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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin, new militant attacks and pakistan as millions, cast their ballots in the election march by deadly bond. holes have now closed tens of thousands of police and military personnel have been deployed to ensure a security. and authority suspended mobile phone service also coming up as real rejects terms for a ceasefire, put forward by him. us prime minister benjamin netanyahu bows to fight home until absolute victory says the collapse of from us is within reach and rushes electoral commission bars and anti war candidate from running for president. borders. non gets dean says he'll challenge the decision in the courts,
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but his chances of getting the green line are slim despite a strong following the hello. i'm terry morris and thanks for joining us. both counting has begun. impact is done in an election dog by balance and allegations of corruption. several people were killed and militant attacks as tens of millions, caster boats under heavy security. polls have closed and preliminary route pulled, preliminary results are expected within hours, but a clearer picture is not likely to emerge until early friday. the voters across pakistan lining up to cost the ballot in an election that has been mowed by violence and obligations that the contest isn't free or pack as don is in the midst of political and economic crisis. and people heading to the polls here hoping
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for change every single vote can change to the holy country scenario. you know, we are in very poor condition nowadays countries visiting so many problems very, to be very honest. i have a zullie expectation from the like the process, but the, i guess the, the things are not going so good. but we have to board because, you know, you can say that the democracy, even the voice of democracy, is better than what we can say that i just looked at the or the little courtesy. i guess the frustration with the political system is one of the reasons that turn out in the selection is expected to be know. another reason is that the country's most popular politician from a prime minister in ron con is currently behind because he's being convicted of
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corruption and other charges and con, run. so office his supporters and members of his party. so he's, jailing was political and that the election is rick against them. safety concerns. also one vote is mines to explosions, kill dozens in the country, south west and province of bullock, just on any hours before the vote. a violent event of a shadow, the election hundreds of thousands of army power military and police have been deployed to provide security on the election day. and the interior ministry suspended mobile phone services, citing tire concerns. it is proving a controversial move amongst pack a stone is an adding to the already tense conditions on voting day dw, the show me a shops is covering these elections. he joins us now from corruption. you show me
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polling and pakistan has now officially ended. what can you tell us about the selection day? what was the election day was usually curiosity. and it was because we had told her to use decided to shut down the internet and restrict mobile x is my wife phone access to the citizens, to the people in the box. oh, what the p d. i's about? is this the bobby headed by former brand, mr. ron called it was in jail that 5 years or these do so that they could not get behind and mobilized body buckets. and you said that they shut down the internet service because of a security reasons. because what we saw yesterday, and the best thing about to solve the problems of back to back by the tax dozens of
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people. so it was a disruptive, chaotic day. and i'm going to probably my people, the last orders do, would not cost the balance. there had been allegations that these elections were neither free nor fair. what's your assessments showing you the human rights groups the same, the people rig, and they say that the incarcerated from the step on the progress are not on the boss. docketed unjustly. they were all politically motivated cases against him and all that offer, he filled out with the bottom and a green box on bunch. at the same time i spoke with minneapolis and the senate dot gov bartley. there, there were issues but on the home dealers. lovelady. okay, uh, because possible that would be a social media allusion. is part of that,
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is that the big cities? oh and that is but not in the box of the country where 3 dive on, the prime is good. uh, the washer eve has a big support. so. busy i think it, it depends on where, what, where you belong, which, which ball on. so the be the folders all saying that uh they would not seeing that order sir. oh got the options will fit so the many did complain that im run con was not allowed to stand in the selection, the former prime minister. to what extent do you think that impacted the turnout in the selection? i think it had an impact on the done out because a lot of those saw some alters thoughts, assumed that she believed that the elections would be rig and the ball is
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that they will not allow a home to follow. so why it costs about the why costs there was so they stated homes, this is one in fact that busy the other in back is that a lot of vdr support responsible to said that you want to make a point, want to go to one of these issues and stuff which they did. so it's kind of a mixed by just briefly. when do you think we'll here, the 1st results from the selection of the balls close to a couple hours ago here on the founding has to be gone for the stations. the designs are traveling down the initial results, like go for the cost of doing sea could be coming in by local, dine midnight. and i'd say we will have the job or send me the picture
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by early morning inbox one to thank you very much. that was the w, as shall missions in karachi. israel's prime minister has rejected from us proposal for aspiring goes as saying an absolute victory. there is just months away. many minutes and now who described the plan is quite delusional. he insisted that there is no alternative to the military collapse of from us, which is designated as a terrorist organization by many countries. the ever takes with angle and hot break. intel aviv for us to renew deals to secure the release of hostages is rejected. many here were hostages themselves hills by how moss for weeks and relieved during an audio deal. whereas my government, so thank you for guessing me out of the bringing me back to israel. but what about
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my father? who is still the stay a note returned. every person mother and father will know that they can be next. their life is in the hands that they live in the country that does not take responsibility for the security. is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu projected the do you think that his military's campaign and gaza will continue? nothing too. but we're on our way to absolute victory. the victory is in our reach . it's not a matter of years or tens of years. it's a matter of months, so the feed us officials believe there is still hope of a deal between israel and thomas. these things are always a negotiations. it's not, it's not flipping a light switch, it's not yes or no. there's invariably back and forth. and as i said, we see that we see the space for that mean biling garza no deal. no seas file means
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no let up. and his rarely attacks close to 28000 gallons have died. according to the most fund hilton industry. hundreds of thousands are lacking food and water show to and medicine because it's enough, it's enough. we do not want wars. we've been displaced from guys that for approximately 115 days today, we've been abandoned just number one. we have children now we're infected with diseases and the model. the doctor sees by you to who monitor and situation and gaus i will likely worse and with people who uncertain. you still live to see to maureen. so you look at a few other stories making headlines today. 5 us marines have been confirmed in a helicopter crash near san diego in california. the white house is present, joe biden is heart broken at their deaths. the marine corps super stallion
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helicopter went down in bad weather during a training mission. in the united states, senate, democrats are working to salvage billions and funding for ukraine and israel. the complex package which included tighter security for america's boarders failed in the 1st reading. over present, donald trump convince republicans to withdraw their support. the 2nd vote is expected. it's estimation of the militia of a militia leader could and a us led mission in iraq. the pentagon says it killed a senior has bulloch commander in the capital. baghdad us blames the group for attacking its troops, but directly government says the presence of the western coalition is the stabilizer to russian, where the main election authority has refused to allow an anti war candidate to challenge vladimir putin for the presidency. boris not,
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justin was told the clause in his paper work meant his name could not appear on the ballot for next month's election. the open critic up bosco's military campaign, and ukraine says he now plans to challenge the ruling boys now dashed in, in spite thousands across russia to break the cold in order to sign a petition that would allow him to run against vladimir putin, as he said himself, a parts as rushes, only anti war candidate, actively calling for change. happening over here, i decided to run for president because i wanted a different future for our country. i wanted russia to be a peaceful and free country, so boldly stone, or not destined claim to have collected more than double the $100000.00 signatures needed to appear in march as ballad. but the russian electronic commission says these contain irregularities, including the names of debt people. okay, then we just, when we see the dozens of people who are no longer in this world have left
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a signature. questions arise about the purity and ethical standards that have been used, including by signature collectors. to some extent, the candidate must also be directly involved with breaches. dashed and this prove particularly popular among younger or russians, surface, se he represents a potential threat to the kremlin. yes, the new bill there is no doubt he could collect 10 or 15 percent of the vote because when you think of some union, you know, way well he become president person or even be serious opposition and you propose that we sleeping in you start pretty young thing with that, but this would be extremely inconvenient for the kremlin up as you'd see, the portable because it exploits the idea of the confusion. yep. the desk didn't have the support of well no, no opposition? figures like me. so a caught a coffee and the wife of alexi and a valid e u as well as it got to the not on salva who herself wanted to run for president,
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but was blocked by this central election committee. but he's also faced criticism for appearing and propaganda talk shows and called him to warn you. craney, special military operations is according to we can end the special ministry operation only with peace towards us together. russia, ukraine on the west is up for many boys in that district, in the river sense, a ray of hope when it comes to change in a normal life in russia. a, someone's comment phase. i want to broad few times where we can best 2 children in a free country. let them be free for once, but i want a normal life so that everyone can have it this normal life. but with an addition to now apart from the ballad, the dreams of a different brush up here deferred once more. volcano in iceland has erupt it for the 3rd time since december lava lit up, the sky in the south. west crews are trying to stop it from reaching a power plant, a nearby town. the community was evacuated in november,
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and presidents are still banned from returning home. iceland has more than 30 active volcanoes. you're watching dw news. i'm terry martin for me and all of us here. thanks for being with us. the ice cold, pasadena new. an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has the climate research in the ice. the dogs march 3rd on dw the the.


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