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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  February 10, 2024 7:15am-7:30am CET

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as the largest cruise ship and its multi $1000000000.00 industry, make sure to stick around for that and the code for lease. and i'll be back with more as the top of the next hour. hope to see you then the what do these do for fun? via do gravitational waves squeeze outside when did people begin getting high and low? think. gov how do i need a drums for you to the beat and what perfect kill football find. find the on says guess most and with dw science on the top 10. so you don't think you the same way you expect and more
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different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is nonsense. i want my son to the doctor. joe in the clubs . it's time to to vehicle your generation with a sleep us. i'm them. when generation as class this week on dw, this kind of fun, it feels like therapy, the 5 time speakers and the titanic. this is what the newest cruise ship looks like today, and it's booking at fast. the cruise industry is the most rapid growing towards some sector generation 1000000000, or we visited co,
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samelle and mexico to see what all the fuss as a base. we wanted to know what literally powers this multi $1000000000.00 industry, and this episode of transforming business. we're walk into both things needs to be different cruising what of santia? yes, they were swimming pools and 1st class dining. but the liners themselves were a lot smaller. they carry to run 3 sites and passengers per trip. and overall the industry was marked by a certain refinements and manner. now, here we are today. this is the largest cruise ship ever built. it's called icon of the seas, and measure is 365 minutes for as long as can carry 10000 people at a time. just over 3 quarters of those passengers icon of the seas. it's reflective pulse device and price of a booming cruise industry. this ship has just launched and was already open for reservations in 2025 cruise passenger numbers globally are set to hit 36000000 this
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year. and that figure is expected to continually increase. but what's likely powering all of this, technically in the case of only kind of the seas, it's liquefied natural gas, or l n g. it's seen as a more environmentally friendly few. more on the laser, we asked its owners world caribbean for an interview on that sustainability strategy, or representative from the company never materialized within our deadline. but we did this to get hold of carnival corporation. the biggest cruise company in the world, when, if it slogans sustainable from ship there. sure. we recognize we have a like a need to maintain a pristine environment. so because that's what people come to see, they don't, they don't want to go see the things that have deteriorated. there was a beautiful places that they would try to take them there. that's spelled back who's charged with making kind of a safer company for the environments here at the top 5 cruise points in the world.
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every year, millions of people visits quick miami in the us tops the let's we travel to the mexican island of coast to maryland. the caribbean sea is part of one of the largest barrier. reese in the world. cruise is a gives you actually the opportunity to visit many different islands. um, throughout your 7 days you can hit so many different ports. the ships are amazing and there's so many things to do on them. the goal and the cruise for one way. and you can spend of 1002000 and up, but you have everything we did our own internet search and find that you can actually get a weeklong cruise to caribbean for range of 630 $5.00 plus taxes and put fees. and under the 20 banner of sustainable tourism or climate consciousness. in fact, one study says half of what americans, police, priest, holidays,
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are environmentally friendly. and this green bond is one probably by the top 3 cruise carnival world caribbean norwegian. norwegian is 20 nights, bio fuel mix plants and continues to use marine gas or oil. and the longer term it sees green metals as a promising source. our kind of island would caribbean continue to use traditional views, and they both chose the currencies of l. a. n. g is the best fuel available today for us to use from greenhouse gas perspective. and we've pioneered that within the industry. has 9 engine ships with 2 more on order. and when the roll on stream or on shore, whether the guess capacity of those 11 ships will represent 20 percent of its lease, that's a significant investment in a fossil fuel. the company's 1st l. n. g capable vessel is reported to have cost $950000000.00 to build that i guess big the world's biggest crews company kind of
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a has the money to bring. basically the cruise industry is expected to generate revenue to the june of just over 30000000000 dollars plus year into size and on 27th. the indicator is that this figure will jump to almost $36000000000.00 and the regents cruise ships don't cost also benefits. a study from the crews industry bodies sunset. passengers alone spend buys $100.00 at visiting cruise ports in coast amount. local businesses thing, the praise of the crew sector, and course the, undoubtedly the crews invest 3 is the one that rings the most benefit to the island duties. the we also have national tourist, but what gives us the most impact is the international crew that will say that the community, the intake level and the reason why a cruise torres, them to cut them out of 90 percent of the reason we have jobs on the island says the level of support and the socialist hecky because a lot of a lot of it goes into particular case of causing math. we're approaching
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$400000000.00 in economic benefits for a population that does not reach 200000 inhabitants, nor diego broke into the living center before so they hadn't cos, according to one study cruising, has more than doubled the carbon emissions of flying and staying in a 4 star hotel various cities and catering one of your busiest ports. barcelona has moved to restrict cruise ships because of their emissions. norway has also a name, so that from 2026. 0 the vessels would 0 emissions will be aligned to visit us. it's fjords. it follows research that games cruise liners in europe, and miss as many toxic air pollutants as 1000000000 cars. after van expands and large crews liners from anchoring, and it's a store excise, it's reports that the air pollutants felt like 80 percent. but hold on. shouldn't the move to using liquefied natural gas, sol, all of this? no carbon their rice,
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the easiest way to comply with the regulations on saw for nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide intensity. all of the same time you use liquefied natural gas because it contains almost no sulfur. and it emits about 25 percent less carbon dioxide emissions. but conventional the old frank comb or is not convinced by liquefied natural gas being used in the shipping sector. u. c, l a n t is made up of methane, a gas that doesn't stay in the atmosphere as long as carbon dioxide, but is 80 times more when in for our promise in the short term. and what's interesting about maritime companies using l n, g is days, many of them are choosing liquefied natural gas as their fuel. and the engines that cruise ships use tend to be those that you met the most about unburnt methane to the atmosphere. and we saw this about things like this and for red camera shows the
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ship burning l n g. because you see illustrate the methane that's escaping the methane slips, the more methane, the bigger the kind. the cruise ship industry emits about $30000000.00 tons of greenhouse gases each year. and that's the same as $75.00 natural gas powered power plants. what do you meant each year for environmental us here in coast amount, who oppose concepts? they see a call on the sector as critical philadelphia. well yeah, but it's only 30 for us to process. we're diversity is with the quantity of resources under his feet in north we went up to look at them where he says to say, look at the group. so that's a large number. fish that would, that are in those title. yeah. the yeah, and this is that 1st round was what so cost amounts of tours. you mean you're just a minute please. and now we don't have time. she gets added to the question of
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what's hiring this multi $1000000000.00 industry while it's carry demands. just look at the size of like kind of the seas. yes it's run on l n. g. a fossil fuel made up of methane, one of the drivers of global warming. but whatever fuels that are being used, it's periods are in flux, as the industry grapples with a warming, thomas, and tries to color in between the lines for the mort, for mid of the lines. however, those of our environments we might already be over the edge. we don't want any more cruises and to see that the community opposes permission. would you take a cruise let us know in the comments below, and if he likes this episode, please check out the transforming business taylor list for videos on topics just like this one. the
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tackling the task with passion, maneuvering mcgee,
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loves everything about head jones behind the wheel with head truck at each. she has seen all of us. she wishes that one more women have profession read next on dw, deeper noses to save life versus robotics equipped with sensor technology. again, the 220000000, all factory selves of our beloved tonight. we're taking a good with the topic tomorrow today. in 60 minutes on dw, the
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