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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 12, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the used lot from building the gaza on the brink of more destruction is ralph says it will help civilians move out before a ground a sold on the southern city of rafa. us president joe i bought and once the operation should not go ahead without a plan to protect the population. also coming up, searching for coalition partners. in fact, the stock candidates, backed by the jail, former prime minister in run. com, winning the most sinks in polymers. but they still lack a majority in the world, as for the ivory coast, comes from behind a beat nigeria in a steering finale to the african company. the,
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i'm anthony, how it welcome to the program is rel, insist a plan to ground. a cell on the southern city of rafa in gaza will go ahead. more than a 1000000 displace palestinians a sheltering day. and israel says it will help civilians move out. but the white house is sounding a note of caution. president jed blindness, ball and the operation should not proceed without a plan in place to protect the population displaced, palestinians living in make shift tents in rafa along the border with egypt are already facing disease and starvation. now they are bracing for a new threat. unexpected is really ground assault on the crump city, they fled to almost every day were on the run being displaced as tough because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i can't carry them around. i don't have
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a call or a caught. there's no fuel. if there are more displacements, i'm not moving for her husband agrees. after moving several times over the last 4 months, the family now live in a tent that leaks finding enough food and water is a daily struggle. with the wall on one side and water on the other. he says the family is not running any more but then we came to the egyptian board room. we come to the display, send him home. we will either die here or we go back and die in our homes. nowhere is safe. rafa has become a last refuge for more than a 1000000 dozens fleeing the fight in further north. now israel's prime minister
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has declared the next phase and is bid to destroy from us. we'll be in rafa and he's ordered the military to prepare an evacuation plan. if we're going to do it, we're going to get the remaining. how mos jarvis battalions and, and rock which is the last bastion, but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population. so that can lead. but it's not clear where the displaced are supposed to go, or when the ground invasion might begin. 8 groups, arab leaders, and allies have all warned israel, a military operation in rafa, which is also the main entry point for aid, could have catastrophic consequences. the listing latest have criticized donald trump for threatening to encourage russia to attack nato allies who were not spending enough on defense. the republican front run a trump has regularly press,
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flashed out. robert had members of the lines, but not from feeling their commitments, especially failing to spend at least 2 percent of the economic output on defense. either chip and stuff in books is any suggestion to allies would not defend each other on the minds west and security. of washington correspondence, different c months has his title on trump's remarks. well, here you go, your half classic donald trump. uh, you know, it is interesting. he didn't say this in front of a crowd of people who are regarded as really interested in form part of the, of the united states. this was in south carolina and the campaign event. and people, they are, they don't care about nato or russia or even ukraine, arguably at the moment, at least that is they care about border issues and inside u. s. politics to the economy. is that correct? so, why did he say that to it is astonishing admission. after all, that is true,
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tuesday relevant with the outer world. and he a chief that thought of course this is classic trump telling a tale of what he and how tough he was when he was president. and then he told me to offer meaning actually admitting that if he is in power, nato is pretty much obsolete, or at least article 5, which considers that or says that an attack on one day to partner is an a take on all nato partners. and they come in to help them. this is obsolete and not going to happen anymore if you don't pay up according to donald trump. again, classic trump from dw stuff and siemens in washington is a look now at some of the stories making headlines in other parts of the world. for us, the secretary of defense lloyd austin, has temporarily transferred gigi's to his deputy after being admitted to a washington dc hospital on sunday. just last month the austin came on. the 5 from us. little make is for filing to disclose
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a cancer diagnosis and subsequent hospitalization. and $95000000000.00 us a package to keep trying these route and taiwan has moved a step forward. the senate, which has a slim democratic majority budget by 67 to 27. to break a longstanding deadlock. the package should pass next week, but could still be blocked by republicans in mines form, a conservative prime minister alexander stooped as one the presidential run off off to his rival, conceded defeat steps. first big task is to obviously integration into nature. finland is the alliance's, newest, amanda, and the goal and you train dominated the election campaign. tens of thousands gathered in the gym and city of munich to protest the rise of right wing extremism . the sea of lots rarely was cold by civil groups. the account of racism at the semitism and height, speech, german,
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chancellor or shelter spoken out against the rise of the 5 rush will not clear when it has emerged in pakistan. selection. independent candidates, backed by child ex prime minister in ron khan, had won the most seats in parliament. the rival muslim league led by another phone . the premier now was sharif, is in 2nd place. but both groups lack a majority and a seeking coalition punish. as the supporters of him run gun protesting outside an election office in karachi, candidates back by his b t i party were nearly 100 seats in the national assembly with a menu of its rivals. but the piazza complains that another agencies were stolen in what it goes and we both met a door by the garage. 1 54000 votes and my nearest rival and got only 17000 a year. i wanted to take this protest to quotes. we have faith in the judiciary. we
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hope they'll declare candidates victorious out the people voted to that as on demand down your phone voters, other than just the election to go to settings p t. i support through say the jailing of the party leader him or on con, on corruption charges, is another example of foul play. the former prime minister in pakistan's most popular politician, was unable to run for office this time. this demonstration is a protest against the forces that have stolen the people's mandate against those forces that do not accept public opinion and think they can impose their decisions on us, on the beach as main rival, the muslim league run by another farm, a prime minister. now was sherry and backed by the army, gained around $75.00 seats,
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both sides are seeking coal leasing partners. and some voters are also looking for a compromise democracy. with pakistan and in the middle of a political and economic crisis, many voters were hoping for a measure of searching to without a clean winner that for now is still out of reach. more than 20000 people have been displaced by flooding on the innovation island of java. rodney susan is proving to be an added obstacle for the country's election that is set to take place on wednesday. election officials were already facing massive logistical hurdles to reach voters in the world. the biggest democracy, local officials in the flooded area have now said that hundreds of paulding
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stations in the region have been flooded. submerge tons in central java. a few 100 kilometers east of the capitol, jakarta, thousands of people have been forced to flee, rising flood watches with norway dry to go. many displaced, people have camped out just above the water line. the slide water is very high. i've been living here since i was born, and this is the west flood. it reaches the roof. that's it happened abruptly, so we couldn't save up logan's. i left everything in the house, including my clothes. the water float was so strong to feed on floods the common during rainy season and java, that rescue teams on indonesia is most populated. island cannot keep up with the rising water. we don't have enough
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boats to evacuate people last night when we were collecting residents and robert boat flipped over because it was too crowded. so i was actuation if it's have shortcomings, like this. not to mention of volunteers who are exhausted. these are the challenges the floods add to the logistical hurdles. facing indonesia is upcoming presidential election. more than 200000000 versus a set to go to the polls. on wednesday, the country is spread out across a vast archipelago or, and 3 times arden's election officials were already facing issues like access to remote areas. threats of cyber attack and vote buying rainy season has now also the same polling stations even on days. that advice is forced to flee,
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that hunts a local official in central java said verging that may need to be postponed. adding new obstacles to what is set to be the world's biggest single day election. a marathon will break, hold, hold a candle, kelvin, keep to him and his coach have died in icon crashing wisdom. kenya, at the age of just $24.00, keep to him was on track to be a superstar of long distance running. he was the 1st man to run the marathon in on the 2 hours in one minute. he set the new record of 2 hours and 35 seconds at the chicago marathon just last october. the in the month of filler canyon. so just uh, at least keep chucky i was expecting for them to football in ivory coast to celebrating so not after securing it stood after a couple of nations crown. the act on host came from behind and a thrilling funding final rather against nigeria. goldman strike us the best in our lives. fairytale finish seal. the glory is not julia and they asked strike
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a victim of the men social we are africa champions. i've already and celebrate their 3rd. i've gone title on home. so that's hosting the tournament, ivory coast where the heavy crowd favorites for the final, which is, plays in a brand new stadium and not be john or mexico. thanks for everything to all the people that took part to every country that came to terms. so thanks for everything. back to the elephant scrape their way up to the group stages after 2 defeats, including a 4 neil right by equitorial guinea before finding their form and then knock out rods. but things didn't go the house way and the final the i've already is we're behind after 38 minutes after nigeria, captain william trustee kung has insight into the lead of the i've already in the resilience. frank has equalized early in the 2nd half of the ivory coast with the
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powerful header. them at 9 minutes to go came the fairytale finish for sebastian, holler. it's ivory coast 3rd title after wins in 1992 in 2015. both won on penalties. expect the celebrations to continue long into the nice now the canyon league of the ladies who are paying to golf series as wrapped up at some spec type, this turned out to be extra curious. at the 18th holidays giraffes spelled gracefully on to the putting green to be fed. the golf course is right next door to a wall of last century. so these neighbors were understandably, came to join the ex armando about top story. this how this is ross military says it has conducted a series of 3 strikes on southern gaza that have not concluded the homeless run guys, a helpful 30 says at least 8 people have been killed instructors and
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that's all the needs for this job. next out, documentary program goes into the classroom, generations and the division views on marriage, love, and family that's coming up after a short break. i'm anthony houghton fairly and i'll have more headlines for you in 45 minutes talk my name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud match. would it be nosy bay? like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called. com. so hold back . can you see what old car has to do with the production? here's a hands on.


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