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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  February 11, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm CET

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of the treasure map for martin globetrotters. describe it as some of us wriggled, begging sites on youtube. and also the this is data medias, africa coming up on the program could set a goal the reversing its democratic gains. president mackey solves decision to delay this month's elections has sparked angle fulton parliament and on the streets . we discussed what this means for the countries debility also coming up kind of goals office to join. the protest movement worried that the current situation paints a grims picture of the countries democracy. and the mike's off on, we look at the rise of podcasting in africa and hear from some of the people making their voices heard and making a living from it. the
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and the i'm told me on lady ball, welcome to the program to the outside world center goal has appeared to be one of west africa is more stable democracies at least until now. but internally, the political scene is in town while the country was supposed to be having elections and just over 2 weeks time. but president mackie saw who was due to step down instead, postpone the exercise. and that sparked angle security forces removing opposition. members from the chamber as they try to block the vote. president mark you saw had ask parliament to prove the lee of the upcoming elections or with these pati holding majority in parliament, the bill quickly passed. the opposition has called the move constitutional cool.
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but the president denied he was clinging to office with my boss. for my pock, my solemn commit, but not to run in the presidential election remains unchanged. so i will engage in an open national dialog zillow to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent, and inclusive election process, but on it includes the early of the constitutional code at disqualified civil presidential candidates, including the man endorsed by the president marcus saw said that iraqi laboratories in the registration of candidates meant the elections had to be postponed. scenic all has been seen as a beacon of peace and stability in west africa. obviously some candidates see that image is not tonisha. to be in this country that was
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a champion of democracy in a country that had become a benchmark in africa and the world was a country respected by all and everywhere. but what has happened to bring us to this point, he will not marry as a suggestion, but seeing the goal has seen its fair share of turmoil. in recent months, demonstrators and opposition members have been arrested and killed, fueling more tension. they planning on keeping the just the beginning, the beginning, they going to go on and on and on and on. we don't know. so we'll do everything we want to prefer election election that's all we want. we don't want anything else. not the, the senate goals appointment with democracy has been delayed. many he a fee to that market song at best has said a worrying sign, and at worst is boring from the playbook of his autocratic neighbors.
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so has a mackey, sol changed his mind. the box, spring and power. i put that question to lie to your team from the grey institute in com. the speed she repeated that he's not supposed to stay. so once leave, that is what you said. even he was having to speak to the, to the center of the nation. and he or no that must have decided not to run for said to him. but uh, what happened really is that is the pressure at the most no, nothing, no labor that makes him uh, dropped the decision to run for sending it to him. but what do you see now that he's not really yet to include the power? because uh today, uh, he wants to stay 10 more months and a lego the he's, he's monday he's supposed to and at the april the 2nd and that from
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a negative view to print and i'm sending the money stays the costs, which invalid login to stay aspirated that's coming up. now, what is going to be done? i have a date from april. the 2nd you don't know. yes. but what the issue is, uh, a guy as a lot of people who say that the we are, we don't use that to use not really yet to. we're not gonna sions. because as you may know, he's not pointing towards that term, but i'm about to use the prime minister today. he's the one who's chosen drunk for addiction to the for the, for the, for the, for the property and power. and i think that the as some, some, some, some, some pro, some studies ada shows. if you can ask questions today a few minutes. and that is why you decided to pay the preference out because the going to use it in there because the body of everybody to accept and use his uh, decision because uh, i think the uh, the people that you put to get the body to run for an action as the president.
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right. so where do we think this is heading? we've seen some of the anger out in the streets. we're seeing politicians as well. express the the outrage. um, will this be settled in the street so in the quotes. oh yeah, yeah, definitely a hobby. i think 2 strategies. the 1st one is uh the, the, the uh, the uh, the quotes he did at the election gonna happen and that's a very defend finance. and now, so you can finding the position. i haven't been complain. and requested by the authorities, because that is supposed to have those complained because then it showed up us phone by the, by the problem. and this 1st day that this was, this was for the sunday this sunday. there were some uh, some, some people in the person who i received because they decide to do to do the
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company and most of them were i received about they were leased at 25. i was later this a good spot to use that to go to court. because today this decision has to be confirmed by the customer code. then uh they have protested to decal simple to say that they have to come to this decision made by the right person and confirm by the bye didn't. that's not something because the support app is for the. ready costio console, and now they have not the, the suite trying to help the company. but at the same time, and i've done some purpose where they've got us here to corporate countries. this is the president. i'm just wondering synagogue for a long time, at least from the outside, has been seen by many as a beacon of democracy in, in, in the region where we see trouble. we see military coups and, and things like that. but if this view actually misguided, it has some of goals, democracy actually be at being as stable as the outside world seems to think to
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i think i think that is uh, that is the mentality that the, the, the actual present did not really uh, uh many things because uh since you got it, you see, and we'll, we'll see, we'll see as, as some more of them crossing the stuff we got. if you see the countries around and ago they have gone through. uh, who did the honda go onto? uh uh see if you have going through. uh uh, anything enterprises. it may not be those to show even uh that i have. i assume that democrats is not really uh, something really vista humphrey, and uh, synagogue. it was quoted as an example because you have gone to, uh, uh, transitions uh, apply what has come to progress. i will have the uh, pin for the use of the 5th in power done yesterday too much townhouse. com. uh what
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the present easy today is not really some deals. i take a ways to run a country because uh, as an example, i think the cd 5th is, is, is not free to why that because you're not as honest you today the hundreds and hundreds of opponents fly in jail because they just uh for 50, for the you mean by the, by the way, because the body and power uh, somebody knows odyssey or the estimate is got. so i think that's the feeling of even that is think that the numbers are having synagogue. and now what we see today is the quoted uh, uh, because uh at the present 5 decided to, to postpone the election to stay in powell for about one year. and i don't see the difference between what he has done and what is happening. now. i'm the guy, the guy in the country to decide, oh, wait a minute to read comes in and just stop to go still going on and just say that i
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would say the power from now, because legally, she doesn't have the right to stay again to. but what happens is that to data echo us, and that's going to need the, the condemned. that means that even when the printed in a, as in 5 minutes, the detect seasonal vehicle rustic what doesn't really condemn what's happening and sending it is really unfortunate because the sending of these people expecting more than that from the international companies that will be wanting to see how it unfolds. let's. let's your team senior program officer for peace building and conflict prevention at gore institute and dot com. thank you very much for that analysis. thank you. and reason he has political protests have become more common incentive goal and human rights groups have accused the countries and security forces of using excessive force the crack down on descent. while the threat of violence awaits those taken to the streets,
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some senegalese are using their odds to express their grievances as dw 0 to a report from an odd collect isn't that costs up. but normally this building is full of students learning how to express their frustration through graffiti. today, it's almost m t mobile internet switched off across the country. many people staying home, fearing violent protests, not through the co founder and teach use this for 50 to denounce this government's actions. you can see some people killing or not. i want to send this to son some one. now somebody at least 23 people died during anti government demonstrations. and this the international says some were shot by police just one
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hour of the month to finish this ad work, the well was taken down by the government. he suspects we cannot talk about democracy if it's, it's kind of example where someone by himself can decide to lead or who, who go to wall, who going to succeed or not. does not the marks we are the generations wake up beautifully and understand that something is definitely wrong and we have to change it right now or whatever you're going to call residents express the disability as much as size decisions such as easy elections when young people just press one, change the street someone to do than usual, and protest smaller than in previous yes. but many, yes, yeah. that lots of potentially more violent protests. so you have to come here, but i'm really short because i really thought we were going to vote. i've never seen anything like this on. i was born of taught independence and i never thought
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we'd lived through what we see, you know, the african countries here in center go looking for a replicant. what am i doing planted by the on off with, with get with, with terrorized because we live in complete insecurity to that. when you see the protest and what's going on here. it's difficult to live, to divide and scan stuff. we are tired of the government for the young people here . they've got the claim is, but they don't have any look. there's no work. there's nothing here. a tool. i don't pry out in the low most general cuz he don't found that. let me just tell him a little more about the south san san francisco and this video is, was about the last demonstration and set to go about telling the president to, to stop, you know, all these troubles instead of go and try to go down the situation to use that a seems that overseas with going back to 0 did yeah. why?
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the is a rep of who's thinks about the backsliding of democracy in this country. he's urging old people to come together and send up for their rights to decide about sending those future. i'm waiting for it on my side. i'm waiting for. i'm hoping i'm praying that ever senegalese is the own all these own development. and if we all believe we know what the insanity we can discuss back in must, who is ad gallery, his team of developing. then next visual stalls. i'm the president. he's the few years ago and he believes people will never be able to go outside and exposed himself on the front of paul least his life would have gone fully charge point of view. it used screaming for the center. the i was on the front line. i see that that's my, that's my personal experience. i see that this population wanted
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to be we wouldn't need any young people know exactly what they want jobs, peaceful elections, and a prosperous future. the evolution of technology is changing the way we live in many ways, including the means and manner of media consumption. podcasting is one of those sectors that is growing even in africa and it's giving content, creators, opportunities and freedom to get their voice has had the scene is also mostly led by women. as dw edith can many reports from nairobi. can you another fundamental of reach 6 for me is a the freedom to be super loud. we did t m and we were given. we may have a few to conversations, but the podcast eyes carefully to reach the image. they've disrupt up creating
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content which will be released over the coming month for the port cast, the messy in between or t m i. recently, they've been named one of africa's talk shows. they see they're offering something new for an african audience, talking about their lives in a fresh and uninhibited way that somebody who has to be like you, young adults, you know, be talking about these fuel kind of thing. the on the you with, with something in the others were like, wow, thank you for talking about these. thank you for sharing some of these things that you know, other. we made a weird, i thought i was alone. you know both the way through it. and for us i feel like those people, that's the 2nd group. they'll what people are going to you. my discusses sensitive and taboo topics in a bunch of being relax style is like no one is uploading a one for being a mom to a kid that she gave birth to. yeah. but people ultimately it's an intimate way of talking but has indeed them to a normal fun base. we'd like to create and feel tied. and so, and that's what we're doing our own individual pages like authentically creating and sharing the journey. it's in a big, vulnerable, and open way, and so we want to to, you might to be boxed but not even
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a stronger concentration and more focus, one of the struggles we might have moved across the city and younger and had team of getting a booth sweetie. to take a new media company and leak allergic to list africa to a large beauty exhibit. she started a personal podcast 5 years ago. now she runs a fully fledged media onto the prize offering training to budding podcast. so what i did is come up with that curriculum to the digital digital curriculum to coach africans on how can they make sustainable contents and then needs them to be new me, dep petition and those that we've had our own in house master classes on podcast. thing teaching about the business uncle, because a big part of sustainability is not only the content, but also how do we make sure you are making adequate revenue? seeing women make that revenue and keeping it is something close to maybe some progress hot. she works for africa part fist, which supports podcast, us in
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a range of different ways. we can see this future, this potential. but if we don't step in like in, in and talk about the money, talk about how we going to actually creates business models out of this. how we're going to make sure that the money flows in a way that sent us us the historically marginalized, you know, then it's going to pass by us pass. so we do pass and other people who kind of take it over if we have not. if they don't come and find us back at the studio, lydia and ruby rock to these shoots. we still have a 1000000 plays across various platforms. their pod cast is now able to do what most cannot pay them. let's speak now to josephine car and a co founder of africa pod fast type joe. and we also had your colleague in that reports melissa, co founder as well. and that reports just talking there about how podcasts have
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created korea's for people in kenya. you've been studying the continent and, and the trends with podcasts. what makes for a good podcast. ok, well thank you for having me. so one of the things about i'm great i frequent webcast is that it is created with the african audience in mind. so agree podcast knows exactly where it's being listened to. so you already got the idea and this name mind whether they're sitting in traffic and they will be, or they have a business in a cry or they are add, you know, somebody who's in a position of leadership in lagos, wherever the are you know, exactly how long they are going to listen to the broadcasts and why they're listening. so you've got to grab their attention in the 1st 20 seconds. if you don't have the attention, you go to start again. it's a great podcast one because it's response to the language of the person who's
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listening to that pun costs. and of course, it is rooted in the things that people love about africa, great storytelling, great accounts, great personalities. and that's what i think would make a really good um podcast. what trends are you seeing around podcasts both in terms of the way they're made, but also in terms of the way they're consumed? so that's a good point. first, we started looking at what people are thinking and consuming from a perspective of asking people, what would you like? your product has to be a favorite point, cost is talk about and the fall that people want to hear stories about what's happening in the country. what's happening in the neighborhood, what's happening in the industry, and a lot of people really enjoy listening to pop culture podcasts. be like listening to stories that don't necessarily get time on the national stations. they want to see about topics that are with sped in many contexts. and it could be everything
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from how much money do you on to what are the latest trends to what's going to be happening in 2024. so a lot of people who responded to us serve as africa pod, fast when really identifying that'd be one to see themselves in that put cost. they want to kill themselves. and then in reverse, we heard from the broadcast to say, great, we love this data. we're going to take it and we're going to amplify that what they've been doing. and so you find like the top one costs across the continent responds to people who need to really have authority to voice. is that really speak their language and understand the context. but because, you know podcasting is, is accessible, it's the whole scene is democratized in a way as let people to even say that possibly they ought to many contests. um, because of the kind of content. um, do you think this freedom in this unfiltered nature can become
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a problem as well? i mean we launched africa podcast. they have to be on february 12th of every. yeah . and every yeah, we've had some people saying, i still haven't had a podcast like the one i want to create. and so there are lots of interview style and costs like this particular interview. there's lots of people who are going into nice areas. there's a huge growth in spirituality and religion podcast of all nature's and also multi lingual podcasts going across the country, of course the continent and that's really exciting. these are generally around individuals and they use a community. so sort of this organic ground level. but how can sort of the, the biggest fish, the coal praise the n g o is the government's get involved and attract the same kind of audience and get involved in that conversation the same way. so i think i would really like people who have an, you know,
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a currency to invest in forecast to remember this is a read, we're reaching your whole audience. and we've seen this happen. they've seen heads of state, you know, go to podcast to have their, um, you know, audiences reached. we've seen that a lot of the audiences that are growing across africa, on gen z b, i, you know, the fastest growing demographic across africa. so, you know, as a person who is creating content, building around a message, if you have stories that you need to or you have to be involved in audio, we're seeing people build around the concept of the way that audio is portable and creating really like you know content that can be transferred using social apps that can be transferred even using a flash. this that's taken by um, what's a bike to the next audience? you've seen that happen and you've seen audiences really respond to that and say thank you for reaching me. where i am, so anyone who's got a, you know,
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a moment to think about where to put their advertising, where to put their people. uh, put customer is going across africa, thanks to one customer. they've been doing it. you know, in its original form, using narrative podcast, people who are award winning globally. and so there are experts from across the african forecast fees. we're making the best context readily available. if you open up our websites for point testing to africa, you'll find some of them. if you go into many, many, many parts of africa, you will find a podcasts produce that producing great content. we are excited that this is going to become a big part of what's happening across africa, but people need to be informed, you know, get knowledgeable is lots of free resources. if you know, just where to click. so it is an opportunity. i think people should take advantage of the fact that african produces, i'm needing discharge, and african markets are ready for that. okay,
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we'll look forward to seeing how the scene develops just being tied into hey, of africa pod fest. thank you for your insights. thank you. and you can also check out all of our d, w podcasts, wherever you get your podcast, but be sure to check out other new stories. a d, w dot com, forward slash advocate or on social media. that's it for now, but will leave you with these images of the south african st. tyler. she's just one the 1st grammy for best african music performance awarded for hit water. the next time, bye for now. came up and again, just to
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show me the
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. this is dw news. why? from berlin gonzo on the brink of more destruction. israel says it will help civilians move out before ground are sold on the southern city of russell. but us president joe bite and warrants the operation should not go ahead without a plan to protect the population. also coming up, searching for coalition partners in pakistan, candidates back by the jailed former prime minister, inbound con, when the most seats in parliament. but they still lacked a majority and super bowl fever. america's glitzy, a sporting event is about to get even bigger. but it.


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