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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the, the, the, the, the news line from berlin pockets on is made to waive on the result of a nationwide election because of problems with the internet. with counting still under way early indications suggest a quote rates with independent candidates linked to jail, former prime minister and run con, doing quite well. also coming up. you as president joe biden takes aim at israel's campaign and gaza condo over the response. in guys in the guys district has been over the top. his remarks come, as us officials warn israel, they will support plans for
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a major military operation in the southern city of rough ice and ukraine's military gets a shake of president bullard arisen lensky, replace. as a top military commander, general valerie's loose knee had led ukraine's war efforts since rushes invasion muscle suggests a major re think of kings approach to the complex, the really welcome to the shell. we started to impact us on where the ballots from thursday's election are still being counted in several regions. but early tallies indicate the independent candidates back by jail. former prime minister in rome con, are doing better than expected con and his pci party were banned from running as a block bus candidates. they support look set to win seats and the national parliament, the military backpack. a son must link led by knowledge show. reese was the early
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favorite to when the government's decision to block mobile phone services on the day of the election has been criticized by human rights groups as disrupting a fair election and delaying result. the w. corresponding shallow psalms is in the pocket, sounds commercial, capital, karachi, and he told us more about the results so far. well, the results have been delayed, but not unexpectedly because this happened in the previous general elections in 2018 as well. so, so now as the election commission has it resolves the accounting interest in ongoing political bodies are claiming that the elections are being related. and the election commission is trying directly to vote a charge the election commission, the tardies deny. but it will take a while and all the results will trickle in. and we have
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a picture about who is the winner of the go deeper before general elections. and let's take a closer look at these allegations as boat and rigging. what's the evidence for that? there is no evidence and we have to look at the sonata, you know, because of the form of brian this member on concept, voters say that the ball was that be the establishment and the caretaker government . they want to keep them keep and we're all on the ball, but they don't want to be beyond the body to win the elections. so that's why the hell dissolves us fighting reasons that they was the communication disruption of the internet disruption. so it is, it is. busy just a scheme do, do make sure that the videos has not been born, but these are the allegations on the there's no rules for that. so a lot of the same then is genuine communication into the internet problem. and that
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is also being countered and also the all calming and as we speak, we would have a clear picture, like, i think in due to 4 hours. well maybe 6. i think you've mentioned the internet shut down several times already. how do you think this affected the election process? it does usually yesterday because it became very difficult. busy the boarders do do all the bodies to get a nice, mobilize the voters and um, and also cause a lot of problems for the citizens of the i'm in the media journalists. we could not access telephone services here in the chronology. we could not coordinate with the reporters and with john and this also felt that this was a bit difficult for them to do the board. so they have a massive disruptions. but the security officers dear thought of the said it was necessary because what happened and bottle just on provence
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a day before yesterday due back to that loss. and also on election day, there were reports of buttons. it was the shut down the internet, the mobile services to clock, any condo for a possible by the dock. how's it going of corresponding channel sounds. thank you so much. i'm cus has long been israel's most powerful allies, but now presidential biden has questioned israel's military campaign. and gaza in his sharpest criticism so far of israel's war against thomas. pick a list of the view is you know that the conduct of the response in gaza is the guy is a strip has been um over the top we talked to be be open to gate other as really so i'm pushing really hard,
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really hard giving you mandatory and assistance in to guys and there are a lot of interest and people are starving. not innocent people who are in trouble, don scottish stuff. those are like spite joe biden came as a us official warn israel, that staging and military and pushed into the southern city of russell without proper planning could spell disaster. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the military would soon enter the city calling at one of her mos last remaining strong. smoke rises over the crowded city of rafa is really bombardments and preparation for our ground assault and to what it says is a strong hold for him. us, which is classified as a terrorist organization by many countries, but for hundreds of thousands of thousands who have fled to the southern end of the strip after being told by the israeli army to leave their homes further. north. rafa is the last refuge. it's also home to one of the biggest border crossings for
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aid and supplies. israel says rafa also house has multiple tunnels that have mouse uses to supply itself with arms. the selling has already taken its toll here. even before soldiers arrive, the 3 missiles hit this same place where i'm standing. there's not much to say about the victims, children, the women and the elderly. i wish we could have collected their whole bodies. instead we have bits and pieces who were all hearing that there will be a ground incursion into rafa. i imagine things will be extremely bad, but is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and says there is no alternative to the military collapse of i'm us. let me look a show like there is no solution other than total victory. lucky to on if i'm us survives, and guys out of us, this will get is only a matter of time until the next massacre and the axis of evil. they run and its proxy is, will continue their campaigns, but not you a little bit in the,
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for you. when struck the, the army to repair, to operate, also in rough, awesome, and into the camps in the center. the last remaining strong holes of, i'm us, i'm using a whole nation with peace making efforts, apparently stalled for the time being. the people of rafa will pay the price for both sides on willingness to come to a deal. i'm now a quick look at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. us president joe biden has rejected the findings of a report that implied his ability to recall. personal events was impaired from saying his memories, fine. the reports was by a special council looking into whether buying willfully mishandled classified information, while a private citizen concluded no criminal charges or warranted should be brought. a u . s. supreme court has signaled it would reject and attempt to remove donald trump from the 2020 for presidential ballot justices of here's skeptical drawing
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a hearing over a colorado supreme court rulings that barred from from the states. primary after finding, he engaged an insurrection on january 6th of 20. 21 is i'm clear when the courts will issue its ruling. so i use a controversial a right wing speaker, has interviewed rushes president vladimir, put in an la scout and a video from tucker carlson. network brewton claims, he has no interest in expanding the war and ukraine beyond the country's borders. yeah, added, he's prepared to negotiate a prisoner exchange to free us journalist evan garcia, which, who's jailed in russia on spying charges, less of you, or anywhere else. staying on the topic of ukraine and moving into the country itself, president will let him use alaska, has dismissed his top military commander general valerie's allusion. he had been commander in chief of ukraine's armed forces. he is regarded by many as a national hero for overseeing ukraine's were efforts since russia's full scale invasion started was back in february of 20. 22 will now be replaced by the
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commander of ukraine's ground forces. alexander sir ski, the iron general of ukraine. vile areas, allusion is widely known as a symbol of resistance against russia. he had led, the ukrainian army, as commander in chief, says russia's full scale invasion began in february 2022. successfully pushing back . in the 1st months of the war, news of his dismissal was confirmed and then address by president full of the mirror, zalinski, citing a need for re shuffle. you have just, i'm grateful to general solution need for 2 years of protection. be developed on facebook, frankly today about what needs to change in the army with the boy urgent charges, higher, majestic, the generals, the lose need to be in the team of the credit in state. in the future i am, i will be grateful for his consent. are you able to of jackson is a it was good. so lansky claimed that most commanders leading more efforts and
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ukraine have not experienced the front lines firsthand and said it was time for new approach. he named alexander thursday, the head of ukraine's ground forces to take charge of the military service keys, known for leading ukraine's defense in the city of boston. moved for you cranford, one of the bloodiest battles, and for defending to you in the streets of keys. the new sparks mixed reactions. someone you say it's, there's some new chose i do not think this is the right time. this is not the time to fire, the army chief said, this is a very odd decision when you say it's are so nice here. well, i think that to be no one in the me and it is not a solution. me. it's in this obviously when you do, i'm very upset. i don't know about others, but i'm very upset. this is
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a signal that was with me all the way you sullens case plan to revamp your craze. military comes in mid months of uncertainty in ukraine. the conflict is out of stalemate. and there are questions over whether keith will receive additional military aid from the us. martin is a former british army officer and senior fellow in the department of war studies, kings, colleagues, london. like welcome back to the w at 1st up. how unusual is a change of military leadership in the middle of a bitterly fault war? it depends really on how well you was going. if the what was going well and you'd have to change the need to ship. but clearly that have been some stumbles over the last year, and a change of leadership is useful to change direction, but also i think, to seek another change of direction. so if you've got some allies who are perhaps a little reticent, changing your leadership is
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a big signal that you're about to change direction, video stretching. do you think this is more about sending a signal than about making actual changes, though? i think is both. so last year we had the counsellor offensive, which, which really was a failure of ukraine, made very little progress wherever it needed to make progress lousy because the russians have prepared extensive defences. and now with the title of western supplies it's, it's very likely that the will remain style, might have new client won't be able to make as long as he's on the ground, particularly while we're waiting for the us presidential elections. and so i think there is going to be a different direction and this is a way of signaling it now. and 2 of servers at this will didn't come as much of a surprise because there had been a lot of speculation about a risk between valencia and solution at do you think that could have factored into this jacob? it is definitely an i so often these things are about politics as well as
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personalities. so zillow usually organize the defense of ukraine in 2022. so he will forever have his place in the history books. but really, as i related to the counselor offensive into incense 3, was a bit of a failure. that was, the vision is a plan. and since then, zalinski is usually have displayed overstretched. you, including is really important question of conscription. how do we get the manpower into ukraine's armed forces? but there is another thing as well. the illusion is, is very popular. and this scene is a potential future arrival tubes in ski. and it's not on 19 o. eisenhower commanded allied forces in the 2nd world war, then went on to be president. so it's not a, it's a, you know, it's a wellness impulse. i'm so some people are saying that pop zalinski thought joe, i can just downgrade the lives the stature and that will make my political life easier as well. he says he will remain on the team though. what can you tell us
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about the new commander in chief alexander ski, a disability was born in russia, 1965. so in the soviet union, as it was then and served in the soviet on forces including and i've got a son he most recently, he's been the come on the ground forces. he said in your package. and he was responsible for the defense of keys in the ignition invasion for which she was ordered a little. she was given a metal, i mean an amazing piece. what and heels and that the offensive into hockey. it's difficult to say from that history exactly what he's going to do, but i think we know, of course, he will have discussed with zalinski this new change of approach. and that is the reason why you would have been appointed. so i think, i think we're going to see some changes in the way you crying approaches to look at the residence of landscapes as you create needs a realistic battle plan. and you talk about the change of approach. what would that
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have to look like? so i think it's, it's commonly accepted that the ground thoughtful has reached the style. mike, i think, will remain there until the off to the us presidential election until we get clarity geopolitically as to what the levels of western support will be. the ground was not going to move on. i think over the last month we'll say, we've seen the inklings of what the new you tried new strategy is there's been increased a tax on russian gas and oil terminals. there's been the sinking of russian ships. so i think you train is going to hold the ground roll as it is, and it's going to strike russia's economic power because of russia, consolidate oil and gas, then it can't afford to continue the war, the same pace. and so i think this is the new shockey that we're going to see was we wait for the results of the us presidential election. yeah, mike, i wanna bring up something else because all of this comes as russian forces are focused on taking the town of, of this guy. this battle has been going on for 4 months. now. what's the status
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there? this, you know, is a little bit like a then if your view is remember backwards, why it went backwards and forwards. and eventually the russians took it at great loss of these crews. very, very similar story. but the russians have been struggling large numbers of cheap. so that they do have of the match or the cutting forces. so they have more, you know, lots henry shells and more us now on the ukrainians have been fighting for several months now. quite a slope withdrawal. i've lost inflicting maximum damage on the russians. i mean, if i had to guess i would say the russians are probably going to take the towel in the city and then in the, in the coming days it does not change the overall picture. not hugely. that was my partner from kings college in london. thank you so much, always great to get your take on thanks and the city of har keefe is
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a constant target of rushes, aerial assault on ukraine, sitting close to the russian border. it has come under repeated attacks and almost 2 years of war. the w correspondence marks on to travel to the city and residents who have chosen to remain there, living a life under fire. the russians say they target military facilities here in hockey . but every so often, these turn out to be hotels and homes. people who remain here, i've seen almost 2 years of attacks of that you boy and that night sometimes you don't sleep here bang. i put a blanket over my head tune. some bulky will stay up to us even though i was just sitting at work yesterday. and i heard a bang, a lot of them and i just kept working. my, it was like, i mean there's nothing left to touch me inside right there. the door ahead. so, so that being said, arsenal um,
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it's scary when there are sirens or something is flying in the sky. we tried to go out into the core door or if we are on the street, we go to the shelter and afford you still propose your recruit. clicked us this is how a quiet night watching television ended for an elderly couple living here in hockey . earlier this night, explosions could be heard across the city. there had been a warning of incoming show had drones. one of these drones came down right here. from house fires to drone attacks firefighters who have adapted their skills and saving people and trying to limit damage to property. their jobs always came with a personal risk. but that's gotten worse carefully. i'm worried, like what we're worried about is i most people with wheeler, the personnel, when the alarm goes off for everyone to take cover with them, because they have an incidence of double type attackers. and unfortunately,
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i think this resulted in the loss of outside sales. people as a w double tap the tax, waiting for responders to arrive, and then hitting them. a common russian tactical reason. the war is war and we understand where we are and what to expect. the house on it says the attack did not hurt him or his wife physically. so he has a warning about russian brutality seen in many ukrainian towns in this war. world war 240 and some you put and managed to raise a generation that takes pleasure in killing people for well, this is what we saw in boucher. this is what we saw in this. you mean? this is what we see now, what you, what was your me? so my question was that are here. i must understand that we will not stop russia here rush, i will go to europe. it will show you will not be the manual. he asks us to come inside to see the damage water used to put out the fire is now leaking into the
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living room. the roof is gone, their home is wrecked. outside the miners are inspecting what appears to be the drones engine. it may end up here. hot keeps michelle graveyard. it's full of pieces taken from attack sights rush or tries to overwhelm air defenses by sending lots of drones and missing else at the same time. in the fall level, this is part of the fuel engine of an s 300 me some stuff. this is the rocket that is most often fired. atocha assist ease uh, product. you being so close to the russian border. it's about 40 kilometers away, adds to the danger. the s 300 missile takes 50 seconds to reach the target from the moment of launch. this is not always enough time to launch the system to shoot it down because of which uh, russia has thousands of them to take them down. he says, defense forces with the modern anti aircraft systems like the patriots. but they're
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in short supply around here. in a sense, maybe yes, maybe a shift in original ukraine says it's doing what it's can to protect against these air attacks. the more pressure russia exerts, the more we'll get through store. and ukraine is also at the top of the agenda from german chancellor. it would have charged susan washington right now for talks with lawmakers and president joe, by them shows is pushing for more military aid for keith. but the us senate has been divided on releasing extra funds that we use. and we say, look, who's not in, in this port report. now, when you as president joe biden and german chancellor overlook shots, meat and washington, the stakes can hardly be higher. the danger of the conflict in the middle east escalating into a conflagration seems to be increasing every day. russian aggression against 2
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grain shows no sign of stopping fighting coal sold when he wants to talk to europe, particularly on the 2 big crises ukraine and the middle east. soul just helped get a 50000000000 euro aid package for key for cross the political finishing line as an e. u summit in brussels. and just like the united states, germany is the one state at israel side. the us president and the german chancellor will come together to reaffirm their strong support for ukraine. renewed off shorts will be meeting joe biden here in the oval office right behind me. he will not only be meeting a president who is unable to get any further funding for ukraine through congress, but also a president who was just at the beginning of an election cycle. on which end we might see another president in the white house who promised to cut off funding for you create. if donald trump wins this visit of the german chancellor at the white
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house might be the last one for quite some time. and the former president cas little about the trans atlantic relationship and even less about a good relationship with germany, putting the future of us german cooperation on the 20th global issue was very much in doubt. it was already in iceland have declared an emergency after another volcanic eruption. emergency crews are trying to stop lava from reaching a power plant in the south west end, the nearby town of green, the vic, its residents were moved to safety back in november already the or option has also for the closure of the blue lagoon. the tourist attraction. sure. surface of the correct for 3 kilometers in southwest iceland. the volcano erupted sending tourists of running to safety. yeah, we'll get to the siren going off and we track this stuff up around the parking lot
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and there's the, there is a volcano, go and it was awesome. news. amazing. you're just something once in a lifetime you will see it. most of the residents in this region had already been evacuated in november. been a series of interruptions began. this time the lava has damaged a major hot water pipe injection is pen into law. it's applied heat to nearby homes . now thousands of people are rushing to buy electric heaters with temperatures outside floating close to minus 10 degrees celsius. is heavy for us because now we don't have any hot water over the pipe. so it's not the moment. it is also fuel, but the fast moving lava might reach smotts and the public loan, which has no pipes supplying heat to another. 30000 people tell us
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a way smoke could be seen at iceland. international airport f would stop, so there was no impact on flights, but tourists won't block from visiting one of items, most popular destinations, the blue lagoon. the what a few options in the city, just off the central online. nothing happened for the. ready 800 years and it's little bit of a shock. let's go back to life. i thought these are hoping the lava speed will drop off and the next i was and not destroy more than just structure in the land of ice and fire. or finally, carnival season is approaching is high point here in germany and thousands of people have kicked off celebrations in the city of cologne. today marks the start of countless parties that stretch over the weekend. travelers traditionally dress up and color from cos, shoes, and partake of the local broo. of course germany, after all, the grand finale will be a sued parade in cologne. on monday,
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they with us now for it to the point where clear richardson asked how far one of our food is willing to go for victory and ukraine. i'll be back with more lights at the top of the next hour. right. the,
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to the point. strong opinions, clear positions international, just a lot of your fruits and has his eye on the upcoming presidential election that has been dropping off russian support for the war in your brain with the old soviet slogan, everything for victory. but how far is he willing to go join this week on to the point to the point next on the
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w 9. but you will tell here we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d, w, the name is the calls back, said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being
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nosy, bad, like good, everyone to ok. so to be turning into a microphone, sorry. to help the award winning outcome don't hold back as americans argue amongst themselves about continued aid for ukraine, russia is pressing ahead with it's offensive. now while it's made some tactical gains and the don bass region that is come at the cost of many lives. and now some russian women have been protesting the deployment of their sons and husbands by ahead of russia's presidential elections next month, one of your approved and has been drumming up support for the war and ukraine using an old soviet slogan. everything for victory. but how far is pretty willing to go welcome to this week's edition of to the points the.


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