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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is the governor near a fly from boyland is strategist on sort of fees file put forward by how much time mr. benjamin nathan. yeah. who vows to fight on for adulthood. victory and assess the co op so per month is within reach. also on the program, thousands date and insured inform blocks. and fox on the explosions happened the day before. volume entry elections already mod, by allocations of both rigs and tens of millions of dollars in a to you create on the bill is now in and out of the us. and that's natalie just pizza sweeping spending. the
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massage s while back into the program is that it has rejected terms put forward by him us, but a ceasefire to cause the fighting in god. so the proposed plan would have left him off intact and got the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu insist that is no, i don't wanna to, to the electrical lapse of hum off, which he says is in reach within months, within yeah, who repeated his patch to a chief talking victory and destroyed him off, which got it out. the october, 7th to the attacks against it said, now how mazda said it's prepared to consider all the options and rewards most often card, well, the negotiators from egypt and got that, but nothing. yeah. who says there's no question of is really giving into the system on i'm sure, so lots of continuous military pressure is necessary to bring the hostages home. the surrender to him also as preposterous conditions we heard that looks of not only will not bring them home, but will also bring upon israel. another massacre because the disaster,
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no israeli citizen, is willing to accept the normal honeycup in to. meanwhile, the us excess. just a not blinking has set the tone on civilians and the warden garza is still too high if he chose just to put civilians for us to miss bland defensive and dropped fine southern gossip and blinking hopes space negotiations can produce a break to what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in a mazda is response, we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. we remain determined as well to pursue a diplomatic path, to adjust and lasting peace and security for all in the region. and notably for israel. and that diplomatic path continues to come into ever sharper focus as i travel throughout the region. and talk to all of our friends and partners. and
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israel that's fully integrated into the regions with normal relations with key countries, including saudi arabia, with firm guarantees for its security. alongside a concrete time down the reversible path to a palestinian state, living side by side in peace and security with israel with the necessary security assurances. chad, as far as time is a former us ambassador and the director of god for, for us and the government relations and government relations of the middle east institute in the us. i asked him how up to mr keyboards, about a ceasefire. do as well. it's uh, of course, always difficult to during these complicated negotiations to see whether it's realistic or not realistic to reach an agreement. i think that the secretary blinking is right to say that we're going to continue to negotiations. the fact that the 2 sides are talking, at least even indirectly, is
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a positive sign. and i think everybody understands that ultimately there will have to be negotiated resolution. i think that at least in the us perspective, there is very little prospect that the, as we always are going to achieve their maximum objectives. and therefore we need to find a way out of this conflict. you mentioned the us perspective about extras, daughter victories, dawn. so you also heard section blinking, busy to read the 2 fits of use. and both of these things are happening very strongly. a contested benefit now has rejected the 2 state solution. isn't that a huge difference between whether us stands in ways dressed on what's to move forward with the we forward? yes, i it is a, it is a huge problem. and, and i think that to eventually divide administration is going to have to confront the challenge of israel's rejection of what is inside the international communities
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position on achieving an independent palestinian stay in the west bank and gaza. now, and we're going to have to be much more direct with our is really partners that they are rejection of that way forward. after all of the agreements that they've signed, they signed onto $242.33. they signed on to us though they signed on to all of the other agreements that were a pathway to achieving a 2 state solution. they've got to be held to their commitments. but what form then? do you think such us pressure could take as well? i think that the, increasingly there is a lot more frustration within the administration at a willingness to talk more directly. i think we're also saying that in congress there is a growing sense that the us needs to exert a more of it. so the average with israel, whether that means or perhaps slowing down,
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arms deliveries or taking other measures, doing other things to put pressure on the government of israel to uh, to change its position. ultimately is it's, it's hard to see whether in fact a, an agreement is as evil as long as b. b. netanyahu remains as prime minister, but we haven't reached that point. so saying that directly yet, but let them know, we'll definitely do 75 minutes to next week, and that's when that would be negotiations in cairo. what needs to change for those to have any more success than this one? well, i think those, you know, you have to give the categories of the egyptians a lot of credit for uh, for their willingness to stay with these negotiations to try to find creative solutions to work through some of the, some of the issues i brought to you but the real issue is that eventually there is going to have to be a recognition that we're not going to be able to achieve these maximum objectives
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and that therefore there needs to be undergo. she ation that again. i think that within a quarter's an israel within the military, within some of the other security elements, there is an understanding. you've seen some of the senior is really leaders expressing up here that there needs to be a negotiated solution. so hopefully at some point that will become the as rarely position and will be able to have a serious negotiation. title 5 signed that act of causal for us and government relations of the middle east institute in philadelphia. thank you so much for your analysis. thank you. to now are us striking, but that has killed a senior militia leaders suspected of plotting recent attacks on american troops in the middle east. the ben to go on says he was a senior romando cathartic, has fuller. the is on back troop. the usaa scattered out of joint attacking jordan, but q 3 us, so it says a number of groups batch, but the head on have stepped off
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a tax on us basis since the beginning of the street from us war in godsa. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. azerbaijan president, in how my live has secured a landslide election victory and another 7 year to i'm in office or for sort of those. so ali of one, nearly 92 percent of the vote submitted to offensive that brought the armenian separatists region of my god. know, got a bulk under his control law still boosted his support. a told, if he's in view of the scenario was crumbling to contain in the outbreak of dingy fever. more than 300000 cases of the mosquito borne disease have been reported in prison for fathers seal. 4 times more than normally deal has declared the public has a motion for you just days off the list off of cottonwood celebration sheila it has begun 3 days of official morning with the death of former president sebastian
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fietta. he died when the helicopter he was pilot and crashed into a lake. bad weather conditions were reported in the easier at the time of the crash . the notice of 22 officers president at the head of a centralized government. now dozens of people have been killed and injured and bombed, lost and focused on a head a fall of entry elections. exclusions dropped political offices in the south west and province of below. just on the 1st hit, the district of fission and the 2nd, the city of kill us, i filled out the so for the summit stay, it says it's counted out. the woman, now a 127000000 volt, was going to the full lives in an election already overshadowed by allegations of war drinking and corruption. hundreds of thousands of soldiers and police have been deployed following the sold in violence in the run up to the water. the 1st blast hit the office of an independent political candidate and position, and the police say an explosive device strapped to
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a motor bike exploded outside the building, killing and wounding people nearby. the candidate has found the are con, was away from his office at the time i got a call from a colleague that's a blessed, a place inside the pot to come. i came and i said everything was destroyed for god's sake. as far as he should protect to sit down, mother paused. let's go to the 2nd bombing followed soon after and kill us. i fooled again, killing and wounding minnie, and the blast radius. the target was a jeremy out layman as long party office. the welcome of the time of the last we were inside the pots, the all face for all the election campaign activities initially. and all of our colleagues to participate in unit is a motorbike right to approach our office on this. and our colleagues tried to stop panic, a, but they couldn't look at them and they would know police officers around. why asked me to j. u i is one of pakistan's leading radical islamic parties and is
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known for backing. the can tell about the so called islamic state has claimed responsibility for both of the bombings and baluchistan. they are the latest in a recent uptake of attacks by several militant groups for long pakistan's border with afghanistan. let's go to the us now. well, all make was a welcome to salvage legislation, providing tens of billions of dollars and 8 for ukraine and his road. oh lou at the centers, natalie defeated a boot that fed the 8th with stuff border security measures. the senate has not providing to vote on a stand alone, very deliberate and only the aid that education is towards $14000000000.00 and security assistance for his fare. and 60000000000 for ukraine, and it's fight against russia. ukrainian traipsing training, preparing for the real front line. but it's almost 2 years on from versus invasion
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. the cost of wall is mounting. last week the you tentatively approved a full year package with 50000000000 euros on the blocks top diplomatic. joseph burrell has visited the scene of overnight strikes with keys, mat baton eclipse. ko. it's one of the war stairways and they said it was a tourism to, to kill civilians. burrell told, to talk to bella strikes, we're in disagreement at d as a random attack. these me cycles have failed them. this dialogue with buildings or the next hour buildings. but they said that name discriminated that back against civilians. i just see these people suddenly with our shelter without house having to escape some of them killed these are this and discriminated attack again, see really and the 2nd all the rules. so for all the united states,
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congress is deadlocked over future funding for ukraine. us president joe biden set the delays play into pollutants hands. nato chief, he installed some bug, implored the us to find a solution. the debate continues in washington on funding for a number of important quoted this. it is vital that tonight to states congress degrees on continued support for ukraine and then near future. but as the wall here in ukraine and to the 3rd year and the prospect of a donald trump presidency looms, america, money is needed soon to keep ukraine's wal efforts to live is now one adventure 6 in cincinnati and has reached new heights by flying. the 2nd world war apply to a painful chatter. 200 and toyota with jack hemmings as an ex audi f bartlett and
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describe the 20 minute slide as absolutely delightful but very bumpy. this done to us to raise money for the child to do, but he co founded nearly 80 years ago. hemmings is taught to be the oldest person to live to pilot a switch by a fan. quite an adventure that has the reminder of adult story. israel has rejected terms put forward by him off for a cease fire to cause the fighting and got them by mr. been a minute then? yeah. who has evolved to fight on the photo to victory, and it's accurate all caught up, but don't forget, you can always sketch dw news on the goals. just download our app from to be player all from the app store. that'll give you access to all the latest deals from around the world as well as bush auto applications for any breaking news. and if you're followed, if, when you a story, you can also use the dw app to send the photos and videos of what's happening.
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you're watching, you've got videos from portland coming off. is mass tourism endangered in the beauty of donald lights. that's next on the fed up to the big seduce ticket on number such as well. thank you so much for being with us. the ice cold plastic underneath an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dos march 3rd on dw, the, the, during the march, 1 of the most stunning.


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