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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 10, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the we news slide from berlin, the leaders of germany and the united states push for more, a for you crate. chancellor, all sorts meets with us presidential by in washington to encourage lawmakers to approve more military aid for keep us presidents as not doing so would be criminal neglect and also on the program. competing claims of victory in august on selection, former prime minister knowledge shareef, says this party has captured the largest number of seats, but entailed rival m con, uses a i to announce to victory plus the year of the dragon has arrived. as china and
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other countries mark the start of the lunar new year, we'll look at how people in hong kong are celebrating one of the most important holidays in the calendar. the article for at least welcome to show german chancellor electrolytes has met with you as presidential by man washington to pressure the us congress to approve more military aid for ukraine. lawmakers are working on a bill that would send tens of billions and assistance to keep for the political deadlock of left. the legislation in limbo in washington, where political paralysis has left vital a to crane in jeopardy. germany's chancellor. all of schultz made a stop at the white house, joining in on efforts to push for the funds. and you know,
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without the support of the united states, you can have lots of chance that the country the us is the largest supplier of military assistance to ukraine. the white house has been warning for months. that of lawmakers failed to resolve the deadlock on sending aid. it would hurt to have the ability to fight off brushes nearly 2 year old invasion for failure. united states congress. not to support this close to criminal justice outrages. the us senate is making progress on a bill that includes some $60000000000.00 in a to ukraine and funds for other us allies do things in senators hope to pass it within days. but it's unclear if the legislation will be approved by the us house,
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where some republicans are strongly opposed. different connecticut is the effects of the sold. the funds are already being felt on ukraine's front lines or us and european official say. the delay is contributing to critical shortages of weapons and ammunition needed on the battlefield. jackson, james is a political scientist and president senior fellow at the german marshall fund. i asked him a short while ago of chancellor or left shots and president job. i didn't have any sway over congress at this point as it this way is unclear. i think probably the best thing that the shots could have done was to say, europe is here, europe is ready and germany is in the lead to help a crane. but they're asking to actually be something that's more in leadership with the, with united states on making sure that you claim the sustainable. it's not quite clear with that sort of work of me. what will it take for that to work?
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well, it's basically a domestic fight in the united states and mostly in the house of representatives is keeping the question open as to where they will support what the senate guess is trying to present to them. so it's. ready it's a bit of a problem for shots to impact the bad, but he can only have support to mr. vitamins, attempt to say to the 7 in the house and congress in general. we have partners that are ready to move. ready at eye level with us and we have to maintain our own support. so that'd be great. it's not always surviving, but it's able to maintain itself over the next several years, not just this year. what is a deadlock in the us doing to the united front? the west wants to present in the face of lot of input and it's undermining it. and that's the problem. i think that mr. but it was talking about when he said it's almost criminal for the us to pull out of the support from grant at this juncture.
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so that's a problem. it's basically domestic politics that we're trying to figure out. member, this is an election year and it's definitely difficult to extract that from that particular uh environment which mr. barton is in. and i think it's important that mr. schultz was there just to say, we stand with you. will you share with us of course. okay, now that joint strength being undermined, what does that mean in practical terms for the people in inquiry? i think that basically the supports for europe is increasing. i think that will maintain a level of support for you plan to keep going in this for with russia. but the united states isn't a major support of military hardware that begins to, to decline. that's going to make it that much more difficult for us to keep up that side of the support they're supporting in all kinds of ways financially. but the major problem is that it's american doesn't give the support for military hardware
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to be very difficult for ukraine to maintain its position towards the russian aggression. now the war on ukraine is coming up on 2 years. there's no end inside to the war in gaza. how has all of this effect of transatlantic relations and especially the relationship between the us and jeremy, was basically underscored the fact that we're going to so any of those problems, we have to work with europe and journey in particular, since it's in the lead in terms of supporting ukraine in the european context. so i think it just, i'm just underscores the fact that we can't so because so many of these problems without a, as we say in the trade leadership in partnership and partnership and leadership working right now to keep, keep the momentum going. as jackson james of the german marshall fund, thank you so much for your time. better officials and northeastern ukraine say a russian drone attack and hard cave has killed 7 people. busy including 3 children,
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according to the original governor of the strength of ukraine, 2nd largest city had homes and infrastructure, causing several large fires. ukraine's military said that the air defenses down more than 20 drones and the attack comes as president voluminous zalinski shakes up ukraine's armed forces, replacing its chief of staff and commander in chief. he has been struggling to make progress on the battlefield for months now. the park sands, former prime minister, novice, or reef, and his jailed rival in rome. han are both claiming victory and the general election con, who's also a former prime minister, made his announcement via an a. i generate a video on social media, independent candidates, backed by hon. one, the most seats on thursday in an election marked by violence and allegations of vote rigging bots now as sharif says, his is the single largest party for original results released by the election commission,
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show his pockets on muslim league to have taken $71.00 out of the $265.00 seats. now despite cleaning to be the largest party, sharif admitted they still don't have enough seats to form a government by themselves. government lying from the bottom of our hard to say that i'm good. we respect the mandate of everyone dialogue quite a bit biased whether from other parties, while god, no more independent candidates. one that'd be a good thing. we invite them to come and sit with us is with me 5 years starting to help package them out of this crisis, which is the last and the garden. literally all modest sides of bed to the shallow psalms follow the election outcome and boxed on closely and told us what we can expect now from coalition talks to form of government. and the coalition docs are already on the way. and uh, in wrong cons,
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main rivals industries and disabilities have had adults and the recording to. ready adults and campuses, negotiations may be got it out in the coming days and weeks. it may be a does a good, a situation for any party to form the government because nobody has a clear monday to farm. the government bought the show east and those are the bodies. the join hands out the numbers as far as the in prison brand is wrong, cons fundy is concerned. they have the independent candidates, one not found to buy a new body loyalty and the good to switch sides and the coming days and things like that. sounds like a long road ahead. the opposition says there was meddling and the election. what credibility is there to those claims? the human rights groups have expressed deep concern about how
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the demand of, of bridge, the elections were conducted to people reading plans on the occasions on there. and also, on the election day, the internet assumption. access to find the phone service. ready shut down, dish has own added fuel to fire and we're all home. so as i say that all this has been done to keep the video icons party out of the file. and they are claiming victory because they think the greeting took place. but they don't have any credible credible rules yet. so they go to the goals, maybe the quotes look into it. but as far as the credibility is concerned, these are, these have been really controversial elections. but just the opposition parties are saying that they can prove it, but we have to wait so far. that was dw correspondence, samuel jones,
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from fox science commercial capital, karachi, talking to us earlier today, take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. at this hour, 2 people have died after a private jet crash landed on a busy highway in the us state of florida. officials. the plane was attempting to land at a nearby airport when its engines failed. the aircraft then struck 2 vehicles as it came down. there had been fresh classes and synagogues capital, the car over decision to the labor countries presidential election president monkey sol postponed the vote. scheduled for february 25th by 10 months, sparking affairs backslash opposition leaders have called the decision a coup, a sealant as held, the state funeral for a former president. so last young vignette, all the time president died on tuesday when a helicopter he was piloting,
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crashed into a lake. you will be buried in a private family ceremony. for astronauts have splashed down off the coast of florida at the end of a private mission to the international space station. the i ss turkeys 1st ever astronaut was among those returning, but it was the 3rd slide operated by the us company axiom space. in thousands of revelers have taken to the streets of brazil's rio de janeiro to kick off the annual carnival. events are being held, despite the city state of emergency that is due to an epidemic of things. a fever, some 200000 tourists, are expected to visit brazil for this year's festival, which is going to last until every 14
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billions of people are marking at different facility the beginning of the lunar new year. it's an especially important holiday in chinese culture, dw, see become reports now from a temple in hong kong, which is a popular spot for people in the city to mark the start of the new count, a mrs house phone call writing saying that yeah, off the track and thousands of people flocks to this famous temples, to offer that fast in says at the altar at midnight to mock the very beginning of luna. new. yeah. as a traditional ritual worship us belief as it early as a mix. that offerings the best of luck. they will have in the yeah, has, is also the 1st new. yeah. well we can find people to celebrate without the mosque . again, from hong kong yourself. how soon we covered that quickly? no, no, no. yeah. it's on about as good fortune and blessings. many of the people here tell
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us it's not always something about the appraisal themselves, but also the city. because the previous year was a pop one for home comb. it's economic a sense performance was way worse than all of his major competitors. um, there are also ongoing concerns over outlook, especially when china is also struggling with it's slow down, not to mention the photo tightening of political control. so now people now have to tell us to take a rest and do lights with the families. they also, hopefully won't the time is striking symbolizes that is conspiracy and strength in the upcoming. yeah. if you me call them reporting there, don't forget, you can always get the, the we news on the go. just download our app from google player from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as portion notifications for any breaking news. and if you're a part of a new story, you can also use the dw up to send us the photos and videos of what's happening around the you're watching the, the news from berlin fx,
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our technology show shift with a look at how wearable tech, as revolutionizing heart help get us, we'll have more headlines for you at the top of the next hour. thank you for your company today by the, the good and why we need 3. miss simmons writes regression must be in trouble rate and burned in south africa. people with disabilities more likely to release the job or the lack lives matter, protest shine a spotlight on racially motivated police by the same sex marriage has been legalized discrimination. and we also want.


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