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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  February 11, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm CET

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the, the distributors, look into time pretty much it was just was us getting with the kids, you know, when was that? i was like, you said it's ultimate. yeah. ok. good good. showing up as a child prodigy or one second and learning to deal with stage fright and stephen, vita of tiny house in germany, 3 professionals discuss the personal side of
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a music career. steven is the director of feed, told him the best fun by day and a talk show host in the evening with cohort lane cocoa place to viola and things and blends classical music and pop in their projects. together, they're hosting new sessions and stevens tiny house. ringback such as done, i duck and at the age of just 11. then i began studying a one of jeremy's most prestigious music academies paving the way for a stellar career. then i joins cocoa and steven to talk to. ringback and make music in the tiny house this session isn't that it? yeah. it yeah, yeah, yeah. is there someone that i be on your expedition has to be under slips. well, uh the cool cool. tiny house is we have some uh wow. yeah.
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so this guys caught up the the good the
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as well as yeah, that's what it is. yeah, yeah. most of my boston best lot. i page one minorities committees. this is english and completeness. the existing on says, i believe this of up to me semester, you wow. i know that you've been know yet and that will finding young or is
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becoming please get up on um yeah, it has the fusion plastic. oh good timing. has to be totally back home and the clothes that i'm good is, is a hard to, i'm putting this by on the my son's name is i and then your boss in the kitchen. bowen's a lot to know of to just put a yeah. good. not even us list was mr. hosting thoughtful mind, excused isn't media how coats in from tons of books. yes. and the so this is, i do these things that's what's happening. i did is that when you come to the most in this find who is the most part. okay. and most of that comes out got out of prison on. so looks good. now it'd be happening. it's, let's do both of us on a do cation created in while you're most is off of the index will be in the show. and in on me thinking that i might not even understand the class session was emailing on. indeed,
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an invest any of the kind of stuff the phone has is the so does the see the i'm workshops who is you know, for ending z 9 z z. i no clue to 5 such a little that easy and simple as we ship the mice 3 does. if i am a set sheila team on does has nothing short concepts. let's do any didn't time just the, i little should it yet to because i'm, you provided the quote. yeah, it's no, no, no, no collision has a, some of these types of in the she knows what else i may think that'd be boxed up. some type of carpet on a festival of us to get going to test that, you know, as an assessment, as heavy set on since thinking minds. i'm administer best the content in multi verse on deck. look at then combine this isn't when as an argument, the sand team doesn't look like the mid classic since i've been this, the stein i just got it does, it's in the do you know the book, lindsey with me on the isn't when didn't stand him is that you do this, so nobody knows monkey out of consent to it and also type in half and you buy it
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that way. it is a way to knock business. yeah. and it's 10 to investors. these keys are, you know, as the more you voice the, the stuff in the mid assess for the mountain is my i q means f one to, to kind of understand as a, that's just a lot of movie ons. why this is i just, i just asked the guy and it just has to be stuck to phone at the spot. so it hasn't been seen as a cause of death to getting onto your who pulled the switch. things peanuts on the smooth, via fillings, english class divided hits missing you know, interested in on i saw in a positive again, cause chopin's with the most of us, yet phones kind of use it as nasa vendor position works. i guess the issue is by some of the other was it kind of been under pop time with by side comes with your time, the i'm was into having him 0 fee to 10 to land on the, to his consent. aguilar must come then vice means to have someone was visiting with somebody because it was thrown at a time as a come to because you guys have got to finish a hot and bon because i need more. that's what's it, what's to come?
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20 it was and then it's concept to come ones and just use a guy. is that the getting the collection was because this on vaudeville type a vehicle and we've been pending in on time as we come in. as soon as of the, at least i miss to meet. i'm so been to must be how to get my employer the most of all the kinda a tune of them. how would he even highlight the in with us consume him if he likes to? i'm putting this lead on, that's how many i listen. i'm in the can because it's showing behind because this is hard to see. thing was equal to close to. so i know even that to kind of tune each time to such a good thing and proclaiming who is this is class i as this in the evening of demons is in feeds. and putting beaks from a flushed in kind of lunch might be some huffman shot, some kind of tough chips and come on zoomed for life and beat my phone is the most awesome, was it for 10 years? if i'm fast enough, behind some must be of and an zillow is incomplete. my dog
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a hot, and i bought an acid and you'll be some classic of the flu of items in there isn't yeah, festival league. and so the, so i guess like the ok, so it's been a little faster than thousands to all to west side of it. i'm sort of contest on its way via on sale. find both of us sooner. stick fund deal. it's 5 slash patients . i need some extra fun because these are meant to ask you as an assistant, stick it off assistant him by that coughing doesn't matter. but those are the instruments of himself. the
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4:40 pm
this is your yeah, this is a to a, this is a and you guys want anything from the customer here. i'm committing no problem. so that's essentially often
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does it as a success uses 6 have a signed photo from the other side. yeah. but yeah, i'm on the dos and side, so there's a ton and to design is for the to us as you all have a better sense of, of the i a, in her know, i'm pre college or friends. you know, it's just you but i, i'm not as long as i is getting out of the dentist and just soon as i'm done mining could have you professor, would call me manual sooner. so kimberly speaking yeah, good. now as the patient goes, that kind of gets rid of all the time. and even if it's an institute for human rights is the one that flew studio. absolutely. and the reason i think, i think is to see what happens is so it's yeah, 510 inch me. that was, that is going to go. and i don't i thought it was though i worked for 3 months to
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come. yeah. the house that's the do not smoke, babies dying in each version of them was each tv. because this, this one's done means any voice who called on the 1st estimate us each location toner was the one that's the wall. okay. the that's the big from the other mountains of food as can be guns. few. all right. the license coming up with a suitcase design or the the oven teenager games in the movement. hobbies to the helped me cisco food app, this new innovation. and i found it interesting in getting tired each other. i can just please and leave us a few minutes on those highs. associates of consent and the non associates without mason can always buy with that thought. since they are competent t for to look for cost, of course the, the yeah. as a figure for it. as it goes either in the combining says that he doesn't miss
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improving. pollution is good. now if he needs it too much, if you have the time is accessing frustrating that well done site and i know i took a notice, it was just not hiding on the feeling was on the contents of focusing desmond, the hudson and alyssa came up with an ass, i just finished and included because somebody's got i think on my that that's a, that's a problem. and then lot of submission would say a few tests supplement and hook latent. but have you felt as computer assisting adult coach duncan and have in the moment to discuss the gap is eligible mentor, which does have to have a specific help. there is a couple of information about language. i don't think he's available is ultimate to football. yeah, we're also gonna save fluids as well as that, and that goes on these items or when they can adapt anyone's advice that is against the window can. so i guess yes, this is our team off i. let's see, i see the else the highest on this is the mine is athens of and i'll say i would say close, excuse me, with these and to let me see under it isn't flash voiced everybody can still we got
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to the fathers by dia, as it is so important and that's the work treated us vaughn, who connection to typing in boxes. that's my views can when they can, you know, as soon as i this is, you know, we're not, can exhibit us money. it's a good $11.00 plus it's got some kind of experience itself cuts as a new months kind of kind of used period component in the math on it from the high end using but stick to it of the end of this month, i guess because it goes to that one. if you remember it had to be, it says as a box and that you move how these dolphins and months appear. and yeah, as of it happens. so now is this promotion will not kick and that's when i'm on the race to go by swimming all season to the house. so call me when i get this. yeah, no, you're totally totally non tenant to the listen. and this is my dad loves as a zion vic in on. that's my humble for money,
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but it's like the size institution doesn't apply twice those investments, my dad and then him was the college station last semester. and then the self confidence in his getting was as a longer, as well as a console facing student. and i thought i was working on it. yeah, i can get a $100000.00 would be difficult. was it going to take this long and divide it? or we get to see if i didn't even so i lot, i mean, how many of them out of snippets i have to go that's also gone the moon. so i'm todd has the same cover me up to lots and with the shape is harmful, then the set size off. select the gibbons ok. and what kind of loan here. so
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totally welcome to the the it. but if you listen to this this the okay. so wow, mothers, the blueness of causing the addition of the item, concept, the state. but as you will have many us tucker state about almost 150 can be said for the message the night before the ridgemont committees may get the has to do some i'm or the thing of one disappeared. oh dispute and this other last name i put the display of the subtle how dismissal my he has a condition hold up to this intervention so you can test me to the other. do side know has this month like this meet the need. and so anybody test this one that's my
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if i see it as a function in these bas yeah, or defend this do is spend sufficient and that's and i'm concentric flats that oh as a mission, does this of a how nice yeah. photos as well too much then. yeah, as the infinitive assigned the shit of an issue. and then after that you don't use mac cuz that's the political data assessors. they did mostly specified location by the sensors on feedback to me. so as a school count on free of us. yeah. oh, uh, how much going on because in immunization, storage has been a little bit on the sites and those all standish is positive. you know, i've seen applause. so i'm gonna condense on. i live on the lawsuit, the canal ivy of. what is the the you know, there was months ago on the subject of the height is of a could be the good. yeah. you know, the, when this, letting these on this enough to catch a few that leash least of this. yeah,
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i think that's built, he's like a shift to the other historians. i don't think one of them was a tons of us psychotics, google, and as most of us 5 either use this woman had. so i'm based as low as its finished assist. mazique sure. you don't mind english one the seriously started mission. so unless the best link to you know, by monday so, so this thing little cannot no you know the best and then the yes. so then stick come, that's acceptable. but i also do have, oh yeah that's, that's the estimate. as soon as you, i'd like to know if i can get it. yeah, that's what it needs that. yeah, it's up to. there's tons deserve lot me to still do it. i can today. she knows a lot about the greek custom fit on this and see if it's actually tons the me it's not i meant to bob. i had it should be good. hm. the
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or the
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yeah. yeah. is this a dispute? yeah. the bones. yes. cuz a lot of things just have them on the mazes most the yeah. the items, everything is box of course. yeah. and have done then youtube center, the phone was off and they gave us up to the fort and have some tea. my love seat on the books as low as festival, please never realize of i hope nothing but then of putting that as a love for you. but it's because of you that spirit on a heating husband,
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the to me is based as all that. so an existing point is to sell it this, which is the $75.00 to $5.00. justin doesn't i mean kick mazda status, a 15 of associates as in once a month. so how's of what kind of look does best use this, this month? lantham, it's a positive, intervene light such as just a simple so this is in my try for myself. and those are also you get the last ations. uh, even getting out and i was kind of off the time who is working on stuff to do now i'm leaving to tie. that's because them and then it's been a time to tons of our staff is kind of familiar with those. you know, as far as i can sort it out for me to come in the opposite. c o u for talk is sort of down as flu. isaac instead of just brings up the concept that's loading it up. and while it was me for them by having single pockets, this is significant savings. also i the visual such as he does is me sign high, puts in a put, you know,
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going out in scotland in this infinity then was equal. and so the patient is this nancy to go through the house, push as and as all that's a very good. let's go there, support them. so if i spoke to central as long as the music guys county. absolutely . then there's a lot in a few buttons and you got to move in. it just says, i'm an ad offices. i'm of my. phone's the best. the advice i know, i'm so busy is yet these in the i can send them visas in lindsey manhattan. decode . yeah, but it says unable to, to near that soon that i can take this test and it says those are covered ink that is just as close a tearful ones when this thing, since this dispute in the end of an oregon almost so sense i suppose to get some bias, this thing come to cut into each movie. it's kind of confused on the notes. i've used august on the monday i must have steve or not since you've been assigned this other stuff. kind of him as a freshman. yeah, i'm the, i'm how is for the specific answers based on the spacing of get out,
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let's this finish, nothing for ya. tons fun, manuel it, if i yeah. give us a got a nice the or the
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lice i was maybe i would have to go through the lock. it was yes, the amended the policy is the most on how to i was in the files. excuse me, the yeah, yeah, that's all that's why does it take care of that? was it still gonna be the highest? it doesn't bother you on a team team to have it for the therapist, for staffing data. or you guys close at the time that the
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4:57 pm
the, the actual actual to the last thing with big diesel i shall skied on my shelves. there is nothing the means stores across you to buy for smartphones are conquering the film industry and 9 jerry and he's at the full front j o. u r. donald, on the news. bunch of revolution in all the words of free mags. in 30 minutes on the w. specialties. symbols unusual sized with luxury and
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flavored with the touch of i'm kind of mary excellent. they're all they actually setting up your to save your mac in 90 minutes on the w. a dw sure. on fix all the info. every day, the world wide web for free comes we can take the different w call, the world, unpack pulse of your info and all the input your w started. now once it
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started, we started to understand clearly and watching. nice. uh, do you was, ukraine was assembled, are we moving towards europe or not? the 2013 system is afraid democracy protests in ukraine. the country response to your price to ship to west has recognized the danger and the terms of being foretold on the funds with us who really understand this are easily fail. uh, we will lose our concepts, euro my done stops february 17th on dw, the
5:00 pm
this is dw news live from berlin does the, on the brink of more destruction come off, says that is really air strikes, have killed 2 more hostages before unexpected ground assault on process israel says it will help civilians to leave also coming up hundreds, march on israel's military headquarters, intel of being after 126 days of war. opponents call on prime minister netanyahu to resign. and in german football, a big flow for buyer and unix title hopes buyer labor, cruise and humble, the reigning champions 3 now to open a 5 point.


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