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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 2:15pm-2:31pm CET

2:15 pm
of the you're watching dw news from berlin course, you can get all the latest news and information in time e one on our website at w dot com on terry martin. thanks for watching the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota for little surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of to me to you have you have a one does not delete it from port. click on this, please go to the spot and unexpected side to side. you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that spacing is, is i'm all really relevant criteria in any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 should. 2 2 we humans are closer to a chimpanzee vanishing. pansy is even to
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a dog. but dr. series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube dw documentary, the i also to say i never tired of explaining how germans think to both the germans and the french at starch board as a german in frankfort. he fled to france with his jewish family in 1933. i guess he's regarded as the key intellectual figure behind franco german cooperation a 100 years after it ended the 1st world war still cast a long shadow today. because we would like to talk to him about the great war and his work for german french relations in michigan began meetings. question to hey go say i missed a couple say you've spent your whole life explaining how you became french. have
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you succeeded in becoming a frenchman? clicked some time, partly and there's a lot to be criticized in front. the french nationalism is very strong. oh dear, i know people hold onto the memory of the 1st world war in my opinion. fond too much refuted, says president has just travelled across the vast form of battle ground at the 1st world war to show how deep the connection with the wall still is. that there is a deep connection in every french family. all of them had at least one fallen soldier in the fast. well, and well, just in this case in front. hi, skip this. the 1st world war is commemorated in france. but in germany it's quite a different story. and in france they call it like holland. again, the great wars pop, the language alone tells us that remembrance is different. why is that the home the, the fee because
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a lot more people died in the 1st $10.00 in the 2nd world walks in the south this in the 2nd world war. and i don't mean this disrespectfully, a few 100000 french, were killed in the estimate, but in the 1st world war, it was millions. every family had that. and you go to people are more reluctant to commemorate the 2nd world war. because friends wasn't quite as honorable and it's defeat as we all have this one guy. and these are the logon issue, these pacify. and what is it that the french commemorate about the 1st world war and then they didn't ask them back to good thing. is it victory or what is that? what is this stuff? it's bob. i knew when fox and i was a boy scout, my number is 8. 09 years old. on to that was 6 of us and a groups i knew and every member of this group competed. why did i bit to that? i was competitive to that for that is high. one is the leader of this group. and i said, that's a little strange. i'm still a job and yes, match, you'll be french,
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they said, and it symbolic for you to do it to. i didn't experience anything else or helping me and proof of my mother's past experiences. yes. my father died when i was young. well, wonderful. i didn't school, it was great how they accepted me or dining. that's what it was about. i had private lessons for free, with a teacher and so on. then after a year, my french was advanced and i was really proud. i didn't know how they didn't put me in great falls, that doesn't start. that is unless good. what did it happen? different if you had been treated differently here. how did you feel about it? it's about kind of the intake of that. it wasn't integration, it was really assimilation and thoughts on the boy scouts group was wonderful. who's my schoolmates? it wasn't easy at the beginning. i couldn't speak a word of french and 5 minutes. they asked me, come onto japan time because that insulted me in the german school. i thought they were throwing insults at me too. so i started fighting the started fights. yes,
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i did. what happened next? they laughed at me, but i was treated badly as a little jewish boy in my school in frankfort. and therefore for those who have been found that you were to say, well, you have only obviously you have to put up with a great deal of suffering and tests to see how you say yourself as how things got off to a bad start for yourself. vincent, you do approach this difficult task with such great dedication, rebuilding a relationship between france and germany, titian invited, and how did you achieve that without hatred after such a terrible beginning? and this will begin to the company. so how could i write about my experiences without bias? i can't say just that i had a very positive temperament. this was the key. this is the 1st time. how would you describe your role? you play the major part in the franco german reconciliation endorse center,
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saying bad things about germans in germany. bad things about france in france. that's the main go. it usually works is art. if you say a lot of bad things about germany and germany and about france and france, nobody minds union destiny. what do? why not have this issue with nobody minds? if i said, because i'm the way i am or does, which means i can get away with saying and doing anything. i'm an absolute advocate of understanding and reconciliation. so what i say can only be right, that's not actually the truth, but i let people believe it was even though it's very shy. i was told, what is it that made it possible for the germans and the french to get along and talk to one another today as if these wars had never happened? if it is not how it is. so this new shows, i wouldn't say that's the case even when they know full well that these words
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happened and still, but that's how i describe it. everything has been done to ensure the was a not for golfing, but nothing is forgotten because of that. so sorry, that hitler, the concentration camps and not for gotten none of that should have struck to genuine human communication between the germans and the french. not with everybody . of course, there is still a generation today who cannot accept the phrase, the germans not still exist to but on the whole, the 2nd and 3rd generation are now friends friendly and germany friendly. and for i think, as has the house house gift is read as all the negative tactics all over. when the funding gets done. i mean like, uh, they may have called to america and england who divide the 2 countries which are rejected to you. why should we argue with germany when we no longer argue with england? and it's best either done, but alpha announced i found it is odd. um,
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you say that the wars are not forgotten. we are commemorating the 1st world war. now, what does this commemoration have to do with us and our lives today? is it still necessary, or is it an old habits that we no longer need? i just need more stuff on board. we don't really need it anymore, but we are talking about like hometown, great remembrance for a great wall. so many more germans fell in the 2nd world. gold and french find find more, which is why the germans often don't understand why the conga means the 1st world war. the most french peoples is in the 2nd world war, and this has to be reiterated again and again. front, suffered relatively little compared with germany. we didn't really get it, in fact, visually died, so on. so i certainly believe that the 2nd world war left its mark on france is buddhist. there was the resistance. a lot of hey ro,
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i can see just bought lots of heinous things happen to such as denunciations, so, so, so by the, by my was gone the whole, however, it was really a mine, a wild wall off the front. if not, the germany, as in germany, had many more victims, particularly as no. so get this message, would you say you are at heart both german and french? one console is, is i know that my identity is completely french, but it's true that i studied german. i'm a professor of german, so i've learned 2 languages fluently and this was a here to help this guy to try it out for a few minutes. yeah, he is doing and how you never spoke german with your 4 sons stuff as especially boost. that's something you regret denying them that culture. yes i do. i deeply regret it. if i'm a catholic, i would spend a long time confessing it about that's the way it is. like maybe i
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didn't want them to feel judgments to it. but you know, it's one of them spent a year ends up on it and started for a year in strasburg, so he can speak german as well. and that's a 4. by the way, it's very german to have 4 sons, windows and g life a lot. is that for you also? yes, my students always joked about that, that i laugh so much, you know, very french would you say no better at germans with a sense of humor to the who more for the doors and the height in the when you look at your up today, how does it make you sad to see strong ideologies on the rise, which appeal again to young people attracted to the notions of blaming others for problems. finding simplistic explanations for it and one country wants to leave the you. does this make you lose hope stuff? is it tall, was headed into the hospital, how one should never lose herbrich or allow it to be taken away?
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it's true, however, that europe is in a very sorry stage of us as a name to countries and then hungry is, as i'm european, as it gets and poland to the various other countries, no longer feel european and that's a great pity oil. who does this is on the french president has really done a lot for europe here and is continuing to do so. now he's proposed a european ami god. while the older people among us will say that this already filed in 1954. so the incense but it could work this time. none of the individual european armies have very strong. so a common one could be a good thing with the hagler mystical. so maybe you have grandchildren. how do we explain you're up to this young generation? what does the new generation need to know? and that's what they have to know. what happened in the past band is crucial.
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thoughts for them. and do you see what progress can be made? the board is, are opens. just this phrase would have been a resolution 20 years ago. is that the key and that people know what happened during the past when people have to commemorate wars in order to move forward on again, can this new noting that should resolve it's always important to know about the past as we only that. so this, by that, so i, it should be widespread guns and that shouldn't be stupid answers to questions about the recent past now is just because it's already been forgotten. haggle, said, mystical, save. now it's time for our 3 incomplete sentences. i start a statement and you finish it. my greatest happiness is my wife. my greatest fear is china and america together.
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and my greatest hope is that there will be a rio europe mystical say i thank you for talking to us. i wish you all the best. alice. good. thank you. of the conflict with tim sebastian terms of the gradual and there is no end in sight for the killing of the suffering. how long can is earl continued ministry campaign as his allies would increasingly, but too many power opinions i by my deputy, felicia veering leave for my head and intelligence service for my confidence next on d. w. in a pressure cooker or get out clergy, you take a public stance against rushes,
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warren ukraine are receiving their freedom. alber tracking is a fax, as pastor who is being put for now under threats of imprisonment. because in russia, places of worship are now under heavy surveillance. focus on you're in 60 minutes on d w. the nice to be at the end just to pass the got any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the why is the ice melting? the signage reset in the ice cream
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march on dw, a full monsoons of the browser wall and there is no end do side to the killing. i'm the suffering. how long could israel continue? it's military campaign. as his allies would increasingly that too many palestinians died. my guest this week here in tel aviv is from holiday former ahead of israel's foreign intelligence service. the most side for now europe and america are insisting that this war ends with a pos way to palestinian statehood. jerusalem says no. in the midst of this vision cool and what can stop the blood chit from honda be welcome to.


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