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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from the valid counting impact. the stock goes into over time for the prime minister. now, my chevy claims has potty has one, the largest number, the fundamental estates calls on the others to work with him as final votes, accounting, also on the program. if you have a chance of o last shots arrives in washington for tulsa with president 5 and i do to discuss the 2 major crises dominating world politics complex, currently raging in gaza and ukraine, the,
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until google, welcome to the program pakistan's, former prime minister, now chevy. is claiming victory in the general election announcing that his body has the most states and will begin talks with others to form a coalition. government still being counted the day after poles closed in election, mocked by violence and obligations of both drinking mister shelley's military. back to practice, done mostly in the equal of favorites to win provisional results from the election commission show. they've taken $62.00 out of $265.00 seats just by claiming to be the largest positive mister. surely say they still don't have enough seats to form a government by themselves. is june. you told me man dick reliance from the bottom of our heart. you'll say that's it. i'm good. we respect the mandate of everyone. dial quite a bit biased whether from other parties. wow, god,
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no more independent candidates on that. then we invite them to come and sit with us. it is up for me 5 years trying to help package them out of this crisis, which is the last and the garden. literally all modest size of bed. well, those in pakistan have expressed frustration with the unusual delay in the vote. counts for some even casting down on the integrity of the process. it's just the rigging has been done in the election. but let's see, we're just going to happen to the people. engender the bombing. people had been, you know, went out towards do r t exercise their right on their do be as well. but let's see, let's hope for the best, very best supposed to thinking the same like back in 2018 that this time the, it isn't. so it'd be, and i was much more argued about, as you are aware that the results are getting delayed and delayed. so definitely
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there's something a problem behind a situation. i really do wish change. i will tell you that i have really bad about it. uh, deserves a comment, has given it not up to the much every person knows that just what's happened is ready and the better thing give i have done so. so the good for us on, for our technician, on miss of a, not a team. well, fills out a shake. is it associated follow a child some how she gave me her assessments of the election? or what i think i see it is now a bite by common consensus, agreed that these elections were ready fall from free and set off transparent. i mean, not only with these concerns expressed before the vote on the 8th of february,
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but actually on the day there were a whole series of extremely questionable actions such as the suspension of a mobile phone services, the interruption of internet services. all of which was seen as a blow to the democratic process. so these elections ready all by all accounts, extremely controversial, supposedly to shake from shots of house. we'll take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. now we'll start to instead of go with security forces, i've used gas and stun goodnights on hundreds of protesters in the capital dot com . demonstrations are angry at the government's decision to delay the next presidential election to move his trigger. they political crisis and fears for the countries democracy published promise of block to border crossings with ukraine to protest against a u policies. the demonstrates is kicking off a month of nationwide strikes. angry at chief improvements from neighboring ukraine
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and government inaction to protect their livelihoods. not to the goss, a conflict where israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's lost his military to develop a plan to evacuate civilians and defeats remaining homeless forces in rafa. this comes after us that it would not back and he's randy offensive on the surface. without proper planning. isn't that yahoo says rafa is a strong hold for her mouth which carried out be october 7th attacks. 8 organizations for your military operations that would cause a humanitarian catastrophe. another family left grieving after 5 relatives were killed by use really strikes law. the alma shoots a lost both parents because it was the name we was sleeping. and we suddenly
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woke up to the sound of foaming rocks were above our heads and defy. had started at the end, i was calling for my mother, father and my siblings, and they didn't want to me. well that's not the net. the southern city of rough or east home to over a 1000000 displaced people who fled to the ball to town seeking safety. people say they are living in fear of a promise. these really advance other side of the normal. we don't know where to go . they told us the raft, who is a safe area for displays, people and we would displays throughout the after being told to leave, han eunice most of the situation, but such guys, me, who do we have to go home, our destroyed houses and we have no other choices we are just waiting to die, we're waiting for the moment. if i were execution us national security council spokes person junk cab, a said a minute, treat operation, and rough uh would be
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a disaster and that the us would not support it. president joe biden also gave his strongest warning yet i'm of the view as you know, that the conduct of the response in gaza is the guy is a strip has been um over the top talk to be be open to gate other as really size. i'm pushing really hard, really hard giving you mandatory and assistance in to guys. there. a lot of innocent people are starving, not innocent people who are in trouble dying. and it's got to stop streets close to rough as q 8 hospital had be left in ruins. and after is randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu told troops to pass the operations in the states,
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a few safe areas lifting gaza. and i also, and the threats. let's get more from the comfortable the ben facility in in jerusalem. welcome, ben. so these, if activation plans announce to that based based presumably is the prompting of the united states the pressure has just been building and building and building for the past 4 months of this wall coming from all sides, all parts of the world uh, from the united states uh there were there was wanting of to boarding up the warning from both bite and from blinking. but uh most of those buildings folding on is when it comes to bb as the yahoo is no. this time seems to be a little different. the pressure from the united nations as well, the united nations secretary general saying that and whole regional consequences could unfold with any onslaught in rough or the palestinian president month border
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bonds. also saying that a push into rafa could push the region into endless was we have the feeling that that's already the situation feel, but a group's also warning of potential violations of international humanitarian law. also boarding that it's through monetary, an efforts or all of these a groups that are involved there if it's could come to a complete holt. if there is a military offensive ground defensive in rafa. now the domestic pressure has also been uh, pulling netanyahu from all sides, uh, those who want the boat to continue those who want to see the hostages release. those who want peace, but also uh, calls on the prime minister in self to resign. nathan, yahoo, those perhaps heating those warnings for the 1st time in this bowl, from the west rather than his right wing coalition members ordering the military now to come up with some sort of plan to evacuate the 1000000 civilians in wrap up
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a way to the north, some officials is saying what's left in the north no, much, uh, as far as the, uh, the directions that are possible to the south is egypt. and it does not want to see an influx of palestinian refugees and thoughts on that point. egypt is now talking about stepping up security on its board and wisconsin and it has already been sending tanks according to security uh sources. and uh, you personnel surveillance equipment also to the 13 kilometers a fence line that it has with the guns a strip. it's also being building a concrete border will 6 meters into the ground. uh, tops with bumped, why it's worried about the mass displacement of palestinian refugees. it's worried about having to host those refugees. it's also worried about how most flight is infiltrating the border area in any sort of influx of refugees and is worried about
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is really suggestions as well. that if it doesn't get things under control on each side of the boat of the egypt will take full control of the border area. and while the war and gaza continues experts, a warning of terrible things happening over in the west back yeah, so on january the 29th, the engineering, one of the most bullet tile cities in the west bank, i mean a all across the west bank. there has been an upsurge and up taking on race since october 7, but in this case, a report being released by you when group of experts condemning a joint on a security and board of police operation involving about 10 operated stress stuff. some of them is palestinian women, others as medics in a hospital, going in shooting dead. 3 men who are said by the use by the military to have been palestinian militant members of hamas and other militant groups. they were killed
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in their beds. the un group thing under international humanitarian law, the killing of defense was injured patients in a hospital amounts to a will try and preserve an interest and thank you. so do you have a chance of oh, i felt as in washington this toast with little my cousin, cousin by on the agenda of a israel. how much more and impressions invasion, if you cry, head of his trip, the chancellor can i have a brief statement in which he adds the e u on to us to do help you crate and it's fight against russia. you're gonna send this revised divided on releasing more funds, possibly be in your approved a 50000000000 euro, a package from cry, holding months of from a chancellor shouts appealed to lawmakers in congress to put the difference is a side is of the developments that we're currently observing in the us senate are a positive sign. we hope a decision will be made soon. so we just don't want to speculate on how long it
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will take and pickled young. it may take a few more attempts, but it would be good if a decision came soon effective on this is about sending a big, important and clear message to the russian presidents or system. and it's about active help for ukraine to get critical quite, you know, the aid for ukraine is said to be the focus of this. amazing. so what, what can we expect to come out of it? actually political editing became a customer as traffic with the german chancellor and gave me an insight. i guess what i saw was speaking the officer. he's already met members of congress from both sides and it just phyllis straits and how much of an affects the uh, in uh, american debates and political info, i think this potentially going to have on the stability of europe. and that's what germantown, so what i sold is very concerned about. that's also what the us president is concerned about. and these are the 2 countries who are the biggest to us on the 2nd
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biggest jona of military assistance to you, crane. and they are very concerned about the message. this is sending to vladimir putin that he might have a tiny parcel victory there at the very least. but here in the united states is a very different debate. it's essentially a demonstration of the how that's the full a us present. donald trump, who wants to run again for a next time still has of a congress despite holding no public office. at the moment, 2 political letters i became a customer, a colleague will season is approaching its high point here in germany and thousands of people have begun the celebrations in the city of color. they a mazda as tasif conference parties that stretch over the weekend. reckless, traditionally dress ethic color from costumes and all types of dental cobra's around fidelity will be a huge crate in color. let's say to
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up to date a business is up. next with the look into the multi $1000000000.00 crews industry. i'll have them all. well, here's the top of the hour. in the meantime, of course is always d, w dot com, all the d w a good. the ukraine was like a stepping points, you know, 5 or 2 into one now, yeah. trained you can just go back to somewhere else coverage, the more people than ever on the way of worldwide in such a passion life. so why do i want to go back tonight? yeah. like, i don't have any reason. there's no reason investment thing for me this yeah, delete something that is coming very, very soon on. we know when the
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story in for my 3 reliable me. so my grand.


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