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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, you news line from berlin. millions in progress done are heading to the poles and an election mars by deadly violence. and allegations of vote rigging, tens of thousands of police and military force have been deployed at pulling stations to ensure security to bombing skilled does it on the eve of the votes. also coming up, israel rejects terms for if these fire put forward by how much prime minister benjamin netanyahu vows to fight on until absolute victory and says the collapse of hemlocks is within reach. plus
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a us drill and strike in downtown baghdad. the us says it's killed a high ranking militia leader linked to a tax on american troops and did not warn iraq. he officials. and i think the article fairly should welcome to the programs voters in pockets. dawn are heading to the polls today to choose a new parliament and a general election large by a wave of militant violence. security is tied around pulling stations nationwide following to bomb attacks on the eve of the balance that killed dozens. and 128000000 people are eligible to vote, but posters are predicting a low turn out. the campaign has been overshadowed by the jailing of former prime minister and from khan. he remains one of the country's most popular politicians. despite his conviction for corruption and other charges,
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he's not allowed to stand for today's lecture with a lower. and we can now get more with the double your report or venus, java ed who joins me now from his mom about venus, all eyes on pakistan today. what is the atmosphere in the country on election day? a nickel as the date is progress thing. we see the water, the note is slightly increasing, especially in big for these. like good aquila hard if blah, blah, blah, development be been, i've been doing and i've been the election start pulling started. so i went to some of the billing stations for the starbucks. and there was very few people. and i, i get out of defense. why? so low voter turnout is expected, especially one of the most popular ones because bodies in stock is gone. b, b, i headed by former prime minister in not hon. that party has publicly please that there is, there has been a booty down against the party that they were not given
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a level playing field. so a lot of people expect that is the motivation among their supporters among the board does. so they might not turn out of a for support thing. and then as you have mentioned, security is a big issue in bought this condo is an uptick of, of, of uptick and violence instead of just been focused on. and this definitely this fear of the gift within there should be in focus on south western province or below just on focused on northwestern programs of cape e. um, but i would say that despite these allegations of people are rigging and that is there has to be an election and the daughters mention modeling and the election process. um i, i've spoken to a lot of what does i mean even my family might and it is all of them have to day, according to the pointing stations they are boarding. and so i spoke to some of the workers and i were the phones very interesting is that there are people who didn't
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believe shot. their board is important, but it has power and i was just quickly tell, deposit is gone, how easy part was created and 1947 until 1970 spock. if i did not have addictions and is a strong sense of for democracy, that is when i spoke to some of the what does, and this is what i heard from him that's happened. listen to watch. so some of those are doors, me. every single vote can change is me the holy country scenario. you know, we are in very poor condition nowadays countries visiting so many problems, economic condition and it needs to be but the condition of the lord class. yeah. and also if we don't come outside, so it's become mean city, but no facilities normally successfully these. as you think education noise,
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education facility, no might be confessing to these. and there is a gap between each ring at least a politic 70 and you see, but it's become logged in and logged in div id. but it will be very honest. i have a do expect ition from the whole let go the process. but the, i guess the, the things are not going so good, but we have to board because, you know, you can say that the democracy, even the voice of democracy is better than what we can say that i just looked at the or the little courtesy i guess yeah, because the vote thing is the sacred duty everyone should get their vote as soon as possible. this will change the destiny of our country and god willing when they get into the model to bring to change it happened before and it ends a little com. again, it's our believe that one day through our votes, this system will change. it is on, but the new thing is we have to speak about the most talked about person in the run
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up to this election. that was former prime minister in rome con, but he's been barred from running. you mentioned it earlier. how does that impacted the election and who are his followers now going to vote for it's it's definitely has impacted the election process. there's a lot of disappointment among his supporters and board does was free that he is in jail off because of cases that were politically more directed. so therefore be accused of the receipts of electronic mailing. so he's out of to the next question that a lot of people are looking at christmas from the boss should he's he has to be a min and party need your focus on the st. james, former prime minister. he has been in politics for decades, but he also has a very complicated history with doctor, for ministry. he has never completed his don't actually know communism in boxes and has ever completed them. and most of the times when he was qualified,
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disqualified from his office, it was because he had to call out with pockets on sunday street. the other uh can you just we just saw on the screen is up in our a bluetooth there, daddy. he also has a strong geez, but the manually to that people are looking out of to and the lord it isn't strong prescription. that box sounds, community establishment. this time is backing, is missed from the last cities. that was dw has been established in as long as what thank you so much for that. to the middle east malware, israel's prime minister, has rejected a mazda proposal for a cease fire thing. an absolute victory and gaza is just months away, and yahoo described the plan as quote, delusional, as he insisted that there is no alternative to the military collapse of a moss, which has designated a terrorist organization by many countries. the ever takes with angle and heartbreak, antello vive after renew,
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due to secure the release of hostages is rejected. many here, well hostages themselves held by him off for weeks and relieved during in odeo deal . me where is my government? to thank you for guessing me out of the bringing me back to israel. but what about my father? who is still the english? if they are not returned? every person mother and father will know that they can be next. their life is in the hands that they live in the country that does not take responsibility for the security. on the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu projected the do you think that his military's campaign and gaza will continue? nothing too. but we're on our way to absolute victory. the victory is in our reach . it's not a matter of years or tens of years. it's a matter of months. so the feed us officials believe there is still hope of
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a deal between israel and thomas. these things are always a negotiations. it's not it's not flipping a light switch, it's not yes or no. there's invariably back and forth. and as i said, we see that we see the space for that mean biling, garza know, deal know, sees file means no let up in australia. tax close to 28000 gallons have died. according to the homeless fun hilton industry. hundreds of thousands are lacking food. water show to and medicine because it's enough, it's enough. we do not want wars. we've been displaced from guys that for approximately 115 days today, we've been abandoned. we have children now we're infected with diseases and the model. the doctor sees by you who monitor and situation and gaus i will likely
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worse and with people who uncertain you still live to see to maureen simon mayben is electra and international relations and middle east politics at lancaster university in the u. k. and earlier i asked him, what hope remains for a deal to be reached and the fighting and free the remaining hostages? there's always a hope. there's always a chance given the, the scale of this humanitarian catastrophe, that's affecting people and as well people and gaza people in the diaspora. so there's always a hope. granted that hope right now is very, very small. given that area is precious on this, right? the government on benjamin netanyahu, on how much on the us, on the various mediators involved. there's a lot of different moving parts. there's a lot of different pressure and not makes, getting a deal over a line, incredibly difficult. at, let's look at one of the major moving parts here,
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the relationship between israel and the us because the 2 countries, very, very strong allies. usually they don't seem to be on the same page when it comes to the way for here. what kind of pressure can washington use to get israel to accept a deal? maybe not this deal, but some sort of deal? so i guess there's, there's 2 main types of pressure that can be accepted. there's the public discourse, the putting pressure in the public can read that through, through speeches, through briefings, things like that, but them as a back channel. by luck, the back channel dialogue is private conversations. color should carrot sticks and i imagine it will be a combination of those 2 different types of, of, of degrees of importance that the us will be trying to exert pressure on, on that in yahoo. it is government to get to deal to make a deal happen even if it's a deal, but that nothing else doesn't necessarily fully subscribe to. but i think what real
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estate is that netanyahu was incredibly reluctant to do that. and given the various pressures on him domestically. and what that tells us is that us influence in the middle east us implants, in this particular arena, is on the way. mm hm. but in 5 minutes or nothing, yeah, was ordered his troops to prepare for a push into a rough file, which is where, you know, half of glasses population is, was order to shelter as, as the israel ground troops were advancing. what impact do you think that could have on the prospect of a truce or to get to a truce? that has to be a degree of trust to you have to be able to trust the other side in the conflict that they will follow what has been agreed. and i think right now, given that palestinians have been told in no uncertain terms,
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to go south to go to the south of gaza to go to a rock. and if the is really forces go to the very space that palestinians have been sent to. that will make it incredibly difficult for that to be any real trusts from the palestinian side. and we already know that from this riley side, there's nothing you know who will own the claims success went from us, has been defeated and getting back confirmation to us. the 10 sort of knowledge that from us has fully been defeated is going to be incredibly difficult for him. and that means it's going to be really difficult to build the trust and necessary to get any type of deal over the line. so it's an incredibly full thing to send the ideas down into rough uh, and it has potentially very, very serious consequences for the diplomatic solution, but also for the devastating humanitarian conditions in gaza. right now. the
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assignment may have and thank you so much for your analysis. thank to moving on to a rock where a us strike and baghdad has killed a senior militia leaders suspected of flooding. recent attacks on american troops in the middle east. the pentagon says he was a senior commander of talk to you has blog. b, a run back to group the us says carried out a drone attack in jordan and killed 3 us soldiers. a number of groups backed by to here on have stepped up a tax on us basis since the beginning of the israel. i'm us war in gaza last year and we can now speak to roger shanahan. he's a middle east analyst and security expert and joins us now from sidney for so what can you tell us about catseye hezbollah, the group, the us targeted in the strike? well this is brain um, been in existence. it seems to me to like to thousands of
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and it's very close to around uh and particularly the right running revolutionary dot com and it has um for several decades. um. oh uh, 15 use uh, conducted tax gives you a us forces and more recently, as we so uh, washington has said that it has been responsible for the attack that resulted in just a 3 us. so as best you know, in a base in jordan. so it's a very much a, a and then to us pro ronnie and organization. but again, i was, i titled the popular novelization forces in iraq. so he said very difficult, a distinction between a semi state actors or state actors in iran. also adopting an anti us position. the us has designated it as a terrorist organization. so it's a very complicated situation regarding relationship with that organization though.
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so if you're ok, yep. let's talk about the us relationship with the rocky government because they reportedly carried out the strike in the heart of back that without informing rocky officials, in your opinion, what does that tell us about their relationship and what could be the consequences? it isn't exactly it's that's one of the issues that engages, i'm sure, a lot of minds in washington at the moment, crush license ship between apartment to, to donnie and the payments and its constituent parts of which the top is below is one of them. the us obviously having to, to make good on its promises to make sure that groups and individuals that have held accountable for the dates of us military personnel. and as far as where weight is certainly washington did not give for wanting to baghdad about this attack. and
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it really does put the bowl in the bag date bag dates. court is bugging about asking us military personnel actively previously, it's not really believed that that's a viable threat. the force projection and task might change. but what it really does say that after more than 20 years of us intervention interact, it is still a still has to work very delicately and how it deals with the rock issue. those middle east dental as roger shanahan. thank you so much. my pleasure. susie, her monster attacks of october 7th last year, and the consequent wore and gauze, attentions have risen between israel and 11 on the powerful organization has, will are considered a terrorist organization by many countries hold sway in many areas of the country.
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it's fighters have been firing rockets into israel, while israel has responded with its own attacks. he's always funny for shar, went to the district of conduct l. gamache and central barrow to where a combination of social economic and religious factors have kept, has the law and their affiliates and control despite the risk of war with israel. this is the barrel district of honda. as for me, the name means the deep trends. it's a poverty stricken neighborhood with a dangerous reputation as bowl a leader. his son, this roller is pictured everywhere. would you call and just walk in and start filming 1st. you have to meet with the circles, community leader. it's for our safety. he said he used to be a fight or for a militia affiliated with mr. wallace has been a while a semester. say, you know, for allah says we're supporting garza so we are now fighting to reduce the tension
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on casa, the pest below. doesn't want water on the home. 5 and those rollers, words are seen by his feeling worse as the message you all are on earth, even as he talks of destroying each round, his ideas echo in the months. israel is our enemy while we are a glorious nation, and we have glorious leaders. but as well as not only has she missed militant group constituted by many to be terrorists, it is also a political party which with allies $1.00 to 2018 general election. and even though it lost its parliamentary majority in 2022 in freedom and official areas like this one is functions as a sage, being a fail safe. that means it funds squeeze hospitals, socially institutions,
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services that because of the economic crisis, many communities depend on. but that has the price that many has paid with their lives. a so called mattress for young people here the future looks bleak, leap i don't see economy in ruins is infrastructure crumbling. and there is no functional government. with all that, this district is considered not to worry as for poverty and radicalism, every country is against us. but has below is with us. when the time comes, we will go and fight. this is our land and we are with them. has bullet seats, people here are resistance, narrative, she and most of them spiting western domination. some dedicate their children to the calls. resistance means dignity. my pride, my glory. we were born to die to become marches. i've done that. i've already given 2 sons and my nephew,
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his sons are pictured here. both died fighting for his bola against israel. the ma, yes. yeah. rights and political violence and identity building and live on on. she's us as well as clear reasons for providing services to people. the way you would pay they've had to make these services creates a special bond. we very strong between the families of people who are receiving the services and has people out here to know whether she has law has the largest social service network or the amazing, but also all the parties do the same. they like it. so the main problem is the in existence of the state just couldn't see of live name he, uh, the mazda sits in, don't the, as bolus bower and hum dot shown to us as we entered, is always present for locals. many would not speak on camera, but as the prospect of war with israel looms, not everyone even here is willing to give up their children for the calls. and adam,
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how can i, i worry about them. so maybe when they see older men fights in there is something inside them that encourages them to join. i don't want my children to join. i raised them for when they were left alone until they would grow, not sending them to what to loosen. know how to settle the people in this area will see the prize if there is a full blown war with as well. and a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world today. and you sign to say that for the 1st time, earth has had 12 months of temperature is 1.5 degrees celsius hotter than the pre industrial era. and the 2015 pairs agreement of world leaders have legs to limit global warning. warming to 1.5 degrees target is still within reach though, as the average temperature is measured over the decades, not years. and japan,
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more than $5000.00 leaders of radioactive water have leaked from the 4 cushion mount power plant as operators as a vent was left open during cleaning the company claims. no signs of contamination have been detected outside the facility. the plant suffered a nuclear meltdown. and 2011 after an earthquake. and so nami ok now has erupt in iceland for the 3rd time since december. love of plumes lit up the sky in the nation south west as were an earlier or rupture and threatened to destroy the town of greenville, vic, thousands of residents were evacuated and have yet to be allowed to return to their homes. iceland has more than 30 active volcanoes the united nation says so don's warring signs have agreed to meet for talks on getting desperately needed aid to its people. the u. n. has also appealed for almost 4000000000 euros to help those suffering. and the 10 month civil war with them,
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13000 people have been killed. nearly 10000000 displaced, morris and any other current conflict. the w correspondent volumes, but not reports from the remote new by mountains that you tucker is finally getting back to are slowly starting to drink more relief. 5 grand mother susan, let me know when i broke out here. she was swollen leuva, but now she has improved appetite is back. i only have fee to swollen, i'm hurtful, at least she can open her eyes moving into moving a little money leading into the swelling is caused by severe malnutrition. her mother wasn't able to breast feed. she was also nourished and to week to bring her 18 month old girl here. susan says, i love if this hospital went here. i don't know what would have happened. my child would have died. no idea where i'd have taken the money yet,
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but the with it's susan says they simply don't have anything to eat in her village, which is 8 hours walk from here. the harvest was bad. food prices sky rocketed and the region has been largely cut off from age since school dropped it last april. many like nobody keys may had to flee the violence. she was working as a nurse and cartoon when bone was exploded around. she decided to leave the capital hygiene on the way. i was very scared because people were being robbed and then it was the danger of being right. some of us about 3 or 4 managed to get out. but if you stayed behind you, my father and brother, a still missing being definitely one of the work. she was lucky and made it on home to the new, the mountains, more than 700 kilometers south west of cartoon relatives that to put in book. after a month she found work at the regents only hospital since the beginning of the war
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. more and more malnourished children has been arriving here. no magic has been waiting for medical supplies for months and then i'd be and i can walk like if i, if we have medicine but not enough. we're lacking imposing pain killers and antibiotics. we have to the patients with serious illnesses, to hospitals and other regions. aid only occasionally makes it to this remote area . nomadic says she's angry at the 2 generals who are vying for power with complete disregard for the people you see over the met him behind the fighting each other. but the people are the ones who suffer. they have nothing left, and i think neither him is he nor behind a suitable to rule. so done, someone else should rule the country if he's a standing in this already neglected region. last hope of the people is that the war will soon and attend you. needed help with finding the arise. and that's
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your news roundup. but stay tuned for conflict fountain, sebastian interviews a frame. libby, warmer head of israel's, most on the lakes. headlines are looking for our website, dw, dot com and the conflict. thank you for your company. the
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conflicts with tim sebastian, terms of the browser wall and there is no ending site for the killing of the suffering. how long can is continuous ministry campaign as his allies, one increasingly that to many palestinians i by my deputy freeze appearing is the fun part of it. for my head is as far as the intelligence service from my side, conflicts the next on dw, from slave trading. to smuggling they cross people from west africa to
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europe. human traffic is emory, tanya, they make fat profits because they helping the suffering country people they just modern day slave traders in 45 minutes on d w. the . so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and one's different things from life and your parents. i just want to pursue what sets my saw on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable stuff. i want my son to become
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a doctor to in the canal. it's time to to us. and then when it's in races class, this way, d, w, the full month's or the gradual i'm as know and do site to the killing. i'm the suffering. how long could israel continue? it's minute you can pay as, as allies would increasingly that too many palestinians died. my just this week here and tell of eve is a from holiday form ahead of israel's foreign intelligence service. the most side for now all europe and america are insisting that this war ends with a pos way to palestinian statehood. jerusalem says no. in the midst of this vision. cool. and what can stop the blood chit from
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pottery, welcome to.


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