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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the is the state of the news line from funding valid counting impact as time goes into over time for the 5 minutes to an hour. chevy appliances policy. it has one of the largest number of parliamentary states because on the others to work with it as final thoughts or comments. both on the program and transfer the o life sholtes as in the us consults for the president, 5 and a science of push for more ministry aid for ukraine. i'm to discuss escalating tensions, have been released as well. so 5 minutes have passed and pushed into the southern gauze and safety process. benjamin netanyahu tells his ministry to come up with a plan that eliminates on mass fighting units and protects the lives of reference
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to this after the us. at an unplanned military operation, that would be a disaster. the fine. so go ahead, welcome to the program packet, stands for the 5 minutes. and now i should be for these channels arrival and run a condo, both claiming victory and the general election. vistacomm who is also a full, i'm a prime minister, made his announcement, and i generated video and social media independent candidates back 5 years to con one. the most states on thursday in the election amount, 5 violence and obligations of both rig but now was to, should be says he's is the single largest party division of results released by the election commission show mr. shrove is practiced on most when we actually have taken 69 odds of 2656 is by claiming to be the largest positive is to assure he
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says, i still don't have enough seats to form a government by themselves. student government, the compliance from the bottom of our hard to say, that's what i'm going to we respect the mandate of everyone dialogue quite a bit biased, whether from other parties was odd low for independent candidates. how to that, then we invite them to come and sit with us. it is up to me 5 years starting to help package them out of this crisis, which is the last and they've gotten nearly all my decides of bed or votes of express frustration with the unusual delay. and the vote counts with some even costing balance on the integrity of the process. it's just the gearing has been done in the election by the late fee. we're just going to happen to the people engender the bombing. people have been, you know, went out towards to activity exercise their right on their do because, well,
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but let's see, let's, so for the rest very but supposed to thinking the same like back in 2018 that this time the, it isn't. so it'd be, and i was much more argued about that as you are aware that the results are getting delayed internet. so definitely there's something a problem behind a situation. i really do wish change. i will tell you that i've read really bad about it uh, deserves a comment has given it's not up to the much every person knows that just what's happened is ready and the better thing give i have done the so called good for us on for our initial no, oh, goodness of a not good. i think we'll find something to show you. case and associates the fellow at chatham house i she gave me her assessment of the election. what i think i've seen it is now a bite by common consensus,
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agreed that these elections were ready fall from free and set off transparent. i mean, not only where these concerns expressed before the vote on the 8th of february, but actually on the day there were a whole series of extremely questionable actions such as the suspension of a mobile phone services, the interruption of internet services. all of which was seen as a blue to the democratic process. so these elections ready all by all accounts, extremely controversial for us on a shake from the chatham house that you have in terms of the old off shelves is missing us president joe biden in washington to discuss israel's war against hamas as well as ukraine's war against russia's invasion, chancellor schultz is seeking funding for key you've antennas o e u,
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and you asked to do low to help ukraine and it's fine to against russia. us centers remains divided on releasing more funds during the amazing terms of the shelves outlined the need for ongoing financial supports in ukraine. the one we saw this ridiculous interview and 14 gave shortly. we understand that he is always telling the size of the history of this war because it's so easy to understand why he's doing it. he wants to get the territory off. it's just i think it has meant that be best to support ukrainians to give them the chance to come. so i'm very happy that in europe you may dial decisions, necessary financial support to the budget for so that was ready to increase support and hopefully congress where the house
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to make a decision, giving the necessary support. because without the support of the united states and without the support of states, you can have lots a chance country such as the editor customer or was that just at the white house and joins us now. well, welcome mikaela. what can we expect to come out with this basic well, and message of the unity that certainly watts, both the leaders are trying to protect. also what we've heard from the us president biden reacting to the comments laptops that every time somebody does that he called the inability of congress to actually cost this a package for ukraine. close to criminal neglect those of the was that years. so he's getting error. most critical of america's own handling of the political infighting, which used to not be necessary,
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particularly on the defense issues on such so to think issues. but what we're seeing here is the influence of donald trump playing out to seems to be seeking a pre election dropped power struggle with the sitting presence joe biden. and that can have resource customs that could be felt as a lot of your fee and the ability in european security. and that's what europe is afraid of. but also it's also knows the europeans need to do more. so he keeps telling them, after old germany is the 2nd largest provider of military assistance to ukraine, offering this to united states. thank you for that became a chief political episode. mckayla and ukraine presents that lensky has just announced the new chief of staff a day after replacing his military commander in chief. the major re, shuffles been greeted with dismay amongst the you crying in public eye because of
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the former army chief. feathery says ocean is popular as a shakeup comes as a stage in the wall when you cranes under pressure after months of limited battlefield victories. here in the field in central ukraine, the shot had thrown light is almost intact. a rainy and supplied drones like this have become a key partial versus air war. relatively inexpensive, their use to drain ukrainian air defenses and spread fear among civilians, burned cars and damage building show the aftermath of a successful drones strike in a village in the eastern hockey region. 7 hits were recorded. the force of the bloss blowing at windows, and this has little to show that the can he says to me because i thought they would never come here. it's all remote, but do see dunn's out that the do fly to the middle of nowhere. it was for the thing with as waves of russian, drones and missiles are launched at civilian homes and infrastructure across
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ukraine on the battlefield. there are also for middle challenges. after nearly 2 years of fighting ukraine struggling to mobilize new forces, ukraine's military have said it needs half a 1000000 new recruits to replenish, i'm relieved the exhausted troops on the front line. what are your hopes for military gains of all so fated as the crane was unable to break russia's front lines and it came to offensive launch last summer. so ukrainian forces of switch the defensive mode, facing the length of suppression of sold sometimes, like i've discussed, the president, florida me is a lensky, is no best thing on a shakeup of the top of the military to turn the war and ukraine's favor the how's the guys are confidants and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says he's asked his ministry to draw up plans to evacuate civilians and defeats remaining harmless forces in rafa. and this comes after you. i said it would not
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back any is really offensive on the city without proper planning. the nation. yahoo says rafa is a strong hold for her boss. which coverage would be october 7th, tara tax aid organizations. for your minutes. you ration that would cause i humanitarian catastrophe. i know the family left greeting after 5 relatives were killed by use really strikes lot of almost u. k. last, both parents in the name we was sleeping and we suddenly woke up to the sound of foaming rocks were above our heads and defy. had started, well, at the end i was calling for my mother, father and my siblings. and they didn't want to me. well that's not the net. the southern city of rough or east home to over
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a 1000000 displaced people who fled to the ball, the town seeking safety. people say they are living in fear of a promise. these really advance other side of the normally we don't know where to go. they told us the raft, who is a safe area for displaced people and we would displace the rafa after being told to leave, han eunice most of the situation, but such guys, me who do we have to go home, our destroyed houses and we have no other choices we are just waiting to die, we're waiting for the moment. if i were execution, the us national security council spoke person junk cab. a said a minute, treat operation, and rough uh would be a disaster and that the us would not support it. president joe biden also gave the strongest warning, gets the view as you know, that the conduct of the response
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in gaza is the guy is a strip has been um over the top. we talked to bb open the gate other as really so i've been pushing really hard, really hard giving you mandatory and assistance in to guys. there a lot of innocent people are starving, not innocent. people are in trouble dying. and it's got to stop streets close to rough as q 8 hospital had be left in ruins. and after is randy prime minister, benjamin netanyahu told troops to pass the operations in the states, a few safe areas lifting gaza. and i also, and the threats law corresponded ben facility in, in jerusalem, outlined the background to israel's evacuation plans for the last civilian refuge in gaza. the press that has just been building and building and building for the
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past 4 months. so this will coming from all sides, all parts of the world uh from the united states. uh there were there was wanting of to boarding up the warning from both bite and from blinking. but uh, most of those buildings folding on is when it comes to bb as the yahoo is no at this time. seems to be a little different. the pressure from the united nations as well. the united nations secretary general saying that until regional consequences could unfold with any onslaught in rough or the palestinian president month motor bus. also saying that a push into rafa could push the region into endless was we have the feeling that that's already the situation feel, but a group's also warning of potential violations of international humanitarian law. also boarding that it's through monetary, an efforts or all of these a groups that are involved there if it's could come to a complete holt. if there is
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a military offensive ground defensive in rafa. now the domestic pressure has also been uh, pulling netanyahu from all sides, uh those who want the boat to continue those who want to see the hostages release. those who want peace, but also uh, calls on the prime minister in self to resign. net and yahoo, those perhaps heating those warnings for the 1st time in this war from the west rather than his right wing coalition members ordering the military now to come up with some sort of plan to evacuate the 1000000 civilians in wrap up a way to the north, some officials are saying what's left in the north, no, much, uh, as far as the, uh, the directions that are possible to the south is egypt. and it does not want to see an influx of palestinian refugees, a pencil and interesting as it you're up to date a more. well here's at the top of the hour of next on the deputy rad documentary,
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looking at how mass tourism is endangered. to unique beauty, a soft hit on some dynamite of the day. that's great. the name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud match. would it be nosy bay like good everyone to king check out the award winning called called the called back. the one of the most stunning.


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