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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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and the business dw news line from valley is there any policies free to. busy such as an array, didn't garza off the 128 days in captivity, who is har and sonata a mom on reunited with family members of the medical checkups at the hospital utility. also on the program protest as an israel dial up the pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say he's the wrong man to lead israel and bring home the hostages still held by him on tuffs view ministers discussed continued funding for the u. n. 's agency for palestinian refugees on rock and some countries
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suspended age. the agencies struggling to continue its work. god, the god is welcome to the program to hostages. back in the israel after being freed and an overnight right in gauze of israel says they were rescued in a special operation. in the southern city of rough off the 2 men were kidnapped during the october 7th terror attacks on israel by home. us, who are we got it a terrible as a terrible organization by multiple countries that were flown by helicopter for medical checkups to a hospital and utilities of the united with the families. louise hall and fernando simone mom on well, rescued by israels military and security forces during overnight raids and rafa off
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to a $128.00 days held captive by how mouse and gaza they are currently receiving treatment in a hospital where they are both said to be in a stable condition for the families, the sense of relief is mixed with concerns. the hostages still being held in gaza. kelly, for us is a family. there are safe to nights, but i must say that the job is not done. we are happy to day, but it's not the way we did it when it just another step was to bring gig or the 134 hostages back home. and it doesn't matter if it's babies, women, men, and, or people. everybody must come back as soon as possible is really strikes devastated punts of rough uh, overnight. flattening buildings
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and destroying a mosque. dozens of palestinians were killed and many more taken to host. dozens of palestinians were killed and many more taken to hospital with serious injuries. the, the we were at home when the air strikes were going on. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathroom is she was awake. suddenly all the walls of the bathroom and all the water containers above it collapsed on me. most of the roughly 1400000 palestinians currently in rough or fledge from other parts of garza. they were trying to escape the intense fighting and now the areas and the city was designated a safe so in to civilians by the is ready. the army, recent is rarely strikes and rough, uh, have eliminated any sense of security for palestinians. the marine number on is
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a military. i noticed that they will studies department of kings college in london . i also why it's such a difficult task for israel to rescue the remaining hostages, as well we have to understand in what conditions a mazda operates and gaza. we know that on the one hand they use building civilian buildings. on the other hand, they are also use underground tunnels, and it is to assume that they are not keeping the hostages all in one place, meaning that they would have dispersed because we have to understand the importance of hostages to come off. this is a bargaining chip, the thomas can use to negotiate, sees fires, was israel. so for how much it's very important to ensure that israel, the soldiers do not find the hostages and finding them as like a finding a needle in a stack. but you 1st have to locate the stack. and so it's very,
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very difficult. and we have seen also cases where is that you for all the soldiers, didn't recognize their own hostages. so they don't know exactly what these people look like as well, making it even more serious. now, israel has um, not come up with a plan for over a 1000000 displays. thousands who are sheltering in rafa. but what a potential ground defensive look like. that is correct. there is no concrete plan except for sending these people one and a half 1000000 to the north. i do not seem to all of these people can be relocated and conducting a ground defensive with one and a half 1000000 packed into golf law means that there will be collateral damage. and it is inevitable because if, even if you're using precision guided munitions to destroy buildings, there is still a risk off collateral damage. and of course, for the ground troops. this is not a nice environment to operate. and because they will have to separate the
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population from the home off, meaning that's how much can just comfortably father hired inside of the population and must be easily distinguished. again, i'm creating a greater risk for civilian casualties, which would again benefit from us to show what israel and military is doing to civilians. and of course with israel and military. it is bad in the sense of neutral civilians who might not have supported from us before will certainly throw their support behind how much seeing how the ease for all the soldiers are killing, posting in school and not part of the conflict. now there have been a repulse, and that's a related issue of how must fight as reappearing in the north. and there is ongoing fighting that around con units as well. what's happening with the ground defensive in those areas? oh, from what it looks like. so the units area is still active in the sense that it is
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not completely clear that on the control of the idea. and because how much a student has a working part of their tunnel, not work. they can also use that in order to surprise that use rarely forces and that's what they have been doing, making it very difficult to clear areas and to hold them and meet meaning. also that even if, if role comes up with was a good plan to get some sort of lands. alta for alpha, we have again, the risk of a modest fighter is escaping together. was a civilian, some popping up in areas where one wouldn't expect them. but remember on this, on the west side of the department of kings college london. thank you very much. marina. thank you for having me. it's not a full month's and to israel's will on how moss and prime minister benjamin netanyahu is struggling with thinking popularity is in no place to crush her mazda
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off fluids. october 7th terrorist attacks and southern israel. and while most is really support, continuing the war and increasing number of them, i'll take into the streets quoting full political change to w's. tanya criminal reports with each passing week produce a growing logic and loud and israel. people are demonstrating for a hostage deal and against the government, protesting because we feel this government needs to step down. we are advocating for a new election, returning the mandate, so to speak, back to the people after what has gone on here over the past 4 months. i personally have 3 sons fighting and garza, and i think that they expect me and other people expect us to come forward and say that the entire political system should re be re shuffled. even during war
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most is riley support, the war and gaza. but they want to change in political leadership. many criticized prime minister benjamin netanyahu blaming him for security failures. links with the october steven terror attacks. and you know, has always advocated that he is mr. security for his role and under his leadership over the past 15 years. almost straight is real, security has been impeded, it's been undermined in a very profound way, mazda in the face of 3 months as a reservist, fighting in java and on israel's news. and buddha. he says, it's time to heal pre war, domestic political awareness. so he's part of a new cross policy movement. 6 we want all the political parties now to speak together to the side to get there. when is the next election election going to be
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because after the catastrophe of october 7th, you can just move on as if nothing happened. something dramatic happened. the world in which they were elected that has completely changed. it was matted on october 7th. the protest is here in jerusalem. want the government to prioritize the return of hostages still held in gaza. buy from us. and other militant group here is for bringing back the hostages for striking a deal because are people in israel that don't want to strike a deal? this is a problem. so this is, this is the fight button. then we have to pay a price because we want to value life, but not this. it's very, very important for the future. for what i can tell them i chose but these voices seem unlikely to sway and they send yahoo! who insists he's on the way to what he calls total victory in gaza.
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let's talk a bit more about this with the assigned lynn. she is a political consultant and the fellow at central international. she joins us from tele, victoria, how would you describe the kind of political atmosphere in israel, or it's a mixed situation. i think there is a lot of anger against the government, but we see i always trust surveys before i look at a anecdotes or people on the streets because surveys are representative sample and they have been very consistent that people are angry at the governments. the original governing coalition, which had $64.00 out of a $120.00 seats on october 6th, has lost about a 3rd of its support regularly and it's on yahoo is doing poorly and all of his personal ratings. and so there's no question that people have abandoned their support for the government at least a portion having said that there seems to be a floor of that drop in support so that there is still about 30 percent,
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maybe 25 percent of the support, mr. nathan, yahoo! and accompanying the i accordingly, i would say about 40 percent or 30, let's say a 3rd or 40 percent of israelis who still supports the original coalition. everybody else has left but that also, you know, right now they're not being put to the test. then again, there are the street protests and they are, i would say expressing a number of different kinds of criticism. so the protests specifically demanding of the government do more to release hostages is a, it's more of a demonstration that a protest they're trying to put the hostage issue on the agenda. they may be angry at the government, but that's not their primary message. there is a separate parallel demonstration which is a protest that is calling for elections now, what you've shown in your report and they are expressing precisely their complete lack of trust, the breach of trust with the government and the people. and they are very openly political and, you know, then there are people who are also demonstrating maybe in smaller numbers,
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demanding of the government, take a tougher line and be more harsh with palestinians and trying to block you monetary and aid. or, you know, the, all of those things are part of the, i would say, rather fragmented, political seeing, which is of course, difficult for israel. well before this or still the overall writing. how does that we see is that the government has lost a great deal of it, support even if it still has some basis if elections were held tomorrow, it definitely wouldn't when, but we don't know when elections will be. do you see any way that this government will be able to restore even improve is really for listing in relations is really balanced in, in relations. frankly, this government no. and if you mean by this, by this government that you mean the original coalition that was in place before this war began because after the war began to turn, yahoo added another party that is considered more of a pragmatic center, right? security oriented party as part of the work coalition,
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but the original government was made up of the most extreme parties in his early life. these are parties that ultimately wished to dominate the entire region from the river to the sea under, as rarely jewish via credit sovereignty. this has nothing like a democracy and they say so quite openly, they want, you know, of the, essentially it is really jewish religious state to control everybody. they would prefer for palestinians to leave. they want to annex gaza at this reestablished settlements. those are the voices of the most extreme figures, but who holds ministerial positions and the israeli government. and if they had their way, there would be no improvement in posting in solutions because they would not really, they don't want to accept the idea that the palestinians have any right. and it's on yahoo is essentially beholden to those parties. however, i think that, you know, the question becomes, what is the next is really government when will elections be held? will the government be established that has more pragmatic and long term and security oriented considerations, which i think would be them to the conclusion that there must be some sort of
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political resolution of the conflict or political framework for containing the conflict in the long term. otherwise, we're just going to have continued cycles of war. and that's not because that such a government would be, you know, peace loving and supportive of, you know, pacifism in any way or even to approve of palestinian rights. but simply take all the considerations such as israel's diplomatic relations and you know, middle eastern allies and those positions and maybe reach us inclusion that you know, that is real, can't simply dominate the palestinians forever. but these are all still quite hypothetical in the long term political on this, the assigned intent of the thank you. thank you. of the use foreign policy chief says ending support for the u. n's agency populated in refugees would mean a great to assume an italian disaster and gaza. joseph beretta was speaking off adults between you develop, administers and the leaders of the agency on rob israel as sets 12 hon cuz were
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involved in the hamas turbo tax on october 7th, many of the organizations don't saying clued in e u. member states have since suspended the funding, pending review, which is still going on with war still engulfing garza an organization tasked with protecting postings is in crisis, is really allegations that several un stoffers were involved in the october 7th terror attacks have prompt to dote among some western donors that they've just any, it goes without a seeing that we've suspended aid and we want to fuel investigation and that can be new business as usual, gets attacked, gets on the united nations relief and works agency for palestine. refugees in the near east or in row was funded back in 1949. the organization tasked with offering aid and protection to palestinian refugees is active in gaza. the west
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bank east jerusalem. jordan lebanon on syria. but nice. some of its biggest backers, including germany, have temporarily post payments. the european union says it will decide on its next cash injection later this month. not individual you members states or divide it. countries including the netherlands, finland, and sweden have also frozen funds for not. but others, including belgium and ireland, $105.00 to continue payments. while port school in spain have up to their pledges, withdrawing funding for such an agency, i'm, i was to collect the punishment of the police thing and people who are actually going to an am describable situation in terms of human rights. so i am very proud of what this and is government is doing. israel has long been critical of and run and argues that time us considered a terrorist groups by the u and u. s. has infiltrate to the agency. it's embassy and brussels sent us. the
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statement is rarely is committed to provide humanitarian aid to gaza. civilian population, in accordance with international law, however, reduced the blatant evidence against monroe and this members involvement in terrorist activities. we propose that the aid will be provided by alternative means, but you and experts say that's not feasible. there is no way the any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability. the knowledge of the population in gaza has fired 10 employees on the 1st results from an independent review of the agency are expected in march, but the body says its needs funds know to help keep people alive. nato has started to its biggest military exercises in decades in europe operation. step foss defend that will take place across much of europe, and includes troops from sweden, which isn't even an actual member. yes,
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sweden is also working to increase resilience on the civilian side. many people fear what a will with russia might bring to the country. terry schultz visited the school and stuck on to find out more of reading, writing and arithmetic aren't the only things. swedish children are learning at school these days so they can look at it. the to the get it, and now some news about where people can seek shelter in case of will also lind started using news programs in her curriculum or 2 years ago, to open conversations with students worried about the implications of russia's war on ukraine. she also shares recommendations from authorities on how to be prepared for any emergency, something the government calls total defense. it's always been an important to, to incorporate the kids worry, send their anxiety and try to teach them about the surroundings and what's happening in the world. but last month,
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when several top ranking officials emphasized publicly that swedes must prepare for war, the warning that made bomb shelters a headline liam says she saw anxiety rise. a lot of our dying person has got worried and lots of the adults as well. and as a teacher, you have to keep your own words to yourself and just try to be an ordinary about it and follow the routines then and create the safe space in school for the kids. i hope that seems to have works for most of our students with to know what to do if it's going to be a lot. i'm a little scared about the the don't feel like he's going to be war and sweet. it's feels more safe when i get to know about the stuff, but not every child in sweden have this kind of institutional support to put the warnings of war into context and with older teens. social media has found the fears
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. there was one day when just all of social media was just everything was just prepare for war. and so i got pretty scared counselors on a health line run by the swedish children's rights organization breeze. so a huge spike and calls after the government statements. where will i go? if there will be a war? i can only be on us like, i cannot promise a child. there won't be any war, but i can talk about the general knowledge about the risk of sweeting being in war now is not higher than yesterday. 3 spokeswoman, my adult says they got some powerful assistance in explaining the confusing situation to children or 24 hour preferential placement by tick tock. everyone in sweden open the application that day with get a notification. here we have questions and answers about what the on forces mean with what we have to prepare for in sweden. and then you have information on why they're saying this right now and what you need to know. all
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says the tick tock boost helped temporarily. but she still thinks the official statements were necessarily alarming. a spokesman for the armed forces disagrees. i think this is a very good thing. the awareness has to be raised, and people are more concerned about their own preparedness. the swedish symbol contingencies agency says, the number of searches on this website for air read shelters has gone up exponentially as has the number of downloads of the booklet on how to be ready. if war comes. now let's go to the w correspondents. our shows and brussels will file that report. does the swedish government feel that it is facing a particular threats? i know it doesn't gearhart and it says that's not why it came out with these seemingly coordinated statements reminding citizens that it wasn't completely out of the realm of possibility that conflict could be seen in sweden at some time. in
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fact, they've been giving these warnings for years and even that booklet that i showed in, in my story there, at the end that was 1st issued in after world war 2. and it was reprinted and sent out again in 2018. so that was even before the russian war on ukraine started. so swedish officials say this is something that they want citizens to be prepared for in any case. and that it just happens that right now when there are so many uncertainties in the world that it was the right time for them to, to say it again to remind people it's sounded in your story that as if the children's rights advocates, the situation should have been handled differently. what was that? the impression you golf? that wasn't just the impression i got and they said that openly. and in fact in breeze, the organization that i profile there even issued a press release to that effect. so they felt like the government officials should have given them more warning, so they could put more child appropriate language on their website so that they
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could give parents more tools to discuss with the children when they saw these headlines or so all these took talk videos that said, prepare for war. so they felt like this should have been done in a better coordinated manner. but since then, they said that you know, government officials and the armed forces have come to them and said they wanted to work together better to explain things to children now. now sweden is expecting to join nato in the very near future. if it gets approval of hungry, of course, will this change anything about its perception of the threats? this is absolutely once again. these are the situations that the swedish government says citizens should be prepared for in any case and perhaps a weather catastrophe. a natural disaster of some kind. and in fact, i asked at nato headquarters the head of the military committee, whether she thought so we didn't, was, was exaggerating a bit, the threat that he faced. and he said, on the contrary, i think every nato allies should get prepared this way. all citizens should have
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reviews that don't need electricity. you should have food supply should have water supplies and should know where to go in case of disaster. so in fact uh sweden is being used as a role model for other countries. they w stow schultz, they're reporting from brussels. so thank you very much, terry. in some sports news now, the american football sofa ball with the kansas city chiefs of defeated, the san francisco 49 is to win the 2nd straight national football league championship. they have come from behind, however, san francisco school on a sick day and the game to seize 10 points after seats. then. so if the game is over time to the delights of famous span, taylor swift quoted by patrick and the homes. in spite of the winning drive for a $25.00 to $20.00, to try and now
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lots of bass skin blitzer and sequins. i've taken over a re a, there's an error as the city she needs to brazil's somebody thousands of done. so is us trusting this stuff in rio's carnival grades. 12 different summer schools are competing for the title. carnival shopkins grades, the climax of the annual festival with each one telling a different story. this year's parades paying homage to africa, brazilian, and indigenous fist. you're watching dw, near c. as a reminder of our top story. 2 hostages, rescued by is really forces in rate, in gaza, have been reunited with that time off of 128 days in captivity through his heart and financial moment with well comes home of to medical checkups at
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a hospital near the plaza for me and the news team phenomena, colleagues feel good. we'll have the world news update for you at the top of the out. don't go way up. next. global us needs ask around musicians who with them from playing on the top, the buttons that are continuing music. meanings out the staff god offers invalid for me on the scene. the
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