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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news why from berlin, fears of a new is really offensive in southern gaza. 8 agencies, one of a catastrophic situation. in rafa the city that's become the last refuge for huge numbers of displace palestinians and count down to the super bowl. well, kansas city or san francisco trials in america's biggest sporting events. or could the real winner be taylor swift? the unlike a local welcome agencies and arab leaders, a warning of
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a lumen catastrophe in israel's plan defensive against rasa in southern gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered civilians to leave before the shoals begins . within a 1000000 displays, palestinians are sheltering in the city as israel battles from us, which many countries classify as a, tara organization, the palestinians, more in the dead. in rafa, outside one of the last, partially functional hospitals, inside the gaza strip. according to the home us run health ministry, more than $28000.00 palestinians have been killed since the fighting started 4 months ago. is really airstrikes panel the southern border city of rafa ahead of an expected ground defensive on the densely crowded city which has become a last refuge for displaced palestinians fleeing fighting further north. an estimated 1400000 people of our sheltering and rough us. many of them and make
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shift tens, finding enough food, water and fuel is a daily struggle. they say they have nowhere left to go to the mount. hello in the ones, because this is the last sites the miller that they told us that wrapped it would be saved from military operations as long as you have your small cut on. and now they're saying an operation is to take place here with the home, and we are supposed to leave for the accommodations or the so has nothing. you know, of course, we're always in the house statements about the evacuation of a residents from dropbox for milledgeville operation. we came from guys, i say to you, we don't know, it will go, you know, her. and if we leave here, wherever we go with our children, women and wanted to come on, the us has warrant israel, an invasion of ross, that would be a disaster. a groups say it's impossible to evacuate everyone from the city. the e u and the un are also expressing alarm israel's plans to evacuate rasa in order
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to root out some mass militants. it says a hold up there. the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, say the unprecedented density of our offers population make it nearly impossible to protect civilians in the event of ground attacks. oh, just as a congestion in rough or has reached a point where normal routes are blocked by tents. set up by families seeking any flat clean surface available is really troops are pressing deeper into one eunice. smoke can be seen, billowing over the city, located less than 16 kilometers away. rasa is the last major population center in the gaza strip. is rarely troops have yet to enter. it's also the main point of entry for desperately needed for lead supplies. some i did is a spokesperson for the norwegian refugee council, and she joins us now from the jordanian capital on the summit. we in the media
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sound like a broken records, but one can't overstate, just so densely populated. the city of rossa is now barely containing some 1400000 people. how are those people surviving? well, what we're hearing from oust off on the ground, the internet's off is that the conditions are already dire. with seeing widespread diseases even start ation amongst the population. so any full scale military operation from israel would lead to catastrophic situations and really would lead to the collapse of the 8 system because a lot of the aid is being distributed uh from the area off and off. and we also have the crossing where aid is, is entering into gaza. so it would be a catastrophic situation. and an expansion of possibilities could also times not
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far into a zone of blood should then lead to most of 1000000000 depths and casualties. and this must be prevented on moving costs. i want to take a little deeper into those hostilities. these really prime minister is asking the army to draw up evacuation plans. but any idea where these people can or will likely go of the very few options, less people to seek safety in gaza. nowhere is safe anymore. so over 1000000 people fled to gossen with moved into gaza on the basis around the roof on the basis that it was a safe zone. and people there are kind of king and are really scared about what is to come, because there are no options left for them to seek safety. it's unrealistic, it's also in humane to make people flee once again on the boom,
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boardman and into areas that a not safe. so we're pleading with the international community with allies of the is really government to stop this from happening to prevent this beloved off. uh that will occur if the is really a military operation in dropbox does move ahead. let's be frank. a many in videos like yours, i'm afraid to say, appear to have little leverage on what these really military will actually do. many n g o's have asked for a cease fire, but these really prime minister has made it fairly clear that's unlikely. how is your organization preparing for this massive movement or of people or this offensive, or both? um, is there a plan as well? like oh, a to agencies? uh we do prepare uh for the delivery of aid uh a large saving assistance with the bombardment or in
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a situations of a humanitarian pause. that it cannot be delivered safely to people in need of humanitarian assistance and i'll aid workers cannot work safely on the apartment. and this is why we've been pleading with israel and the international community to support a ceasefire because this is vital for scaling of 8. i'm for saving lives and it to be on time that so the action is taken by allies of because really government, including the u. k, u. s, and german governments to put pressure on israel to support a ceasefire. this is crucial now, especially as we have this new main military offensive in dropbox that will lead to more bloodshed, summer deed from the norwegian refugee cancel. thank you so much for your time.
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president vladimir putin look certain to win a 5th term in office in russia's elections next month, but he's not running unopposed. 3 other candidates will appear on the ballot. the 4 names will be on the ballot in russia's presidential election. one of them is, of course virginia, which in himself, he's widely expected to win a 5th term and that the candidate will be and you thought sky from the so called liberal democratic party. in truth, it's an altering nationalist party. the 56 year old politician sees himself as no threat to shoot, and he says that every vote for him is not a vote against the serving president. you go, i heard it, the one of as the 3rd presidential candidate, the 75 year old as a member of the communist party. although the communist candidate typically takes 2nd place in the election, put it on us, does not present a significant challenge to fruit and then there is 39 year old religious loved the
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amount of rent unsuccessfully for moscow. mayor in 2023, he made headlines when he signed his name in support of anti war candidates bodies and ideas, and who was just recently disqualified. but it's unlikely that he will adopt my dear against position in his election campaign. this is how the official ballad will look in march 2024. a wealth las vegas is putting on the biggest event in us sports. this year's super bowl pits teams from san francisco in kansas city against each other for american footballs, championship. but the clash will feature another formidable force in the form of taylor swift cheese, focusing global attention on this uniquely american event. and the pop superstar isn't even starring and the half time show in the metropolis once known as sin city. the biggest sin heading into sunday evening super bowl is not knowing that
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this guy number 87 is the boyfriend of taylor swift. number 87 has a name, travis kelsey star in american football terms for the kansas city chiefs and a star for answering repeated questions about his love life. why do you think everyone so fascinated with you to? and i think the values that we stand for and just, you know, who we are as people. kelsey support extends to taylor swift fans swift. these half a world away. tokyo hosted the last to for sold out concerts saturday evening. all right, well what i'm, what do we haven't really watched american football until now? but because taylor boyfriend place finally watched it, we did the question on so many lips after this last gig in tokyo will a private plane get her back in time to as she has in the past. join other players, girlfriends, wives, and family for the game. she shouldn't make it. that's good news. even for those who don't count themselves as swift ease. she will be in the house and the building
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for the super bowl, but i mean, i think periods and they will bring a new i to the sport. i think there will be a lot of women who will probably shift their attention to football. we should all be so lucky that we have a significant other one to support us in our job. right. the super bowl hardly needs to be additional tight offered by a pop culture romance. but since city las vegas isn't about to turn away from the attention run. so you're saying to do a pop culture commentator joins me now from washington. d. c. ron say, for months the pop icon taylor swift, has been dominating some of the post season narratives leading into the world's biggest sports marketing spectacle. the super bowl, of course, football appears to be attracting more and more swiftly screws the biggest winters here, the nfl. swift, or does it even matter as the,
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the biggest winner by far, the research has generated over $330000000.00 in bad value since she started 10 the games last fall. and so definitely, i think, you know, if we, if we're, if we're trying to, you know, and the rate by far, the end of all is, is, is winning the most september 24th 2023 was the biggest day for transactions across all 32 franchises. and that was the 1st day to receive the attended the game that was televised. so i mean to suit, the fact is real and i'm sure that they are all just left to the bank right now. goodness gracious i, i want to talk about conspiracy theories. there are allegations the fix is in for a chief victory. swift boyfriend, of course, travis kelsey place for the cheese and the village purpose to some health tip, the scale of the upcoming election in favor of incumbent president joe biden, to the detriment of donald trump. can you explain what in heaven's name is this all
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about? i don't think there's enough time to say, wait to fully explain. wow, that's the, that's a conspiracy. that's, that started in the nether regions of the internet. and i think people, i think the started demographics on the right wing of american politics. they have had a weird state in taylor swift since the ends in this 2009 when we would call you west . and so when she expose yourself as having progressive politics, i think there's been a lot of just disappointment and i think they're better about it. and this is just their way of acting out and reacting. and so yes, i don't think it's something that we should take seriously. and of course there's still some football to play. who do you like a little bit just a cheese. i don't know. i'll be boring. kansas city change. that's a run. say a same video in washington, many manufacturer, a billions of people are marketing the start of the lunar new year above all in east asia. many in china,
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i have welcome the year of the dragon with a traditional temple visit in the hope of securing good fortune for the year to come. hundreds of millions are traveling home to enjoy the festivities with their families. and here's a reminder of our top story, this our agencies for warning. there could be tens of thousands of casualties in the plan is really offensive against rasa in southern gas. the city has become the last refuge for huge numbers of displaced palestinians sheltering in the area. you're watching dw news line from berlin up next on reporter a look at the civil war into done which has displaced more people than any other conflict world wide. you can find much more on our website at dw dot com. i'm like to live with me and the rest of the new scene here in berlin. thanks for watching. and we'll see you again at the beginning of the next down.
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the people in trucks engine trying to feed the city center. the straight screen the around the world more than 150000000 people of.


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