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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 11, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the the, this is the deadline use live from building fee is a venue is rarely offensive in southern gaza agencies born of a catastrophic situation in rafa city that's become the last refuge for huge numbers of displaced palestinians. and in german football. a big blow for bind meetings, carnival hopes. why let the keys and humble the running champions, 3 meals twice and a 5 point cap at the top of the buddhist lake advice highlights coming up later in the shop the
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. i'm anthony. how'd welcome. i'd agencies and eric blade is a warning of a looming catastrophe and israel's plan defensive on rafa in southern gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered civilians to leave before the assault begins. more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians, uh, sheltering in the city as israel battles from us, which many countries classify as a tara organization, palestinians more in the dead. in rafa, outside one of the last, partially functional hospitals, inside the gaza strip. according to the mos run health ministry, more than $28000.00 palestinians have now been killed since the fighting started 4 months ago. is really air strikes. how mold the southern border city of rasa ahead of an expected ground defensive on the densely crowded city which has become a last refuge for displaced palestinians, fleeing fighting further north. hello uh,
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in north carolina. this is the last say so on the 11th and they told us that wrap, it would be safe for a military operation. sorry to have you small cut on. and now they're saying an operation is to take place here with the home and we are supposed to leave for the account already. the notice of the sofa, nathaniel, of course we heard noise in the house statements about the evacuation of a residence from dropbox for milledgeville operation, where we came from guys i say to you, we don't know, it will go, you know, if we leave here wherever we go with our children, women, and wanted to come on an estimated 1400000 people are sheltering in rafa. many of them it makes shift tents, finding enough food, water and fuel is a daily struggle. the u. s. has warned israel, an invasion nebraska would be a disaster. a groups say it's impossible to evacuate everyone from the city. the
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e u n. d u n. are also expressing alarm at israel's plans to evacuate rafa in order to root out from us militants. it says our hold up there, the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, say the unprecedented density of our offers population, make it nearly impossible to protect civilians in the event of ground, a tax. oh, just as a congestion in rough has reached a point where normal routes are blocked by tents set up by families seeking any flat clean surface available. roughly is the last major pop you nation center in the gaza strip. is really troops have yet to enter. it's also the main point of access for desperately needed relief supplies. the family of a 6 year old palestinian guild, who had called rescue was the help 12 days ago. say she has been found to date and read job was trapped in a call with the bodies of did relatives. after they had tried to flee gaza and came
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on to fly. 2 paramedics from the palestinian red crescent, went to rescue him. they have also thing founded your organization released footage of what it says is the band out ambulance. it has accused israel of targeting. the ambulance is ralph military has not commented the as well. notions boiling either on the streets of tel aviv with demand full prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. 136 hostages are still being held by him. us in gaza and their families blocked a main highway on saturday night. lighting bone flies, an angry crowd matched on military headquarters. that's date the police been presuming reports. many as riley's fed up. the battle lines are drawn between the demons, sprinklers, and police. a 1000 strong crowd outside military headquarters. police are now moving in some of the votes,
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back to the do the protests as things are raging tipping point here until i be the new taking away well, throughout the day they showed the police shame on you. what they're doing is there a talking posters and a resting peaceful protestors. and attacking them, choking them, trampling them, doing exactly what you would expect from a corrupt militia in uh, in uh, the custodial country. and now they're using a lot of these horses. you do not need to do that in order to uh, see the streets the products have been de peaceful. they've also been growing every week and becoming more and more political. this was a very suited shop just 4 months ago. they were dealing with a 12 or of october 7,
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dealing with the war against thomas. now that you are, is pointed directly at the is way the government this parliament devised right now is the government of criminals and department of criminals, which are busy like rubbing the economy of the state to and taking care of the private interest instead of taking care of the state, which is really what we need to right now. just up the road, the families of hostages block a highway, sitting phone fires of legs. they want the immediate release of the captives the same message a kilometer away. it had been a square residence of tel aviv tell me about the fuse res wally and palestinian lights. i am here because i am a i am a strongly against the violence that keeps happening. but does the 3 is that is right and citizen i'm,
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i'm devastated to leave my life normally. while this is happening an hour away from me, the situation is just unbearable. the government we have here is just destroying to count tree is drawing the center of my children. we are in a situation that is so sad and so deeply, deeply disturbing that we just cannot continue to stay home and not say anything. we need to have elections. never ever so many people have died and is rarely one war. and this is one government that is in charge for this. and they're not taking any responsibility for what happened. and it's unbelievable. 126 things of how much longer, who's making young, who's coalition last us. all right, here's a look now some of the other stories making headlines around the world opposition
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supporters in pakistan have been protesting delays and the release of election results from a prime minister theme or on com and now was shareef. had both claimed victory, independent candidates, backed by the and prisons kind of won the most states. but sherry's muslim league has a much does the biggest single part of the military doing to and man has declared mandatory military service for all young men and women. according to state media, this applies to maine age 18 to 35 and women from 18 to 27. and my has been highly unstable since i 23 years ago. and the job to is struggling to contain uprising around the country voters in finland, going to the polls on sunday to elect a new president. the campaign and the notary nation has largely sainted on the security threat posed by tonight the russia. one of these 2 men will lead nato's newest member from a prime minister alexander still, or form
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a foreign minister. how this though, they agree on the most pressing issues for voters to go into border with russia and support for ukraine. just such a degree of it's a difference of style and perhaps a little bit this taste as well. they represent very well. they have very similar positions when it comes to the key issues. how much when, when should invest in defense? how tough it should be with why shot i might tough what to do with your plan, how to support it and so forth on but, but perhaps the difference is on the level of values. still good finished politics in 2017. he says rough shows invasion of ukraine made him good on of his rival harvest or negotiated finland's accession to nato and has promised to think a hard line against its giant eastern neighbor. cuz he said, if elected,
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he will be confidence. post open, you get president. yeah, i think what type really paid attention to the is obviously hobbies the sexuality and discussion around that. and also because it has to be very, very uncalled for to even bring that into the discussion obviously. so even if you would not bring that up as an issue in finland, the president leads foreign and security policy. he was of as commander in chief and we represent the nation at natal meetings. one of his 1st task will be managing for lynch, integration into the lines. i'm gary and president candidly novak has resigned following public outrage that was spot by who decision to bottom amend implicated in a child sexual abuse case. novak is a full month family policy, administer,
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and plus ally prime minister, victor, olga, congress presidents bins, public pressure to support an accomplice in a child sexual abuse case in her resignation, speech donation castle. and novak said she had made a mistake. i looked on up at the gate, i apologize, but there is, i've heard it from end to end as victims who may have felt that i'm not standing up for them. have the same end will be for the protection of children and families. sec. last week, hon. gary and journalist revealed know if i could pardon the form a deputy director of a children's home in april last year. the man had been convicted of covering off his bosses, sexual abuse of children residing. the young arians have been protesting in the thousands, demanding novak step down and
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a change to the system that allowed her to make the cold at the end. and i'm glad that you quit, but i think things on. so this way mcdonough, you'd have to have to resign and she'll have benefits on like body guard, housing, any money for the rest of a lot actually paying? and she says, so what when you're hungry is presidency is a largely ceremonial role. but novak was the close ally of conservative prime minister ethic to old, on who has routinely campaigned against l. g, b, c, to activists. that he accuses endangering children in a b to contain the damage full bond on thursday submissions, a constitutional amendment to parliament. so that to remove the president's rights, departing crimes against children with all the hey, is it that the scandal is a set back, so old on speed test, positive that is now facing public outrage? had to be you elections in june to some support now and by let the keys and have struck a crucial blow in a quest to on st by munich, as boone as like
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a champions fiscal came off the i, the minutes for the home side, right back you'll substances, it's the wine sent out on mine to lay the keys, and understandably, didn't want to celebrate off the scoring against these employees. let occasion might have to nail off the nice until i finished beautifully. same time crowd into wrenches. then jeremy frame pump added a 3rd and stuff each time in to anything that i have to buy and take, the men will know i had gone out for a blind corner. the result means that occasion i've been a 5 point, get a blind at the top, the type and after a disaster has not for his new club english drug and harry kind spoke about what the result means for blinds chances of winning a 12 straight gym. title at what point by now, but it's still a lot of days ago, so there's one that we wanted a different outcome. but we have to focus on the time is really nice. guy was a little games replaced. we have to make up as many points. think we struck
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a hairy time there after a bad night for blind. now, before we go kind of out in the rio is the world's most famous st potty. because we're about to say it's not just people. people are still in cities, full legged residents, also get to struck this stuff each sunday, leading up to kind of a dogs dressed as princesses, superheroes, video, game, characters, and even celebrities. for right alongside the owners in the block hall in conflict, obama, one of the city's most beloved kind on st. potties proof that the count about has officially gone to the dogs. and on that note, you're watching data, but the news from early enough next up program reported tells into sedans, forgotten, conflict, the civil war at a sliced eye. but 10000000 people don't forget a website as always they,
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at any time united as d, w dot com. and i'll be back in 45 minutes with another boat and start with the certificate. the business stars is we started to understand clearly and what you need to do for us. ukraine was a symbols, are we moving towards europe or not? the 2015. the still is afraid. democracy protest in ukraine as a country response to ukraine's disputes are free to ship to west have recognized the danger and the terms of being photos on the signs with us.


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