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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 11, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin. fierce avenue is really offensive in southern gaza agencies worn of a catastrophic situation and rough on the city that's become the last refuge for huge numbers of displace palestinians. also coming up tensions between police and protesters and television as hundreds march on israel's military headquarters. after 126 days of war, their anger is directed at the prime minister netanyahu and they're calling on him to resign. plus it's time for the advocate, a couple of nations spinal ivery codes for children's have turned around on the
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football pitch. but can they keep it up against nigeria and become the 1st team in a generation to host and toys? because the article for at least welcome to the show agencies and world leaders are warning of a looming catastrophe. and israel's plan defensive on rough on in southern gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, is really forces are working on a plan to evacuate civilians before the assault begins. more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians, or sheltering in the city as israel battles, tomas, which many countries classify as a terrorist organization. the palestinians more than the dead in rough uh outside one of the last partially functional hospitals,
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inside the gaza strip. according to the mos run health ministry, more than $28000.00 palestinians have now been killed since the fighting started 4 months ago. is really airstrikes how old the southern border city of rossa ahead of an expected ground defensive on the densely crowded city which has become a last refuge for displaced palestinians fleeing fighting further north. hello uh, in north carolina. because this is the last say so on the 11th, and they told us that wrap, it would be safe for military operations as long as you have your small cut under and open. now they are saying an operation is to take place here with the home and we are supposed to leave for the account already. and the so has nothing. you know, of course, we heard noise in the house statements about the evacuation of a residence from rock fox for milledgeville operation where we came from guys i say to you, we don't know, it will go, you know, her. and if we leave here,
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when we go with our children, women, and wanted to come on an estimated 1400000 people are sheltering and rossa many of them, it makes just tense, finding enough food, water, and fuel is a daily struggle. the us has warned israel, an invasion nebraska would be a disaster. a groups say it's impossible to evacuate everyone from the city, the e u and the u. n. r. also expressing alarm at israel's plans to evacuate rafa in order to root out from us militants. it says our hold up there, the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, say the unprecedented density of our offers population, make it nearly impossible to protect civilians in the event of ground, a tax oh, just as a congestion and rough as reached a point where normal routes are blocked by tents set up by families seeking any flat clean surface available. roughly is the last major pop you solution center in
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the gaza strip is really troops have yet to enter. it's also the main point of access for desperately needed released supplies. earlier i asked our correspond atanya kramer in jerusalem, where people in russell are supposed to go now with a potential evacuation looming to. well, this is the question that everybody's of course asking, and we don't know much more except for this announcement of that a and prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that he had a the is where the military and the security stopped us meant to double up a lot of times to evacuate the population out of the office. he said no again in an interview with abc that they will be some sort of a safe passage. so that's would be something we've seen, of course before. you know, when people were told to, to leave from the northern areas towards the middle in central areas and then to
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the southern areas. but again, where would people go? this is the big question. now this is the southernmost city in the gaza strip. you just heard it also in the report and saw it that i spoke also to people in the office in the past days. they're very, extremely boring. many of them have been displaced many times. and it's not that it's a very, it's just the face of space and gulf of a. there's also evelyn bergman's, a going on in that area. and they just simply don't know where the over 1000000 people, 1400000 people estimates to be in the area would be about create to, to. and the also should not forget this as a major area, but also the 8 distribution and humanitarian aid comes in for some of the 8 agencies that's already very difficult to reach out to the displaced a population that was an overcrowded city that's not made. and it's infrastructure
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to host so many people is also in this area in golfer. what exactly is israel hoping to achieve with a ground defensive in rough or what? again, what you've heard again and again during this war and permanent stability minutes and you all made it very clear. and this statement that he says that cannot be um victoria without going into what he always describes as a full victory overhung us without going also into a lot software. you said that would be uh, there are several battalions left off from us know as well. it has not achieved that goal yet to reach the how much leadership that is and goals are, you know, they have said previous to you there and goes to the city, then it went down to con units where there's a major operation going on. and now they want to go to a us off. so this is the main goal. that's what he has said from the beginning that
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this is a to a chief, a full victory overcome us. many of israel's closest partners have, of course, expressed their concern and advice israel to ask more prudently that was tanya kramer in jerusalem. thanks for that update. meanwhile, the family of a 6 year old palestinian girl who had called rescuers for help 12 days ago and said she has been found dead. and red jop was dropped in a car with the bodies of her dead relatives. after that, they tried to flee garza city and came under fire. 2 paramedics from the palestinian red crescent, went to rescue and they've also been found dead organization released footage of what it says is important out ambulance. it has accused israel of targeting the ambulance. israel's military is not yet commented. no, the emotions are boiling over on the streets of tel aviv with demands for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. a $136.00 hostages are still being held by
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her loss, and garza and their families are running out of patience. dozens blocked a major highway on saturday night lighting bonfires. an angry crowd marched on military headquarters, demanding a deal with a loss to free. the remaining hostage as the w spend for google and reports. the battle lines are drawn between the demons, sprinklers, and police. a 1000 strong crowd outside military headquarters. police are now moving in some of the votes back to do the protests as things are raging, tipping points here until i be the new taking away. well. throughout the day they showed the police shame on you. what they're doing is they're attacking
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posters and arresting peaceful uh, protesters, and attacking them, tilting them, trampling them, doing exactly what you would expect from a corrupt melisha in uh, in uh, the custodial country. and now they're using a lot of these horses. you do not need to do that in order to clear the streets. the products have been de peaceful. they've also been growing every week and becoming more and more political. this was a very suited stop just 4 months ago. they were dealing with a 12 or of october 7, dealing with the war against hom. us now that you are, is pointed directly at the is where the government this parliament devised right now is the government of criminals and department of criminals, which are busy like rubbing the economy of the state and taking care
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of the private interest instead of taking care of the state, which is really what we did right now. just up the road, the families of hostages block a highway sitting bone fires of legs. they want the immediate release of the captives the same message a kilometer away. it had been the square presidents of television. tell me about the fuse res rarely and palestinian lights. i am here because i am a i am may strongly against the violence that is happening, but does the 3 as that is right and citizen i'm, i'm devastated to leave my life normally. while this is happening an hour away from me, the situation is just unbearable. the government we have here is just destroying the country, destroying the future of my children. we are in a situation that is so sad and so deeply, deeply disturbing that's we just cannot continue to stay home and not say anything
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. we need to have elections. never ever so many people have died in israel and one war. and this is one government that is in charge for this and they're not taking any responsibility for what happened. and it's unbelievable. 126 things of what. how much longer netanyahu's coalition lost into the world's football now were ivory coast and nigeria, men's national teams are preparing for the africa a couple of nations final post ivory coast are hoping to feel an extraordinary come back after being on the brink of illumination, several times during the tournament, but there are steps to face stiff competition from nigeria who can see that just one goal in their last 5 matches. tens of millions of fans are expected to watch the finale of africa's biggest tournament across the continent and beyond.
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journalist, i'm so no molly is reporting from i've been john in ivory coast and he told me how the team made it to the final after a rather rocky start. now it's came not just on the plot of goals that struggled at some point. it appeared that we're going to be booked it out all the competition. and so for that much between moral and some the way more real quick, just a heads up. yeah. the me that, that's victory to get them into the 2nd route i problem. then he's been there will of course the right at some point as a matter of fact. so they have to suck be a coach because of the quotes or the results. uh, the with bitten for nearby control, getting in the same group the where with nigeria and eventually pulled through. uh it gets in into the quarter finals, the semi finals. and yeah, we are talking about fi do at the end to find those. i'm almost looking at taking the cup, so it's it's, it's been a journey for the host nation. cut the,
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what the support by the funds has a massive, i mean, you, you, as early as 5 be and this morning right from my accommodation. when do i, i start a hearing sofas ellis all over the place with a match that's gonna take place at about 20 hours, gmc, so it's the excitement is real and the funds have been speaking with and the last couple of these optimistic that the have full it takes for them to win again, that's what grade was of nigeria, but ivory coast come back from the bring hasn't been the only surprise and this year's tournament has it. absolutely not. i mean, there's been since several, several silver teams, but again, to just put it into a proper perspective that these missions cabassos listed in teams that i would consider less funds the most highly rated. if you look at the rankings on the feasible uh, rankings as, as put out by the good, by the world problems, what do people have with since then progressed through you talk about country like
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to bird, you will look at a country that lead the dispatch. yes. to be the cool. and then of course the flip side of it is you see big countries like to meet the like, oh jerry, i like the defending champion, sending go egypt. when would most of all put that out? at some point in the competition couldn't make it positive quarter finals. so it's a bit of competition that come with this one drama, the credible headlines, some fantastic finish the late nights. i mean the lip, lip minutes finish a, you know, it's been a week the tournament to that scene and you'll just be come back. but of course, threw up some interesting headlines. and the last 30 days of this tournament. yeah, there's so much to talk about. but we're unfortunately running out of time. so tell me who is your favorite before tonight? briefly? i mean, i mean i juliet, i mean i love nature to your the so you know, that is what i did best and we'd really well hope to see it. but if i'm testing up, find out later tonight,
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it really is entry file that was during list assumption on my end, which on and thank you so much i. it is dw news from berlin up next doc film looks at people smuggling in west africa and the similarities with the 16th century slave trade. we'll have more news for you at the top of the next hour and a half to see that the ice cold b. jessica new, an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dos much the on the w, the.


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