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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 11, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is data between use live from because it feels that the new is riley offensive in southern gossip. i'd agencies born of a catastrophic situation in rafa city that's become the last refuge for huge numbers of this place to palestinians. also on the program count down to the super bowl. will it kansas city will san francisco trial in america's biggest sporting events?
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for the re went up to be timeless with the i'm anthony held. welcome to the program. i'd agencies and arab latest warning of a looming catastrophe in israel's plan defensive against casa in against rafa. robin in southern gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered civilians to leave before the assault begins. more than a 1000000, displaced to palestinians of sheltering embassy as israel battles, a mass which many countries classify as a, tara organization. palestinians more than the dead in rough uh outside. one of the last, partially functional hospitals, inside the gaza strip. according to the mos run health industry, more than $28000.00 palestinians have now been killed since the fighting started 4
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months ago. is really air strikes. how mold the southern border city of rossa ahead of an expected ground defensive on the densely crowded city which has become a last refuge for displaced palestinians, fleeing fighting further north in north carolina because this is the last say so on the 11th. and they told us that rap who would be saved from military operation. that's why we have this small cut under and open. now they are saying an operation is to take place here the whole and we are supposed to leave for the account already. and the, not the so has nothing, you know, of course, we're days and you know, statements about the evacuation of the residents from dropbox for milledgeville operation where we came from guys i say to you, we don't know, it will go, you know, her. and if we leave here, when we go with our children, women, and wanted to come on an estimated 1400000 people are sheltering in
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rafa. many of them it makes shift tents, finding enough food, water and fuel is a daily struggle. the us has warned israel, an invasion of rafa would be a disaster. a groups say it's impossible to evacuate everyone from the city. the e u n. d u n. are also expressing alarm at israel's plans to evacuate rafa in order to root out from us militants. it says our hold up there, the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, say the unprecedented density of our offers population, make it nearly impossible to protect civilians in the event of ground, a tax oh, just as a congestion in rough or has reached a point where normal routes are blocked by tents set up by families seeking any flat to clean surface. available. roughly is the last major pop you nation center in the gaza strip is really troops have yet to enter. it's also the main point of
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access for desperately needed released supplies. some of the of the norwegian refugee council told us earlier that if an evacuation overall is ordered, there was simply nowhere else for people to go. there are very few options left for people to seek safety in gaza. nowhere is safe anymore. over 1000000 people fled to gossen with moved into gaza on the basis around the roof on the basis that it was a safe zone. and people there are kind of king and are really scared about what is to come, because there are no options left for them to seek safety. it's unrealistic, it's also in humane to make people flee once again on the boom, barman's and into areas that a not safe. so we're pleading with the international community with allies of the
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is really government to stop this from happening to prevent this beloved off. uh that will occur if the is really a military operation in dropbox does move ahead. i was summer. how did the from the norwegian refugee council speaking to us a little early on. meanwhile, the family of a 6 year old palestinian girl who had called up a risk it was for help 12 days ago say she has been found dead steam shop, was trapped in a call with the bodies of her dead relatives after they had tried to flee garza city and came on to fly. 2 paramedics from the palestinian red crescent, went to rescue him. i have also been found date and organization released footage of what it says is the parent out ambulance. it has accused israel of targeting. the ambulance. is ralph military has not yet as, as not yet commented. have you have what a cl i'm in that you have to feel right? is
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a look now somebody of the story is making headlines around the world. this hell opposition support is in pockets on have been protesting delays in the release of election results from a prime ministers in mind con. and now us series of both claimed victory. independent candidates, backed by the imprisoned con, have won the most of the seats. that's the rates muslim league as imaged as the biggest single past. 2 people have been killed in the latest violent protests incentive go abreast of rock did when this month's presidential election was postponed until the symbol president mackie so says the delay is necessary for a peaceful transition. currently, novak as resigned as hungry as president. she's been under pressure for pot, ending a man convicted of helping to cover up a child section with these coast issues by protest in the capital would have passed
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the back has admitted she made a mistake about some drug, an attack on the crime in city of hockey has killed at least 7 people, including 3 children. the original governor says the striking of homes and infrastructure causing several large pious the voters in finland are preparing to elect a new president. the choosing between an ex prime minister from the saint rights and a green form, a foreign minister. the campaign in the north nation has largely scented on the security threat posed by tonight the russia. one of these 2 men will lead need those newest member from a prime minister, alexander still, or form a foreign minister. how this though, they agree on the most pressing issues from both those securing the border with russia and support for ukraine. just
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such a degree of it's a difference of style and perhaps a little bit this taste as well. they represent very well. they have very similar positions when it comes to the key issues. how much feeling should invest in defense? how tough it should be with my shop. i need my tough what to do with your plan, how to support it, and so forth on that. but perhaps the difference is on the level of values. still good finish politics in 2017. he says rough shows and vision of ukraine made him good on his rival, how this story negotiated, winland's, accession to nato. and it has promised to take a hard line against its giant eastern nibble. if elected, he will become finland's 1st, opened the gate president. i think what i really paid attention to is obviously hobbies the sexuality of discussion around that does because it has to be very,
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very uncalled for to even bring that into discussion. obviously, if you're a heterosexual or homosexual, even in shelby interviews, you would not bring that up as an issue in finland, the president leads foreign and security policy. he was of as commander in chief and we represent the nation, natal meetings. one of his 1st task will be managing pollutants integration into the lines some support now and, and for those asian cup final, the hosts and hold is katasha the faith of jordan free. 1000 i from a fif, scroll 3 penalties here. i gulf in the tournament. and ending him the golden data with jordan's yes, on a new model at early up leveled the schools. now las vegas is putting on the biggest debate in us sports. this is super bowl pits teams from san
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francisco and kansas city against each other for american football's championship. but the class will feature another formidable force in the form of taylor swift. she's been attracting global attention onto this uniquely american event. and the pop superstar isn't even starring in the half time show in the metropolis once known as sin city. the biggest sin heading into sunday evening super bowl is not knowing that this guy number 87 is the boyfriend of taylor swift. number 87 has a name, travis kelsey star in american football terms for the kansas city chiefs and a star for answering repeated questions about his love life. why do you think everyone so fascinated with you to? and i think the values that we stand for, and just the, you know who we are as people. kelsey support extends to taylor swift fans swift. these half a world away. tokyo hosted the last to for sold out concerts saturday evening. so i
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haven't really watched american football until now, but because taylor's boyfriend place finally watched it, he did the question on so many lips after this last gig in tokyo will a private plane get her back in time too, as she has in the past joined other players, girlfriends, wives and family for the game. she should make it. and that's good news even for those who don't count themselves as swift ease. she will be in the house, the building for the super bowl, but i mean, i think periods and they will bring a new i to the sport. i think there will be a lot of women who will probably shift their attention to football. we should all be so lucky that we'd have a significant other wanted to support us in our job. right. the super bowl hardly needs to be additional tight offered by a pop culture romance. but since city las vegas isn't about to turn away from the
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attention. so naturally we need more on this run, say, ice on veto is a pop culture coming to from washington dc. we austin, who is the biggest winner in this love to say the nfl or taylor swift daniels the biggest winner by far to research has generated over $330000000.00 embed value since she started attend the games last fall. and so definitely, i think you, if we, if we're, if we're trying to you and the rate by far the nfl is, is, is winning the most september 24th 2023 was the biggest day for transactions across all 32 franchises. and that was the 1st day to assist attending the game that was televised. so i mean the to suit the fact is real and i'm sure that they all just left to the bank right now as pop culture come inside of that run. say i think be talking to sylvia. now billions of people are celebrating the luna new year. it's an especially important holiday in chinese culture. the deputies fairly common reports now from a temple in hong kong way of rivers mock, the changing count,
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a mrs. house phone call writing saying that yeah, off the track and thousands of people flocks to this famous temples, to offer the fast in says at the altar at midnight to mass, the very beginning of new the new year as a traditional ritual worship us belief as early as a mix, that offerings the best of luck they will have in the yeah. has is also the 1st new . yeah. well we can find people to sell a price without the mosque again, from hong kong yourself. how soon we cover that quickly? no, no, no. yeah, it's all about good fortune and blessings. many of the people here tell us it's not only something that appraisal themselves, but also the city. because the previous year was a pop one for home comb. it's economic expense performance. what way was then all of his major competitors? um, there are also ongoing concerns over outlook, especially when china is also struggling with it's slow down,
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not to mention the photo tightening of political control so that people now have to tell us to take a rest and your life with families. but also, hopefully won't the time is striking symbolizes that is cosivity and strength in the upcoming. yeah. so they become in home, come late for us before we go. kind of hole in rio is the world's most famous street party, but it's not just for people. the resume to present in cities, full legged residents also get disrupt this stuff. each sunday leading up to the kind of all dogs pressed as princesses, superheroes, video, game characters, and even celebrities, one and all of that is pride by alongside the runners and blackout. and couple, combined at one of the cities most beloved, non straight bodies that looks like kind of well as officially. going to, the dogs brought a reminder at the top story. before we go, i'd agencies warning of blooming catastrophe in the plant is rarely offensive against rafa. in southern gauze,
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the city is the last refuge for huge numbers of displaced posting watching date of the news from the, the not next full slide for companies that gyptian rhythmic gymnastics star rama on the request for gold at the special olympics in the, to the forget you can get much more info on that website at any time that's at the w dot com. i'm anthony. how'd stay with us if you kept the secret lie behind these discover new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating boats. heritage slowly dw world heritage 360. now the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire,
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