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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 6:30am-7:01am CET

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to unreasonable all stuff. what is this nonsense? i want my son to the doctor joined the canal. it's time to to us and then when generations class this week on d. w. the hello and welcome to focus on europe. thanks for joining us today. february, march 2 years since president vladimir putin launch the invasion of ukraine. but now russia is witnessing growing resistance against the war. in moscow, the wives and relatives of soldiers protested, demanding the return from the front of their husbands, sons, and brothers. tens of thousands of men were forced,
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fully recruited during the partial mobilization in 2022. at the protest, 27 people were detained by police, including foreign journalists. demonstrations are generally not something he appreciates. president put in has been in the office since the year 2000, and he's expected to win again in this year's election. not surprisingly in the war and ukraine is set to be a major topic, but those will criticize russia's invasion, put their lives in danger. many have had to flee the country and even priests who dare to take us tense, find themselves in a difficult position. we went to speak with tomb one in his tonja. the other one in russia. the houses of worship are on the claim of scrutiny in russia these days, especially in protestant churches, which here are referred to as western churches, clergy who preach, piece and question rule of feeling the strain including bishop passed. the
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albatross came from cologne. he was visited by police 6 months ago. his church was searched and he was briefly detained, officially as a witness in the trial against another pasta tricia. so moses, so people who are 6 hours, the police turned everything upside down and threatened me. what was your reports? and you'll probably because i was publicly expressing my views that this could come as a clergyman ford and i have my own youtube channel called you from have been with isn't about religious and political issues. headquarters. a variety of people speak there, including opposition. members, it was clear to meet the interrogation had more to do with that or the rats can was located as a witness. he was released after a few hours. his colleague, him here on the left has been charged with spreading missed information about the russian army in a critical post. he is facing up to 15 years interruption prism. you can
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hardly any one dares to speak of, most are afraid and just remain silent and is ex, i don't judge them or showed to me, but i am astounded at how quickly people can be changed to propaganda on televisions. and yet it took up a program to continue to do. now it's on the streets of kalissa will propaganda symbols like the letters that on the present as well across russia. those who, comp, barrett flee abroad, for example, to tell in the capital of estonia, protestant passed upon votes, and y'all came from the elizabeth has been living here for almost 2 years. he held services for russian speak english, both in the basement of this office building on the city's edge. twice a week. here in this sonia, he can preach freely, unlike in his former parish in siberia post. the pavel explains that when he condemned to the war during a service that the secret service paid him a visit. let's pretend to be anything else about the 2 strangers knocked on the
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door to ask them why they've come in. they said they'd like to have the preventative talk. sluggish to be soon. they said i was preaching bad things ready to pull up and asked if i had heard about a new law school at the prison sentences for 3 to 7 years. and which would i prefer movies to it? out there with this in municipal course that will come more time. right? i have on say i can, didn't hesitate. he quickly packed his bags. he explains that some passes in russia . don't speak about the war, how to stay there with being persecuted, but he comp since himself with a good conscience video, a thoughtful, not just i've spoken openly about how our country invaded ukraine because that violate scott's law deal, which means we can't close our eyes to lawlessness, transpiring in front of us is that price with bills that going in russia, less than one percent of the population is protestant. the vast majority of russians, some 75 percent of the adults, christians and principal,
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that church will so it poses will. but some clergy members support this will. the spiritual leader patriot girl has said rushes and legal invasion of ukraine is self defense. when you scale, we do not want to fight against any one russian that has never attacked sitting on the board and the $5.00 patriot carrillo claims russian soldiers fighting in ukraine. awesome. p. fulfilling met you t e u a is falling yet. so if someone dies while carrying out his military duty, you said he is without any doubt doing a deed that is equal to sacrifice the sacrifices himself or others. and therefore, we believe that this sacrifice washes away all the sense that a person has committed. community members who don't share this view of the news,
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depositions in the church, or experienced persecution themselves. and this is driving russian. all the adults priests, the flip road to to the rats. can the baptist pasta from ca, luka is staying for now. but in the wake of the police right around 6 months ago, he's feeling increased pressure. pollute for sure. to finish. right. the pacific robust never tuesdays or at least regularly come to our churches. that many dissidents are in prison. as our members at the political positions came loose, do we have to stay true to our conscience? i can't imagine living differently. so we're staying silent about what's happening . try to pull stuff. i can't do that. you know, you have to came over the past. the rent can feel 0, just the 2 options. stay with his congregation and deal with the pressure or leave russia. in turkey, people may decide to leave their country for a number of reasons, violence and curtis regions and repression by security forces or the week economy.
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and the high unemployment rates are just some of them. many hope to start a new life in germany, yet, authorities here are struggling to adequately handle the hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants from all over the world. last year alone, more than 60000 people from turkey applied for asylum in germany. the axle is among those who left because of political reasons of this. former lansdale is located on the outskirts of sierra and south eastern turkey for years. curtis human rights activist muted in beta one and his friends on the investigated a grim suspicion about the waste of that dates back to the 1990s. there's so many to them. the skins and the fact that the victims tortured by the military and police, were hastily buried here, the b triplet, alamba to prevent the ground from being investigated instead of below are these
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type of proof building has to be constructed on top and what, at least i'll call you and let them any, let the construction companies threaten us on a model. it's a livable mcdade led telephone, dump them to do. that's why is on the acts of flight to germany. in berlin, he says, people can express their opinions and protests and police protect people rather than the rest of the night that you have on a joke. by the end of the year, you can make democratic demands in dissidents has treated with tolerance. the quality of the turkish prosecutor is repeatedly singled him out. they sentenced him to 18 months of prison for dodging compulsory military service. then came a 12 year sentence for and the legend involvement and a terrorist organization. both rulings were still pending when he decided to flee the journalist and human rights activists has been provided
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a hotel room to stay in which he shares with another asylum seeker. he says he finally feels safe year. 2000 kilometers from turkey, a song dish, the must be off of the venom. there was a police right there recently you had to. they took all my equipment, had my camera laptop in storage devices. i wasn't afraid of being arrested and the only for turkey has a record of political assassinations. 69, i was scared, i might become a target and the optional cut of it. and just for decades occurs in south eastern turkey, i've been demanding greater autonomy. and for their language to receive the full treatment. the situation is 10 and conflict has researched between turkish security forces and the curtis stand workers party or p k k, which the e u also classifies as a terrorist organization. many of died on both sides. at the sierra to human rights
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association were xanax, who used to work. the mood is somber. to install hardware, either there's 2 cushion i'm digital enough. yeah. they are nowhere are there as many human rights violations being committed as in this region. what you can't report on it all the complaints don't help either guinea much i see immediate response is repression because she'll call us and besides the violence, herds are also hit by economic was there regions rank among turkey's porous. another reason many had to germany between january and october 2023, around 50000 people came from turkey, a 200 percent rise. the numbers left authorities overwhelmed. then it actually remembers what this is like. after fleeing you 1st received accommodation at berlin's out of service airport in the jam packed facilities,
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bytes often broke out between refugees who come from around the world to move on the w like you'll have see on the, on the social media. people say germany is a paradise where a red carpet is rolled out for you, cause that is a lie above the refugee's 1st get put into a collective shelters and in each end and you only get to stay if you can prove to really i picked him as a little persecutions, i can't get the send in national question, let him use a politician. magic cutoff metal is of turkish defense and a member of the ruling social democratic party and gave me, he agrees with such a distinction and says, people arriving fall into 3 main groups. the 1st are the politically disillusioned that gets to try to corporate fund mentioned then there's the 2nd group of people who are some really impacted by trustees. economic situations got to have caused lighting when declining all their group of people who are actually being per $600.00 engine who taught safety for $4000.00. they currently make up some 14 percent of applicants from turkey. as accent knows, i'm sure,
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then i'll try everything to get my stat is recognizing harmony. we have, i do end up getting rejected. i'll try it in another country. there's no way i can go back on to get you over the push to he will have to convince german authorities . but such asylum cases can take years. or sweden's education system ranks among the best in the world. and laptops were part of every day school life there since long before the pendant make. but now this tech savvy country is taking a step back to a more offline approach. we visited an elementary school where a tried and true a teaching materials such as school books are enjoying a renaissance service started school in the southern swedish town approval. first thing as a school day begins, pupils turn in their phones in sweden, many 4th graders have smartphones. so madeleine,
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servants on collect them every morning. the 1st class of the day is math. and today, the teacher, i mean, that's a surprise, you know, course they have today and you're guessing us this real nice book. so now i want you to give it to now. so you can take the time looking at the you go, yeah, go ahead and browse through. it's friendly. so these are the 1st printed books. the children have been given after nearly 4 years in this class . until now, they have was almost entirely with laptops and math. it doesn't take long before they begin noticing differences a hi, adam as sarah moore, descriptions and on the laptop. so what might be hot or was that now we have to read us out before the computer to read the exercises a note for us, the don't think what and so the better with the books because the computer always
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freezes data, but i have trouble writing. so it will be harder for me because now i have to write everything by hand. so, good luck towards the turning real pages again in sweden, many classrooms are slowly embarking this reversed course. for years, even primary school pupils were taught almost exclusively digitally. it's just 5 years ago, the education ministry issued national guidelines recommending digital teaching a it's like laptops or apps rather than books, equipment to build back as a 2nd teacher today. she's also noticed the negative effects of purely digital lessons. and that's the most lonely. yeah, they have a lot of account we read and understand less of what they read waste funding because because we have talked too much with digital means sweden has a decentralized education system. there are state schools and numerous private
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schools in education policy is not centralized, meaning that different schools and teachers don't have to follow a uniform digitization approach. his government now wants to change that to sweden's conservative prime minister goals, christmas and invited the winters of a reading competition to a small celebration. she says, especially primary school students should read more and administer for schools a lot to it home agrees this year alone, the government is providing 60000000 euros for book purchases, complete them because i think the problem with digitalization in sweet patio is this is very much being talked down to many teachers are tested against it, but they didn't feel they will come on for. i believe that you shouldn't use digital teaching materials with older children. i think you taught according to brain research. young children shouldn't be exposed to screens a tool that small bunch guy. yeah, i'm planning to suck, that's required in my ons. sweden's government gets its way. teachers will soon
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receive these guidelines. the minister for schools also wants to prevent young children from being glued to a screen too early. this of the box of information from us not fast that i, even when i talk to parents that we need to get the box back. i remember go because of the schools and makes it easier for them to understand what that you know, not just the study for the next test status. i have my florida slab report instead of just being handed and stuff on the link and linked back at the start school. it's geography class. now the children do get their laptops out. they will use them to explore sweden, learn more cities and regions are and mark them on the screen. how much digitization belongs in the classroom suite in school authority also points to the teacher's role. they need to handle the nutrients correctly. something in
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the future is digital and i don't think we have to teach those 2 is do i have children? i don't have them. yeah. won't be a little bit new. if i could choose one coming up, i don't for a combination, the faces full, and that is caffeine of tv. and maybe you can talk students 610. it demonstrates this. naturally, the computer is freezing again. so he gets the exercise from the book. fewer things are as quint essentially british as the number of palaces, castles, and impressive country houses all over the united kingdom. symbols of a rich history where we can only imagine how the wealthy lived in the 18th century . but some buildings have seen better days, like the one owned by richard compton, for generations. his family has lived in new be hole in north yorkshire, which is one of many grand estates and buildings was future is threatened by climate change. the cost will assist breton
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even before down to an abbey. a with a must seize on any trip to the u. k, so many found the offense, meals protectionist, the but now the same buildings that have survived the grizzly partition weather for centuries under threat from climate change has a jeremy is the manager afflicting a states in norfolk whenever she does her inspection rounds. she is greeted by fresh damage, it's disintegrating brick work. and we're trying to stop that kind of level. but what it does mean is the bricks themselves are starting to crumble um on their own because of that that. and that's because of that, that watering brush that's happened, this means that the cost is becoming increasingly unstable, as could collapse altogether if the extreme rains of recent years continue. the
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national trust which finances the blackening a state through donations has published them in nominal report. more than 70 percent of english consuls also endangered by climate change that the preservation past 2060 can no longer be guaranteed when you actually see the number, it still does come as a little bit of a shock. so you know that there is a problem. but then seeing the scale of it. yeah, it's like, wow that's, that's a big thing that we're facing into. you know, there's western it, some wesley storms that cause the most damage. heather jimmy explains. and with the storms come, the rains which penetrate even deep into all the structures. weak spots without government support have a gym. a will have to go day by day making repairs where she can. but prevention measures like dams won't be constructed. those brits who still own the castles have
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to maintain them out of pocket which will prove increasingly challenging to it skill. for example, he's the manager of navy home and is up on the roof every time it rains. often the gotcha is often opened with hailstones. clearing them is a painstaking task. obviously, if it's coming down like this guy click it and it can get out of the whole, the level rises and a fault. she just creeps back onto the, the channel here, behind the site's down. i mean, millions, it's millions. so many use of this house. so it was a nation cuz we're not, they are the ones with this issue. it is an issue, so the, the private and it just doesn't have the money to do. how's it going to do that? let's now that we, we just about cover all costs. so me is you don't have to search file to see what you behold could look like if it went to the stuart hills.
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conduit. this wing has to be a band and all together which is a safe green hills, isn't it? if we didn't have the visitors coming generation, some income, then we wouldn't be able to do the repairs of the saying and then um, yeah, this is what it is. comes to comes to the okay. yeah. the visitors are the most important source of income, especially in summer. in the main house we meet you, it's boss which is compton whose family has and was me the whole for centuries. the main attraction is a historic gym. the chippendale room, an original complete, the preserved ensemble from $1763.00. it's not just the damn fools that put the collection of taurus. if the cost for pass continues to rise, come to may have to sell off counts of this historical collection conceivably, but i hope not. but, but obviously because i,
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we wouldn't want to destroy the connection. but i suppose if things got so bad that you know you needed millions of pounds, then you would obviously have to face sending something such and stoically english fashion. richard compton doesn't let on how with the situation really is giving up the whole his family heritage is out of the question. as you know, we've been there longer parts of the european union. so the ground system, the money used to have the farming as effectively as being redone, and we get to really understand exactly what happens without any support. a direct government ground. suppose highs is like this permanently challenged, the british government has not yet responded to causal. and this request nor to the national trusts report, which sent a pointing
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a minister for climate adaptation in the government would be pivotal time is of the essence of britons, great historic buildings on to live on the and now say to our final report is all about what it takes to make the perfect harmony, john or the donald a bird to pick herrera's mission, is to protect this and tell him delicacy from counterfeits. because there are many people who sell invitation so as to benefit from the multi 1000000000. you are industry, but genuine farm in general, the general has to be made in the region around the italian provinces of one day and a and per ma'am. and there is a lot of skill and dedication that goes into the production. juliano has been a master cheese maker in more than half of 43 years, driven by passion for the original part of mcdonald a john and it's unique production the appropriate for me,
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the fermentation is very important in the production process and that always has to be in a control, so i guess i don't know, but also the process that you're trying are maturing and cooking process that to uh you don't learn that it would only unit 3 years of experience. the to find the perfect consistency. but she's made course field occurs between their fingertips the and i was on the 2nd to me john over at john o can only be for dealing with here in this region. most the sole boy of the obvious secret is in the firm and also to get a focus on the way that nobody else has looked at on this one. and because the cheese a sole value, a special consortium comes in to inspect its brightness and its authenticity of us . yes, that would be to me when the wheels are about 12 months old, we checked the entire stock them is about $4000000.00 wheels of cheese every year
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for which it might be the only product in the world that is 100 percent. and so back down to a $1.10 to $15.00. so it's also a product that's often faked to estimate the damages of $2000000000.00 euros a year. trademark protection has been in place and we use since 2008. but outside of the you know, our 15 big parmesan cheese is our every genuine permit. john? no. to john. no. the the my do i get is going 3. i'm with the biggest problem lies outside the there the name is used to misleading lady on it. we for example, parmesan like the mother normally the, the problem is there not a john know for my does infield. bottom is and of course a consumer who is not well informed will be deceived by yeah. so if somebody completely different, i mean the go not for inspector on the bed to pick or not. it's a daily battle for genuine permit. download a journal made with 2 skills for that authentic taste. and that brings us to the
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end of this episode on focus on your premium, but you can always find more of our reports on social media. my name is, let's show good by end of the lives in the, the, the
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watch, the environment, trends, technologies come is digitalization, stall, tops, new markets, new media. the world is accelerating. sees the opportunity to try new things, take flights with the that we use business magazine made in germany in 30 minutes on the w is in a pressure cooker or get out clergy, you take
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a public stance against russia's warren. ukraine are receiving their freedom. albert traction is a fax, as pastor who is being put for now under threats of imprisonment because in russia, places of worship are now under heavy surveillance. focus on unit and 19 minutes on d. w. the west page. i mean, obviously, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport faster. thanks. trace amount, but it's actually about move join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the wells. and i need to talk to you back, just a subscriber id. listen to paul, gosh,
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then we'll take you along for the ride started. so we started to understand clearly and what you need to do for us, ukraine was assembled. are we moving towards europe or not? hold on the 2015. the still is afraid democracy protest in ukraine. the country response to your cries, disputes are free to ship to west have recognized the danger and the terms of being foretold on the science with us. we really understand that so easily for you. uh, we will lose our concepts, euro my done jobs february 17th on d, w. the,
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on this day the we news line from berlin. millions in pakistan are heading to the poles in an election marked by dudley violence. and allegations of vote rigging, tens of thousands of police and para military forces have been deployed at pulling stations to ensure security to bombing killed dozens on the eve of the vault. also coming on israel rejects terms war a ceasefire. put forward by how mon prime minister benjamin netanyahu vows to fight on until total victory says the collapse of amounts is within reach the
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