifesting and gaza. it is a devastating situation that is a devastating situation for his riley's whose families continued to be held hostage breakthrough is needed. i'm not sure that the us is the one to facilitate that break through. and i'm not sure we're going to get it in cairo next week. do you, do you see then another power that would be able to facilitate the breakthrough? i'll be considering that what you say we've, we've heard from other analysts as well is that the influence of the us with is real appears to be somewhat eroded. yeah, i think we've seen mr. blink and pushing very hot over the past 3 months to try and get some type of diplomatic resolution to, to the, the situation that ad so far, he's being unable to get anything really off the ground. so i think what we're doing now is we're looking for other alternatives,
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since we're looking for someone to step up whether or not be got time, whether or not be china, whether that be the u. k, someone, perhaps even germany to step up and say this situation cannot continue. it cannot continue in its current form. there was too much human suffering from all sides and that has to be a resolution. so i'm in maybe joining us tonight from lancaster university. excellent analysis, we appreciate your time and thank you. thank you. a dozens of people have been killed and injured in bomb blast and pakistan just a day before parliamentary elections. they are explosions rocked political offices in the south western province of beluga stand. the 1st hit the district up to sheen, and the 2nd the city of and he lives. so i was on the so called islamic state has claimed responsibility for the bombings a 127000000 voters are going to the polls in an election already overshadowed by obligations of vote,
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reading and corruption. hundreds of thousands of soldiers and police have been deployed following a search of violence in the run up to the booked. the 1st blast hit the office of an independent political candidate and pushing police say, an explosive device strapped to a motor bike exploded outside the building for killing and wounding people nearby. the candidate has found the are con, was away from his office at the time i got a call from a colleague that's a blessed, a place inside the pot to come. i came in and everything was destroyed for gold say, as far as he should protect to sit down, mother paused. let's go to the 2nd bombing followed soon after and kill us. i fooled again, killing and wounding minnie and the blast radius. the target was a jeremy out lame is lum party office. you don't welcome. at the time of the last, we were inside the pots,
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the all face for all with the election campaign activities initially. and all of our colleagues participates in unit is a motorbike right? that approached our office on this and our colleagues tried to stop him again, but they couldn't when he will caught them. and they would know police officers around. why asked me to j. u i is one of pakistan's leading radical islamic parties and is known for backing. the can tell about the so called islamic state has claimed responsibility for both of the bombings and baluchistan. they are the latest in a recent uptake of attacks by several militant groups for a long pakistan's border with afghanistan of more now i'm joined by our far i'm in a former pack of sending a bassinger to the u. k. and ireland, he is now a professor and hispanic studies at american university. he joins us tonight from washington, dc. it's good to have you with this tonight. let me start by getting your reaction so called islamic state is claimed responsibility for these bombings. what, what does that tell us as well?
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i used to be a commissioned in charge of the law and all that in that particular part are focused on end, but which is 3 divisions and these images of age. they upsetting for me because i'm seeing the collapse or law and order in this name that you use the stomach state. and these a violent groups that are committing so much violence that $12.00 on the fact that they've entered a box on and entered it. and you can see very deliberate, t targeting d is it total process in order to disrupt what's happening and bucks and they deliver it. and of course, as you can imagine, disclose the lots of dismay, anger, confusion. it just adds to the sense of the elections being a very, very difficult exercise. i mean, i, i hear a lot of concerning your voice. i'm ambassador of how worried should we be that the democratic institutions in the process of this,
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this election that they are maybe not going to hold up under this type of violence and disruption. well, that's a very sharp and good question because i've been analyzing the situation and i see like this. i see fox strong as a nation determined to have election and that's the good news. it's challenges, what you're seeing divide in the lack of faith in the process, the general sense in the public, the directions may be rig to may not be fancy. so you'll go to balance these 2 different almost contradictory narratives about these actions. most important point is that the parties are taking fox and the election. they're determined to come for the really as many seats as they can. and then of course, you have the absence of iran pop who is be, or was the end of the bpi and was a former prime minister. is j n. jalen been convicted given many as in jet. so he continues to languish now is
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free because again, the big question mark, because why we're talking hughes, you've been not in use these one of the candidates what john stuck at oxford university to see on these of a dramatic, all, most shakespeare in elements in this particular job, why and fox. yeah, i mean, it would be, it would be, you know, quite a story if he ends up at oxford and he's not allowed to run for office in, in pakistan. are we looking at a situation and we're talking about democracy and pakistan on the eve of this election? or are there 2 threats here from or if i'm understanding you right of it from inside. democracy itself is unstable and then you're, you've got these, this external threat of, of terrorism. that's also trying to undo democracy is a, this is a 2 pronged threat. how does practice to get beyond the need? i guess is 2 prong. and also had i do with data type element, red drum, which has been focusing on its western borders in the middle east,
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suddenly turned on and struck bucks. um, those are besides the tech on folks on from u dot net bucks, done struck back. unfortunately, the 2 countries showed majority by pulling back. i'm just assuming diplomatic relations, but this something adds to the sense that this, this area is there. any other folks on this situated is a very broad area of a dangerous area. and for the ones that is, but having said that, i want to emphasize determination of fox studies to go ahead with these actions which by which i mean the ministry establishment of the present government, the opposition parties there on, in spite of all the acquisitions of the free floating austin liberty against one another. they all determined to have the elections because in the d n mailbox studies, there is a very strong feature that is a, i didn't clinician towards democracy which really comes from the founding father fox business. you're not,
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he was very clear about democracy and it's practice and thought to stop what you know as well as i do that we see elections in many types of governments around the world, not all of them necessarily democratic in pakistan. there are critics who say that the election tomorrow will not be fair in free. what do you say as well, election on his valence, it is difficult to predict. and i agree with to this a lot of skepticism. so we have to step back a little bit and ask the question, why is buck has done so important, especially to the west? and at this time in history, we've got to remember it's a nation of 230 to 40000000 people. it's new yet the only new country and the boston bar. you typed the 1st feed meant private, and so, so that's, it's on the road. a character if you like, and above on the situation of the geo political situation that's got into on one side, china on the other side of utah and the one the son on this west of the board has. so in spite of all the crises, in spite of the problems,
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i think the west should be encouraging folks understanding but do it to ensure the connections take place as far fee as fast as possible on it, the former ambassador from pakistan to the u. k. and ireland, we appreciate you taking the time tonight to share your insights with us. thank you . thank you. here's a look now some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world, either by science president ali uh, has secured a land slide election victory and another 7 year term in office. official results show all the f. one nearly 92 percent of the vote, the military offensive that brought the armenian and separate is region of the board of cover block under his control last year. boosted is the port authorities in rio de janeiro are scrambling to contain an outbreak of didn't a fever. more than 300000 cases of the mosquito borne disease had been reported in
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brazil so far this year. 4 times more than normal. rio has declared a public health emergency and it comes just days before the start of carnival celebrations. the winter weather is hambury holiday travel for millions in china. it's the 1st time since the end of the pen demik, really for many chinese to celebrate the lunar new year with relatives who live far away. the annual exit is from cities, is the world's biggest mass movement of people suite. as prosecutors have dropped their investigation into explosions on the nord stream gas pipeline, that took place in 2022 officials saying they lack of jurisdiction and that they plan to send their findings to authorities. here in germany, the blacks you may remember and separate a t transit route for russian gas exported to germany.
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russian air strikes have killed at least 4 people in the ukrainian capital. keep ukraine says it's air defense is shut down. 29 missiles in 15, drones that were fired across 6 different regents. several people were killed and dozens more injured. parts of keith had been experiencing power outages, dw correspondent, kimberly which morris, she sent us this update from the ukrainian capital. so this is where it happened. this is where parts of the mist i felt it is very important though, to remember that it's not the missed. so itself hitting the city hit the ground. it's a parts of the me style that has already been destroyed by the ukranian army that are falling into the city that are hitting buildings like the one behind me. the tragic resolved of these are for depths and at least 40 injured people at 5 50 am. in the morning. we all had to go to the shelter because of course,
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the authorities don't know where the parts of the me so that has already been discharged. are going to full, this is why kias was under alarm at that time. so that was calculated some more of their reporting from keith in ukraine, ukraine's parliament. it has back to the 1st reading of a controversial bill to send more soldiers to the front lines. the legislation would lower the conscription age from the current $27.00 to $25.00 and it would impose tougher punishments for draft dodgers. the bill also proposes limiting military service to 3 years. lawmakers rejected a 1st version of this bill saying it was too harsh. the current bill is also proving to be divisive. so how do people outside parliament beyond politics? how do they feel about the proposed legislation? we asked our corresponded and keep the economy there is lots of head scratching goals, people diving into the detail, trying to work out what that would mean for themselves. i know, sir,
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for the loved ones. there has been a lot of controversy about the fact that, for instance, this low would allow the government to cool people out by the government. basically know, removing the need to go and find people, find people at there is the address or find people in the streets. there's also question marks around so the constitutionality in terms of the limits on people leaving the country and some of the other kind of legal at fine printing all of this. but i think anyway, they were going to come up with this plan. it was always going to be divisive, basically, registration here, and you can with those people who were volunteering feasible, who hadn't been to experience those people have for the most part, whole being at the front line since at least the 1st year of war. now you're having to go up people without military preparation and also who are concerned who are afraid or for the reasons they want to go fight. so it is going to be difficult, whatever low they come up with, whatever the provisions. and now we've got a majority in parliament for this current proposal. some of the opposition parties have voted against or have not supported it. but certainly this is something that
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is occupying people's minds here in cuba that was needed. these be connelly reporting from keep in ukraine. the french far white politician, marty on bonnie shaw, has joined a group in the european parliament that is critical of the european project. i think marshall is a rising star of the french right. as well as a member of the le pin and we political dynasty per tie up with traditional contributed aims to when over more moderate voters for right politicians are increasingly joining forces for elections to the european parliament. scheduled in june dw jack peer reports. he has more now from strossberg there's been a lot of talk about the rise of fall right. politics in your recently we see massive protests in germany for instance. and something significant has happened here with the european parliament in strasburg,
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which kind of exemplifies that ahead of the e u. elections that are coming in. just give me a moment and i'll try and explain it. essentially murray, on my cell, the pen, she is the niece of the former french presidential fall right candidate marine the pad. mario marshall sits in a different political party known as wreck context. but she's the rising star in from a she's pulled her political party. how far right party into a european political group known as the e. c. r group. and this is significant because what it essentially does is aligns with the far right party of the brothers of italy. it to the under the prime minister, georgia below need that it also aligns them with the law and justice part to the former ruling party in total and on the former prime minister, mateusz more v etzky. so what we're seeing is this clubbing together of rising and
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indeed governing political forces in your at and the suggestion is that because the c off isn't blacklisted for cooperation by more traditional center, right? center less liberal and green policies in your at that this political move could make these fall right parties potentially more votes, simple to the electrons that had to the balance in june. what's interesting is that it also pulls them away from germany's far right potty the alternative. deutschland, what we're seeing is these political factions, especially the far right, try to group together to try a make themselves palatable to voters when they post that balance in the summer. and that was jack period. there on the far rights influence in european politics reporting from strasburg were here in germany. hundreds of flights had been cancelled as ground staff stripe at airports across the country wage negotiations between the airlines, tunzia and the union and broken down workers are threatening to expand the strike
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unless a pay offer is improved. hundreds of canceled flights of lift airports across germany, deserves it off to ground stuff from national airline. look, comes of wilkes of the job affecting around $100000.00 passages. as we seem to say, i was a student, i think it's good that people um, but to wages because everything is really expensive and if there were a fee replacement flight so that we can still fly, i think not so. okay. okay. but hopefully it won't take too long. on the other side, it's okay to stand up for your rights itself and the normal people who are affected, who have saved up to many, many months for flight. the conte take place now. on the strike comes a mid teens negotiation, so the pay in working conditions around $25000.00 employees are seeking at least
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a 12 the same pay rise this year. a line both so say they can also 13 percent over the next 3 years on the strike, more than what they didn't have any other option. but to strike, we have been through 2 rounds out of gratiot, sions that were unacceptable. he left town, so made an offer in the last round, which no any social but is also divisive and puts his groups against each other. this is completely unacceptable to us, but we will have machine name box. this is the latest in a series of strikes in gemini by stuff with a line bus and rail services in recent weeks. thousands of work is the seeking pay hikes to cover the increasing cost of living. the airport strike is currently scheduled to last until early thursday morning. people living along indonesia is job a coast or finding a losing battle against rising sea levels. their village is slipping slowly. beneath the waves, residents have been forced to adapt to
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a new way of life. on the water, but as you w news has been finding out the villagers may only have a few years left before their homes are completely submerged. so laid on her way to work. the 70 year old used to walk here, but those days are over. now she can only get there by paddling about for 30 minutes and then do mass wellness on why this area used to be a rice field. kind of a huge rise field right now. it is gone and fish ponds being built. initially the will to was need to me, but now it's just chastity. i have no other option. i do this to make ends meet and to eat, give me all the money i make is not enough and i'll come on. i'm going to, can we put the rising sea levels now? threatened her entire village at high tide. the sea wash is due, almost every house residents have been forced to raise their houses 3 times since
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2010. but now they can't go any higher. and what is going on in symbols, logo is happening all along. jeffers northshore. several factors contributed to timbales, locals light, including rising sea levels and ground subsidence. the villages problems were compounded after the member for is that how protected from the sea was cut down to make room for more fish farms. the villagers realized their mistake too late and efforts drew for as the mangroves have failed. their ways they're just too strong and wash the plans. the way so far from the government has been minimal. this road the residents have to build themselves to. i'm standing on what needs to be the main road residency is to be able to drive through the village on motorbike. but now people have to get about on foot on wooden boardwalks, which are not safe for kids. those
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same kids now have to take a boat to get to class. the school bus has long been replaced. the situation for the villagers is becoming untenable. currently on the south, 400 people remain in symbols, local over 80, have chosen to move somebody, i remember. so i like not every house has a decent bathroom set up, and so people around here end up doing their business openly. additionally, there's no place to pay because the house is also something that the application is also have hazard due to the absence of proper facilities. so yeah, i definitely recommend somebody that number. this is what kind of change looks like on the ground for many people on entities, just coast what symbols, locals and habits and said they're determined to stay. they have no concrete, bland on how to save their village. the entire coastal area here is but they're good to be completely submerged by 2030 to one adventure thinking since in area and
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has reached new heights by flying a 2nd world war fighter jet for cherry. take a look at this. a 102 year old jack hemmings, he's a former r f, literally a forced pilot and he describes a 20 minute flight. is absolutely delightful, but very bumpy. is done was to raise money for a charity that he co founded nearly 80 years ago. and he's just wanting to be the oldest person to live the pilot, a spit fire play. wow, what will you be flying when you've turned a 100 into? i wonder, you're watching the w news from berlin after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day. we'll be right back
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the, the future of money or a dangerous bubble coming fees of challenging the global financial system. this cooling, unaided, trusted by potentially high rates of return would watch all the benefits. and what are the risks to investors? is the just you to really right in 45 minutes on d w,
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the you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel monitoring this? because if we do too much at once, we get it all wrong, mess things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage. humans and multitasking. watching our new 2 d, w documentary, ice cold, b, c. at the end, just to pass the gun any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has
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the why is the ice melting the assignment reset in the ice cream march on the war between israel and her boss is now and it's 5th month and despite the death destruction and the non stop fighting, there are proposals for how all of this could possibly have. and then the mouse has offered a plan that would c o. hostages returned to israel and even in the war in gaza with her mouth still intact and still in place. an offer is real wasted no time today. in rejecting i bring golf and berlin. this is the day
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