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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the the, this is the, the news line from by the impulse clothes impact is done by millions of voted in election, boxed by dudley violence. tens of thousands of police and military personnel are deployed to ensure security northstar to suspend a mobile phone services. also on the program, a german worship set sail for the middle east to help secure the traffic in the red sea. the frigate will join an international mission and reducing the threat posed by governments from key variables to city side that attracting ship science of solidarity with palestinians in gaza. and russian to say that through commission boss and people confident polish and objective from running for president. and he says he will challenge the decision,
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but his chances of contesting the election us the and so go ahead, welcome to the program. those stores in just a moment. we'll start there with breaking news from ukraine. president savanski has removed his top military leader from the job general valeri as solution to being the commander in chief of ukraine's armed forces and a statement of husbands. the last case at the time had come for the changes in the ministry leadership at the top general board roommate on his team general loose and a is regarded by many ukrainians as national heroes overseeing the war effort. since russia's full scale invasion in february 2022 on that story at the top of the not impact the stand where they are counting. the votes in an election mocked by violence and allegation of corruption. several people were killed in
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dallas, and attacks as tens of millions cast their votes under heavy security. the government says mobile phone networks on gradually being restored after they were shut down earlier. preliminary results are expected within hours, but a clear picture is unlikely to emerge until early on friday. vote counting is on the way across pakistan. following an election might by militant attacks and allegations that the contest wasn't free or fair. pockets donna's in the midst of political and economic crisis. and people heading to the polls hoped for change every single vote can change of the holy country scenario. you know, we are in very poor condition nowadays are countries visiting so many problems very, to be very honest. i have a zullie expectation from the like the process, but the,
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i guess the, the things are not going so good. but we have to board because, you know, you can say that the democracy, even the voice of democracy, is better than what we can say. that i'd ask because he or the girl casee, i guess the frustration with the political system is one of the reasons that the 2 analysis in this election was expected to be low. another reason is that the country's most popular politician, former prime minister in runtime, is currently behind above. he's been convicted of corruption and other charges, and conte run for office to his supporters and members of his p t. i policy say his jailing was political and the election rigs against them. safety concerns will also on those has minds to explosions, killed thousands in the country, southwest, and province of the largest on only how is before the vote began. violent events
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have owes the shadow of the election. hundreds of thousands of army power military and police were deployed to provide security on election day and the interior ministry suspended mobile phone services sizing tara consents. it's proven to be a controversial move among pockets studies and added to the already tense conditions on those same day. let's get more on this from the definitely report to the alley. welcome to the studio on that and so how's the day go? so the, so the funding has close now and, and we've seen some of each of those, you know, sort of like they're coming in, but we didn't see any major uh, security incidents, you know, on the funding they as a sphere. but there wasn't that it's mentioned and that linked to
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a lot of confusion and chaos among the voters who couldn't find out there. you know, like the funding stations for example. and then a lot of political parties also slammed the move. and we saw human rights organizations sort of criticizing the move and seeing that this is, you know, like, it's actually, you know, looked at them on to almost like more disaffection. and, and now like they've seen the reports that the internet services are being partially destroyed as we talk. and so this was done by the government for what reason did they do for suspending the phone and internet services? yeah, so the government of course, like they have, they have been suspending the, you know, like the mobile phone services in the past as well. and if the techs on a busy security. but in this case, for example, that we saw you know, ahead of the elections, you know, while even on funds by date, especially withholding digital events. because a lot of detectives who are not allowed to hard events on the ground. we also saw intern be suspended. okay, and this has happened without the full,
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the prime minister in round, because a very popular can do that. the top popular izzy. well, uh so you know, ahead of elections ever a lot of people surveys and all of them sort of showed him to be the most popular politician in pakistan. but of course, he's in jail and a lot of his party members have, have reportedly been harassed and, and you know, like a still rested. so he's not, he's not been able to campaign. and he's, and his body has been, has been complaining that they were not able to campaign, you know, cleaning, so, so we'll see how exactly that impacts those reserves. but we saw also that in non ponds popularity has not, you know, like decreased at all. and especially, you know, like in his, in his, from who is, if the northwestern focused on and in defensive in defend truth and job, which is, which is really just sort of the strong hold off of. yeah. like i told him, a popular kind of a is of course he's not standing because he's been bought from standing. he's been
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planning the military for this action against him. and his policy just took us through some of the ministry's role in this election. yes, unfortunate because in, you know, and focused on the face has changed both military and civilian, but we see, you know, the policies remain the same. so it's it. so it's, it's kind of for data who, because you know, back in 2018 when focused on was contested. you know, like in the end of 2018 elections, we saw the law studies who is, who's guaranteed of it, you know, fairly to become definitely minister. he was, he was in jail and his body was being targeted on, allegedly, to benefit him on funds and to make sure the 900 comes into father. and he did. but then he had to finding out with the, you know, victim energy generals. and then we saw that it was the virus now and now he's, we have no ma cities who is, who is a, you know, set to be the favorite. and non con is, is in the back burner. and i, the made me, you know, like whoever comes a, comes through politician, whoever becomes the next prime minister, i immediately, it's familiarity that,
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that has a very strong hood on, on, you know, on all the major aspect. okay. thank you for that results expected to early on friday morning from the other oma ali from beth dw, thank as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected the term suggested by hamas for a safe spot and gaza. is netanyahu said these rounds goals of destroying the minutes in group us within reach is rejection, came after us, secretary of state antony blinking. alas, the middle aged, empty 100. after pushing for a humanitarian pause in fighting. israel says it's offensive is not moving into the southern gospel. the city of rafa where much of the palestinian population has fled . smoke rises over the crowded city of rafa. is really bombardments and preparation for our ground assault and to what it says is a strong hold for him. us, which is classified as a terrorist organization by many countries. but for hundreds of thousands of
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thousands who have fled to the southern end of the strip after being told by the is really army to leave their homes further, north. rafa is the last refuge. it's also home to one of the biggest border crossings for aid and supplies. israel says rafa also house has multiple tunnels that have mouse uses to supply itself with arms. the shelling has already taken its toll here. even before soldiers arrive. the 3 missiles hit this same place where i'm standing. there's not much to say about the victims, children, the women and the elderly. i wish we could have collected their whole bodies. instead we have bits and pieces when we're all hearing that there will be a ground incursion into rafa. i imagine things will be extremely bad, but is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu insists. there is no alternative to the military collapse of from us. when you book a showing that there is no solution other than total victory, lovely to phones, if
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a mouse survives and gaza, so we'll get as only a matter of times until the next massacre and the axis of evil they run and its proxy is we'll continue with our campaign but to do a little bit more for you, we instructed the army to repair, to operate also in rough, awesome and into the camps and the center. the last remaining strong holes of, i'm us, i'm using a whole name sion with one of them with peace making efforts, apparently stalled for the time being. the people of rafa will pay the price for both sides on willingness to come to a deal straight to israel. then we can joint bend for 0, then in jerusalem. welcome bad. what size rel, hoping to achieve with a ground defensive in rafa, or without the full months of wards, hoping to finally track down the military leadership of how much the patent is clear. it's been attacking from the bombing these cities in the gaza strip.
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reducing old neighborhoods to rumble and then sending in the ground troops to break the tunnels way home, us leaders and fight as a set to be hiding. now the strikes continue today in guys are recording to residents. journalists describing the bombing as intense, especially in the west tank showing for the east. the oil indicators that this ground defensive could begin soon, as soon was also the terminology used by the is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu today, they are looking for maybe yaki, i've seen one who said to beat the mazda mind behind the october 7 terror attacks he is said to be either in rafa or in the tunnels under han units. his hometown, according to the is randy defense minister. the idea of the is randy military is found materials relating to y'all crossing well in one of his hideout seems to be moving according to the idea from height out to height out. as the troops moved further and further south and the civilians are pushed further and further into the
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southern, most tip of the gulf has a strip, almost one and a half 1000000 cramped into rough. yet, bearing in mind that it was only in october that each mile told gaskins to leave the knolls and go to the south own risk being identified as sympathizers, with a terrorist organization. where are they now people in gaza? why are they now supposed to go? it's a good question. half of the population is in rough uh weeks, i've seen the population increase, find voltage become a joint, tend see they lack clothing, proper shell to medicine, food, clean water that is said to be disease spreading and starvation persisting. this is the most densely populated part of the world right now, according to the numbers that we are receiving and as well as bombing and showing it in sending in the troops. possibly, analysts say this is a war crime, just waiting to happen is, well, i'll use that. these people are being used by almost as human shields,
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but we're talking about 28, almost 28000 palestinian fighters mostly civilians. so many of them children have died. so it's all right, so this light is that is right, the accident is likely to make a situation described by the un today as a base, and all is likely to make that even worse. the united nations secretary general saying that it will only increase what it is already a humanitarian nightmare to use these words with untold regional consequences. it could also scott, a potential hostage deal with entity blinking the us secretary of state. having left the middle east and having held talks today in tel aviv on trying to secure the rest of those hostages, a group of previous hostages who released the november meeting with newton yahoo! today pleading with him for a deal. he has chosen war. it seems over the hostages,
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or as a way to release, he says the hostages and a new round of hostage negotiations have begun in cairo, egypt worried about an exit as a palestinian refugees into its country across the wrath of border crossing. okay ben, thank you for that. ben facility in in jerusalem. i think still a gentleman worship, post side style for the red sea to join. an international mission to secure shipping in the region is comes after you are paying union member states gave that preliminary approval to your pain involvement in the mission, which is i'm just eliminating the threat posed by who we keep rebels. the group has to be launching a rocket and drove the tax and the red sea and the gulf of a the who the say they fired ships in solidarity with palestinians and gaza. the who, the rocket and drone to tex disrupting one of the world's busiest cargo roads through the red sea and the gulf of aidan raising worries of damage to the world
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economy. us and u. k. warships have been firing back with a tax on who 2 positions trying to destroy their ability to threaten shipping in the area. now, joe, many items to contribute to the mission, to help secure the red sea. sending this frigate the hessen, with over 200 crew on board the head. some is equipped with advanced anti aircraft and anti missile systems, and will help in aerial defense. the u. s. the u. k. fronts in italy already have warships in the region that has and must make its way from all the way up here. the german po, to visit him, toughen on the north sea to join them. so far, all attacks on who the military sides have been carried out by the us and u. k. u ships i meant to intercepted tax, but not to take part in your thoughts on who the positions on land. but even if the
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other warships in the area wait for the harrison, the german government still needs an official mandate to participate in the mission . both the european union and germany's parliament must give their approval us as a guide us through the story assignment young invalid lucio schultz and in brussels . welcome both of us talk with you to see what is the use stated objection. i'm sorry. objective on base. a mission then one word it is to protect merchant vessel to a trade ships that want to cross the red sea. you can already see by the name that they're choosing for this mission. it is as pitas, which means shield and greek. that the, the goal is to protect these ships. um that the decision right now, um that has been taken today is the 1st step. it is important to, to know that there is a 2nd step following, which will be
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a vote um by the ford ministers of the european union, which is expected to be uh, on the 19th of february and only then the mission will be or officially lounged. simon young. why is germany taking past as well? i think one of the key things is because of the effects of these attacks by who these are on german business. when do you think that 90 percent of the globally traded goods go by sea? and some of the big shipping firms uh, now avoiding the red sea route through suez, which is the quickest way between the age are in europe. they're having to go around to africa instead, the gym and chambers of commerce and id say, a warning that to that means empty warehouses. it means longer delivery times. and it means ultimately high prices and is having an effect already on some gym. and business is one example tesla which is already had to wind down production at it's
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jim and a manufacturing plant. so it could, this is already having an effect, so it could get worse. so let's say a walton assignment makes the point that the base this action and very the red. so he's having a economic impacts around the world. yet old 27, e u member states don't appear to be on board. you have, you have heard from the high representative joseph burrell, that not all 27 member states on board are not willing to participate more to say, but that he's not expecting them to block the decisions. so there's a difference in that. what you have to also take into consideration there is that you need a certain equipment to be part of this mission because you need to frigate your need and neighbor, military assets and not every country in the european union itself is enabled. has a marine is a native of power. so to say, there are quite some countries which are landlocked,
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so that might be part of the explanation by not everyone there is on board. we have heard from some countries, but they're interested in joining a, for example of italy, but also france, germany, of course. so you have to see that a bit in that context that not everyone has these powers, and i think that gives the degree and why, why the member states are taking their decisions. but as i've said, people have told to wait a bit longer to really see the rate for the 19th of february to see if the whole process but. and then also at the later stage, the member states will really make that purchase and say what they're going to contribute to the rescue mission. and it is on a voluntary base. okay, uh, this is a show to an in brussels simon young invalid. thank you. we'll take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. a funeral has been house for a munition,
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lita assassination by the u. s. in the iraqi capital back that washington has confirmed that it killed a senior. has block amanda in an astronaut complaining the run backed group. i can tell you, but has been off for attacking its troops in the region. 5 us marines have been confirmed as a helicopter trust the san diego in california. the white house, as president bible is heart, broken, the desk, the marine corps a suit, the style you and have a couple of went down and found the weather. during a training mission, controversial blog undertake disappeared and courting remain the chance with bright from human trafficking. was to tight steam, here on the left was arrested with his brother. i'm to remain in the women near bucharest, the last year. i think they'd formerly died but deny the obligations. no trials. heights has been set. china's annual travel rush these under way for the lunar new year. state tv says a record 9000000000 domestic trips are expected to take place over the next month.
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$6012.00 and visit the families in rural areas. the holiday marks the stats of the year of the drug to russia and the election commission that has refused to allow and see for candidates to allow an anti war candidate to challenge document pushing for the presidency of products and adjusting was told but floors in these paperwork, amenities, 9 could not appear on the ballot for next month's election. they opened critic of moscow's ministry campaign in ukraine, says he plans to challenge the ruling boys in the district in inspired thousands across russia to break the cold in order to sign a petition that would allow him to run against vladimir putin as he set himself a parts, as russia's only anti war candidates, actively calling for change. you happen to know that if i decided to run for president, because i wanted a different future for our country. i wanted russia to be a peaceful and free country board missed all, no,
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not destined claim to have collected more than double the $100000.00 signatures needed to appear in march as valid. but the russian electronic commission says these contain irregularities, including the names of that people. okay, then when we, when we see the dozens of people who are no longer in this world have left a signature. questions arise about the purity and ethical standards that have been used, including by signature collectors. to some extent, the candidate must also be directly involved, which we preachers the test, and this proved particularly popular among younger or russians, surface, se he represents a potential threat to the kremlin. yes, the new bill there is no doubt he could collect 10 or 15 percent of the vote because when you think of something you need, you can know way. well, he become president and officer or even be serious opposition and you propose that we steeping in you start pretty young thing with that. but this would be extremely
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inconvenient for the kremlin, hoping you'd see the portable because it exploits the idea of the confusion of the desk and half the support of well known opposition. thinkers like me shout caught a coffee and the wife of alexi and a valid e q, as well as it got to the not on salva who herself wanted to run for president, but was blocked by this central election committee. but he's also face criticism for appearing and propaganda talk shows and calling to warn you. crane is special, military operation is according to we can end the special military operation only with peace towards us together. russia, ukraine on the west is up for many boys in that district, in the river sense, a ray of hope when it comes to change in a normal life and russia of someone's comment phase. i want to broad few, tim, where we can best 2 children in a free country. let them be free for once, but i want a normal life so that everyone can have it this normal life. but with an addition and now apart from the ballot, the dreams of
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a different brush up here deferred once more of a use compound because climate change service says that for the 1st time, average global temperatures for a whole year been bold with one and a half degrees celsius hotter than in the pre industrial air limits in global warming to one of the house degrees the key. i am the 2015 at paris agreements breaching that document temporarily shows how difficult it is becoming to achieve the goal. humanity has entered dangerous new territory. european scientists say the last 12 months with the hottest ever recorded 1.52 degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. the unprecedented heat has helped fuel dissolved is around the world wildfires and she lay just this month with the deadly as the country has ever seen. with more than a 130 people killed and hundreds more missing in canada. the last was
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last season was its most destructive in history, with an area larger than the size of greece going up in smoke storms like those that site california earlier this month have also been worse and by the rising temperatures. according to scientists. these are the kinds of impacts well leaders wanted to avoid when they signed the parents climate agreement in 2015. then nations agreed to try and limit warming to just $1.00 degrees average of a decades. for now, these key threshold has only been breached in 2023, but with the 12 sweltering under reco seat. and countries folding fall short of admissions goals. last year may well soon become the new normal. this okay, now in iceland has interrupted for the 3rd time since december,
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off on this up, the sky in the south west of the country crews trying to stop it from reaching a power plant, a nearby town. the community was evacuated in november and residents are still banned from going home. iceland has more than suzie active volcanoes. it's time to remind you about top stores this. our vote conference on the way in pakistan after a general election mocked by violence and the allegations of corruption. tens of thousands of police and security forces were deployed to ensure safety. several people book kills it during medicine to tax the day before a preliminary and results are expected within hours, but a clear image is unlikely to emerge until early on friday. i'll be off by next on dw news africa. looking at the senegalese, at present, matthew selves decision to delay this month's election. that's pop tundra in parliament and on the streets. we'll discuss what that means for the countries to benefit the look at the rise of pod casting in africa here from
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a some of the people i'm making a living for making the invoices that tell me a lot of us that use africa in just a moment to, i'll be back at the top, the of the
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business. what's new, we'll tell you. we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force. and for that present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country . news african next on d. w. mass tourism is putting a strain on soft to roll and it's residence to sedona much went viral. millions of
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wanted to visit the netscape world heritage side. now locals, one to re means a number of sites is a world heritage site in things to south to old sites for the future in 45 minutes on d, w. the . so you didn't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different things from life and your parent. i just want to pursue what steps my saw on fire. or you think your kid is 2 different, risky a response, the unreasonable stuff for designs i want my son to become a doctor,
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to in the canal. it's time to to us and then when generations class this week on d. w, this is the domain is africa coming up on the program could set a goal the reversing its democratic gains. president mackey solves decision to delay this. month's election has spot anger, fulton parliament, and on the streets, we discussed what this means for the country stability. also coming up set of goals, office to join, the protest movement, worried that the current situation paints a grim picture of the countries democracy. and the mike's off on we look at the rise of podcasting in africa and hear from some of the people.


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