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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the dizzy app now the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. new attacks and pakistan is millions, cast their ballots in the countries of general electric. several people are killed despite tens of thousands of police and military personnel being deployed to assure security. also coming up the us drone strike in baghdad. the us says it's killed a high ranking militia leader linked to attacks on american troops and did not war and iraqi officials in advance. the
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hello, i'm terry martin. good to help you with this beginning pakistan where the poles have closed in an election dog by violence and controversy. former pakistani prime minister and now i shall read, has expressed confidence that his party will be crowned the winter. unofficial results are expected in a few hours time, but a clearer picture is unlikely to emerge until friday. several people had been killed and suspected militants attacks across the country despite heavy security near polling stations of the voters across pakistan lining up to cost the ballot. in an election that has be mobbed by violence and obligations that the contest isn't free or pack us, dawn is in the midst of political and economic crisis. and people heading to the
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polls here hoping for change. every single vote can change of the holy country scenario. you know, we are in very poor condition nowadays our country is visiting so many problems very, to be very honest. uh you expect ition from the like the process. but the, i guess the, the things are not going so good, but we have to board because, you know, you can say that the democracy, even the voice of democracy is better than what we can say that i'd ask because he or the girl casee, i guess the frustration with the political system is one of the reasons that turned out to in this election is expected to be know. another reason is that the country's most popular politician, former prime minister and run con, is currently behind the boss. he's being convicted of corruption and other charges
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and con, run for office, his supporters and members of his party. so he's, jailing was political and that the election is reached against the safety concerns. also one vote. his minds to explosions, killed dozens in the country, south west and province of bullock, just on any hours before the vote. a violent event of a shadow, the election hundreds of thousands of ami power minute tree and police have been deployed to provide security on election day. and the interior ministry suspended mobile phone services starting tire concerns. it is proving a controversial move amongst pack of stone is an adding to the already tense conditions on voting day with the threat of violence hanging over election day. i asked the w reporter benny's job. it is lama, but what voters are facing security is gingerly
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a. an issue in focused on that has been an optic and good it has come on. violence is for these problems. last year for them 1500 people were killed in douglas incidents. and just before elections widens, has increased and focused on south western robins also just on and northwest and trojans escaping yesterday at the walk back to back to docs uh on the ticket as well. so let me bring today uh, there has been a dock in in northwest and focused on uh, actually to attack the northwest is focused on uh, security is on. hi, hello. i know tens and a cousins of police officers military. a better ministry uh offer shows hoffman detroit across the country. uh, some of the patients has been uh, of course, extremely sensitive. and therefore we definitely we see a higher security presence of a security options presence in the country. although practiced ends military, the,
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it's a very powerful presence in the country, but it's often played kingmaker in previous elections. but the military now claims that it's no longer playing a role in politics. is that really the case finish? a reality is different. i would say up, but as soon as i landed in focused on and the people have spoken to join the live, commented people on the streets, that is a very strong perception that this time bach advanced military establishment is barking. one of the honda drivers nevada's to the police also 3 times a former prime minister of focused on and we have seen spot politically focused on former dr. mr. m dot han has accused of the military of us black down against him and his body. and he blames basically the minute establishment of fort worth the party has gone through. and when it comes to nevada should,
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if i would say that he has been involved with any part of this for decades. and even he has a complicated and difficult history with bucket from the military. he has been disqualified, he's never completed his dumb. and every time he was disqualified from his office, he had to for the defense industry. so the reality is that even in oregon han but he came to publish, he was accused of making deals to submit a change that has been progress and focused on a democracy, but still the military place, a significant joint impact. the funny politics spanish, thank you very much. that was the w. spanish job. it is, but i'm about to take a look at a few other stories making headlines today. russia has bar the anti war candidate border is not yet seen from running for president. the electoral commission previously set a list of supporters required for him to stand included the names of dead people. now, the hosting will appeal the decision. his citizens initiative party openly opposes
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the war in ukraine. let's go for an assessment scientist. say that for the 1st time, global temperatures have for a year been $1.00 degrees celsius celsius hotter than the pre industrial ero. the 2015 pairs agreement pledge to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. the target is still attainable, as the average is measured over decades. not to years. the rex's us strikes on a ran link to militia in the country are pushing the government in the mission of the united states led coalition in the country. the statement follows a us drone strike in the iraqi capital baghdad. the pentagon says a senior commander of can tell you principal was killed in that attack. us police. the group carried out a drug striking jordan. they claimed the lives of 3 us soldiers, number of groups, backed by to iran, have stepped up a tax on us basis since the beginning of the israel,
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a mass for in guns. some more of this. let's talk to daniel guy law. he's in expert on the middle east and the editor in chief of the scene is i'm, that's a magazine focused on the region. he's also the chairman of the iraqi national dialogue initiative. good to see you again, daniel. like to start by getting your reaction to the us, driven strike in baghdad. what do you make of that? i think this is detrimental to the stabilization of the rock, and if we look what the government of the prime minister i'm going to. yeah. so dining was doing the last couple of weeks, didn't really try and tried to stabilize the country. they have removed the face of these uh, comedy called probably rainy and malicious from the streets of fact that the symbols and also made sure that these melisha is going to move back to the outskirts and striking in the middle of the back. that contributes to a general feeling of insecurity. many rockets feel now that they're back to like
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what happened 10 years ago to a to a phase of insecurity. and it's really important to see that bucket has become a safe place in the last couple of years. people out on the streets and the know that the strikes are us drives the gun specific targets of not random. turbo tax. i think this is really not a productive for me to move. i wonder what the political calculation extra the, of the binding ministration with regard to the strike it was last week. we have seen them strike in the outskirts of the syrian new rocky border. and that was already quite a controversial thing to do with striking in the middle of, but that is not contributing to the general feeling of security and stability. so many of these militias that have been attacking us interest and the region are backed by around. uh that's and that's no secret, but is to run really controlling those militias. daniel could couldn't rein them in if it wanted to look on. ron is controlling a major part of the spectrum of these groups. however,
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these groups have their own way of thinking and their own modus operandi. it's more like a, in real financial ideological support. uh, what the radians refer to as the access of resistance. in particular, any rock, these groups call themselves part of the hispanic resistance. but they have a fairly clear target which is fighting what they call the american occupation. and they even have for legal representatives that contribute to the rocky debate and say, look, the americans are here on no, no sound legal basis. and as long as they are here, we consider them an occupational force. now usually these groups and beyond, made sure i should be respect. so in red lines, which is they strike the intimate they, they provoke the americans every now and then. but they make sure that they are no major american casualties. now, what happened a few days ago in jordan, when a one of those militias attacked us base elect to the death of a 3 americans. so it has been a number of a number of injured people, and that was of course, forced the americans to respond and they did respond. however,
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i can only reiterate these strikes and the center of backed up must on is it, is, it is a neighborhood, was it in the central backed up, are just like leading to a feeling of insecurity and the rockies. and it doesn't, it's not, it's not popular. you know, your rock is understand that the government tries to stable situation, tries to deal with the wrong and tries to account of that one's also, you rating their phones there, but at the same time it makes the government look complicit in american operations . and it's not a recognition of the rock this summer. and so if i understand you correctly there, daniel, it sounds like you're saying that striking baghdad was counter productive. your a frequent traveller to the region you just returned from iraq a few weeks ago. what in your opinion, should people in the west be aware of? what do you think that they often fail to understand about the region right now? a look. i think in particular with this situation in gaza and a global divide between the west and the so called global south in the middle east to somewhere caught in between. we should bear in mind that the rock is some sort
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of a cornerstone of them. at least we've seen the last couple of years civil war or the motions of the insurgent, groups such as the so called atlantic state or dies. and whenever there is instability in the rock, this has direct implications. and in the end, a strong impact on the regions and also in the security you in europe, i think you rock whatever deficient democracy. it is, has a parliamentary democratic system with lots, lots of deficiencies and lots of the ford players, including around that, that find trying to predict how one play a role. but however, we should recognize that the government in the rock is trying to stabilize the situation and is aware that it needs international partners, international diplomatic partners with negotiate and that that, that contribute to the dialogue in the region. but whenever you rock gets the stabilize, the whole middle east is going down the river and this is something we should have understood. looking at what happened in the last 10 to 15 years in the region. daniel, thank you very much. as always, that was the middle east that most daniel gala. thank you to
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now let's take a look at a couple other stories making headlines. the us lawmakers are working to salvage billions and funding for ukraine and israel after a 1st package, 1st vote on the package failed. it also included tighter security for us borders at the request of republicans, but the republicans withdrew their backing after pressure from ex president donald trump. lawmakers will hold another vote on thursday. in japan, more than 5000 liters of radioactive water have leaked from the full kachimba power plant. its operators, se event was left open during cleaning their company or claims. no signs of contamination have been detected outside city. a plan suffered a nuclear meltdown in 2011 after an earthquake. and so now trying to spend, you will travel rushes underway for the lunar new year. state tvs is 9000000000
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passenger trips are set to take place over the holiday, a city dwellers and visit their families in rural areas. year of the dragon begins on saturday. the authorities in rio de janeiro are scrambling to contain an outbreak of ding, a fever, or than $300000.00 cases of the mosquito borne diseases had been reported in brazil so far this year. 4 times more than normal. rio has declared of public health emergency just days before the start of credible celebration. finally, volcano in iceland has erupt in for the 3rd time since december. lava lit up, the sky in the south. west crews are trying to stop it from reaching a power plant and the town of green w. the community was evacuated in november. the residents are still banned from returning home. iceland has more than 30 active volcano,
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it's the so you're watching dw news from berlin course. you can get all the latest news and information in time you want on our website at www dot com on terry martin. thanks for watching. the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota for little surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of to me to do you have you have a one to just talk to me before you go to the spot and unexpected side to side. you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that space is, is a morally relevant criterion anymore than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier
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in. 2 2 should. 2 2 humans closer to.


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