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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, the, the, we news line from berwin, millions and pockets on our heading to the poles in an election marked by dudley violence. and allegations of vote rigging, tens of thousands of police and para military forces have been deployed at pulling stations to ensure security to bombing skilled dozens on the eve of develops. also coming, israel rejects terms for a ceasefire. put forward by how much prime minister benjamin netanyahu vows to fight on until total victory and says the collapse of amounts is within reach the
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optical for at least welcome to the program. motors and pockets done are heading to the polls today to choose a new parliament in a general election marked by a wave of militant violence. there is tight security in place around pulling stations across the country following to bomb attacks on the eve of the balance, which killed thousands around a 128000000 people are eligible to vote. but posters are for dig thing at low. turn out the campaign has been overshadowed by the jailing, a former prime minister in long con, still one of the country's most popular politicians who has been convicted on corruption and other charges and is not allowed to stand for election. and we can now get more with the delay reporter, venus job, which enjoys me from is long about the this all eyes on pakistan today. what does
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the atmosphere in the country on election day and what have people been telling you? and they go just as you have to mention these docs that took place, it focused on the south western program. so for those has gone and therefore there definitely is some said so spear or some type of standard is that people are, are scared of. and also as you mentioned that they've gone, honda had been in june 1 of the lead it of one of fuckers as most up. so i'll put it in for it because i'd be so north the waters of a lot of supports as of his body. i had a feeling of d more deviation. i have been to few pointing stations and it's pointing out just started a couple of hours ago. i did not see a lot, a lot of people showing up toward them, but there was some more tag. um, i think we just have a lot of, uh, we still have many more hours of pulling and hopefully people will leave their
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homes and even headed towards performing stations. mm hm. what if people have been telling you about what issues they're voting on? what is moving pockets done you through the polls today? um i, i spoke to a number of orders and some of them toward me that they are just tired of the long wanted to go christ. if that bug cause on has been going through all scores, economic crisis is also something that has restricted, almost everyone in focused on. and therefore you'll see that there are some people who believe that the board past bible and they are joining up to funding stations. and they believe that they're what might change the destiny of the country. um, but uh, overall, as of now we don't see a huge or large order going out. he's the most talked about the person in the run up to the selections. you already mentioned him was former prime minister in rome con, he's been barred from learning. how is that impacted the election and who is up for
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election now? so this has definitely affected how people are perceived this selection because ron hahn on his part because bought the p d. i have publicly blamed the state and even the ministry establishment of a crackdown on deadlock. these and they kind of ready, vocally, uh, said that they were not to give an 11th meg speed to camp been in this election. and rog hahn is in jail, so he's already out of country. if there are 2 are going to get that does one. 0, it's no boss should he's he is head of our political party, p and n. he's 3 times buckets on barbara prime minister. he has been in politics for decades and there's a large perception and focused on that this time submitted to stablish ment is back in the foster these p also already had a very difficult history with the ministry, like many other politicians and lots of fun. but of skin indifferent action,
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a lot of people are looking at him and then the 2nd it helps me drive on. if a lot of put as a body is front of the front bumper gravity stuff being does it does. he has also a water beef. as of now these are to make a dead, but we can not forget that even though it's not lending as a box these but speed, the, i fact independent candidates around $200.00 of them are running in different action . who said that they are candidates also gone home and that oscar that what does what if they want to work for 50 eyes and they have to work for these independent skillets. so it's a mix of, of, of, of, of political parties and independent candidates. and we just have to wait for the results. so let's do the ways being a chavez covering the partners donnie elections from as well. but thank you so much . i this to the middle east malware. israel's prime minister has rejected last proposal for a cease fire saying
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a tony victory and gaza is just months away. netanyahu described a plan as, quote, delusional, as he insisted that there is no alternative to the military collapse of homos, which is of course, as a native, a terrorist organization by many countries. and we'll hear some other reaction to that decision in a moment. but 1st, let's take a look at some of the points of the hamas proposal, which was divided into 3 phases. and the 1st phase there would have been a $45.00, a day halt and finding, and that time all female is rarely hosted as an all male hostages. under the age of 19, wouldn't be free to buy, how much is really forces would also begin withdrawing from populated areas of gone . so the 2nd phase would have seen all remaining mail is really hostages exchanged for palestinian prisoners. and the complete withdrawal of is really forces from gaza, bodies and remains would also be exchanged during the 3rd phase. you
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is secretary state and to me, blanket who has been desperately trying to secure a deal for gaza, says he believes in agreement between israel and a mazda still possible. but for the families of those taken hostage and the people of gaza, this latest set back in negotiations is another major blow. the ever sticks with anger and heartbreak, intel of eve after renew deals to secure the release of hostages is rejected. many here will hostages themselves hills by how moss for weeks and relieved during an audio deal is lemons. where's my government without a thank you for getting me out of them and bring me back to israel. but what about my father? who wisdom there if they are not for town, every person and mother and father will know that they can be next, but their life is in their hands, but they live in
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a country that does not take responsibility for their security. is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu projected the do you think that his military is campaign in gaza will continue nothing. but we're on our way to absolute victory. the victory is in our reach. it's not a matter of years or tens of years. it's a matter of months, so the feed us officials believe there is still hope of a deal between israel and thomas. these things are always a negotiations. it's not, um, it's not flipping a light switch, it's not yes or no. there's invariably back and forth. and as i said, we see that we see the space for that mean biling, garza know, deal know, sees file means no let up and is rarely a tax close to 28000 gallons have died according to the how most fund hilton
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industry. hundreds of thousands are lacking food and water show to and medicine because it's enough, it's enough. we do not want wars. we've been displaced from guys that for approximately 115 days today, we've been abandoned just number one. we have children now we're infected with diseases and the model. the doctor sees by you to who monitor and situation and gaus i will likely worse and with people here uncertain. you still live to see to movies. we can now speak to simon maven. he's a lecturer in international relations in middle east politics at lancaster university and even k. welcome back. so i'm now israel has rejected how much offer anthony blinking says there is still space for an agreement. now, as far as you're concerned, what hope is there for the finding to stop and the hostages to be released? there's always a hope. there's always a chance given the,
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the scale of this humanitarian catastrophe, that's affecting people and as well people and gaza people in the diaspora. so there's always a hope. granted that hope right now is very, very small, given the very is precious on this, right? the government on benjamin netanyahu, on how much on the us, on the various mediators involved. there's a lot of different moving parts. there's a lot of different pressure and not makes, getting a deal over a line, incredibly difficult. at, let's look at one of the major moving parts here, the relationship between israel and the us because the 2 countries, very, very strong allies. usually they don't seem to be on the same page when it comes to the way forward here. what kind of pressure can washington use to get israel to accept a deal? maybe not this deal, but some sort of deal? so i guess that's this 2 main types of pressure that can be inside those, the public. this cost, the putting pressure in the public arena through,
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through speeches, through briefings, things like that for them as a buck channel. by look, the back channel dialogue is private conversations. color should carrot sticks, and i imagine it will be a combination of those 2 different types of, of, of degrees of importance that the us will be trying to exert pressure on, on that in yard, where it is government to get to deal, to make a deal happen even if it's a deal that nothing else doesn't necessarily fully subscribe to. but i think what we'll see is that netanyahu was incredibly reluctant to do that and given the various pressures on him domestically. and what that tells us is that us influence in the middle east us implants, in this particular arena, is on the way. mm hm. prime minister netanyahu has ordered his troops to prepare for a push into a rough file, which is where, you know,
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half of gauze this population is, was ordered to shelter as, as the israel ground terms were advancing. what impact do you think that could have on the prospect of a truce? to get to a truce, that has to be a degree of trust to you have to be able to trust the other side in the conflict that they will follow what has been agreed. and i think right now, given that palestinians have been told in no uncertain terms, to go south to go to the south of cause that to go to a rough or. and if the is really forces go to the very space that palestinians have been sent to that will make it incredibly difficult for that to be any real trusts from the palestinian side. and we already know that from this way, the side, there's nothing you know who will own the claims success went from us, has been defeated and getting back confirmation to us. the 10 sort of knowledge
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that from us has fully been defeated is going to be incredibly difficult for him. and that means it's going to be really difficult to build the trust and necessary to get any type of deal over the line. so it's an incredibly full thing to send the ideas down into rough uh, and it has potentially very, very serious consequences for the diplomatic solution, but also for the devastating humanitarian conditions in gaza. right now. the assignment may have on thank you so much for your analysis. thank as to a rock malware, a us striking bug. dunn has killed a senior militia leaders suspected of flooding. recent attacks on american troops and the middle east. the pentagon says he was a senior commander of cato. you've has the run back to group. the west has carried out a drone attack and jordan that killed 3 us soldiers,
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a number of groups and backed by tear on have stepped up a tax on us basis since the beginning of the israel, him off floor and gall. so here's a look at some other stories making headlines around the world today. but he uses that for the 1st time. earth has had 12 months of temperatures, 1.5 degrees celsius hotter and the pre industrial era. and the 2015 pairs agreement of world leaders have pledged to limit the global warming to 1.5 degrees. the target is still within reach, though, as the average temperature is measured over decades not years and depend more than 5000 leaders of radioactive water have leaked from the food cushing power plant is . the operator says event was left open during cleaning the company claims. no signs of contamination has been detected outside the facility. the plan suffered a nuclear meltdown in 2011 after an earthquake. and so nami, a. and a reminder of our top story today falls of opened in august on, in
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a general election marred by claims of vote rigging and a wave of violence. tens of thousands of police and security forces have been deployed at polling station. that's your news roundup. stay with us now, and i will be back at the top of the next hour. hope to see you then by the amount of is increasing every so many of watching online services. the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning cost. at the cost every year of the exports over $1000000.00 tons of plastic.


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