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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 10, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, you're watching the dr. news live cumberland, cynita of germany in the us push a more age to ukraine. johnson, olaf charles meets with presidential biden in washington to order to economic costs to approve moment of tree age for q. u. s. president says, not doing sol would be criminal also on the program is a assignment of super fast supports into the southern costs of city or for alpha benjamin netanyahu. those has met a tree to come up with a plan that eliminates him off fighting units and protect the life of prophets, civilians. and the dragon has of iron as china and other countries marks the start of the lunar new york. we look at how people and hong kong authenticating one of
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the most important holidays in the calendar. the members has as well. thank you for joining us. stillman john. flo will actually has met with us presidential burden in washington to pressure the us congress to approve moment of treat for you can don't because i'm working on a bill that's what sends tens of billions and assistance to, to bought a political deadlock, has left financial station in limbo in washington, where political paralysis has left vital a to crane in jeopardy. germany's trensler, all of schultz made us stop at the white house, joining in on efforts to push for the funds. and you know, without the support of the united states, you can have a lot of chance that the country the us is the largest supplier of military
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assistance to ukraine, to the white house has been warning for months. that of lawmakers failed to resolve the debt log on sending aid. it would hurt, keeps ability to fight off brushes, nearly 2 year old invasion for the failure. united states congress. not to support this close to criminal justice outrages the us senate is making progress on a bill that includes some $60000000000.00 in aid to ukraine and funds for other us allies do things in senators hope to pass it within days, but it's unclear if the legislation will be approved by the us house, where some republicans are strongly opposed to connecticut is the effects of the soul funds are already being felt on ukraine's front lines or us and european
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officials say the delay is contributing to critical shortages of weapons and ammunition needed on the battlefield. that's the knowledge of the water and gaza by address prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he has lost his ministry to draw plans to evacuate some indians and the future, meaning hum us forces in draft file. this comes off to the us, said it would not back any is really offensive on the city, the black, proper planning, if a now says to offer as a strong hold for him, us with scattered out the october 7th that it was hacked. 8 organizations feel a military operation that could cause a humanity had an adult catastrophe. another family left grieving after 5 relatives were killed by use really strikes law, the alma shoots a loss, both the parents,
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the name we was sleeping, and we suddenly woke up to the sound of foaming rocks were above our heads and defy . had started at the end, i was calling for my mother, father and my siblings, and they didn't want to me. well that's not the net. the southern city of rough or east home to over a 1000000 displaced people who fled to the ball, the town seeking safe day. people say they are living in fear of a promise. these really advance other side of the normal. we don't know where to go . they told us the raft, who is a safe area for displays, people and we would displays throughout the after being told to leave, han eunice most of the situation, but such guys, me, who do we have to go home, our destroyed houses and we have no other choices we are just waiting to die, we are waiting for the moment. if i were execution us national security council
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spokes person junk cab, a said a minute, treat operation, and rough uh would be a disaster and that the us would not support it. president joe biden also gave his strongest warning yet i'm as of you, as you know, that the conduct of the response in gaza in the gaza strip has been um over the top. we talk to be open to gate on there as really so i'm, i'm pushing really are really are getting the manager and assistance in to guys. there are a lot of innocent people are starving, not innocent people who are in trouble dying, and it's got to stop streets close to rough as q 8 hospital have be left in ruins,
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or send off that he's mainly prime minister. benjamin netanyahu told troops to pass the operations in the states, a few sites areas lifting garza and that also and the threats. the dw correspondent, benjamin benson sewland and seduce lim outlined the background to his drugs. evacuation plans for the last civilians, refuge and garza, the pressure has just been building and building and building for the past 4 months of this wall coming from all sides, all parts of the world. from the united states, it, there was, there was warning off the warning out the warning from both bite and from blinking . but most of those warnings folding on day fee is when it comes to be used at yahoo is know it. this time seems to be a little different, the pressure from the united nations as well, the united nations secretary general saying that until regional consequences could unfold with any onslaught in rough or the palestinian president. motor bus. also
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saying that a push into rafa could push the region into endless was we have the feeling that that's already the situation feel, but a group's also wanting a potential violations of international humanitarian law. also boarding that it's through monetary, an efforts or all of these a groups that are involved their efforts could come to a complete holt if there is a military offensive ground defensive in rafa. now the domestic pressure has also been uh, pulling netanyahu from all sides. those who want to want to continue those who want to see the hostages release those who want peace, but also uh, calls on the prime minister in self to resign. netanyahu the perhaps hating those warnings for the 1st time in this bowl, from the west rather than his right wing coalition members ordering the military now to come up with some sort of plan to evacuate. the 1000000 civilians in wrap up
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a way to the north. some officials are saying what's left in the north of much as far as the other directions that are possible to the south is egypt. and it does not want to see an influx of palestinian refugees and bottles to w spencer zone and introduce to them. that's done our attention. now. some of the other stories making news around the world. the us vice president's pamela harris has criticized a special concert report that questions presidential biden's mental abilities, how to set that up origin biden's handling of classified documents included inaccurate and inappropriate comments. she added the questions that raised a little biden's, age and memory. well, politically motivated that i've been afresh, gashes in senegal sky, but to the cars over the decision to delay the countries presidential election. president mac you saw postponed, the board scheduled for february 25th by 10 months,
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fucking fios backslash opposition leaders have caused the decision of cool. thousands of your fellows have taken to the streets opposite rio de janeiro to pick off the en route, calling about events of being headed despite the city state of emergency due to be at the demick of think he 0 from 200000 torres. so i expected to visit prison for this us festival, which last until february to 14. now, on ukraine, president loud music lensky has announced a new chief of stuff just that they also had a place to sort of trick amanda in chief. the major, the software has been created in dismay among mazda, of so you create in public your, to the fall. mommy, to find it is a loose needs popular attitude. and the shake up comes at the stairs of the war. when you create it is under pressure after months of limited battlefield, with trees in the field and central ukraine. a shy head drone lies almost intact. a
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rainy and supplied drones like this have become a key partial versus air war. relatively inexpensive, their use to drain ukrainian air defenses and spread fear among civilians, spurned cars and damage building show the aftermath of a successful drones strike in the village. in the eastern hockey region, 7 hits were recorded. the force of the bloss blowing at windows, and this has little to show that the can you said to me because i thought they would never come here. it's all remote but you see guns out that the do fly to the middle of nowhere. it was like a, with as waves of russian drones, a mis solves, are launched at civilian homes and infrastructure across ukraine on the battlefield . there are also for middle challenges. after nearly 2 years of fighting ukraine struggling to mobilize new forces, ukraine's military have said it needs half a 1000000 new recruits to replenish kimberly the exhausted troops on the front line
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. what are your hopes for military gains of all so fated as ukraine was unable to break russia's front lines and it came to offensive launch last summer. so ukrainian forces of switch the defensive mode, facing the length of suppression a sold some times, like i've discussed, the president, florida me is a lensky, is no best thing on a shakeup at the top of the military to turn the war in ukraine's favor to focus on those were a former prime minister in the law should be found is to dr. william drawn con, both gaming victory and the general election independence candidates, backed by con, one the most safe on thursday in an election mocked by violence and allegations of war tricking. but now why should he says his as the single largest body? now, despite claiming to be the largest body, should have said they still do not have enough seats to form a government by themselves. government, it can be light. from the bottom of our heart, you'll say that's what i'm going to,
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we respect the mandate of everyone dialogue quite a bit biased whether from other parties, while god, no more independent candidates. how i'm going to then we invite them to come and sit with us. it is up to me 5 years time to help package them out of this crisis, which is the last and they've gotten literally all my decides of bed. as far as on a shake as an associate fellow or a child from house. she gave us her assessment of pocket funds election, where i think, i think it is now a byte by common consensus, agreed that these elections were ready fall from free and fair or transparent. i mean, not only with these concerns expressed before the groups on the 8th of february, but actually on the day there were a whole series of extremely questionable actions such as the suspension of
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a mobile phone services, the interruption of internet services. all of which was seen as a blue to the democratic process. so these elections ready all by all accounts, extremely controversial. and that was focused on a shake from shots from house. now billions of people are mocking the beginning of the lunar new. it's an especially important holiday and chinese got to do see recall reports now from a temple in hong kong, which is a popular spot for people in the city to mock the start of the new calendar. business hell, phone call ring saying that yeah. off the track and thousands of people flocks to this famous temples, to offer that fast in says at the altar at midnight to mock the perfect evening of luna. new yeah. as a citizen or ritual worship us believe that that early as a mix, that offerings the best of luck they will have in the yeah. has is also the 1st new
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. yeah. well, we can find people to celebrate without the mosque again, but hong kong yourself, how soon we covered that quickly? no, no, no. yeah, it's on about good fortune and blessings. many of the people here tell us it's not only something about the appraisal themselves, but also the city because the previous year was a tough one for home comb. it's economic expense performance was way worse than all of his major competitors. um they're also ongoing concerns over outlook, especially when china is also struggling with it's. 1 down not to mention the photo tightening of political control. so now people now have to tell us to take a rest and do life with the families. but also hopefully won't the time is striking symbolizes that is conspiracy and strength in the upcoming. yes. and are very happy with the driving to us us kind of that shut up to date,
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but do stick around for optimised optics, knology short shift when take a look at how, where the tech is over to your son. i as in cortez, i'm in the massage as well as for me and the entire new team behind the scenes. thank you so much for being with us. the high side, simon, on time i went on 6 times to greece, is what i have to spend life from 50600. currently more people than ever on the move world wide in such a progress in life. you know, it's a very difficult journey. and 135 because it's very hard, they beat you.


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