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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. new militant attacks and pakistan is millions . costs are ballots in the election march by deadly bonds. tens of thousands of police and military personnel are deployed to insure security and authority suspend mobile phone surface. also coming up, israel rejects terms for a ceasefire, put forward by some us prime minister benjamin netanyahu battles to fight hold until absolute victory says the collapse of from us is within reach the
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hello i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. we begin in pakistan where the poles had been expected to close a few minutes ago in an election dog by violence and controversy. several people have been killed and relatives attacks as tens of millions cost their boats across the country under heavy security. unofficial results are expected in a few hours time, but a clearer picture is unlikely to emerge until early on friday. of the voters across pakistan lining up to cost the ballot in an election that has been mowed by violence and obligations that the contest isn't free or pack as don is in the midst of political and economic crisis. and people heading to the polls here hoping for change every single vote can change of the holy country scenario. you know, we are in very poor condition nowadays, i've got these visiting so many problems, really, to be very honest. i have
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a zullie expectation from the electoral process, but the, i guess the, the things are not going so good. but we have to board because, you know, you can say that the democracy, even the voice of democracy, is better than what we can say that i'd ask because he or the girl casee. i guess the frustration with the political system is one of the reasons that turn out in the selection is expected to be know. another reason is that the country's most popular politician from a prime minister and run con is currently behind because he's being convicted of corruption and other charges and con, so office his supporters and members of his party. so he's, jailing was political and that the election is rick against them. safety concerns also one vote. his minds to explosions,
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killed thousands in the country, southwest in provence, of bullets, just on any hours before the vote. a violent event of a shadow, the election hundreds of thousands of on a power minute treat and police have been deployed to provide security on election day. and the interior ministry suspended mobile phone services starting tire concerns. it is proving a controversial move amongst pack a stone is an adding to the already tense conditions on voting day with the threats of violence thinking over election day, i asked the w reporter being his job it in his lama. but what voters are facing in this election security is generally uh, an issue in focused on that has been an optic and go to do some and violence in it's 40 something last year for them 1500 people were killed in douglas incidents.
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and just before elections widens, has increased and focused on south western robins also just on and northwest and trojans escaping yesterday at the walk back to back to docs uh on the ticket as well. so 21 today. uh there has been a dock in in northwest and focused on uh, actually to attack the northwest and focused on uh, security is on. hi hello. i know tens and a cousins of police officers military. a better ministry all offers shows hoffman detroit across the country. some of the pollutants patients coughing up a 46th street the sensitive and therefore definitely we see a higher security presence of a security officer presence in the country. although practiced in military the, it's a very powerful presence in the country, but it's often played kingmaker in previous elections. but the military now claims that it's no longer playing a role in politics. is that really the case finish?
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a reality is different. i would say up, but as soon as i landed in focused on and the people have spoken to journalist commented people on the streets. but it is a very strong perception that this time bach could bounce military establishment if fucking one of han's driver's nevada's to the police. also 3 times a former prime minister of focused on. and we have seen spot politically lock the funds farmers drive, mr. m dot han has accused of the military off of blackstone against him and his body. and he blames basically the minute establishment of fort worth the party has gone to. and when it comes to natasha, these i would say that he has been involved with any part of this for decades. and even he has a complete it's been difficult history with bucket from the military. he has been disqualified, he never completed his dom. and every time he was disqualified from his office,
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he had to fall out with the funds for the 3. so the reality if this that even amazon han, when he came to baldwin, he was accused of making deals, took amenities that has been progress and focused on a democracy, but still the military place a significant role in focus on the politics. spanish, thank you very much. that was the w spanish job. it is what i'm about. israel's prime minister has rejected the a mass proposal for a cease fire and gaza saying an absolute victory. there is just months away. then you may nothing. yahoo described the plan as quote, delusional. he insisted that there is no alternative to the military collapse of hamas, which is designated a terrorist organization by many countries, for the ever takes with angle and hot breaks. intel of eve after renew deals to secure the release of hostages is rejected. many here will
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hostages themselves health by him off for weeks and released during in odeo. do you see where is my government? so thank you for guessing me out of the bringing me back to israel. but what about my father? who is still the english? if they are not returned, every person mother and father will know that they can be next. their life is in the hands that they live in the country that does not take responsibility for the security. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu project the do you think that his military's campaign and gaza will continue nothing, but we're on our way to absolute victory. the victory is in our reach. it's not a matter of years or tens of years. it's a matter of months, so to see us officials believe there is still hope of a deal between israel and thomas. these things are always
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a negotiations. it's not it's not flipping a light switch, it's not yes or no. there's invariably back and forth. and as i said, we see that we see the space for that mean biling garza no deal. no seas file means no let up in his barely attacks close to 28000 galls and have died according to the homeless, fun health industry. hundreds of thousands are lacking food and water show to and medicine or because it's enough, it's enough. we do not want wars. we've been displaced from guys that for approximately 115 days today, we've been abandoned just number one. we have children now we're infected with diseases and the model. the doctor sees volume humanitarian situation in gauze, i will likely worse and with people here uncertain. if they live to see
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to maureen, we just speak now with for us much it kind of was some of her relatives were abducted during the mass terrorist attacks on october 7th. some of them had been released, but her uncle, the lot moses is still being held hostage in gaza, joins is from southern israel. thanks for being with us. uh, do you know what kind of conditions your uncle is being held under and how he's doing? thank you very much for having me. well, today is the 150 day. worries grow as the time goes by. we have no news at all. we. we have no information. it's 4 months now and we have no idea about my uncle. we have no idea where is the policy or of or what serious medical
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situation. we worry, we worry about him. we worry about his friends from keep woods near or where one of 4 people where of got into a minded. we worry of all the rest must to share with you that all the families now became like one big connected family. and it's, it's very difficult. we want them back and we know that there is no more time we used to say. time is limited, but now we know there isn't any more time. so i've heard about was on the record before where our prime minister says it's a matter of months. but there isn't any time we have to bring them back now they, they're fading away and we want them back a lot of this color and it has really been incredible. i, i,
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it's very hard for me to actually describe to the viewers what we're going through . but the only thing i can say is just think of somebody you really live within your family and try to imagine suddenly somebody pulls em away, brutally, and is gone. and you have no idea this power of terror is absolutely terrible. you mentioned israel's prime minister, benjamin us and yahoo! he's just rejected. hum us proposal for a cease fire. the deal would have seen is really hostages exchanged for palestinian prisoners. what's your reaction to that proposal? being reject, as just as the weaknesses who came back from hell that you showed us before. the press conference, we all feel the same. we're seeing seem responsible
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and whatever he says, or whatever he needs till today was going to not we believe he is responsible to maintain the morals and the values of cherishing life just as we believe. and as we were educated, according to the wonderful tradition of the jewish people, now, one of the jewish commandments, a very, very important for a free body, i guess around the world is the redemption of you have to use that's a fairly important tomorrow act. and we expect our prime minister not to play politics if this is what he is trying to do. i wonder, but to make sure that he greens, everybody back there was
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a terrible mistake. there was a terrible catastrophe. i know that we have to predict our security. we all interested in security. the citizens of israel should have secured life to your house. he's all right, so he also has the story. he also has to make sure that by being the head of a state to for more than state who the chair is live, who continues to play immoral role in everything we do. he has to bring them back in. i one more point that i want to make that there is a big difference. big want between what do you like see of our government and who we feel we are as people. um, i remember the late um president uh she mon paradise. who once had her speech at the you, in about iraq, and he says,
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israel is not an enemy of the rhyming people. it's their documents with destroys the words, and we have to be careful. that's the same here and you know, it's, we're not, we're not full or we haven't started this. we are, we are captives with, in this terrible problem. but forward and from left to fight for life. we expect our time newest to do so. and to bring those who are still alive back home, efforts, magic hour in southern israel. thank you very much for talking with us today and thank you for the time. it's very important to your support is always highly appreciate it. thank you. so you're watching the w news from berlin up next we've got a documentary for you assessing the benefits and risks of crypto currencies. course
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you'll find all the latest news information anytime you want on our website at dw dot com. i'm terry martin for me and all of us here at the w. there's thanks for watching. the name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay, like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called called don't call back the if somebody's freedom, it's somebody liberty at somebody.


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